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This spreadsheet estimates the settlement of a pile group by the imaginry footing method.
The method consists of replacing the pile group with an imaginary footing, the use a "dissipation cone"
method to estimate stresses and settlements.

First enter the required field (in yellow) in the sheet "Input & Profile".
Absolute and relative magnitude of resulting settlements are shown in the sheet "Settlement Calculation".
The sheet "Drawing" represents the profile entered and shows properties and associated settlements for each
strata. It also illustrates the shape of the dissipation cone.

The drawing can be visualized only for 9 layers, and position of label might need to be readusted for each
profile-entry. It is not recommended to resize or change the scale of the drawing (in order to have it on scale).
ooting method.
, the use a "dissipation cone"

sheet "Settlement Calculation".

nd associated settlements for each

ght need to be readusted for each

wing (in order to have it on scale).
LdgPiles 2.1
Input all the fields in yellow - move mouse over cell for help

Project name Project name

Project Number 600000

Case Description Long Piles

Footing width B = 360 ft

Footing length L = 100 ft
Footprint Area 36000 ft2
Elevation Load Factor 0.23
No of Stores 30
Structural Load = stores x area x ELF / 2 124200 tons

Profile End elevation -130

Structural floor Elevation 6.5
Pile cap thickness 6 ft

Pile tip depth -58

Equivalent depth -38.5

Input the profile

Top Bottom
Str. Description Elevation Elevation Ratio v/h
(ft) (ft)
1 Stratum 1 6.5 -0.9 7.4 2
2 Stratum 2 -0.9 -4.7 3.8 2
3 Stratum 3 -4.7 -25.7 21.0 1.5
4 Stratum 4 -25.7 -45.2 19.5 1.5
5 Stratum 5 -45.2 -54.6 9.4 2
6 Stratum 6 -54.6 -62.3 7.7 1
7 Stratum 7 -62.3 -75.3 13.0 2
8 Stratum 8 -75.3 -82.6 7.3 2
9 Stratum 9 -82.6 -130.0 47.4 2
Estimated Settlement
2.7 - 5.4 [in]

Average N
E from Burlan &
value Es (low) Es (high)
Burbidge (sand)
(tsf) (tsf)
42 200 500 1136
3 10 20 29
22 500 700 476
32 1000 1500 774
27 200 500 608
100 2000 4000 3876
18 400 800 349
10 120 200 162
41 1000 2000 1119
Analysis Q
Q 12420 tons
= 0
1 Stratum 1

s d
N avg = 42 E = 200 - 500 0 0
= =
2 Stratum 2 -0.9
s d

N avg = 3 E = 10 - 20 0 0
= =


3 Stratum 3 d
N avg = 22 E = 500 - 700 0 0
= =




4 Stratum 4

s d
N avg = 32 E = 1000 - 1500 6521.7 0.2 - 0.3
= =



5 Stratum 5
s d
N avg = 27 E = 200 - 500 5846.9 0.7 - 1.6

= =

6 Stratum 6
s d
N avg = 100 E = 2000 - 4000 5102.6 0.1 - 0.1 -58.0

= =

7 Stratum 7
s d 0.4 - 0.9 Case
N avg = 18 E = 400 - 800 4423.4
= = Long

-70 Piles
Pile tip
settlement= = 2.758- 5.4

8 Stratum 8
s d
Project Project name

N avg = 10 E = 120 - 200 4023 0.9 - 1.5

= = Project
-80 60000
no: 0
-82.6 Legend
9 Stratum 9 N avg = Average N value
s d E = Modulus of elasticity
N avg = 41 E = 1000 - 2000 3778.7 0.5 - 1.1 [tsf]
= =
s = average stress [psf]
d = settlement [inches]



Project name Project Number 600000

Settlement Evaluation Stratum 8

Stratum 9

Pile tip elevation -58.0 Stratum 4

Stratum 7
Imaginary footing depth -38.5
Footing width B = 360 ft Stratum 5
Footing length L = 100 ft
Footprint Area 36000 ft2 Stratum 6

Elevation Load Factor 0.23

No of Stores 30
Structural Load = stores x area x ELF / 2 124200 tons
Bottom elevation -130.0

Min Settlement 2.74 in

Max Settlement 5.43 in

Str. Description Top Bottom Actual Ratio v/h Distributed Equiv. Equiv. Equiv. Area Stress Es (low) Es (high) Settlement % of total
Footing Footing d=
(savgxtx12)/Es settlement
Elevation Elevation Thickness Width Width Length A = BexLe s avg = P/A
(in) max
Be = B + 2b Le = L + 2b
(ft) (ft) (ft) b (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft2) (tsf) (tsf) (tsf) min min
1 Stratum 1 6.5 -0.9 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 200 500 0.00 0.00 0% 0%
2 Stratum 2 -0.9 -4.7 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 10 20 0.00 0.00 0% 0%
3 Stratum 3 -4.7 -25.7 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 500 700 0.00 0.00 0% 0%
4 Stratum 4 -25.7 -45.2 6.7 1.5 2.2 364.5 104.5 38088.0 3.26 1000 1500 0.26 0.18 5% 6%
5 Stratum 5 -45.2 -54.6 9.4 2 6.8 373.7 113.7 42484.4 2.92 200 500 1.65 0.66 30% 24%
6 Stratum 6 -54.6 -62.3 7.7 1 13.0 386.1 126.1 48680.9 2.55 2000 4000 0.12 0.06 2% 2%
7 Stratum 7 -62.3 -75.3 13.0 2 20.1 400.3 140.3 56155.4 2.21 400 800 0.86 0.43 16% 16%
8 Stratum 8 -75.3 -82.6 7.3 2 25.2 410.4 150.4 61745.3 2.01 120 200 1.47 0.88 27% 32%
9 Stratum 9 -82.6 -130.0 47.4 2 28.7 417.5 157.5 65737.6 1.89 1000 2000 1.07 0.54 20% 20%

max min
Total Settlement S d = 5.43 2.74 [in]

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