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Why Do Farmers Commit Suicide?

The Case of Andhra Pradesh

Author(s): V. Sridhar
Source: Economic and Political Weekly , Apr. 22-28, 2006, Vol. 41, No. 16 (Apr. 22-28,
2006), pp. 1559-1565
Published by: Economic and Political Weekly

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Why Do Farmers Commit Suicide?
The Case of Andhra Pradesh
Individuals and communities are under pressure to cope with the changes brought about
by a chum in socio-economic conditions. The policies associated with the process
of economic liberalisation have imposed a stress on the peasantry leading to suicides. The
tragic developments in rural Andhra Pradesh should compel us to draw
important lessons for India's agrarian economy.


he summer of 2004 was an unprecedented one for rural there had been no attempt - either by the English language press
Andhra Pradesh, even by the dubious standards estab-or the local media - to collate and analyse the information at
lished in the last two decades when the number of suicides a broader level to highlight the issues at stake.
by peasants had risen alarmingly. In a short span of less than However, the most plausible reason for the spate of suicides
two months, between May and July 2004, more than 400 peasants appears to be related to the fact that farmers were at that time
in the state committed suicide. Although peasant suicides have engaged in the task of planning their next crop. May and June
repeatedly occurred in the state in the past, the significance ofare months when they prepare for sowing the kharif crop in late
this round of deaths lay in the fact that they were reported fromJune and July, when the monsoon arrives in most parts of the
every single district in the state, barring Hyd-rabad. state. Those sympathetic to the plight of the farmers argued that
Blaming "drought", the favourite explanation of do-nothingsmall and marginal farmers across the state had reached the end
politicians, simply failed to explain the tragic phenomenon. Theof the road. Unable to clear their existing loans or to get fresh
fact that suicjdes were reported literally from every corer ofloans for the next season, and seeing no hope on the horizon
the state (Table 1), in particular, from even the better irrigated
they took their lives, they say.
districts, exposed the argument that the scarcity of water, depicted What explains the phenomenon of a sharp increase in thlf
in a vague and generally deceptive sense, was responsible forincidence of suicide among the peasantry? The consensus among
farmers committing suicide. Instead, the stunning sweep of death psychiatrists and social scientists who have explored the phe-
nomenon is that a substantial "dislocation" of livelihoods drives
across the state brought to the fore all that is wrong in the lives
of the peasantry. a community to despair and eventually suicide. Although the
Death hit farmers in varying agro-climatic zones. Unlike the phenomenon of suicide is a deeply personal and individual act,
rounds of suicides in 1987-88, 1997-98 and 2000, when peasants suicidal behaviour is determined by a confluence of factors. These
.growing particular crops such as tobacco, cotton, chillies and are basically in two domains. One, the internal domain, relates
groundnut died, in 2004 death stalked everywhere. No crop wasto factors which operate at the level of the individual. The other
exempted and no section of the small peasantry appeared insu- is external, which suggests that larger social processes determine
lated. The overwhelming proportion of the death toll was amongsuicidal behaviour. It places emphasis on broader society-level
small and marginal farmers and tenant cultivators, who had nochanges, as being responsible for deaths by suicide. The reasoning
claim on the land they cultivated and who paid exorbitant rents is that individuals, unable to cope with the social chur in which
to landlords. they find themselves, resort to suicide. Of course, this is accen-
What explains the unprecedented number of suicides in suchtuated when such a churn is also accompanied by widespread
a short duration? Several theories floated in Hyderabad. The economic distress.
theory popular among sections of bureaucrats, politicians and The evolution of the modern understanding of suicides and
suicidal behaviour has been to marry the externalised and the
the intelligentsia was that the peasants committed suicide because
of the assistance package announced on the eve of elections by internalised views. Diego De Leo, psychiatrist and former presi-
the then chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu, who hitherto dent of the International Association for Suicide Prevention
(IASP), explains that this understanding has come a long way
steadfastly clung to the notion that a relief package for victims
would spur more farmers to their death. On June 2, 2004 the from the early 19th century view that equated suicidal behaviour
previous chief minister remarked that the "unusual spurt" in thewith insanity. Two concomitant revolutions in the late 19th
number of suicides after Rajasekhara Reddy assumed office was century - one in the field of sociology, associated with Emile
because of the package. Durkheim (1951), and the other, the psychoanalytical movement
Another explanation was that it was simply because the media, led by Sigmund Freud, have been synthesised in the modern view
of suicide and suicidal behaviour.
particularly the Telugu language press, was reporting such deaths
in a much more systematic manner than before. Some TeluguThe phenomenon of suicide is therefore widely regarded to
be a result of individuals' inability to cope with sudden and
papers listed the number of suicides in their district editions.
Media observers pointed out that the coverage by the Telugu cataclysmic changes in socio-economic conditions. It is not
media was much better when compared to earlier rounds of such without significance that the highest suicide rates are those
deaths. In fact, observers noted that even the English dailiesprevailing in the countries of the erstwhile Soviet Union, where
published from state reported the deaths in a more systematiccalamitous changes in living conditions have occurred in the last
decade and more.
fashion than in the past. However, media critics also noted that

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The phenomenon of the widespread incidence of suicides Millets and other inferior cereals have given way to oilseeds,
among peasants in India is of fairly recent vintage - certainly cotton and chillies. This shift has obvious implications for the
not more than two decades. Although Andhra Pradesh is the leader peasantry. Non-food crops imply a greater extent of dependence
of sorts in this respect, the phenomenon is by no means confined on cash incomes not only for cultivation but also for self-
to that state alone. Suicides by peasants have been reported from consumption. The greater dependence on monetised inputs, such
Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, Punjab, Rajasthan, Orissa, as seeds, fertilisers and pesticides also meant increased recourse
Madhya Pradesh, among several other states of the Indian union. to borrowings. Very often the source of credit was also either
Crucially, if it is accepted that the phenomenon of suicides is a supplier of inputs or a landlord who leased out his land to the
driven by dramatic changes in socio-economic conditions, then cultivator. The cash borrowings ensured further integration into
one has to examine what in the lives of the peasants has changed the cash economy because the peasant had to repay the cash loans
so dramatically in the last two decades as to have pushed them which commanded usurious rates of interest. This shift also
to take their own lives. ensured that the peasant could not get back to the earlier situation
While it is foolhardy to pin a single factor as causing peasantsof growing subsistence crop, the market for which may also have
collapsed in the new situation of a cash-governed crop economy.
to take their own lives, it is becoming clear that the set of policies
unleashed by economic liberalisation in the last decade have The agrarian crisis is reflected by the declining growth rate
played a significant role. The fact that Andhra Pradesh has been,of agricultural output in Andhra Pradesh. The rate of growth of
until recently, a leader in this respect among all the states of agricultural
the output declined from 3.4 per cent per annum in the
Indian union, is also not without significance. 1980s to 2.3 per cent per annum in the 1990s. Moreover, agri-
cultural crop yields also grew at a slower pace. For instance, the
Background growth rates of rice yields declined from an annual rate of 3.1
per cent in the 1980s to 1.3 per cent in the 1990s; similarly, cotton
The rural economy in Andhra Pradesh is in the throes of a severe yields also slackened, the figures being were 3.4 per cent and
crisis. Although the drought-hit regions of Rayalaseema and 1.4 per cent, respectively in the two decades. Nationwide studies
Telangana have borne a greater part of the strain of the crisis, estimate that crop yields in the state declined by 1.8 per cent
it is evident that even farmers in the irrigated tracts have not beenper year over the 1990s. In addition, the volatility in yields
spared. Moreover, small and marginal farmers, tenant cultivators was also greater in the 1990s, implying a greater instability in
and agricultural workers have borne most of the burden of the agricultural performance.
crisis. Suicides by peasants are only the last step of desperation, The peasantry's travails due to the declining agricultural
apparently driven by the growing burden of debt. However, this performance could have been offset by better and stable prices.
However, the prices of crops produced by farmers in Andhra
does not reveal the fact that agricultural activity has not only become
more unstable and unviable for large sections of the peasants. Pradesh have become much more volatile. This is as much due
Indeed, the failure of the state to act despite repeated media to the failure of state intervention in the product market as the
exposures of kidney sales or of starvation deaths by desperate increasing tendency to be governed by trends in the global
peasants is only indication of the manner in which the state has commodity markets. It has been suggested that since 1996, falling
ignored warning signals of desperation from the peasants. international primary comm(*lity prices of many crops impacted
Frequent droughts, although a significant feature in RayajaseemaIndian markets in India even when the actual volume of imports
and Telangana, is only one aspect of the problem. Soil degradation
and inappropriate agricultural practices; rising cost of inputs; wild Table 1: Suicides by Peasants in Andhra Pradesh -
fluctuations in farm output prices; and rising indebtedness are May 14-July 9, 2004
other aspects of the problem. Indebtedness, in a desperate situation,
District/Region Toll
is the proverbial last straw on the back of the peasantry. Indebted-
Coastal Andhra 121
ness, often described as the proximate cause of suicide, is onlyNellore 21
symptomatic of the larger malaise that afflicts agriculture and its Prakasam 13
practice in the state. Case studies of suicide victims reveal theseGuntur 36
multiple facets ofthe problem (seeAppendix forone such case study).Krishna 18
West Godavari 15
The general deterioration of conditions in which the peasant
East Godavari 11
practices agriculture has been accentuated by the withdrawal of
Visakhapatnam 3
institutional support for activities that are essential to agriculture.
Vizianagaram 2
Conversely, this has meant that the peasant has been forced to Srikakulam 2
seek private sources to provide these support services. For in- Rayalaseema 85
stance, the decline of institutional credit and adequate insuranceChittoor 18
Cuddapah 14
has meant that the peasant has had to depend on moneylenders
Anantapur 30
for their credit needs. There are also indications that the market
Kurnool 23
for credit, land and inputs are getting more integrated, implying Telangana 222
a greater squeeze on the peasantry. The agrarian crisis has been Mahbubnagar 27
accentuated by stagnant employment; while agricultural employ- Rangareddy 10
Nizamabad 28
ment has declined, opportunities for off-farm employment have
Nalgonda 31
also been stagnant. This is reflected in not only a decline in Medak 32
consumption but also increasing migration. Adilabad 13
The shift in cropping pattern, as can be seen from Table 2, Karimnagar 37
indicates an apparent dynamism in agricultural performance in Warangal 27
Khammam 17
Andhra Pradesh. It is evident that peasants across the state have Total 428
shifted away from traditional rain-fed cereal crops to non-food
cash crops. Much of the shift has occurred in the recent past. Source: An

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did not increase. The mere possibility of such imports, it has been Congress government in Andhra Pradesh has initiated a series
suggested, has dampened commodity prices in Indian markets of measures to stem the tide of suicides in the state (and, it appears
[Patnaik 2004: 22-26]. Moreover, prices have not only fallen, to have halted the march of death at least temporarily), the failure
they have tended to be more volatile. This is particularly true to recalibrate policy at the national level may have the effect
of crops such as cotton and groundnut. In short, prices have of neutralising these measures.
proved to be uncertain and undependable. Here we need only recount those aspects of the liberal regime
It is evident from Table 3 that agriculture is in serious danger which have a bearing on the way agriculture is practised, and
of being a loss-making proposition for most peasants in the state. its consequences for the peasantry. It has worked in two ways.
Returns from agriculture are either stagnant or in decline for many First, it has worked on the logic of "freeing" agricultural product
crops. In addition, returns are also volatile, reflecting the volatility markets, based on the argument that this would only be beneficial
in the prices of agricultural produce. Data from the Commission to farmers. This has been crucially located in the logic of aligning
on Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) show that the returns Indian agricultural product prices to those prevailing globally.
from cotton cultivation per hectare in current prices were, in fact, This rationale has been that this is required as part of its com-
negative in 1996-97 (implying a loss of Rs 1,641 per hectare mitments made to the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
for peasants growing the crop in the state); in 1997-98. the average Secondly, the regime has had the effect of releasing control
peasant growing cotton in Andhra Pradesh made a net profit of over the terms on which peasants access inputs. These inputs,
only Rs 72 per hectare. These figures are likely to be wrong ranging from power to pesticides have gone outside the ambit
because of the widely held perception that the CACP underes- of state control. It is significant that in this respect, there has
timates various elements of cost in Andhra Pradesh. Thus, the been a coincidence of interests among both the central govern-
real situation may be far worse than that revealed by the CACP ment and the states. Nowhere was this more evident than in
data. Significantly, while yields have stagnated, and when farm- Andhra Pradesh, at least as long as Chandrababu Naidu was in
ers have been unable to command better prices, prices of a range power [Sridhar 2004].
of agricultural inputs have increased sharply. However, the reorientation of government spending priorities,
It is but natural that the poor agricultural performance, com- particularly the fiscal realignment, has reached government
bined with falling incomes, has had their adverse impact on the expenditures on rural development and has affected agriculture
peasantry. The proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) adversely. The impact of financial liberalisation has also affected
originating in agriculture in Andhra Pradesh declined much faster the terms on which public financial institutions lend for agri-
than at the all-India level. Moreover, the per capita GDP in cultural operations. This is not without significance for large
agriculture, measured in constant terms, has barely increased sections of the peasantry in the state. The single most importan
since the mid-1990s and, in fact, has actually fallen in recent cause for death due to suicide by peasants has been the high cos
years. While aggregate per capita income increased somewhat of debt. That, in turn, has been caused by the increasing recourse
since 1993, agricultural income per capita of rural population to borrowing from private moneylenders, often on usurious terms
has either stagnated or actually fallen. In fact, between 1993- The liberal package of the union government in the field of
94 to 1995-96 and 2001-02 to 2003-04, per capita GDP origi- agriculture has caused expenditures on rural development to fall
nating in agriculture actually fell sharply, by about 12 per cent. The reduction in subsidies for fertilisers has been accompanied
by the withdrawal of state support for agricultural extension
services. Decline in investments in public infrastructure such a
Impact of Liberalisation
energy and irrigation has also resulted from the fiscal squeeze.
The emphasis on the impact of shortage of water, often Financial liberalisation, including the redefining priority secto
nonchalantly labelled "crop failure", misses the point that far too lending by banks, has effectively curtailed the public institutions'
many things are wrong with agriculture. Over the past 10-15 ability to make available rural credit, which made investmen
years, the state has stepped back from its role as a promoter of more expensive and difficult, especially for small and marginal
agriculture. Significantly, the state has not only vacated the space peasants. The fact that such moneylenders also double up a
that truly belongs to it as the custodian of the poor and marginal suppliers of inputs such as fertilisers, has heightened the depen
farmers, but actively facilitated the entry of the landed gentry dence of peasants on these agents, often resulting in desperation
to occupy this vital space. This is felt in every aspect of the when they are unable to repay their dues. In fact, suicide resultin
agricultural sector in Andhra Pradesh today. from an inability to repay their dues to these agents appears t
The package of a liberal regime, unbundled in 1991 at the be the typical feature of agriculture in Andhra Pradesh.
national and state levels, had adverse impact on the peasantry Things would not have been as bad if the policies of the state
in Andhra Pradesh, just as it had for the peasantry in other parts government were different from those unleashed in the rest of
of the country. It is significant that agriculture has been impacted the country. In fact, however, Andhra Pradesh took the lead in
without the union government actually implementing a set of pushing forth the liberal agenda, under the auspices of agencie
policies specifically targeted at agriculture. Although the present such as the World Bank. During the last decade the stat

Table 2: Changes in Cropping Pattern

(Per Cent of Cropped Area)

Crops North Coastal Andhra South Coastal Andhra Rayalaseema South Telangana North Telangana Total State
1958 1998 1958 1998 1958 1998 1958 1998 1958 1998 1958 1998

Foodgrains 66.90 54.40 72.10 65.40 44.40 23.60 64.40 62.50 74.20 60.60 73.10 53.20
Groundnut 7.10 9.50 3.60 1.80 20.30 48.30 10.50 9.50 8.00 5.30 10.50 15.30
Oilseeds 11.30 12.90 6.30 3.70 21.40 56.30 19.50 20.30 15.10 10.80 15.30 20.80
Cotton 0.20 0.70 0.80 7.00 7.90 5.20 0.40 8.20 4.00 17.60 3.10 8.20
Others 21.60 32.00 20.80 23.90 26.30 14.90 15.50 9.00 6.70 11.00 11.60 17.80

Source: S Subramanyam (2002).

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government in Andhra Pradesh systematically reduced the role Although the feature of a full-blown agrarian crisis was already
of public investment, intervention and regulation. Private agents evident, the department of agriculture in Andhra Pradesh issued
were expected to fill the vacuum caused by the withdrawal of a white paper in 1999 stating that the government could act only
the state. as a faci!itator. It said that no public investment would be
The decline in public investment in agriculture led to a sharpforthcoming to provide for these essential services. It point
deceleration in the growth of fixed capital formation in agricultureout that it would not fill up the more than one-fourth of t
in the 1990s. This is especially striking when seen in the contextsanctioned posts that were vacant, claiming that the governme
of the high rates registered in the 1980s. It is not surprising that did not have "resources to employ any more extension worker
the area covered by public sources of irrigation, namely, canals,Instead, the department proposed to wind up the entire cadre
declined in the 1990s. It is also significant that despite the hypeagricultural extension officers. It envisaged that extension se
of the Naidu's regime, no new major irrigation project was takenvices would be promoted through the private sector, by takin
up in its tenure extending over nine years; in fact, several projectseither the unemployed or retired employees. The burden on t
pending were not even completed. AP Seed Corporation would be reduced by making the priva
Resources for irrigation, already scarce because of the fiscalsector more accountable through appropriate memorandum
squeeze, were thinly spread over a large number of watersheds understanding (MoU). The hiring of agricultural machinery woul
instead of making an intensive effort to make investments morebe encouraged through the corporate sector. NGOs and othe
effective and worthwhile. The reforms in the electricity sector,Soil survey, soil conservation and collection of market inform
assiduously promoted by the World Bank, caused a sharp increasetion were to be "encouraged to be developed in private sect
in the cost of power in the state. Although farmers paid onlywith appropriate policy incentives."
a flat rate (which increased from Rs 50 to Rs 300), they had to It was but natural that in keeping with this world view of t
incur heavy losses due to erratic power, low voltage and burnedstate government, a number of public institutions catering to th
motors. needs of the agricultural sector were either undermined or
Although more than 10,000 water users' associations (WUAs) completely closed down. The government corporations or co-
were constituted (about 80 per cent in the minor irrigation operative
sector), institutions, such as the Andhra Pradesh Irrigation
Development Corporation, Agro-Industries Corporation, Seeds
the bulk of the area covered is under canal irrigation. Moreover,
irrigation charges were increased by more than three times Development
since Corporation, cooperative sugar factories, and
1997 even though the surface water rates cover merely the
cooperative spinning mills which were envisaged to help farmers,
maintenance charges. In contrast, those depending on liftwere irri-closed down, or allowed to degenerate or handed over to
gation, particularly in the drier tracts oi'the state - mainly in
the private sector.
Rayalaseema and Telangana - bear the full capital cost ofThe thestate, by failing to regulate the supply of inputs, has also
well or bore. seriously jeopardised the interests of farmers. Spurious seeds
The bulk of the incremental addition to irrigation capacityhave in been a major problem. All that the state has done is to enter
the last 10-15 years has come from well irrigation. This means into a MoU with seed companies. In reality, the state has no
that the burden has fallen on individual farmers. It is obvious control over the quality of seeds. The large number of suicides
in Warangal, for instance in 1997-98, were caused by the wide-
to those who have followed the agrarian crisis that the depletion
of groundwater resources in areas such as Telanganar heaped spreada use of spurious cotton seeds provided by private seed
disproportionate burden on those who had made risky invest- companies. The problem with seeds is not confined to their
ments in irrigation. Farmers in this region have repeatedlyquality;
made farmers now pay much more. Paddy seed prices, for
heavy investments in bore wells and failed miserably instance, (see have doubled since 1990; prices of cotton and chilli
Appendix). The state has not only failed to provide irrigation seeds have increased fourfold during the same period. Similar
complaints about adulterated pesticides and fertilisers have
facilities, but actually imposed a squeeze on credit for such purposes
been reported from across the state. It is estimated that
when it was needed the most. As a result, peasants, in a desperate
fertiliser costs have increased fourfold since 1992. The rise in
search for water, have had to borrow at usurious rates of interest.
The field of agricultural research and extension had also thebeencost of inputs, apart from the sharp increase in electricity
under prolonged neglect. In 1992-94 the extent of government charges during the Chandrababu Naidu regime, has placed th
investment in agricultural research and education in the farmerstate, in Andhra Pradesh at a disadvantage when compared to
those in other states.
measured in terms of expenses in relation to the GDP originating
The liberalised policies, which are geared more towards cre-
in agriculture was a mere 0.26 per cent, compared to the all-India
level of 0.49 per cent. The level in Andhra Pradesh was much ating a pan-Indian primary commodity market.with a unified
lower than those prevailing in the other southern states. Expen-
diture on public extension services, mainly borne by state gov-Table 3- Net Income Per Hectare in Andhra Pradesh
ernments, declined in absolute terms in the 1990s in Andhra (at 1971-72 prices)
Pradesh. This was only 0.02 per cent of the state's GDP during
Paddy Groundnut Sugar Cane Cotton
1992-94, compared to the all-India average ofO. 15 percent. Indeed,
there were attempts to privatise extension services in the state. Early 1970s 314 - 0
Mid-1970s 81 -116 186
The complete collapse of the machinery for providing agri-
cultural extension services, combined with the closure of avenues Late 1970s -36 -65 1056 638
Early 1980s 150 -15 809
for drawing credit frem institutional sources, exposed small and Mid-1980s 140 -88 2194
marginal peasants in the state to the caprices of private money- Late 1980s 215 -52 816 104
lenders and input suppliers, more often rolled into one. The Early 1990s 221 -9 1119
freedom that these players enjoyed, remaining outside the pur- Mid-1990s 227 -117 1563 474
Late 1990s 167 -123 1139
view of any state control, made matters worse for the peasantry.
The frequent complaints of poor quality seeds, pesticides and Source: CACP, quoted by Directo
fertilisers have to be placed in this context. of Andhra Pradesh.

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price, in alignment with global prices, have clearly worked bear the uncertainty of crop failure without any assistance from
against farmers in the state. The cotton farmer in Warangal the state. Most farmers in Anantapur grow only one crop, which
district, for instance, was cajoled into producing cotton by the means that the fields are fallow for 8 to 9 months a year. Less than
state more than a decade ago. Sudarshan Reddy, who conducted 10 per cent of the cultivated area is irrigated. The tenfold increase
an inquiry into the suicides by farmers in the district in 1997- in the import of edible oils has meant lower prices for the peasant,
98, said that the state encouraged the farmer to grow cotton but according to leaders of peasant organisations [Sridhar 2004].
has since then left him in a lurch. The state did this despite the Even land prices have dropped dramatically in the past few
soil conditions being unsuitable for cotton cultivation. years. Land in Anantapur, which used to command a price of
Rising costs of cultivation have meant that the cost of pro- Rs 40,000 to Rs 50,000 an acre five years ago, now goes for
duction of paddy in Andhra Pradesh is higher by about 16 per Rs 10,000. Peasants in distress have sold all that they had - cattle,
cent when compared to the cost in Punjab; the cost of growing houses and even their land. Many have migrated in the hope of
cotton is higher by more than one-third when compared to that escaping extreme distress.
in Gujarat: and the costs of groundnut production is 38 per cent Even suicide does not appear to relieve the Andhra Pradesh
higher in the state when compared to that in Gujarat. Severe peasant of his debts. Travelling across Telangana and coastal
fluctuations in the prices of produce have added to the uncertainty Andhra, I met at least a dozen peasant-families of suicide victims
in the lives of farmers. Although the state has several agricultural in the summer of 2004. Not a single case was found in which
market committees, which are supposed to act as procurement the death provided deliverance from debt. Barely days after the
agencies and provide remunerative prices, it is obvious that they death, the creditors, moneylenders and dealers of fertilisers,
are defunct. In 2002, a committee, which conducted an inquiry pesticides and seeds and even "friends" and "relatives" continued
into the phenomenon of farmer suicides in the state, reported that to press the hapless families to clear the outstanding debts of
these committees were procuring an insignificant portion of the the deceased. Despite the grief, the families were cautious when
total produce in the state. referring to their creditors. Not a word was spoken in rancour.
The burden of the agrarian crisis has obviously fallen on the In fact, it appeared that they were at the mercy of the lenders
small and marginal farmers. More than 80 per cent of the land- like never before.
holdings are of sizes up to two hectares and constitute 43 per The policies have not only effected a quantum jump in the cost
cent of the cultivated area. Moreover, tenant cultivators with little of crucial inputs such as power, but allowed full play to seed,
or no land, pay exorbitant rents to landlords. High rents charged fertiliser and pesticide dealers. A crucial part of the "package"
by absentee landlords in coastal Andhra Pradesh, amounting to has been the peasant's lack of access to credit from institutional
more than half the annual produce of the farmer, are a serious sources - nationalised banks. cooperatives and specialised rural
burden on the peasantry. The rising cost of cultivation, coupled banks. Credit from these sources has been virtually frozen in the
with the risks associated with it, has not only added to the burden last few years.
on the peasantry but made life uncertain for the poor peasant. Prices of inputs in Andhra Pradesh are among the highest in
The tenant's plight is worse because, apart from the rack-renting the country. That is not difficult to fathom, considering the fact
by landlords, he is also totally outside the loop of the formal that the input suppliers are also the chief suppliers of credit to
credit mechanism. farmers. Credit furnished by private sources is rarely extended
The policies that have come to govern the peasant. economy
in cash. Inputs are supplied and these are "adjusted" against
have made the peasant unable to cope with even mild shocks
borrowings already made by the peasant. This implies that the
in production, and his plight is aggravated by the state abdicating
borrower has virtually no control over determining the price or
its role, particularly in extending institutional credit and framing
quality of the inputs. It has been pointed out that the government
meaningful tenancy laws. had not even deployed geologists to help farmers in their search
for water, after failing to provide either institutional credit or
Peasants in Andhra Pradesh, particularly the small and marginal
ones, are in the grip of a predatory commercialisation of agri- an insurance scheme to protect farmers from the enormous risk
culture. This has changed the face of rural indebtedness. thatInthey have to undertake in their desperate effort to locate
particular, the "withdrawal of the state" either as a facilitator or
groundwater. Local residents said "water diviners" are having
as a provider of inputs, extension services or credit has been the day.2
a field
key element of the pernicious policies that have wrecked Itthe
is important to situate the ongoing agrarian crisis in the
peasant economy. Of course, the "withdrawal" has not happened
context of the statistical fact that more than 80 per cent of the
accidentally. landholdings are about five acres (two hectares). Although some
have argued that the crisis in agriculture has affected sections
The Suicide Phenomenon
Table 4: Institutional Credit in Andhra Pradesh
The single most striking feature of the last round of suicides (Rs crore)
was the fact that they were not concentrated in a pocket of the
Year Crop Loans Term Loans
state as on previous occasions. Anantapur district, which is
Target Actual Actual as Target Actual Actual as
possibly best designated as the "suicide capital" of India, used Percentage Percentage
to be better known until the last round of deaths. It has been of Target of Target
estimated that more than 450 peasants in the district have com-
1998-1999 4,115 3743 90.96 659 749 113.65
mitted suicide since 2000. The district has been hit by a series 1999-2000 4,500 4451 98.91 737 932 126.45
of droughts in recent years. But that is only to be expected since
2000-2001 6,019 4184 69.51 906 4i7 46.02
it generally records the second lowest rainfall in the country (next
2001-2002 7,500 6124 81.65 1200 689 57.41
to Jaisalmer district in Rajasthan). 2002-2003 8,600 6332 73.62 1345 593 44.08
2003-2004 9,667 7902 81.72 1515 733 48.38
Groundnut is grown in 90 per cent of the cultivable land in
2004-2005 11,205 1814
the district. The small and marginal peasant incurs a production
expenditure of about Rs 3.000 to Rs 4,000 an acre, but has to Source: Andhra Pradesh Cooperative

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of all the middle and rich peasantry in parts of the state, it is State Response to Suicides
obvious that the small and marginal peasant and tenant cultivators
have borne the brunt of the crisis, particularly that of the collapse Till recently, the government's response to the phenomenon
of institutional credit. It is evident that the advances made by of suicides by farmers was confined to adopting a posture of
formal sources of credit in the last few years have fallen far below denial. Even when it was accepted it was repeatedly argued that
the targets that they set for themselves (Table 4). The shortfall any relief measure would only cause more peasants to take their
is obvious, particularly in the release of term loans. One of the own lives. However, since the new government assumed power
main components of such advances is meant for enabling the after May 2004 elections, it has initiated a number of measures.
peasant to develop irrigation facilities. A substantial part of this, Although the long-term efficacy of the measures remains to be
according to bankers is meant for digging wells. In 2003-04, seen, it is generally accepted that they have effectively stemmed
the government declared that 451 of the 1,127 mandals were the tide of suicides that erupted in 2004.
affected by drought. In 2002-03, 1,041 mandals were declared The Congress government in Andhra Pradesh which assumed
drought-hit and in 2001-02,941 mandals were affected by drought. office in 2004 has recognised the magnitude of the agrarian crisis
The fact that term lending fell short by about 50 per cent of the and has already made clear its intention to redirect state policy
target in the three drought-hit years, when the peasants in the bearing in mind the need and interests of farmers. The cabinet
state suffered acute water shortage for crops, highlights the gross sub-committee report on the causes of farmers' suicides indicates
failure of the institutional credit mechanism. It is obvious that that the government is already aware of the main forces behind
institutional credit failed the peasantry at the time when it was the crisis and the policies required. There are a number of positive
needed the most. measures which the state government has already instituted,
The condition of a tenant farmer is just as precarious as that which deserve to be noted.
of the small and marginal landowner. Having little or no land, The state government announced an ex-gratia amount of rupees
the tenant is forced to pay high rents to the absentee landlord, one lakh to the family of a deceased peasant and Rs 50,000
who often supplies seeds, pesticides, fertilisers and credit. In thetowards liquidation of his/her farm debt. However, observers
Krishna and Godavari delta areas of coastal Andhra Pradesh, have pointed out that there are no budgetary allocations to ensure
where tenancy is as high as 60-80 per cent of the cultivated area,that this happens on a sustained basis. This is now dependent
rents take away more than half of the farmer's produce. Tenancy on funds being available with the concerned district collector.
is entirely based on an oral agreement called 'mooza vani kowlu'. It has also been pointed out that the process of identifying deaths
There are no papers or proof to show that the land is cultivatedby suicide has been excessively bureaucratic in many cases,
by the tenant. The high rents, coupled with rising input costswhich defeats the very purpose of the measure. Since the relief
and the high cost of informal credit, have made life extremely measure is available to "farm-related causes", it is difficult for
precarious for poor tenants, many of whom graduated from thethe members of the victim's family to prove that a particular
ranks of agricultural workers in the last few decades. The suicide death is farm-related. However, the most important move
commercialisation of agriculture and the high rents mean that has been the moratorium on loans taken by farmers. A bill was
tenants are unable to cope with even relatively mild shocks inpassed in the state assembly in 2004 providing a moratorium for
production. Since they have no documents that recognise their six months on private moneylenders. In addition, the two-year
rights as cultivators, the tenant cultivators are entirely outsidemoratorium on institutional credit recovery by commercial banks
the ambit of the formal credit market. In fact, several of them as declared by government of India is also being implemented.
in the heartland of the green revolution in West Godavari district There was also a drive to ensure increase disbursement of credit
told me that they were not even able to collect compensationby the banking institutions.
from the government for crops lost owing to cyclones and The deep-rooted nature of the agrarian crisis, resulting from a
inundation during the monsoon. They said that their landlords liberal package initiated in New Delhi, impliesthatmuch more needs
pocketed the money, because they held the land in their be done at the state level to counter the effects of policies
Tenancy reforms, to feed the- poor peasant's acute hunger for in the sphere of agriculture. The crisis in agriculture is so deep and
land, are obviously an urgent requirement. But it is not even on widespread, that in spite of these positive measures, the conditions
the radar screens of the political class. It is not even a demandof farmers remain precarious, as evidenced by the continuing
that is being articulated by the poor peasant, who is hopelessly suicides despite various relief measures. Much more will be required
marginalised and is in utter despair. to make material improvements in the conditions of farmers.
It is well accepted, even in government circles, that the credit
institutions indulge in "ever-greening" of their accounts. It Conclusion
is known that a substantial portion of loans advanced by
institutions are not really "fresh advances". Frequently, banks or The act of suicide, or the phenomenon of suicides on a wi
credit cooperatives ask the peasant to clear his/her old dues spread basis, is usually provoked by a chur in socio-econo
including interest, upon which they extended the same conditions. Individuals and communities are under pressur
amount again as a "fresh" loan to the farmer. In effect, the bankcope with the changes in the conditions of their lives, when soc
merely makes a book adjustment, while managing to show an is in a state of flux. This is important in the case of Andhra Pra
increase in its credit disbursement. All this despite several because it has the dubious distinction of accounting for thre
studies on indebtedness among small farmers showing that of four suicides by farmers in India. Once it is accepted that
the rate of recovery of loans from small and marginal farmers growing number of suicides within a community is provoke
is higher than that for loans made to large farmers. Banks, sudden or dramatic changes in the terms on which their
increasingly under the sway of the logic of a liberal financialare lived, it is necessary to explore what these changes are
regime, are discouraged from lending to small farmers. The policy how they have impacted the lives of the community, in this c
appears to be oriented to the logic that it is better to lend to a the peasantry.
small number of large borrowers than to a large number of small It is becoming increasingly clear that the policies associ
borrowers. with the process of economic liberalisation, particularly s

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the 1990s, have impacted the lives of the peasantry in a major Ramanathan, who normally grows cotton or chillies on his two
way. It has also imposed a stress on the peasantry, which is acres, said agriculture was laden with risk. "Water is not the only
possibly responsible for them taking their own lives. A one-to- problem", he said. "A good harvest means poor prices, but a bad
one straightforward causal relationship is difficult to establish. harvest is bad in every way". He sold his chilli crop at Rs 1,200
However, it is evident that the logic of liberalisation, fundamen- a quintal in March 2004, but the current price is Rs 4,000. He
tally defined as allowing a greater play for market forces, whose pointed out that although the official procurement price of chillies
corollary is inevitably a "withdrawal" of the state, has added a had increased to Rs 2,600 from Rs 2,000 last year, his failed
qualitatively new dimension to the stress on the peasantry. It is crop would not get him anything anyway.
significant that the field of agrarian studies has suffered precisely The ruling "market rate" for credit in Chilpur is between 2.5
at a time when the peasantry has been the height of its distress. and 3 per cent a month, which works out to 36 per cent interest
It is therefore necessary to explore the dimensions of distress on an annual basis. Mallesam's loans were taken mostly from
in Andhra Pradesh on a more extensive basis, particularly with friends and relatives, but he had also borrowed from a farmer
greater field-based exploration. The lessons from such an exercise in a nearby village. Mallesam's father Sunka Venkatiah said that
in Andhra Pradesh could have important lessons for peasants the loan taken from the farmer bothered him more than anything
across the country, particularly because of the serious threat of else as the lender demanded early repayment. Mallesam had
farmer suicides erupting across the country. sought time in the past by signing a promissory note enabling
him to rollover the debts. But this obviously could not go on
Appendix indefinitely. Four days before he committed suicide, Mallesam
signed a promissory note mortgaging his next crop and agreeing
Case study: Suicide victim from Warangal district to pay compound interest on the accumulated debt. His father
Name: Sunka Mallesam said: "He must have known that his crop would not fetch him
Age: 35 anything. He just ran out of hope."
Village: Chilpur Asked if the lenders exerted any pressure in the days before
Mandal: Station Ghanpur his death, Mallesam's family is reticent. His neighbours explain
District: Warangal that violence was never really needed to recover loans from
Date of death: May 27, 2004 desperate borrowers. The existence of a cooperative bank at
Venkatadripet, 2 km away, does not seem to have been an option
A crowd is assembled under a shamiana as the priest conducts
for Mallesam. Venkatiah said that most people avoided the
the ceremoniy on the tenth day after the death of Sunka Mallesam,
a marginal farmer. He tried raising cotton on the three acres that bank because of the threat of attachment if dues were
not the
he owned. In order to provide a measure of insurance from repaid. Mallesam's neighbours said that windows of the
houses would be broken and taken away and even television
repeated failure of the cotton crop in this part of Warangal
district, he also leased three acres and grew maize and paddy on would be seized if the loans were not cleared. Nationalised
it. His brother Raja Komariah (40) migrated to Khammam banks located in Ghanpur also do not issue fresh loans if earlier
years ago to work as a construction worker. He preferred to are not repaid. In short, public institutions do not offer a
flexible repayment schedule when the borrower is in difficulty.
his three acres fallow and migrate rather than suffer repeated
losses like his brother by cultivating the "treacherousIncrop",
contrast, the private lender is willing to extend credit, but at
cotton. a very steep price. Even that eventually drives the borrower to
Finding water for cultivation was always a problem,a and
it The family also said that it had not received any succour
drove Mallesam to death. Komariah said that Mallesam from
spent the government. It fears that the lenders will descend on
about Rs 30,000 on digging a bore well, laying pipelines if it got anything at all from the government. l
installing a motor in May 2003. Although the bore ran 90 metres
deep, there was no water. A desperate Mallesam dug another
well in January 2004, which also turned dry. By then the total
debts he had piled up in trying to procure water amounted to Notes
more than Rs 75,000. In what turned out to be a gamble, he
invested Rs 35,000 on the cotton crop. 1 In parts of Nalgonda district, which reported 31 suicides in the two-month
Rajamma (27), Mallesam's wife, said that he was already
period between May and July 2004, peasants have dug bore well after
bore well in a desperate search for water. The money advanced by private
burdened by debts incurred in 1998 when their daughter suffered
moneylenders is paid directly to the rig operators, enabling them to
from "brain fever". The couple had spent Rs 40,000, borrowed
collude against the peasants [Sridhar 2004a]. An average farmer in the
mainly from friends and relatives, to treat her. Komariah said that
district, with about three acres of land, had struck at least three or four
they managed to repay some of the earlier loans but their debts
bore wells going down to 250-300 feet, each attempt costing him at least
amounted to Rs 96,000 at the time Mallesam took his own life.
Rs 10,000.
Damera Ramanathan (45), whose field was adjacent totechnique,
2 One apparently a popular one, involves the "diviner" walking
Mallesam's, said that they used to discuss their debts. He saidthe farm carrying a coconut in his
around palm. The stalk supposedly stands
upright at the spot where the bore is-to
he too had debts, amounting to over Rs 40,000. He too suffered be drilled. This bizarre technique
losses because of failed bore wells. Ramanathan said Mallesam even stipulates that the blood group of the "diviner" should be O positive.

had told him that he proposed to migrate to Bhadrachalam to

work as a "coolie". "I persuaded him not to migrate, but I do
not know whether I gave him the right advice," Ramanathan said.
Durkheim, Emile (1951): 'Suicide: 'A Study in Sociology' ', translated by
They met forthe last time 15 days before Mallesam died. Mallesam
George Simpson and John A Spaulding, The Free Press, New York.
said he had sold his two bullocks for about Rs 6,000. On the
Patnaik, Utsa (2004): 'It is a Crisis Rooted in Economic Reforms', Frontline,
morning of May 27, Mallesam was found lying near his well. 21(13), pp 22-26.
Barely conscious, he told a neighbour that he had consumed Sridhar, V (2004): 'Neoliberalism Spurned', Frontline, 21(12), pp 23-28.
pesticide. He died soon after. - (2004a): 'From Debt to Death', Frontline, 21(13), pp 13-16.

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