Cultural Relativism: and Understanding

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and Understanding
Activity no. 1: Sanip Tribe

How do you find the Sanip tribe?

What do you think of their way of living?

Can you personally relate with their rituals?

Sanip = Badjao
*Sanip is just a made up term which when reversed, is Pinas.
Way of Living Way of Living
Fishing Diving
Badjao are also known as “Sea Gypsies” because they
form their settlements/ houses on top of the ocean
Not realizing that they are like fish out of water.
In the city, they are out of their element.
In Metro Manila, this is how
we see the
Badjao Tribe
We tend to look at them
as beggars,
only asking for some
is the judgment towards another culture based
on how it compares to one’s cultural norms.
is the deliberate imposition of one’s own
cultural values on another culture.
Activity no. 1: Sanip Tribe
Does it make the Badjao tribe less of a
people because they do fishing instead of
working in the office?

What is so low about having to build their

houses in the seas where they can find their
immediate source of living?

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