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Alternative Naval

Force Structure
A compendium by
Articles By
Steve Wills · Javier Gonzalez · Tom Meyer · Bob Hein · Eric Beaty

Chuck Hill · Jan Musil · Wayne P. Hughes Jr.

Edited By
Dmitry Filipoff · David Van Dyk · John Stryker

Preface ................................................................................................................................

The Perils of Alternative Force Structure ...................................................

By Steve Wills

Unmanned­Centric Force Structure ............................................................... 8

By Javier Gonzalez

Proposing A Modern High Speed Transport – The Long

Range Patrol Vessel ................................................................................................... 11
By Tom Meyer

No Time To Spare: Drawing on History to Inspire Capability

Innovation in Today’s Navy ................................................................................. 15
By Bob Hein

Enhancing Existing Force Structure by Optimizing Maritime

Service Specialization .............................................................................................. 18
By Eric Beaty

Augment Naval Force Structure By Upgunning

The Coast Guard .......................................................................................................... 21
By Chuck Hill

A Fleet Plan for 2045: The Navy the U.S. Ought to be Building ..... 25
By Jan Musil

Closing Remarks on Changing Naval Force Structure .......................

By Wayne P. Hughes Jr.

By Dmitry Filipoff
From October 3 to October 7, 2016, CIMSEC ran a topic week where contributors proposed
alternative naval force structures to spur thinking on how the threat environment is evolving,
what opportunities for enhancing capability can be seized, and how navies should adapt
accordingly. Contributors had the option to write about any nation’s navy across a variety of
political contexts, budgetary environments, and time frames.

Relevant questions include asking what is the right mix of platforms for a next­generation fleet,
how should those platforms be employed together, and why will their capabilities endure? All of
these decisions reflect a budgetary context that involves competing demands and where strategic
imperatives are reflected in the warships a nation builds. These decisions guide the evolution of

In a modern age defined by rapid change and proliferation, we must ask whether choices made
decades ago about the structure of fleets remain credible in today’s environment. Navies will be
especially challenged to remain relevant in such an unpredictable era. A system where an average
of ten years of development precedes the construction of a lead vessel, where ships are expected
to serve for decades, and where classes of vessels are expected to serve through most of a century
is more challenged than ever before.

Dmitry Filipoff is CIMSEC’s Director of Online Content. Contact him at

About Us
The Center for International Maritime Security (CIMSEC) is a 501(c)3 non­partisan think tank
incorporated as a non­profit in the state of Maryland. CIMSEC was formed in 2012, and as of
2015 has members and chapters in more than 30 countries. CIMSEC does not take organizational
positions, and encourages a diversity of views in the belief that a broad range of perspectives
strengthens our understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the maritime domain.

If you are interested in forwarding the discussion on safeguarding prosperity on the sea, consider
becoming more involved in our organization at

­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­

COVER PHOTO: The guided­missile cruiser USS Gettysburg fires a Harpoon anti­ship missile at the ex­
USNS Saturn during a sinking exercise October 27, 2010. (Navy Visual News Service/Photo by Seaman
Apprentice Leonard Adams)

The Perils of Alternative Force Structure
By Steve Wills
Navies have historically sought alternative comparison to both the Federal fleet’s
force structures in response to changes in current force structure and other
their nation’s grand strategy, rising costs of experimental craft. The success of Ericsson’s
maintaining existing force structure, craft against the Virginia spawned over 60
advances in technology, and combinations of other low freeboard armored vessels with
these conditions. While initially appealing in one, two, and even three turrets. Despite
terms of meeting new strategic needs, saving several losses, including that of the
money, and gaining offensive and defensive namesake ship, to weather conditions, and
superiority over an opponent, such changes one (USS Tecumseh) to a torpedo (mine) hit,
are fraught with danger if undertaken too the monitor type ships had a remarkable
quickly, are too radical in tone, or do not record of combat success in coastal and
account for the possibility of further change. riverine environments during the Civil War.
Some are built “from the bottom up” on ideal
tactical combat conditions, but do not Unfortunately, the return of peace and the
support wider strategic needs. Even the best need to maintain overseas naval squadrons
alternative force structure that meets to protect U.S. economic interests spelled an
strategic needs, is more affordable than end to the dominance of the monitor in U.S.
previous capabilities, and outguns the enemy naval force structure. One conducted a high­
could be subject to obsolescence before most profile overseas visit to Europe while a
of its units are launched. These case studies second managed to sail around Cape Horn
in alternative force structure suggest efforts only to be immediately decommissioned
are often less than successful in application. upon arrival in San Francisco. Monitor­type
ships had poor seakeeping capabilities
The American Civil War Ironclads outside coastal waters and did not carry
enough coal for extended operations. The
One of the most familiar alternative force U.S. had not developed the high­freeboard
structures was that of the United States Navy sail and steam warships that other powers
in response to the revolutions in steam had constructed, and in any case U.S.
power, armor, and rifled cannon in the late strategic interests had changed to where
1850s. The impending appearance of the monitors were no longer necessary
rebel warship CSS Virginia (the former components of naval force structure. Nearly
steam frigate USS Merrimac) during the all were decommissioned and scrapped or
American Civil War triggered a crash course laid up in long­term reserve by 1874.
in ironclad warship experimentation in the
Federal Navy. When Virginia did appear, the The “Jeune Ecole” (Young School)
only one of these experiments ready for Torpedo Craft and Commerce Raiders
battle was Swedish engineer John Ericsson’s
USS Monitor, a revolutionary craft in The “Jeune Ecole” (Young School) of French

naval strategy was the brainchild of Vice raiding once radio communications reported
Admiral Hyacinthe­Laurent­Theophile Aube their positions. Raiders disguised as
and developed in the mid to late 19th century merchant ships persisted into the Second
in response to the growing battleship fleet of World War, but submarines that could
France’s primary adversary, Great Britain. submerge and operate undetected became
Rather than build a competing battlefleet, much more effective commerce raiders.
French strategists derived an alternative
force structure designed to offset British The Jeune Ecole was also in effect a tactical
battleship superiority and attack a perceived concept elevated to the rank of strategy.
weakness in Britain’s global maritime trade While torpedo attacks might sink British
network. French designers planned for battleships attacking French coastal waters
masses of small, torpedo­armed craft to and commerce raiders might weaken British
launch large salvos of underwater weapons commerce, how did the force structure
at the exposed, unarmored lower sides of promote French strategic goals? How would
British battleships. Torpedo craft were much these formations protect France’s own far­
cheaper and easier to build in numbers as flung possessions; a colonial amalgamate
opposed to battleships. They also had a that was second in size only to that of Great
successful combat record with spar­mounted Britain’s? How would lightly armed and
weapons in the American Civil War, and armored commerce raiders and generally
later successes in the Russo­Turkish War, unseaworthy torpedo boats carry the fight to
South American conflicts, and in the Russo­ British shores if needed? The Jeune Ecole
Japanese War. did not answer these questions of strategic
employment of French naval forces.
Commerce raiding conducted by fast
cruisers, as conduced by rebel naval forces France also reached a political settlement
during the American Civil War, was also with Great Britain in the early 20th century
seen as an asymmetric tool for combating and the French fleet of raiding cruisers and
global maritime powers with vulnerable torpedo boats was left without an enemy.
trade routes. Defending naval forces could France would likely have benefited from a
not be everywhere and took time to assemble more balanced fleet in the First World War
in areas threatened by a surface raider. and struggled to catch up in the dreadnought
building race that commenced shortly after
Unfortunately, the march of technological its “Entente Cordiale” agreement with Great
advance that supported the tenets of the Britain.
Jeune Ecole also served to undermine them.
Nations whose battleships were threatened Jackie Fisher’s Fleet
by torpedo boats developed the larger and
more capable torpedo boat destroyer to Great Britain experimented with its own
escort their battleships, destroy enemy alternative fleet force structure at the outset
torpedo boats, and launch their own torpedo of the 20th century. This was the “fleet that
attacks against opposing forces. Advances in Jack built;” the pre­World War 1 fleet of
battleship gunnery in the first decade of the battlecruisers, large destroyers, submarines,
20th century allowed capital ships to open and other revolutionary warships that
fire at ranges greater than that of the sprang from the fertile mind of British
torpedo, making daylight attacks suicidal for Admiral Sir John Fisher. The fiery Fisher,
torpedo craft. who in U.S. service might have resembled a
combination of Admirals Hyman G. Rickover
Surface commerce raiding also ran up and Arthur Cebrowski, was selected to be
against new technologies that made it largely First Sea Lord (British equivalent of the U.S.
ineffective. First, undersea communication Chief of Naval Operations) in 1904 with a
cables and later radio allowed for long­range mandate to cut costs and increase combat
communication between naval leaders at capability. Fisher’s answer to this problem
home and their forces deployed around the partially involved a revolutionary new force
world. Commerce raiders that had to stop to structure of hybrid ships that combined
take on coal and provisions would have their existing classes in order to meet British
locations reported much more rapidly than strategic needs while lowering naval
in past centuries, allowing naval forces to estimates. The battlecruiser that combined
concentrate and destroy them. Radio the firepower of a battleship with the speed
intercepts also allowed pursuing forces to and range of armored cruiser would speed to
track surface raiders. British naval forces threatened areas of the globe and destroy
quickly identified and eliminated German slower, less well­armed enemies at long
cruiser formations engaged in commerce range. Defense of the United Kingdom itself

would be left to torpedo­armed large due to the costs of the unpopular Boer War
destroyers and submarines. Fisher was a and a rising welfare state, Zumwalt also had
strong advocate of new technologies and to contend with a U.S. naval budget limited
supported naval aviation, steam powered­ by the expenditures for the Vietnam War and
submarines, director firing of warship guns, for President Johnson’s social welfare
and cleaner, more efficient oil fuel for programs. In response, Zumwalt conceived
warships in place of coal. of a high/low concept for U.S. naval force
structure where, in the words of retired naval
Despite being innovative and well connected officer and Hoover Institute scholar Captain
to British grand strategy, Fisher’s fleet was Paul Ryan, “A few high­performance ships
largely obsolete in less than ten years. and many low­performance ones would
Britain’s primary enemy changed from avoid wrecking the budget but not expose
France and its Jeune Ecole­based trade the nation to risks represented by large
warfare fleet to Germany that built a similar emerging fleets of small, fast, cruise missile­
fleet of battleships and battlecruisers for armed combatants.”
operations in European waters. Apparently,
Fisher never expected anyone to create a Zumwalt’s program included reduced
mirror image of his battlecruiser fleet. funding for large, nuclear aircraft carriers
Fisher’s big ships were instead assigned as and guided missile escorts, but greater
heavy scouts for a British fleet expecting a support for a number of low­end vessels
fleet battle in the close confines of the North including the Sea Control Ship, the patrol
Sea. frigate (which later became the FFG 7 Perry
class frigate), and the Pegasus class hydrofoil
Technology also advanced beyond Fisher’s combatant. Zumwalt intended that the low­
initial concepts. The fast battleship, which end ships would operate in support of
carried heavy guns, was well armored and general sea control in low threat areas rather
had a decent turn of speed obviated the need than focus on the Navy’s power projection
for the specialized battlecruisers. Fisher’s concept developed after the Second World
steam­powered submarines were ahead of War.
their time, but plagued by technological
issues that limited their effectiveness. The Zumwalt’s program found favor with those
German surface fleet only made rare in Congress who were happy to spend less on
appearances and Germany’s merchant fleet the fleet, but met stiff opposition from within
was largely interned or destroyed by the end the Navy’s own ranks, especially from carrier
of the first year of war, leaving few targets aviators unhappy with reduced investment
for Fisher’s submersibles. The Battle of in carriers. Strategy­minded individuals also
Jutland, the one great naval encounter of the opposed the high/low force structure as they
war, did not offer proof that Fisher’s force felt it failed to appreciate the Navy’s vital,
structure was right or wrong. Instead, poor carrier­based strike capability as the real war
tactical doctrine (not a lack of armor) caused winning capability fielded by the fleet. Naval
significant casualties among Fisher’s historian Norman Friedman, for example,
battlecruisers. The less than satisfactory labeled high/low as, “An un­Mahanian
results left the Royal Navy with a haunting excursion,” and former 6th Fleet
experience of frustration and regret that Commander Vice Admiral Gerald E. Miller
would not be extirpated until the Second remarked that, “the Sea Control ship might
World War. He was out of power and office deny the Soviets access to the Chesapeake
by 1916 due to his repeated clashes with his Bay,” but that its effective use ended there.
protégé Winston Churchill over the conduct
of the Dardanelles campaign. Fisher’s Zumwalt’s low­end ships had faults of their
revolution achieved much for the Royal Navy own that were difficult to overcome. In
in its first five years, but was effectively over addition to the operational limitations of the
after the first two years of the First World Sea Control Ship, the patrol frigate (Perry)
War. class went from a $50 million dollar
combatant to an average cost of $193 million
Zumwalt’s High/Low Mix dollars by the end of the 51­ship program.
The patrol hydrofoils were short­ranged and
Finally, there is the 1970s era U.S. Navy were focused more toward offensive action
attempt at an alternative force structure than the peacetime patrol and presence
launched by revolutionary Chief of Naval operations the Navy required. Estimates on
Operations Admiral Elmo Zumwalt Jr. Like their operating costs vary, but only 6 of the
Fisher who faced reduced naval estimates intended 30 were completed with Zumwalt’s

Alternative force structures can also meet
Changes in the strategic situation challenges from within their host navies.
confronting the U.S. across the 1970s served Admiral Zumwalt’s high/low mix faced
to bring the high/low alternative force considerable opposition from carrier
structure to an end by 1980. Intelligence aviators within the U.S. Navy hierarchy. The
gathered from taps on Soviet Navy low costs with Zumwalt’s low­end ships were
underwater communications cables much greater than first estimated and the
suggested the USSR was not planning a 3rd strategic situation changed as in past cases
Battle of the Atlantic where Zumwalt’s force making the alternative force structure much
would have been most useful. The less attractive. The U.S. LCS design,
Communist superpower instead intended to conceived as a low­ end combatant in a
keep its submarines close to the homeland to period of lower threats and fiscal austerity,
protect its ballistic missile submarines and faces similar challenges in ensuring
attack U.S. carriers threatening Soviet bases. relevance in a new period of Cold War­like
Response to this plan called for more high­ peer/near peer competition.
end warships such as large aircraft carriers
and their escorts. While ultimately not Conclusion
successful, Zumwalt’s efforts did lead to
better armament for U.S. Navy surface ships Alternative force structures offer the promise
such as the Harpoon missile. of harnessing new technology, overcoming a
specific opponent platform, and cost savings
Modern Parallels in defense procurement. Naval leaders
should be wary in their adoption. Periods of
These case studies suggest that alternative rapid technology as those that occurred in
force structures are born from a desire to the second half of the 19th century and those
achieve strategic advantage over an occurring in the present can rapidly
opponent, take advantage of technological condemn today’s alternative force to an early
advances, and save costs in the execution of reserve fleet or scrapyard. High costs
strategic policy. Current proposals for incurred in the construction and fielding of a
alternative force structures follow similar rapidly obsolete alternative force are not
pathways. Concepts for arming a new easily recouped. Alternative forces inspired
generation of warships with directed energy by tactical requirements may find
weapons and railguns, thereby capturing the themselves at odds with current and future
high ground of advanced technology, are strategies. Finally, even the best alternative
similar to the U.S. Navy’s monitor program force crafted to meet current strategic
of the Civil War. Like the monitors of the requirements can be reduced to irrelevance
1860s, current designs for railgun and with the stroke of a pen in a diplomatic
directed energy weapons are in their infancy agreement. Historically, balanced fleets of
but potentially very powerful. Initial versions mixed capabilities have fared better in naval
will be expensive and likely to be rapidly battles and maintained relevance through
outmoded by technological advance. evolving threat environments. Navies should
consider all of these points before embarking
Proposals for large fleets of smaller, more on the perilous quest for the perfect
expendable warships that can be built at low alternative force structure.
cost mirror the French Jeune Ecole. Those
same proposals are also an attempt to build Steve Wills is a retired surface warfare
a strategic plan from a tactical or operational officer and a PhD candidate in military
concept. history at Ohio University. His focus areas
are modern U.S. naval and military
Hybrid warships that combine the reorganization efforts and British naval
capabilities of multiple ships on a common strategy and policy from 1889­1941.
hull, like the U.S. littoral combat ship (LCS)
are reminiscent of John Fisher’s ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­
battlecruisers. Fisher’s later entrants into the
Featured Image: The USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000) is
battlecruiser category later found gainful
underway for the first time conducting at­sea tests
employment in the Second World War as
and trials in the Atlantic Ocean Dec. 7, 2015. (U.S.
refitted fast capital ships or as aircraft
Navy photo courtesy of General Dynamics Bath Iron
carriers. The long­term success of the LCS
may also depend on its ability to adapt to
new missions.

Unmanned­Centric Force Structure
By Javier Gonzalez
The U.S. Navy is currently working on a new clearly identify which options will provide
Fleet Structure Assessment, the results of the best ability to achieve this “asymmetric
which will eventually help inform the long­ upside.” Systems such as the vertical launch
term force structure goals of the Navy’s 30­ system provide a certain degree of flexibility
year shipbuilding plan. This ongoing analysis by allowing for the rapid fielding of any
was generated due to the realization that weapons that fit inside a missile. In addition,
some of the assumptions used to develop the the concepts of modularity (Littoral Combat
current goal of 308 ships have changed Ship program), modular hulls, containers
significantly since its proposal in 2014. The interfaces, flexible infrastructures, and
Russian resurgence and China’s rapid electronic modular enclosures are other
military buildup defied expectations, and a examples of the Navy’s explicit efforts to add
review of the Navy’s force structure was flexibility and adaptability into the fleet. The
absolutely warranted. The conundrum and upsides of adding flexibility are self­
implied assumption, with this or similar evident—by having options added early in
future force structure analyses, is that the the design process, the Navy can quickly and
Navy must have at least a vague affordably react to new geo­political
understanding of an uncertain future. situations and adjust to technological
However, there is a better way to build a innovations. However, adding optionality is
superior and more capable fleet—by not an easy proposition, especially because
continuing to build manned ships based on today’s capabilities fielding process values
current and available capabilities while also optimization, affordability, and a discernable
fully embracing optionality (aka flexibility return on investment over adaptability and
and adaptability) in unmanned systems. flexibility.
Additionally, and perhaps the better
argument, is that a new, unmanned­centric Optimization is contrary to optionality, but it
fleet can be more affordable while is a main factor in today’s ship design. For
maintaining its relevance over the expected instance, space optimization is intuitive—the
service life. better optimized a space, given today’s
capabilities, the smaller the ship needs to be
Optionality and, consequently, the more affordable it
should be. However, this approach infers a
A relevant fleet is one that is robust, flexible, level of certainty and inflexibility to change,
and adaptable—one that embraces contrary to optionality. The reality is that
optionality to anticipate uncertain and optimization is at times necessary on a
changing requirements. The author Nassim manned warship. However, new unmanned
Taleb describes optionality as “the property system designs can provide a canvas to shift
of asymmetric upside with correspondingly this focus to one that values optionality and
limited downside.” The implication here is to takes advantage of uncertainty. The

suggestion is to make the long­term Additionaly, long­term shipbuilding is
investment on the unmanned “bus,” not the inherently expensive and dependent on
capabilities. These new unmanned buses current and mature capabilities. Trying to
must be designed to maximize power build a ship with immature technologies can
generation, cooling, and space availability. result in unnaceptable acquisition blunders.
The design also needs a robust command For instance, the Navy’s next­generation
and control system to enable the nuclear carrier, CVN­78 Gerard P. Ford, has
employment of multiple unmanned systems resulted in massive cost overruns due in
in a cooperative environment. great part to the risk incurred in trying to
include new and immature technologies into
Affordable Fleet the shipbuilding plan. An unmanned­centric
fleet provides the flexibility to value building
The affordability of the fleet is not simply a manned ships based on current and
function of budget availability. In 2014, the available capabilities while also fully
Chief of Naval Operations, Adm. Jonathan embracing optionality in unmanned systems.
Greenert, testified to Congress that the Navy
needed a 450 ship fleet to meet the global An added benefit of having optionality
demands by the Combatant Commanders. combined with unmanned systems is that it
This 450 ship number is likely better allows for prospective capabilities to be more
equipped to meet future Combatant rapidly prototyped while offering a robust
Commanders’ needs than the current means for experimentation both for
proposal of a 308 ship Navy. At a minimum, technology and future concept of operations
a 450 ship Navy provides more options to development. Unmanned systems could
fulfill future requirements. However, the function similarly to a smartphone and its
current and expected future fiscal many applications. The benefit of this
environment suggests that building more approach is that it provides an environment
ships is not an option unless a radical change with stressors that will allow new technology
occurs. Also, the enemy has a crucial vote on to fail early and facilitate rapid change,
the affordability of the fleet. The fall of the evolution, and dramatically quicken the
USRR can be traced back to the U.S. research and capabilities fielding cycles. The
strategy, in the 1970s and 1980s, to impose next Fleet Structure Assessment should also
great costs on the Soviets by making embrace optionality by finding the optimal
investments to render their warfighting mix of manned and unmanned vessels that
systems obsolete. This obsolescence created will yield an asymmetric upside.
an incentive for the Soviets to make costly
investments in an attempt to match the Unmanned­Centric
technology introductions by the United
States. This strategy’s success was achieved An unmanned­centric force structure will be
in great part due to the apparent U.S. dramatically different than today’s Navy, and
technological advantage over the Soviets. it will require a departure from the 450 ship
manned Navy ideal or the current 308 ship
Today, the United States finds itself in a goal. The right mix of manned versus
similar predicament as the Soviets in the unmanned systems can be derived from a
Cold War, where technology is leaping in concept of operations that promotes
new and unexpected ways and China, in judicious force structure discussions. The
particular, is fielding systems that make basis of this new concept is a fleet with more
many U.S. systems obsolete. The rapid unmanned systems than manned systems
fielding of “game changing” technology by where these platforms are fully integrated.
China, such as the first quantum For instance, instead of having a Surface
communications satellite or the DF­21D Action Group (SAG) comprised of three
missile, results in a predictable reaction by manned ships, new SAGs could be
the DoD to invest in more capable and comprised of a manned ship and at least two
expensive advancements to counter their unmanned surface vehicles. Incorporating
efforts. If the Soviets are any indication of vehicles like DARPA’s ASW Continuous Trail
the dangers of this strategy, especially if the Unmanned Vessel or General Dynamics’
United States acknowledges that the Fleet­class unmanned surface vessel could
technological edge over near competitors in add capabilities that will immediately
the 20th century will no longer be assured, increase lethality and adaptability. In the
then the United States needs to shift its amphibious realm, the Navy could leverage
competitive model to one flexible enough to unmanned platforms as resupply
rapidly and affordably adjust to unforeseen distribution systems for Marines on the
challenges. beach. This could be of particular

importance in a contested environment Conclusion
while supporting multiple fronts in an
archipelago­like scenario. Further in the The most important attributes for future
future, instead of having eleven 100,000­ton force structures are relevance and
aircraft carriers, a mix of eight traditional affordability. This goal can be achieved by
carriers with eight to ten smaller (~40,000 pivoting from the traditional to place the
ton) all­unmanned combat air vehicle emphasis on developing unmanned capable
carriers will provide the flexibility and buses that can accommodate all current
presence that all Combatant Commanders technologies and have the capacity to flex
are desperately seeking. and adapt to future technologies. Optionality
to ship­building and unmanned systems
Presence is about having the right capability, integration can provide the flexibility and
in the right place, at the right time. To adaptability the Navy requires to remain
accomplish this the Navy will essentially relevant in an uncertain future. The result is
need more assets. A plausible solution could a force structure that is more capable and
be a force structure where the main conceptually more affordable. All great plans
employment of unmanned systems will be start with the end in mind – the upcoming
around unmanned­centric Surface Action Fleet Structure Assessment needs to
Groups as the smallest force package to showcase what the end of the Navy’s 30­year
fulfill theater needs. The current 308 ship vision looks like. The suggestion is an
Navy plan is structured as follows: unmanned­centric, man­led fleet.

CVN LSC SSC SSN SSGN SSBN Commander Javier Gonzalez is a Navy
11 88 52 48 0 12 Federal Executive Fellow at the John
Hopkins University Applied Physics
AWS CLF SUPT TOTAL Laboratory and a career Surface Warfare
34 29 34 308 Officer. These are his personal views and do
not reflect those of John Hopkins University
(CVN – Carrier, LSC – Large Surface or the Department of the Navy.
Combatants, SSC – Small Surface
Combatants, USV – Unmanned Surface ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­
Vessel, SSN – Fast attack submarines,
SSBN – Ballistics Submarines, AWS – Featured Image: Rear Adm. Mat Winter, then­chief of
Amphibious Warfare Ships, CLF – Combat naval research, offers remarks during a christening
Logistic Force, SUPT – Support vessels.) ceremony for Sea Hunter, an entirely new class of
unmanned ocean­going vessel during a ceremony
A future force structure could start with held in Portland, Oregon, April 7, 2016. The Defense
trading large and small surface combatants Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in
for a new fleet of Unmanned Vessels. The conjunction with the Office of Naval Research (ONR)
affordability comes from the added presence is working to fully test the capabilities of the vessel
afforded by the nature of an unmanned which is able to travel thousands of miles over the
autonomous system and the need for fewer open seas for months at a time without a crew, and
personnel to support their operations. The with a high degree of autonomy in operation. (U.S.
added capability comes from the Navy photo by John F. Williams/Released)
introduction of 19 capable Surface Action
Groups comprised of a manned ship with
two unmanned vessels as depicted below:


11 84 50 38 48 12


34 29 34 340

(CVN – Carrier, LSC – Large Surface

Combatants, SSC – Small Surface
Combatants, USV – Unmanned Surface
Vessel, SSN – Fast attack submarines,
SSBN – Ballistics Submarines, AWS –
Amphibious Warfare Ships, CLF – Combat
Logistic Force, SUPT – Support vessels.)

Proposing A Modern High Speed Transport – The
Long Range Patrol Vessel
By Tom Meyer
The U.S. Navy achieved extraordinary Historical Connections
success in the 20th century – playing key
roles in winning WWII and the Cold War. During WWII and the Korean War, Crosley­
The U.S. Navy earned these class APDs based on the Rudderrow class of
accomplishments with forces structured destroyer escorts were pressed into a variety
around an exceptional fleet of of roles and performed missions including
technologically superior ships and aircraft. amphibious assault, UDT operations and
The U.S. Navy’s “ships of the line” during raids, ASW, long­range patrolling, and
this era represented the height of our search and rescue– i.e. rescue of USS
technological and industrial capabilities – Indianapolis survivors.
and no expense was spared to create,
construct, and operate this world­leading The ability to successfully complete these
fleet. various missions resulted from the
inherently flexible design of the APDs. To
As the United States and the U.S. Navy move begin with, the designers of the Crosley class
into the 21st century, the United States faces APD’s provided these ships with a strong
the duel challenge of engaging in a “long organic armament, including one 5″/38 dual
war” against Islamofacism and meeting the purpose gun mount, three twin 40 mm gun
threat of emerging “peer competitors” in a mounts, six single 20 mm gun mounts, and
period of economic and fiscal constraints. two depth charge tracks. The Crosley class
Meeting these dichotomous challenges APD’s were equipped to carry and support 12
requires a fundamental rethink of the nature officers and 150 enlisted men. Furthermore,
of naval forces and their roles. Is the U.S. the Crosley’s were equipped with 4 LCVPs to
Navy moving from an era of exceptional convey troops and equipment ashore.
“ships of the line” – including LHA’s &
LPD’s, FFG’s, CG’s, DDG’s, SSN’s and CVN’s Finally, the Crosley APD’s could carry a
– to one filled with USV’s, UAV’s, LCS’s, combination of the following material on
CV’s, SSK’s and perhaps something new – board:
Long Range Patrol Vessels (LRPV’s)? But
what exactly is an LRPV? 6 x 1/4 ton trucks
2 x 1 ton trucks
The LRPV represents the 21st century 4 x ammunition carts
version of the WWII APD – High Speed 4 x pack howitzers
Transports. To better understand the 21st 6,000 cubic feet ammunition
century LRPV, let’s take a look at the history 3,500 cubic feet general cargo
and capabilities of the 20th century APDs. 1,000 cubic feet gasoline

The capabilities and flexibility of the APD’s support the program is based on a projected
are the inspiration for a new line of vessels – need to support at least 4 regionally­focused
the Long Range Patrol Vessels (LRPVs). LRPV SAGs plus their training and
maintenance requirements. In addition to
The LRPV Concept carrying a USMC COLT or U.S. Army
equivalent formation, the LRPV SAGs could
The modern LRPV would build upon and carry a composite unit tailored to suit patrol­
update the concept of High Speed Transport specific planned interactions with local
for the 21st century. The LRPV would national military forces.
combine new technologies, capabilities, and
processes to create regionally­focused LRPV For example, the afloat forces for a LRPV
surface action groups (SAGs) supporting SAG deployment to multiple countries over a
U.S. national and U.S. Navy strategic goals 6­8 month period within the SOUTHCOM
and objectives. AOR could consist of:

The modern LRPV would operate as a 2 platoons of U.S. Army Infantry (plus their
member of a two ship LRPV sag. The SAG Stryker vehicles)
would leverage recent innovative work by the 2 platoons of U.S. Army Engineers (and their
U.S. Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory heavy equipment)
to design, create, and test a new Combat A contingent of U.S. Army Medical
Landing Team organizational model – personnel
COLT. An air contingent of 3­4 UH­60’s plus UAV’s
drawn from U.S. Army Aviation
The COLT organizational model creates a
unique USMC amphibious landing team An anti­piracy patrol off of East Africa could
consisting of three infantry platoons, one see the LRPV Squadron deploy with:
weapons platoon, an enhanced scout section,
and an enhanced command element. 2 U.S. Coast Guard LEDET detachments
plus several container configured as
The specific Concept of Operations (ConOps) detention facilities
would be two LRPVs operating together 4 CB 90H or 25′ Response boat­small
while jointly carrying one USMC COLT (or (Defender­Class) or 25′ Transportable Port
U.S. Army equivalent) and their organic Security Boat (TPSB) or 23′ Over the horizon
vehicles while conducting extended patrols (OTH) boat or 23′ USCG Short Range
in specific geographic areas (i.e. South Prosecutor (SRP) (See Small Boat
America, Africa or SE Asia). These patrols Capabilities in LRPV Characteristics section)
would provide the opportunity for these 3­4 USCG HH­60 or HH­65 Dolphin
LRPVs to operate in close, sustained helicopters plus several small UAVs
partnerships with local maritime forces by
conducting numerous extended joint In addition to carrying out these types of
operations, exercises, and security long­duration, presence missions, the
cooperation engagements. flexibility of the LRPV design would enable
additional missions to be undertaken,
To meet the challenges emerging in the 21st including: short term “summer cruises” to
century, LRPV SAGs would focus on specific support training missions, rapid response to
geographic regions including South America, humanitarian crisis, sanctions/blockade
Africa, SE Asia, and the Middle East. enforcement, convoy escort, and search and
Forward presence could be enhanced by rescue.
conducting crew swaps in forward operating
locations, including Guam, Japan, LRPVs would not be amphibious warfare
Singapore, Diego Garcia, Bahrain, Naples, ships per se but are intended to sustain long­
Guantanamo Bay, and other locations yet to range, forward presence patrols supporting
be identified. U.S. national interests. However, when
necessary, LRPV SAGs could conduct
Through the use of long­term forward counter­terrorism or counter­proliferation
deployments, regionally­based crew­ raids at the direction of the NCA or could
swapping, and the strong organic capabilities support an ESG by providing additional
of the LRPVs, the specific numeric raiding or striking capabilities during a crisis
requirements for the LRPV construction – thereby increasing the level of difficulty
program could be limited to 30­34 confronting an adversary of the United
individual ships to support regional LRPV States. By combining the right mix of
squadrons. The number of ships required to technology, capabilities, organizational

structures and sound processes, the LRPV 1×5” Gun
would support key U.S. national interests 2x25MM Remote EO­controlled mounts
and provide a visible expression to the 4­6 .50cal manned weapons – as
concept of a “1000 ship navy” previously operationally required
expressed by the U.S. Navy and the OSD.
Ship Characteristics
1 Mk 41 VLS system with 48 launch tubes (or
What specific attributes and capabilities 2×24) which could include:
would a LRPV have? Here are some key 24 Standard Mk 2/3 SAM’s
characteristics: 6 Harpoons
6 VLA (Vertical Launch ASROC’s)
Weight: 7,000­9,000 tons 48 ESSMs (12×4)
Use of VLS enables the introduction of new
Length: 450­500ft missiles over the life of the LRPV.

Beam: 50­60ft ASW Torpedoes: 2×2 Mk 32 Mod 9 mounts

Draft: 10­16ft Aircraft:

Propulsion: CODAG (minimum 4 LM­2500s Landing Spots: Operation of 2 helicopters

or 2 LM­6000s) plus 2 diesel engines – some simultaneously (4 would be a stretch goal)
thought should be given to alternate Hangar Space: 4 medium helicopters (SH­
propulsion systems (i.e. Podded Electric 60’s specifically 2 SH­60R & 2 SH­60S).
propulsion?) – commercial standards Ability to provide hangar space for 3 SH­60
perhaps? size helicopters plus 2 additional Fire Scouts
would be a stretch goal
Speed: Max 28 knots (stretch 32 knots) –
cruise speed – 14­16 knots (stretch 18­20 Flex Deck:
Square Footage: 16,800 Sq Feet per ship
Range: 10,000 NM – Stretch 12,000 at Weight Capacity: Reinforced to support up
cruising speed to M1A2 tank (Up to 70 Tons)
Suggested vehicle load across two LRPVs
Combat Systems: Aegis SPY­1F(V), could include a reinforced Light Armored
(proposed for export­version of LCS) or even Reconnaissance Platoon (or comparable U.S.
the SPY­5 proposed for lighter warships; 2 Army Stryker unit):
illuminators (1 fore & 1 aft); CEC­enabled;
open architecture networks & C3I systems 8 LAV­25’s/M­1126 Strykers
allow “plug & play” of new weapons and 2 LAV/R or M­1132,
sensors. 2 LAV­C or M­1130, 2 LAV/M or M­1129
2 LAV(TOW Launcher) or 2 M­1134 Stryker
ESM/ECM: SQS­32V or newer version Anti­Tank Guide Missile Vehicle
14 Humvees
Sonar: Bow­mounted sonar standard; Towed 14 10 5­7 Ton FMTV’s including 2­3 Tankers
Array – optional 3 155MM Towed Artillery Guns plus Movers
Communications: High­bandwidth satellite 6 Additional 40’ Containers – Supplies &
communications Training Simulators

Crew: Notes on Flex Deck:

140­180 (190 is acceptable) Flight deck access would be ideal with either
Additional berthing (permanently installed): ramp or elevator (Ramp is preferred due to
120 Marine (1/2 of USMC COLT insert link) simplicity)
Additional crew considerations: SOF, Ability to load LCM or LCVP via 30 ton
humanitarian personnel, noncombatant crane is required
evacuation, search and rescue. Ro/Ro capability is required (via a ramp or a
mexeflote style ramp at stern and ramp to
Weapons port or starboard) – with 100 ton carrying
Guns: Flex deck must support the installation of

habitability containers to support additional almost 10 years for a major
troops or temporary medical facilities Telecommunications company in various
Flex deck must provide electrical and roles. Home is Atlanta, GA. You can follow
communication network interfaces across Tom on Twitter at @tkmeyer0524.
entire flex deck floor space – both high­
speed direct connectivity and wireless ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­
Featured Image: USS Crosley (APD­87) anchored off
Small boat capabilities: Philadelphia Navy Yard, 30 October 1944. US Naval
History and Heritage Command photo #NH 91584.
2 x LCM­6s – LCM would be able to carry 25 Courtesy of A.D. Baker III.
tonnes (30 tonnes stretch goal) – this will
enable carriage of LAVs or Strykers
CB90Hs – Carried in separate davits from
Note: The LCVPs must be capable of
carrying Uparmored Humvees, an example
of a possible LCVP which could be used is
the Royal Navy LCVP Mk5. The Mk5 is 15.5
meters long and 4.4 meters wide and capable
of carrying a company of 30 fully equipped
troops or vehicles such as: BV206, JCB410,
ATV’s and towed artillery. The Mk5 can
travel up to 25 knots and has a range of over
210 nautical miles.

Note: LCM davits must be flexible enough to

support LCVPs, RHIBs, CB 90Hs, CSSCs or
USCG small craft. LCVP davits must be
flexible enough to accommodate RIB’s, CH
90Hs, CSSCs or USCG small craft.

2 x RHIBs – Standard ship’s complement –

separate from landing craft listed above.

Additional capabilities:

Excess fresh water production capacity

Strong organic, on­board medical facilities
Excess toilet and showering facilities to
support combined baseline ship
complement, USMC/U.S. Army/other
additional complement plus additional
personnel house in habability containers on
flex deck
Onboard synthetic training facilities for
COLT team members including infantry &
tankers (Perhaps 2×20 or 40 foot containers
configured to provide simulation facilities on
Flex Deck)

With a lifelong interest in aviation, naval

and all manner of military affairs, Tom
Meyer graduated from Florida State
University with a BA in Political Science &
International Relations and an MS in
Political Science. He spent over a decade
with Top 3 US Airline working in Ops,
Technology, the Low Cost Carrier unit and
Employee Relations. Tom has now worked

No Time To Spare: Drawing on History to Inspire
Capability Innovation in Today’s Navy
By Bob Hein
Imagine a day sometime in the near future shoot future arrows at him and his
where tensions between the United States compatriots.
and Russia are high and ships are at sea,
ready to strike each other at a moment’s Ten years ago, this scenario would have been
notice if given the word. As his ship glides to a work of pure fiction, unimaginable to most
the surface of the ocean, the enemy national security experts and military
submarine commander raises his periscope leaders. But today, the rapid spread of
and with it the electronic surveillance technology, the rise of near peer
antennae. It picks up multiple signals of U.S. competitors, and the proliferation of
aircraft in the immediate vicinity. But the advanced weapons make this scenario more
commander is not worried. These aircraft, plausible than ever. If the Navy is to counter
their radar, and their weapons are optimized the above scenario, it must start emphasizing
for attacks against land targets; they won’t sea control while retaining power projection
see his periscope, and even if they did, they capability. That change will require the Navy
wouldn’t have the weapons to do much about to accelerate its approach to this mission set,
it. As long as he can avoid U.S. ships and both in strategic terms of shifting mental
submarines, which are spread out and in focus and in more tactical terms of rapid
short supply, he knows he and his comrades repurposing of current platforms and
have the upper hand in gaining control of the payloads. While the Navy works to
sea. As he leaves the surface, he works determine its future force structure, it must
unimpeded toward his target, the American innovate beyond the traditional roles that
aircraft carrier. ships and aircraft currently play. Designing
and building new naval platforms takes time
At the same time, hundreds of miles away, a we don’t have, and there is still abundant
U.S. submarine commander is moving opportunity to make the most of existing
toward the enemy’s surface action group. He force structure. Fortunately for the Navy,
knows if he can get close enough and sink histories of previous wars are a good guide
these ships, he can help ensure control of the for future action. World War II is an
sea for the rest of the force. Suddenly, the excellent model in particular, but the Navy
sound of weapons dropped from enemy must first recognize the historical context of
helicopters fills the ship. He runs deep and its current predicament.
aggressively, maneuvering to negate the
threat. But in doing so, he loses contact with Bringing the Navy Back to the Sea
the group. And without an ability to shoot
the helicopter, he misses an opportunity to Alfred Thayer Mahan wrote extensively on
take down an archer, who will now be able to how nations throughout history have used

control of the seas to spread national power not have its current luxury of safely
by ensuring freedom of trade and access. traversing the world’s oceans and projecting
Over the course of the last century, the power. The rise of foreign capability could
Navy’s primary focus of force application has threaten carrier strike groups when they
shifted from sea control to power projection. leave their harbors. The Navy must expand
its focus from the last 25 years of projecting
Arguably, the battle for control of the seas power, and strengthen its historic mission of
culminated in WWII, when massive navy­ sea control.
on­navy engagements raged in enormous
clashes such as the Battles of the Atlantic, Make the Old New Again
Midway, and Leyte Gulf. Navy strike groups
were challenged by Axis Powers throughout When trying to convert this shift in focus to
the world’s oceans. the platforms that will execute sea control, it
is time to heed the old dictum, “If you want a
Following WWII, the U.S. had a massive new idea, read an old book.” Just as the Navy
navy and no real threat to its control of the had to do in WWII, it is time to focus on
oceans. The Navy and the nation were now repurposing platforms it already has rather
unsure of the Navy’s role in this new world. than relying on new platforms.
The Navy received assistance from a 27­year­
old theorist, Samuel Huntington. Writing in Looking back to its height of sea control
1954, he had a clear vision for how the Navy capability, the Battle of Midway in WWII,
should evolve in the second half of the 20th carrier air wings (at the time known as
century: “Its purpose is not to acquire carrier air groups) consisted of about 72
command of the sea, but rather to utilize its aircraft, one squadron each of dive bombers,
command of the sea to achieve supremacy of fighters, torpedo bombers, and scout planes
the land.” The Navy began shifting its focus (which could also carry bombs). Compare
to power projection, refining amphibious that with today’s air wing. While the number
warfare techniques, developing a long range of aircraft is about the same, its composition
land attack missile, and building generations has changed dramatically, with four
of air wings capable of delivering ordnance fighter/attack squadrons, one electronic
ashore. Even so, as the Cold War intensified attack squadron, one command and control
and the Soviet Navy grew throughout the squadron, and two helicopter squadrons.
50’s and 60’s, this focus ashore was balanced The biggest difference is the shift in focus of
by the continuing requirement of the air wing from fighting other navies for
maintaining control afloat. control of the seas to a focus on delivering
power ashore.
Following the end of the Cold War and the
dissolution of the Soviet Navy, the U.S. At over 40 years old, the USS Nimitz is the
Navy’s focus on sea control diminished and oldest carrier in the U.S. inventory. The
the pendulum swung squarely over to power reason she has survived is due to upgrades to
projection. Anti­surface missiles were her air wing. There is debate currently over
removed from ships, Trident missile whether the Nimitz, and follow on carriers
submarines were converted to fire are still valid in a world of anti­access and
Tomahawks, and the carrier’s S­3 Viking area denial. This debate centers on the
anti­submarine aircraft were stripped of Navy’s role in power projection but speaks
much of their anti­submarine warfare gear little to its return to sea control. While the
and were later retired. Major force structure carriers are still the best platform for
investments were made in ships geared delivering power without the need for
towards littoral power projection such as the foreign basing permissions, adding an anti­
LCS and Zumwalt­class destroyer. submarine and anti­surface role to its newest
Generations of Sailors during the Cold War fighters is necessary. Similar to efforts by the
were trained to achieve sea control – it was surface warfare community to modify the
part of their DNA. When the Cold War SM­6 anti­air missile for strikes against
ended, and with it the Soviet Navy, that DNA ships, the Navy should modify those ASW
withered away. and ASUW weapons currently used by the
MH­60R helicopter for use by its fighter­
As Bob Dylan tells us, once again, the times attack jets. Just as in WWII, not all aircraft
they are a changin’. The world is returning to would be configured for surface or
a period of great power competition, and subsurface missions, but providing that
other nations’ desire to influence the world latent capability will certainly ensure enemy
stage is forcing the Navy to rethink its focus. ships and subs will think twice when they see
In the coming decades, the U.S. Navy may the radar signature of a U.S. fighter.

Submarines are very effective at what they America (CV­66), on 6 May 1982. (W. M. Welch,
do – sinking other submarines and attacking USN)
surface ships – but many potential
adversaries have fleets of helicopters
designed to hunt them. Simply giving subs a
basic anti­air warfare capability against
these platforms would certainly give
adversaries cause for concern. This system
already exists in the German Navy. The
Interactive Defense and Attack System for
Submarines (IDAS) is currently being built
for the German Type 212 submarine. With a
12­mile range, it will certainly make
helicopters think twice as they drop their
buoy search patterns. Submarine attacks
against aircraft are not a new concept. In
WWII, 120 Allied aircraft were shot down by
German U­Boats.

Military Sealift Command (MSC) is

experiencing great success in expanding the
role of its fleet, and has been a leader in
creatively repurposing existing platforms.
MSC has added intelligence, surveillance and
reconnaissance, and command and control
capabilities to platforms such as the
Expeditionary Fast Transport (formerly
Joint High Speed Vessel) and the dry­
cargo/ammunition ships (T­AKE). Marine
Forces Pacific has experimented with the T­
AKE extensively, using the ship for low­end
operations, and even as a potential
command and control platform. The MSC
has shown there is a lot of opportunity in our
current fleet. We just have to be creative.


As the challenges on the world’s oceans

continue to rise, the challenge of sea control
rises with them. With rapid repurposing of
various platforms and payloads, the Navy
can quickly adapt and overcome if and when
required to fight and win this nation’s wars.
By looking back at history, sometimes we
can find the tools for the future.

Captain Robert N. Hein is a career Surface

Warfare Officer. He previously commanded
the U.S.S Gettysburg (CG­64) and the U.S.S
Nitze (DDG­94). You can follow him on
Twitter @the_sailor_dog. The views and
opinions expressed are his own and do not
reflect those of the Navy or the Department
of Defense.


Featured Image: A U.S. Navy Lockheed S­3A Viking

aircraft (BuNo 159755) assigned to anti­submarine
squadron VS­32Maulers on the aircraft carrier USS

Enhancing Existing Force Structure by Optimizing
Maritime Service Specialization
By Eric Beaty
The factors which color our view of the world to task an interested party to advocate for
have changed significantly since the end of them, and each of the maritime services has
the Cold War. That overarching conflict missions they are most passionate about.
polarized the world’s politics and drove the
United States to build a naval force focused The naval force of the future would see a
on blue­water combat against a peer Navy endorsement of the territorial patrol
competitor, but the demise of the Soviet missions of the Coast Guard and expanding
Union left a much more complex world the role of the Navy­Marine Corps
where the United States must be prepared to amphibious team, but there would be no
simultaneously counter myriad threats at radical course corrections. Instead, naval
multiple levels. There is not a uniform missions would be assigned to “centers of
solution to every problem and there is not a excellence” within the services to manage the
uniform fleet for every theater. Luckily, the organization, training, and tactics of the joint
United States has three maritime forces which would execute such missions.
services—the Navy, Coast Guard, and Marine
Corps—with different core competencies Navy – Combat on the High Seas
covering a broad range of naval missions.
Current investments in force structure can The U.S. Navy would manage the missions of
be maximized by focusing the maritime blue­water combat: submarine and
services on their preferred missions. antisubmarine warfare, carrier aviation,
surface warfare, air defense, and sealift.
Some missions have historically been These missions are already clearly within the
assigned according to service and platform, Navy aegis, so there would be no major
rather than warfare areas, which has led to change in their execution. By focusing on
small, orphaned communities in some these core mission sets, and shedding the
services. These communities are too small to remainder which the Navy has been
have many high­ranking alumni in overall unenthusiastic about, the leadership would
service leadership. The resulting be refocused on areas where Navy doctrine,
consequences include them being often tactics, and procurement have been most
misunderstood and undervalued, poor refined. As such, the platforms of the blue­
funding, poor career opportunities, few if water Navy would not deviate much from
any champions in service leadership, and so their present and planned configurations.
on. Even when they are appreciated and
funded, niche communities lack economies Coast Guard – Patrolling Offshore
of scale. Therefore, the way to ensure
missions are properly funded and manned is The U.S. Coast Guard would be the mission

manager for coastal and offshore patrol provisions, spare parts, and a base for the
operations, for both law enforcement and flotilla’s command element. By performing
maritime safety. Under the umbrella of lower­threat missions economically, these
muscular law enforcement, the Coast Guard frigates would free up the destroyers,
would manage not only patrols of the cruisers, and carriers to concentrate in high­
American coast, but also patrols off South threat theaters, thereby maximizing combat
America and Africa as well. Most of these power.
vessels would be frigates, both U.S. Navy and
allied, rather than white­hull Coast Guard Marine Corps – Seizing the Littorals
cutters, but all would be dedicated to low­
intensity constabulary missions. By keeping While the Navy prepares to fight wars on the
the peace along much of the world’s high seas and the Coast Guard leads patrol
coastline, the Coast Guard­led maritime efforts in more stable theaters, the Marine
patrol enterprise would free up high­ Corps would manage naval missions across
capability vessels to deter peer competitors. coastal seas and coastal lands. As the service
tasked with crossing from sea to land, the
The worldwide maritime patrol enterprise Marine Corps is concerned with anything
would be led by the United States, with the which could affect or impede an amphibious
nonjudgmental aim of maintaining the action, including the obvious amphibious
world’s seaways under the control of tasks, but should now focus on missions like
accepted and functional governments, mine countermeasures and small boat
because even reticent governments make operations. Afloat Marine forces are carried
easier negotiating partners than ungoverned to battle by Navy amphibious assault ships
chaos. The simplest way to lead such an and delivered to the beach by Navy landing
enterprise is to help equip and train it, so the craft, so there would remain a substantial
United States Navy and Coast Guard would Navy influence in certain elements, but the
have extensive foreign military sales, Marines would be the lead advocates for
partnership programs, and personnel coastal mission capabilities.
exchange programs with allied maritime
nations. Navy destroyers, cruisers, and carrier battle
groups would be responsible for clearing a
To make such a broad endeavor more path to the coastal area for the amphibious
practical, the Coast Guard’s offshore cutters, train, but the amphibious ships and their
the Navy’s patrol frigates, and allied nations’ direct escorts would be responsible for
warships would need to be common. The fighting their way to the beach and enabling
principal requirements would be low cost, the landing force to cross it. To defeat small
ease of maintenance, and margins for boat threats and provide fire support until
growth. The basic warship would have a the Marine landing force could establish
simple power plant, enough systems to artillery ashore, the amphibious train would
operate as a minimalist patrol ship, and be escorted by frigates (based on the
substantial space and weight left available common hull introduced above) specialized
for additions. Buyers could add additional with the maximum number of naval guns
fuel tanks and provisions storage, a variety of possible. With these frigates, the amphibious
weapons, helicopter or boat facilities, or a force would be able to defeat enemy forces in
host of other standardized modifications. waters too constricted for the blue­water
While these frigates would be too small to warships to operate effectively.
add all options to every vessel, they would
also be inexpensive enough that customers Closer to the beach, mines would be the next
of modest means could still purchase them, threat to an amphibious landing. Rather
and customers like the United States could than operate a separate fleet of
purchase lots of them. minesweepers and mine countermeasures
support ships, the Marine Corps­centered
Built cheaply and in large numbers, flotillas littoral force would base countermine
of these semi­modular ships would patrol for detachments aboard the same amphibious
pirates off Africa, drug smugglers in the Gulf assault ships carrying the landing force.
of Mexico, or vessels in distress off North Assault ships are designed with large well
America. For patrol locations far from decks, copious storage, and substantial
suitable ports, the Navy would reawaken the berthing space, making them best­suited to
concept of tender vessels; using operate divers and unmanned countermine
replenishment ships to establish at­sea bases vehicles of all sizes. Furthermore, they have
to extend the on­station time of frigates and the flight decks to operate the CH­53K King
cutters. These tenders would provide fuel, Stallions that would take the airborne

minesweeping mission from the Navy’s MH­ amphibious vehicles while traveling from amphibious
53E Sea Dragons as these aging helicopters assault ship USS America (LHA 6) to Royal Australian
are retired. Saving the Navy the purchase of Navy Canberra class amphibious ship HMAS
new mine countermeasures ships would pay Canberra (L02). (U.S. Marine Corps photo by SSgt.
off in funding for extra amphibious landing Christopher Giannetti/Released)
ships and CH­53Ks, a doubly effective
reorganization for the amphibious mission.
The Marine Corps would also take overall
responsibility for the related riverine
mission set. Outside of port security
missions (which would fall under Coast
Guard leadership), all coastal and riverine
boat operations would become part of the
permanent Navy­Marine Corps amphibious
enterprise. Effective riverine operations
include the same elements as amphibious
landings—afloat mobility, fire support, and
power projection ashore—so consolidation of
the riverine and amphibious communities
would create a deeper and more diverse base
of experience for both missions. Integration
with Marine Corps infantry, aviation, and
artillery would make the riverine squadrons
more effective in combat than they could be
alone. Also, increased small­boat landing
and raiding capability would increase the
Marines’ naval presence and take advantage
of their unique maritime capabilities.

The Joint Naval Force in Action

This joint naval force of the future would

perform in a very similar fashion to the
present­day and historical naval forces,
insofar as the various forces have capabilities
available. Where the future naval force
would excel is in peacetime administration
and presence: more efficient management of
missions would reduce redundancy and
increase the number of forces available when
and where they were needed for combat and
deterrence. Transitory advantages like
technology or brilliant leadership would
come and go, but the future naval force
would be organized to make the most
efficient use of these advantages on the seas
to achieve America’s long­term goals.

LT Eric Beaty is an E­2C/D Hawkeye Naval

Flight Officer, presently working ashore in
D.C. The views express herein are solely
those of the author and are presented in a
personal capacity on his own initiative.
They do not reflect the official positions of
the Department of Defense.


Featured Image: PACIFIC OCEAN (July 18, 2016) ­

Cpl. Ryan Dills communicates with other assault

Augment Naval Force Structure By Upgunning
The Coast Guard
By Chuck Hill
The Navy has been talking a lot about Very few of our allies have a fleet of similar
distributed lethality lately, and “if it floats, it size.
fights.” There is even talk of mounting cruise
missiles on Military Sealift Command (MSC) Coast Guard vessels routinely operate with
ships, even though it might compromise U.S. Navy vessels. The ships have common
their primary mission. But so far there has equipment and their crews share common
been little or no discussion of extending this training. The U.S. Navy has no closer ally.
initiative to include the Coast Guard. The Because of their extremely long range,
Navy should consider investing high­end cutters can operate for extended periods in
warfighting capability in the Coast Guard to remote theaters where there are few or even
augment existing force structure and provide no underway replenishment assets. The
a force multiplier in times of conflict. A more Coast Guard also operates in places the USN
capable Coast Guard will also be better able does not. For example, how often do Navy
to defend the nation from asymmetrical surface ships go into the Arctic? The Coast
threats. Guard operates there routinely. Virtually all
U.S. vessels operating with the Fourth Fleet
Why Include the Coast Guard? are Coast Guard. There are also no U.S. Navy
surface warships home based north of the
A future conflict may not be limited to a Chesapeake Bay in the Atlantic, none
single adversary. We may be fighting another between San Diego and Puget Sound in the
world war, against a coalition, perhaps both Pacific, and none in the Gulf of Mexico with
China and Russia, with possible side shows the exception of mine warfare ships.
in Africa, the Near East, South Asia, and/or
Latin America. If so, we are going to need In the initial phase of a conflict, there will be
numbers. The Navy has quality, but it does a need to round­up all the adversaries’
not have numbers. Count all the Navy CGs, merchant ships and keep them from doing
DDGs, LCSs, PCs and PBs and other patrol mischief. Otherwise they might lay mines,
boats and it totals a little over a hundred. scout for or resupply submarines, put agents
The Coast Guard currently has over 40 ashore, or even launch cruise missiles from
patrol ships over 1,000 tons and over 110 containers. This is not the kind of work we
patrol craft. The current modernization want DDGs doing. It is exactly the type of
program of record will provide at least 33 work appropriate for Coast Guard cutters.
large cutters, and 58 patrol craft of 353 tons, Coast Guard ships enjoy a relatively low
in addition to 73 patrol boats of 91 tons profile. Unlike a Carrier Strike Group or
currently in the fleet, a total of 164 units. Navy SAG, they are less likely to be tracked

by an adversary. Standard missiles, or Evolved Sea Sparrow
missiles (ESSM). Using the Mk41 VLS would
If we fight China in ten to twenty years, the allow a mix of cruise missiles and ESSM with
conflict will likely open with China enjoying four ESSMs replacing each cruise missile, for
local superiority in the Western Pacific and example eight cells could contain four cruise
perhaps in the Pacific in general. If we fight missiles and 16 ESSM, since ESSM can be
both China and Russia it may be too close to “quad packed” by placing four missiles in
call. each cell. Development of an active homing
ESSM is expected to obviate the need for
Coast Guard Platforms illuminating radars that are required for the
semi­active homing missiles. Still, simpler
National Security Cutter (NSC) deck mounted launchers might actually offer
some advantages, in addition to their lower
This class of at least nine and possibly ten, installation cost, at least in peacetime.
418 foot long, CODAG powered, 28 knot
ships, at 4,500 tons full load, are slightly Cutters often visit ports where the
larger than Perry­class frigates. Additionally, population is sensitive to a history of U.S.
they have a 12,000 nautical mile cruising interference in their internal affairs. In some
range. As built they are already equipped cases, Coast Guard cutters are welcome,
with: while U.S. Navy ships are not. For this
reason, we might want to make it easy for
­ Navy certified helicopter facilities and even a casual observer to know that the
hangar space to support two H­60 cutter is not armed with powerful offensive
helicopters weapons. Deck mounted launchers can
­ A 57 mm Mk110 gun provide this assurance, in that it is
­ SPQ­9B Fire Control Radar immediately obvious if missile canisters are,
­ Phalanx 20mm Close in Weapon System or are not, mounted. The pictures below
(CIWS) show potential VLS to be considered.
­ 2 SRBOC/ 2 x NULKA countermeasures
chaff/rapid decoy launcher Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC)
­ AN/SLQ­32 Electronic Warfare System
­ EADS 3D TRS­16 AN/SPS­75 Air Search The OPC program of record provides for 25
Radar of these ships. A contract has been awarded
­ A combat system that uses Aegis Baseline 9 to Eastern Shipbuilding Group for detail
software design and construction of the first ship,
­ A Sensitive Compartmented Intelligence with options for eight more. The notional
Facility (SCIF) design is 360 feet long, with a beam of 54
feet and a draft of 17 feet. The OPCs will have
In short, they are already equipped with a sustained speed of 22.5 knots, a range of
virtually everything needed for a missile 10,200 nautical miles (at 14 knots), and an
armed combatant except the specific missile endurance of 60 days. Its hangar will
related equipment. They are in many accommodate one MH­60 or an MH­65 and
respects superior to the Littoral Combat an Unmanned Air System (UAS).
Ships. Adding Cooperative Engagement
Capability might even allow a Mk41 It will have a space for a SCIF but it is not
equipped cutter to effectively launch expected to be initially installed. As built, it
Standard missiles targeted by a third party. will have a Mk38 stabilized 25 mm gun in
lieu of the Phalanx carried by the NSC.
The ships were designed to accept 12 Mk56 Otherwise, the Offshore Patrol Cutter will be
VLS which launch only the Evolved Sea equipped similarly to the National Security
Sparrow missiles (ESSM). Additionally, the Cutter. It will likely have the same Lockheed
builder, Huntington Ingalls, has shown Martin COMBATSS­21 combat management
versions of the class equipped with eight system as the LCS derived frigates. They
Mk41 VLS (located between the gun and could be fitted with cruise missiles and
superstructure) plus eight Harpoon, and possibly Mk56 VLS for ESSM as well. These
Mk32 torpedo tubes (located on the stern). ships will be ice strengthened, taking surface
Adding missiles to the existing hulls should launched cruise missiles into the Arctic.
not be too difficult.
Fast Response Cutter (FRC)
The Mk41 VLS are more flexible in that they
can accommodate cruise missiles, rocket The FRC program of record is to build 58 of
boosted antisubmarine torpedoes (ASROC), these 158 foot, 28 knot, 365 ton vessels. 19

have been delivered and they are being built Small Precision Guided Weapons
at a rate of four to six per year. All 58 are
now either built, building, contracted, or It is not unlikely that Fast Response Cutters
optioned. They are essentially the same will replace the six 110 foot patrol boats
displacement as the Cyclone class PCs albeit currently based in Bahrain. If cutters are to
a little slower, but with better seakeeping be placed in an area where they face a
and a longer range. Even these small ships swarming threat they will need the same
have a range of 2,950 nm. They are armed types of weapons carried or planned for
with Mk 38 mod2 25 mm guns and four .50 Navy combatants to address this threat.
caliber M2 machine guns. These might include the Sea Griffin used on
Navy’s Cyclone­class PCs or Longbow
They are already better equipped than the Hellfires planned for the LCS.
Coast Guard 82 foot patrol boats that were
used for interdiction of covert coastal traffic Additionally, a small number of these
during the Vietnam War. If they were to be missiles on Coast Guard patrol craft would
used to enforce a blockade against larger enhance their ability to deal with small, fast,
vessels, they would need weapons that highly maneuverable threats along the U.S.
could effectively stop medium to large coast and elsewhere.
Light Weight Anti­Surface Torpedoes
Marine Protector Class
If Coast Guard units, particularly smaller
There are 73 of these 87 foot, 91 ton, 26 knot ones, were required to forcibly stop
patrol boats. Four were funded by the Navy potentially hostile merchant ships for the
and provide force protection services for purposes of a blockade, quarantine,
submarines transiting on the surface in and embargo, etc. they would need something
out of King Bay, GA and Bangor, WA. more than the guns currently installed.

If use of these vessels for force protection The U.S. does not currently have a light
were to be expanded to a more hostile weight anti­surface torpedo capable of
environment, they would likely need more targeting a ship’s propellers, but with Elon
than the two .50 caliber M2 machine guns Musk building a battery factory that will
currently carried. The four currently double the worlds current capacity and cars
assigned to force protection units are that accelerate faster than Ferraris, building
currently equipped with an additional a modern electric small anti­surface torpedo
stabilized remote weapon station. should be easy and relatively inexpensive.

Weapons Assuming they have the same attributes of

ASW torpedoes, at about 500 pounds these
Cruise Missiles weapons take up relatively little space. Such
a torpedo would also allow small Coast
The U.S. Navy currently has or is considering Guard units to remain relevant against a
four different surface launched cruise variety of threats.
missiles: Harpoon, Naval Strike Missile
(NSM), Long Range Anti­Ship Missile Conclusion
(LRASM), and Tomahawk. Of these, LRASM
appears most promising for Coast Guard Adding cruise missiles to the Coast Guard
use. Tomahawk is the largest of the four and National Security Cutters and Offshore
both Harpoon and NSM would be workable, Patrol Cutters would increase the number of
but they do not have the range of LRASM. cruise missile­equipped U.S .surface ships by
The intelligence and range claimed for the about 40 percent.
LRASM not only makes it deadlier in
wartime, it also means only a couple of these Coast Guard Patrol craft (WPCs) and patrol
missiles on each of the Coast Guard’s largest boats (WPBs) significantly outnumber their
cutters would allow the Coast Guard’s small Navy counterparts. They could significantly
but widely distributed force to rapidly and increase the capability to deal with
effectively respond to asymmetric threats interdiction of covert coastal traffic, act as a
over virtually the entire U.S. coast as well as force multiplier in conventional conflict, and
compliment the U.S. Navy’s efforts to allow larger USN ships to focus on high­end
complicate the calculus of a near­peer threats provided they are properly equipped
adversary abroad. to deal with the threats. More effective,
longer ranged, and particularly more precise

weapons could also improve the Coast
Guard’s ability to do its homeland security

Thanks to OS2 Michael A. Milburn for

starting the conversation that lead to this

Chuck retired from the Coast Guard after 22

years service. Assignments included four
ships, Rescue Coordination Center New
Orleans, CG HQ, Fleet Training Group San
Diego, Naval War College, and Maritime
Defense Zone Pacific/Pacific Area
Ops/Readiness/Plans. Along the way he
became the first Coast Guard officer to
complete the Tactical Action Officer (TAO)
course and also completed the Naval
Control of Shipping course. He has had a
life­long interest in naval ships and history.
Chuck writes for his blog, Chuck Hill’s CG


Featured Image: Photo: The U.S. Coast Guard high

endurance cutter USCGC Mellon (WHEC­717)
launching a RGM­84 Harpoon missile during tests off
Oxnard, California (USA), in January 1990. by PAC
Ken Freeze, USCG

A Fleet Plan for 2045: The Navy the U.S. Ought to be
By Jan Musil
Rather than the usual discussion of what the be expressly built to operate effectively in the
U.S. Navy has and how to get Congress to high sea states the North Atlantic and North
fund more and better ships and systems, this Pacific are notorious for generating at
article concentrates on the fleet we ought to regular intervals.
be constructing in the decades ahead. 2045
is a useful target date, as there will be very Using the larger turbine engine already in
few of our Cold War era ships left by then, use with the LCS in the new design is
therefore that fleet will reflect what we are expensive, both in construction and
building today and will build in the future. operating costs, but not so much more that it
This article proposes several new ship makes sense to retain two support and
designs and highlights enduring challenges maintenance trails in the fleet and shipyards.
posed by the threat environment. Yes, the extra speed will be nice, but in
reality is not really necessary. But with the
A New Transoceanic Frigate Design larger engine already baked into the Navy’s
operating budget it is better to stick with it
The retirement of the Oliver Hazard Perry­ even if the operating advantages of more
class frigates has left a substantial hole, both speed in deep blue waters are marginal.
in terms of surface ship numbers and ASW
capability in the U.S. Navy’s warfighting Foremost is the wider beam the bigger
capabilities. This is an understandable move turbine will force on the designers. Make a
on our part given recent budget pressures, virtue of this fact by making the focus of the
but this author is convinced we are going to new frigate design its helicopter deck,
have to replace the transoceanic escort and hanger, assigned Seahawk, two Fire Scouts,
ASW capability the class provided to the and ten to twelve TFS buoys. This ship class
fleet. will exist to provide ASW escort to the CSGs,
ARGs and transoceanic convoys operating in
Perry Replacement the deep blue.

Building a class of frigates that are 21st There will be a 5″ gun to put aboard, the
century versions of the Perry class is an basics of AAW self­defense and plenty of
obvious alternative for us to consider. I VLS capability for ASW, AAW and the
suggest designing a slightly larger version, developing distributed long­range strike
say 3800 tons, with a fighting ability heavily abilities the Navy has decided it requires.
focused on the ASW mission. Since the Navy Other than those modifications, this ship
is building plenty of littoral capability in the exists primarily to screen against and/or
various LCS classes, this new design should hunt submarines.

Those concerned over such a design’s lack of Ticonderoga class CGs now in service. We
more substantial AAW and offensive should look to a flexible new cruiser design
capabilities should understand the same that can be adapted for varying purposes
argument used to defend the purchase of the through the mid­21st century.
original Perrys. Neither the Navy nor the
nation can afford to put all three capabilities By using a basic class design incorporating
in substantial measure aboard this small the same propulsion plant installed across
ship build. We couldn’t afford it with a fifty­ various adopted designs we will generate
six ship build against the Soviet Union and very substantial lifetime cost savings.
we cannot afford it with the thirty plus Additional lifetime savings can be gained by
frigates we need to build of this new design using the same bow and forecastle steel
in the decades ahead. framework across the ship classes. A third,
smaller, but still meaningful set of savings
Hull Design Opportunity can be derived from using the same bridge
and AAW working spaces layout. This will
This author shares in the lack of enthusiasm provide a great deal of flexibility in what
for the use of aluminum in the hulls of the types of guns, radars, VLS loadouts,
Independence class. But the potential helicopter deck and hangar layout details are
capabilities of the trimaran portion of that selected to serve the purposes of a particular
class’s design are intriguing. cruiser class.

Whether made of steel or the still­to­be­ Size

proven aluminum, a trimaran hull properly
designed could provide substantial To meet the substantial electrical power
improvements in stability for helicopter needs of the fleet of the future, energize a
operations in high sea states. single railgun if installed, provide plenty of
length and beam for the radars of today and
Traditionally Mediterranean navies, the tomorrow, enough space to house computers
Italians in particular, turned to trimaran and operators and adequate AAW warfare
designs for speed to use against heavier capability, something from 15,000 to
gunned opponents. With the U.S. Navy, 20,0000 tons is needed. Since every ton
speed is never going to be first on a skippers added adds significant construction and
mind in heavily rolling waters, but safely maintenance costs, this author suggests
operating the ships ASW equipment, considering a 17,000 ton modern version of
helicopters, and buoys, frequently will be. the Baltimore­class cruisers built during
WW2. Utilizing a proven sea going design
So let’s take the time in the design phase to like the Baltimore’s for a proven bow and
see what can be designed into the new class forecastle design for all of the cruiser classes
by utilizing a wide beam trimaran design, will provide a cost effective way of providing
possibly a few more missile tubes and AAW ships with good sea keeping abilities, with
assets can be squeezed in topside if the extra fewer design­from­scratch headaches and
beam is available forward of the hangar lower lifetime costs.
deck, even if merely above the waterline.
Finally, the offshore oil industry has had Engine Room
some recent success reducing instability in
their workboats by moving the bridge all the A non­nuclear electric power system such as
way forward to the very front of the ship. The the permanent magnet motor (PMM)
result is a vertical, or nearly vertical bow originally planned for the Zumwalt class is
topside with the amidships area given over another important design parameter that
to work, or in the Navy’s case, fighting space. needs to considered and decided upon from
the very beginning of the design process.
This frigate should cost the taxpayers under Whatever the power plant settled on, it
400 million dollars, probably well under that needs to provide enough electrical power to
figure, making the construction of thirty plus operate one railgun and associated radars, or
ships over the years ahead an affordable the extensive radars, computers and
investment for the Navy in both the number refrigerated working space required by the
of ships and our ASW fighting capabilities. CGs of tomorrow, or the power needs of a
long range ballistic radar if installed. All that
A Flexible New Cruiser Design generation and conversion equipment needs
the space provided by a 17,000 ton sized
In the decade ahead, the U.S. Navy is facing design.
the need to extend and eventually replace the

Bridge, CIC, and Working Spaces CIC and electronic room space for the
computers and sailors aboard, and as many
This issue comes to the forefront for the VLS as practical and this ship class is ready
AAW class of cruiser that will replace the to go.
Ticonderogas. Computers are wonderful
tools, capable of providing multiple ways to CBD – Ballistic Missile Defense Cruiser
enable a fighting sailor. They are also
demanding pieces of equipment that simply This author is far from convinced that
‘just have to be’ at the right temperature, putting a long range ballistic missile radar to
humidity level, amount of electrical power sea is a wise and prudent idea. It almost
provided and discharged, and are highly certainly is not when in close proximity to a
intolerant of any variation in these CSG, ARG, SSG or transoceanic convoy, at
conditions. Sailors are much easier to least on a routine basis.
provide working space for.
That said, the majority of the world's seas
But to be effective, the CGs of the future will are, almost by definition, not in close
also need plenty of thoroughly refrigerated proximity to our primary ocean going assets.
space in the bridge, CIC, electronic There very well may be occasions in the
equipment spaces, and working space for the future when the U.S. Navy can provide a cost
sailors operating and maintaining all of this effective alternative for the president to
gear. And let us not forget the multiple consider making use of by building three
radars that will be installed, ever growing in CBD class cruisers.
size and number, that also require space,
power, and cooling inside the hull. This cruiser design is obviously dominated
by the enormous radar mast mounted
Therefore, designing a large, as uniform as amidships. It is unlikely that a non­nuclear
possible set of working spaces behind the power plant will generate enough power for
forward gun and before the ventilation stack, both radar and a railgun, so it will go to sea
helicopter deck, and hangar is strongly with our standard 5” weapon, as much of the
recommended as a third set of crucial design base bridge, CIC, and electronic working
criteria. spaces that can be accommodated once the
huge ballistic radar requirements are met. It
This author suggests applying the will also include as many VLS tubes that can
suggestions above in the cruiser classes be squeezed in, and a standard, one
listed and briefly described in the following Seahawk­sized helicopter deck and hangar.
The reader can easily come up with
CS – Scout Cruiser alternative cruiser class designs of their own,
whether improvements on the three
Putting one railgun on a scout cruiser, with suggestions above or for other mission
plenty of VLS and helicopter space for requirements not considered in this article.
needed ISR drones, ASW oriented Seahawk, But having a flexible base cruiser design on
two Fire Scouts, and ten TFS buoys while hand, available for development or
completely independent of a CSG is a very alternation as the world changes around us
useful addition to NATO we can make at a seems to be an excellent investment in
far lower cost than any aviation oriented capabilities for the decades ahead.
asset. Particularly since there is a very useful
mission for the cruiser class to perform, CVLN, AORH, and CARN
namely Backfire and Bear hunting in the
North Atlantic, North Sea, or potentially The author has explored a variety of other
even the Barents Sea. ship designs in previous articles that form a
part of the fleet design described here.
CG – AAW Cruiser
The CVLN (carrier aviation light, nuclear
The Navy is going to need fifteen plus AAW powered) is intended to operate with carrier
cruisers as replacements for the task forces, providing a home for the many
Ticonderoga­class as those Cold War ISR drones, UUVs, UAVs and buoys needed
veterans wear out. This class design is easily in the increasingly dangerous A2/AD
described as simply upsizing the environment and to prosecute ASW.
Ticonderoga to 17,000 tons. Give the class
the space and power the radars of today and The AORH (auxiliary oiler replenishment
tomorrow demand to be effective, plenty of helicopter) is a ship class based on a

modified AOR­sized and double hulled enormous difference between Moscow’s
design without a full flight deck, perceived military needs and her ability to
approximately 25,000 tons and oil powered. fund them. This will remain true far into the
This class is intended to provide very 21st century, regardless of how much or little
substantial helicopter and VTOL launching change Putin manages to introduce as a
and servicing capabilities for ASW, response to sanctions and the fall in the
amphibious, special­ops or other missions price of oil.
and then executing these missions alongside
a large variety of allied nation navies; hence That said, Russian naval ambitions and
the built in patrol boat capabilities as well as intentions have been clearly stated and
at least one UNREP station port and certainly include creating and maintaining a
starboard. substantial nuclear powered attack
submarine force to be deployed in the North
The CARN (cruiser gun armor, nuclear Pacific, North Atlantic, and Arctic as needed.
powered) will accompany the fleet’s capital In addition, Moscow clearly intends to
ships to provide defensive AAW capabilities continue fielding enough A2/AD protected
with a primary armament of twelve railguns assets in the Eastern Mediterranean.
in order to realize favorable cost exchanges.
Strategic Demands of the Threat
Environment China has been consistently and thoughtfully
expanding the PLANs capabilities and
For discussion purposes, this author mission choices for years now. This
assumes the usual conventional wisdom expansion has been quite focused, foremost
about the strategic intentions, announced on improving China’s home defense
and anticipated fleet construction plans and situation. The PLAN has also established
patrol utilization patterns of the various abilities to protect and pursue her interests
major Eurasian major powers are mostly in and around the two island chains. Finally,
true and applicable. China has developed modest naval
expeditionary capability for ongoing use in
Russia the Indian Ocean.

Russia has been consistent in describing her To date there does not seem to be any
intentions in fleet building and disposition. interest in creating additional substantial
Given her need to disperse naval assets to capabilities in order to operate far from
four widely separate parts of the world, home waters, much less on the global scale
establish and maintain her strategic ballistic like the U.S. Navy.
missile force, and meet the need for
substantial littoral forces, there is only Unlike Russia, China does have the financial
limited Russian ability to impact U.S. capability to expand the PLAN if desired,
interests far from her shores, certainly both today and in the decades to come. This
nothing like in Soviet days. capability, if exercised to construct
substantial additional surface and attack
The Russians have been quite open in their submarine assets that could be targeted far
intent to field enough attack submarines to out into the Central Pacific, beyond the
reestablish a 21st century version of the old Second Island Chain, would be the single
Soviet anti­convoy abilities in the North greatest change in world conditions
Atlantic. They also are aware of the requiring a revision of the fleet building plan
opportunities that present themselves in presented here.
disrupting trade and generating geopolitical
influence in Northeastern Asian waters as Ships, and mission requirements, are flexible
well as the North Pacific; though they are and can easily be targeted in different areas,
frank that pursuing such a strategy in Pacific and the waters from Taiwan/Okinawa to
waters is some distance down their priority Guam to Hawaii are an obvious alternative
list. Given the many needs the Russian fleet for PLAN planners to study for
has, having enough assets to operate opportunities. This author is not especially
effectively in the North Pacific may always concerned about China’s current fleet in this
remain a hope and intent rather than a regard, but if future PLAN submarine
reality. building includes plentiful nuclear attack
submarines beyond current needs and
As always with Russia, from the days of Ivan tasking, then the U.S. needs to seriously
IV or Peter the Great onward, there is an reassess how it will get fuel and munitions

delivered to Guam or Okinawa. handful of U.S. or other NATO nation
frigates in the North Atlantic or North Sea as
The interlinked issues that Taiwan and Backfire and Bear hunters would be a
China’s substantial A2/AD capabilities raise powerful way to reinforce NATO, and at a far
can be largely mitigated by adding the lower cost than deploying already very busy
suggested CVLN and CARN assets on an CVN assets.
ongoing basis to the CSG operating in the
Western Pacific. A significant amount of Convincing the German Navy to build and
deterrence can be obtained by making the operate two or three ships similar in design
necessary additional investment in these two as an AORH in Baltic waters or around the
new ship classes and the associated North Cape of Norway would also
equipment and doctrine adjustments. substantially improve NATO’s ability to deal
with the challenge Russia presents.
Other challenges presented by China’s
increasing presence and differing intentions Ever Expanding A2/AD Threat
in the region should be manageable, at least
from the Navy’s point of view, by appropriate Threats posed elsewhere, which will almost
deployment of the AORH, LCS, and other always be less powerful than what China has
smaller ship classes that need to be built. built, will have to be met with a mixture of
the new anti­drone, anti­missile weapon
Persian Gulf/Indian Ocean systems under discussion, the assistance of
shore based assets or wide dispersal when
The many complicated rivalries that rend operating in deep blue waters. All of our new
this part of the world show no sign of assets should be built with the ability to
dissipating, meaning that the U.S. Navy will flexibly add or subtract as needed new
need to operate substantial assets on an weapon systems as they are developed over
ongoing basis in the area for decades to the decades to come.
Suggested Fleet
The increasingly difficult challenges
presented by the rise of Al Qaeda, Islamic The following fleet should be able to handle
State, and Iran’s threats to close the Strait of these challenges and threats well into the
Hormuz suggest the need for routine middle of the 21st century.
deployment of a task force operating
independently of the CSG, centered on a SHIP TYPE CURRENT PROPOSED
AORH, one to two LCS, a LSD, and whatever SSBN 13 12
associated or Allied assets are locally present SSGN 4 6
at any given time for years to come. SSN 3 0
SSN 12 24
SSN 38 0
The renewed challenge to NATO that is SSN 0 24
being made by Russia should be met with a CVN 11 11
different set of assets than were deployed CVLN 0 6
during the Cold War. Modern day challenges AORH 0 9
in A2/AD capabilities, a more substantive AORH 0 2
Eastern Mediterranean presence, resumed CARN 0 9
Backfire and Bear patrols, and the intent to CS 0 3
resume routine attack submarine patrols in CBD 0 3
the North Atlantic require a different set of CG 22 15
fleet assets now and in the future. DDG 3 3
DDG 66 57
Much of these changes will have to come FF 0 30
ashore in various locations across Europe. As FF 0 5
always the substantial littoral assets needed FP 16 16
should be provided by our allies in NATO. FM 12 12
FM 12 12
We do have unique abilities to provide, EPF 12 12
particularly the Aegis system whether at sea LHA/LHD 11 12
or installed ashore, and the new railgun. LCC 2 2
Establishing a routine task force centered on LPD/LXR 9 18
the suggested scout cruiser (CS) class and a LSD 12 18

ESD 2 4
ESB 2 4
T­AO 15 17
T­AKE 12 12
AS 2 2


At just over 340 ships, this suggested fleet

plan provides the U.S. Navy with an
adequate number of vessels, while
simultaneously adding needed new high­end
surface ship designs and providing the
numbers of smaller ships the nation needs
now and will need into the future. As always,
the time to start planning ahead is now.

Jan Musil is a Vietnam era Navy veteran,

disenchanted ex­corporate middle manager,
and long time entrepreneur currently
working as an author of science fiction
novels. He is also a long­standing student of
navies in general, post­1930 ship
construction thinking, design hopes versus
actual results, and fleet composition debates
of the twentieth century.


Featured Image: PACIFIC OCEAN (July 22, 2016) ­

The Nimitz­class aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis
(CVN 74) conducts a vertical replenishment with the
Military Sealift Command fast combat support ship
USNS Rainier (T­AOE 7) during Rim of the Pacific
(RIMPAC) 2016. (U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Ryan J.

Closing Remarks on Changing
Naval Force Structure
By Wayne P. Hughes Jr.
The biggest deficiencies in reformulating the CVN wing is more than is needed for long
U. S. Navy’s force structure are (1) a failure term littoral operations. Thus, there were
to take the shrinking defense budget into enough billets to more widely distribute
account which (2) allows every critic or across the NPS fleet.
proponent to be like the blind men who
formulated their description of an elephant Those who haven’t thought about all the
by touching only his trunk, tail, leg, or tusk. elements of a 600­ship navy will have a lot of
To get an appreciation of the size of the questions about logistics, flying off smaller
problem you have to describe the whole carriers, new tactics to accompany the new
beast, and what is even harder, to get him to technologies, procedures to deal with
change direction by hitting him over the warships damaged from missile attacks, and
head repeatedly. so forth. The Navy must confront its budget
crunch while needing to buy more expensive
A good thesis to make the point is by LT missiles in greater numbers, restoring the
Juan L. Carrasco, published in 2009, titled SSBN fleet, sustaining the APN dollars to
"A Manpower Comparison of Three U. S. buy ever­more expensive aircraft, supporting
Navies: The Current Fleet, a Projected 313 Marine expeditionary operations,
Ship Fleet, and a More Distributed Bimodal structuring an offensively capable surface
Alternative." It explores the number of fleet ship fleet, building up—or merely
billets in (1) the then current 285 ship fleet sustaining—our increasingly valuable
(2) the proposed, now defunct, 313 ship submarine forces, and maintaining enough
Navy, and (3) a new fleet of over 650 vessels CLF ships to take some losses and continue
designed by nine members of the NPS to maintain the fleet forward. This will take a
faculty that included more than 260 smaller lot more original thinking about the role of
coastal warships. Carrasco showed, unmanned and robotic vehicles of many
remarkably enough, the NPS­designed fleet kinds, more teaming with partner nations,
required the fewest afloat billets. Looking at forward bases that support our friends in
the details reveal why. One major reason was East Asia and Europe, applications of
that the then­current Navy’s eleven CVNs offensive cyber warfare, achieving more
took 46% of all fleet billets in 285 ship navy, stealthy C2 ways to attack effectively first, all
so when the NPS­designed fleet cut the to achieve the end goal of building a more
number of CVNs to six and added more than distributable, combat ready 21st century
a dozen small sea­based air platforms, then U. S. Navy.
they were more distributable 100,000 ton
carriers. The smaller ones, more like a CVL Captain Hughes is a designated professor in
in size, can operate in littoral waters where a the Department of Operations Research at

the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey,
California. He is a graduate of the U.S.
Naval Academy and holds a master of
science degree in operations research from
the Naval Postgraduate School. On active
duty he commanded a minesweeper and a
destroyer, directed a large training
command, served as deputy director of
Systems Analysis (OP­96), and was aide to
Under Secretary of the Navy R. James
Woolsey. At the Naval Postgraduate School
for twenty­six years, he has served in the
Chair of Applied Systems Analysis, as the
first incumbent of the Chair of Tactical
Analysis, and as dean of the Graduate
School of Operational and Information
Sciences. Captain Hughes is author of
Military Modeling (1984), Fleet Tactics:
Theory and Practice (1986), Fleet Tactics
and Coastal Combat (2000), and he is a
coauthor of A Concise Theory of Combat
(1997). He served as a member of the Naval
War College Press Advisory Board for over
twenty­five years, until 2012.


Featured Image: PHILIPPINE SEA (Sept. 23, 2016)

The forward­deployed Arleigh Burke­class guided­
missile destroyer USS Barry (DDG 52) steams in
formation with, from left to right, the amphibious
transport dock ship USS Green Bay (LPD 20), the
amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard
(LHD 6), the amphibious dock landing ship USS
Germantown (LSD 42), USS Ronald Reagan (CVN
76), the Arleigh Burke­class guided­missile destroyer
USS Benfold (DDG 65), the Ticonderoga­class
guided­missile cruiser USS Chancellorsville (CG 62),
and the Arleigh Burke­class guided­missile destroyer
USS Stethem (DDG 63) during a photo exercise
during Valiant Shield 2016. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass
Communication Specialist 2nd Class Kevin V.



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