Materi Pertemuan 6 Reading Skill (2) - Finding Specific Information

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Finding specific information is a Reading sub-skill that aims to help students to get
specific information found in a text. This sub-skill is a literal understanding; and students
need to know the difference between important and unimportant information since not all
information in the text is important.
Finding specific information presents answers to questions concerning with facts by
using Question Words such as: Who, What, When, Where, and How. It is necessary for
students to realize the existing information that is important when they read or learn various
types of texts. Therefore, in this material 6 it will be presented subject/topic on Finding
Specific Information; and sub-subjects/topics on:
A. Reading text entitled “A Sole Proprietorship”
B. Vocabulary and Terminology
After learning that material, students are expected to be able:
1. To know about a business form called A Sole Proprietorship
2. To define a sole proprietorship
3. To answer questions related to a sole proprietorship
4. To know the meanings of words in vocabulary and to use some terms related to
sole proprietorship.

A. Reading for details

Reading Text
A Sole Proprietorship
A business may be privately owned in three important forms. They are a sole
proprietorship, the partnership, and the corporation. The sole proprietorship is the most
common in American business. More than 80 percent of all businesses in the United States
are sole proprietorships.
Sole proprietorships, however, do not do the greatest volume of business. They account
for less than 16 percent of all business receipts. What kind of business is likely to be a sole
proprietorship? These small businesses are very often service industries such as laundromats,
beauty salons, and repair shops.
A sole proprietorship does not need a lawyer to form a business. The owner can start or
stop the business whenever he likes. He also does not need to consult partners or a board of
directors, so he can put his policies into effect quickly. He can decide his vacations, salary,
hiring and firing. Besides that a sole proprietorship has some of the risks. The most important
risk to remember is that it has unlimited liability. The owner is responsible for all the
business debts. If there is a bankruptcy, he will lose his own personal assets. Another things
to know is that he will not get some of the tax benefits other type of business get. A book
keeper is needed unless the owner can do the books himself.

B. Vocabulary and Terminology

1. Vocabulary: Kosakata
Vocabulary atau kosakata adalah kata-kata yang memiliki padanan kata atau
persamaan arti dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris.
Berikut adalah kata-kata yang diambil dari teks bacaan dengan artinya dalam
Bahasa Indonesia/Inggris.
- Sole : tunggal [single, one]
- Proprietorship : kepemilikan (ownership)
- Privately : secara pribadi
- Common : umum (general)
- Volume : isi, volume
- Account for : mempertanggung jawabkan
- Receipts : penerimaan
- (is) likely : mungkin, kemungkinan
- Laundromats : binatu
- Hiring : menyewa, mempekerjakan, penggajian
- Firing : pengeluaran dari pekerjaan, pemecatan
- Liability : hutang piutang
- Unlimited : tidak terbatas
- Debts [dѐts] : hutang
- Bankruptcy : kebangkrutan
- Assets : harta, kekayaan
- Benefit : keuntungan
- Tax : pajak
2. Terminology: Peristilahan
Berikut adalah beberapa istilah yang diambil dari teks bacaan dengan pengertian
dalam Bahasa Indonesia/Inggris.
- A sole proprietorship adalah suatu bentuk usaha yang dimiliki secara pribadi
oleh satu orang (a sole proprietorship is a form of business which is owned
privately by one person).
A sole proprietorship juga disebut dalam Bahasa Inggris: a single business / an
individual business / a one-man business.
- Service industries : industri jasa
- Repair shops : toko reparasi
- A board of directors : dewan direksi
- A book keeper : pemegang buku (orang yang ahli dalam pembukuan /
tata buku
I. Formal tests
a. Please answer the following Questions:
1. What are the three important forms of business that can be privately owned?
2. What is a sole proprietorship?
3. What is the most common form of the American businesses?
4. Is it easy to form a sole proprietorship?
5. How can we start the business of a sole proprietorship?
6. When does the owner of a sole proprietorship need a book keeper?
b. Fill in the blanks with correct words to complete the sentences below:
1. A sole proprietorship is very often a small . . . . . that deals in service.
2. The . . . . . industries do not manufacture products.
3. Eighty four percent of all business . . . . . are not from sole proprietorships.
4. Less than 20 percent of American businesses are partnerships or . . . . .

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