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Experiment 1: Color Addition

Required Equipment from Basic Optics System

Light Source

Convex Lens from Ray Optics Kit

Other Required Equipment

Red, blue, and black pens

Blank white paper


In Part 1 of this experiment, you will discover the results of Light source
mixing red, green, and blue light in different combinations.

Part 1: Addition of Colored Light Convex lens

Procedure Folded paper

1. Turn the wheel on the light source to select the red,

green, and blue color bars. Fold a blank, white sheet of
paper, as shown in Figure. Lay the paper on a flat Red, green,
surface and put the light source on it so that the colored and blue rays
rays are projected along the horizontal part of the paper
and onto the vertical part.

Figure : Color addition

2. Place the convex lens near the ray box so it focuses the rays and causes them
to cross at the vertical part of the paper.

Note: The lens has one flat edge. Place the flat edge on the paper so the lens stands
stably without rocking.

3. What is the resulting color where the three

colors come together? Record your Table 1.1: Results of Colored Light Addition
observation in Table.
Colors Added Resulting Color

4. Now block the green ray with a pencil. red + blue + green white
What color results from adding red and
red + blue magenta
blue light? Record the result in Table.
red + green yellow
5. Block each color in succession to see the
green + blue cyan
addition of the other two colors and
complete Table.
 Is mixing colored light the same as mixing colored paint? Explain.
ANS: Mixing of colors is not the same as mixing of lights. Mixing of colors described by Subtractive color
model which has yellow, red and blue as primary colors. Mixing of light is described by Additive color
model (RGB) with blue, red and green as primary colors. Adding red light to green light gives you yellow
light, add in blue and get white light. Paint, on the other hand, is about absorption and reflection. Yellow
paint absorbs blue light, and reflects red and green. Red paint absorbs green and blue light, and reflects red.
Mix them together and you get a paint that absorbs blue light, absorbs half of green light and reflects the
other half, and reflects red: orange paint. Mixing of light is additive color addition while mixing of colors is
subtractive color addition.
 White light is said to be the mixture of all colors. In this experiment, did
mixing red, green, and blue light result in white? Explain.
ANS: Red, blue, green are primary colors of light, when we mix them all
together we get white light.
Experiment 2: Prism
Required Equipment from Basic Optics System

Light Source

Trapezoid from Ray Optics Kit

Blank white paper

Purpose Incident ray

Normal to surface
The purpose of this experiment is to show how a
prism separates white light into its component colors q
and to show that different colors are refracted at
different angles through a prism. n
1 Surface

Theory n

When a monochromatic light ray crosses from one

medium (such as air) to another (such as acrylic), it is q
refracted. According to Snell’s Law, Refracted ray

n 1sin θ1 = n2sin θ2 (n1 > n2)

Figure : Refraction of Light

the angle of refraction (θ2) depends on the angle of incidence (θ1) and the indices of
refraction of both media (n1 and n2), as shown in Figure 2.1. Because the index of
refraction for light varies with the frequency of the light, white light that enters the
material (at an angle other than 0°) will separate into its component colors as each
fre-quency is bent a different amount.

The trapezoid is made of acrylic which has an index of refraction of 1.497 for light
of wavelength 486 nm in a vacuum (blue light), 1.491 for wavelength 589 nm
(yellow), and 1.489 for wavelength 651 nm (red). In general for visible light, index
of refrac-tion increases with increasing frequency.


1. Place the light source in ray-box mode on a sheet of blank white paper. Turn
the wheel to select a single white ray.


Single white ray


Normal to surface


2. Position the trapezoid as shown in Figure. The acute-angled end of the trapezoid
is used as a prism in this experiment. Keep the ray near the point of the
trapezoid for maximum transmission of the light.
Basic Optics System Experiment 2: Prism

 Rotate the trapezoid until the angle  of the emerging ray is as large as
possible and the ray separates into colors.
(a) What colors do you see? In what order are they?
ANS: We see all rainbow colors but red, blue and green are more prominent.
The order is as follows: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet.
(b) Which color is refracted at the largest angle?
ANS: Violet color has the smallest wavelength thus has the largest refractive angle.
(c) According to Snell’s Law and the information given about the
frequency dependence of the index of refraction for acrylic, which color
is predicted to refract at the largest angle?
ANS: Color with largest frequency will have the largest refractive angle,
as n= (v/c) and v= frequency* wavelength and sin (theta) = (1/n).
Snell’s Law states that:
n1 sinΘ1 = n2 sinΘ2 Where n1 =c/v1
So after solving we get the direct relation between angle of refraction and
frequency, and further we get to know that frequency is inversely
proportional to index of refraction. So violet deflects at greater angle
correspondingly having greater frequency.

 Without repositioning the light source, turn the wheel to select the three
primary color rays. The colored rays should enter trapezoid at the same angle
that the white ray did. Do the colored rays emerge from the trapezoid parallel
to each other? Why or why not?
ANS: Colored rays remain parallel after passing through Trapezoid. Primary
colors i-e, red, blue and green all have individual definite wavelength and
they are monochromatic. So after passing through trapezoid they exit by
keeping the same distance between each other and remained parallel. That’s
why they depict a parallel behavior.
Experiment 3: Reflection
Required Equipment from Basic Optics System

Light Source

Mirror from Ray Optics Kit

Other Required Equipment

Drawing compass


Metric ruler

White paper


In this experiment, you will study how rays are reflected from different types of mir-
rors. You will measure the focal length and determine the radius of curvature of a
con-cave mirror and a convex mirror.

Part 1: Plane Mirror


1. Place the light source in ray-box mode on a blank sheet

of white paper. Turn the wheel to select a single ray.
Incident ray
2. Place the mirror on the paper. Position the plane (flat) surface of
the mirror in the path of the incident ray at an angle that allows
Normal to
you to clearly see the incident and reflected rays.

3. On the paper, trace and label the surface of the plane mirror and
Reflected ray
the incident and reflected rays. Indicate the incoming and the
outgoing rays with arrows in the appropriate directions. Figure

4. Remove the light source and mirror from the paper. On the
paper, draw the normal to the surface (as in Figure 3.1).

5. Measure the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection. Measure these
angles from the normal. Record the angles in the first row.

6. Repeat steps 1–5 with a different angle of incidence. Repeat the procedure
again to complete Table 3.1 with three different angles of incidence.
Plane Mirror Results

Angle of Incidence Angle of Reflection

20.5 degree 20.5 degree

43 degree 43.5 degree
59 degree 57.5 degree
Turn the wheel on the light source to select the three primary color rays. Shine the colored rays at an angle to the plane
mirror. Mark the position of the surface of the plane mirror and trace the incident and reflected rays. Indicate the colors of
the incoming and the outgoing rays and mark them with arrows in the appropriate directions.
 What is the relationship between the angles of incidence and reflection?
ANS: According to law of reflection:
Angle of reflection =angle of incident
 Are the three colored rays reversed left-to-right by the plane mirror?
ANS: No the colored rays are not reversed. The pattern remains same.
Basic Optics System Experiment 3: Reflection

Part 2: Cylindrical Mirrors

A concave cylindrical mirror focuses incoming parallel rays at its focal focal
point. The focal length ( f ) is the distance from the focal point to the point
cen-ter of the mirror surface. The radius of curvature (R) of the mirror
is twice the focal length. See Figure 3.2.
1. Turn the wheel on the light source to select five parallel rays. Shine
the rays straight into the concave mirror so that the light is reflected
back toward the ray box (see Figure 3.3). Trace the surface of the
mirror and the incident and reflected rays. Indicate the incoming
and the outgoing rays with arrows in the appropriate directions.
(You can now remove the light source and mirror from the paper.)

2. The place where the five reflected rays cross each other is the focal
Incident rays
point of the mirror. Mark the focal point.

3. Measure the focal length from the center of the concave mirror sur-
face (where the middle ray hit the mirror) to the focal point. Record
the result in Table.

4. Use a compass to draw a circle that matches the curvature of the

mirror (you will have to make several tries with the compass set to Figure 3.3
different widths before you find the right one). Measure the radius
of curvature and record it in Table.

5. Repeat steps 1–4 for the convex mirror. Note that in step 3, the reflected rays will
diverge, and they will not cross. Use a ruler to extend the reflected rays back behind
the mirror’s surface. The focal point is where these extended rays cross.

Table: Cylindrical Mirror Results

Concave Mirror Convex Mirror

Focal Length 5.4cm 6.4cm

Radius of Curvature
(determined using compass) 10.8cm 12.5cm

 What is the relationship between the focal length of a cylindrical mirror and its
radius of curvature? Do your results confirm your answer?
ANS: relation between focal length of cylindrical mirror and its radius of
curvature is as follows:
2( focal length)= radius of curvature
Yes our experimental readings confirm these relation.
 What is the radius of curvature of a plane mirror?
ANS: The radius of curvature of a plane mirror is infinity.
Experiment 4: Snell’s Law

Experiment 4: Snell’s Law

Required Equipment from Basic Optics System

Light Source

Trapezoid from Ray Optics Kit

Other Required Equipment


White paper


The purpose of this experiment is to determine the Incident ray

index of refraction of the acrylic trapezoid. For rays Normal to surface
entering the trapezoid, you will measure the angles of
incidence and refraction and use Snell’s Law to q1
calculate the index of refraction.
For light crossing the boundary between two
transparent materials, Snell’s Law states

n 1sin θ1 = n2sin θ2 Refracted ray

where θ1 is the angle of incidence, θ2 is the angle of (n1 > n2)

refraction, and n1 and n 2 are the respective indices
of refraction of the materials (see Figure 4.1).


1. Place the light source in ray-box mode on a sheet of

white paper. Turn the wheel to select a single ray.
2. Place the trapezoid on the paper and position it so
the ray passes through the parallel sides as shown Incident ray
in Figure 4.2.

3. Mark the position of the parallel surfaces of the

trapezoid and trace the incident and transmitted
Rays. Indicate the incoming and the outgoing rays with arrows in the appropriate
directions. Carefully mark where the rays enter and leave the trapezoid.

4. Remove the trapezoid and draw a line on the paper connecting the points where
the rays entered and left the trapezoid. This line represents the ray inside the

5. Choose either the point where the ray enters the trapezoid or the point where
the ray leaves the trapezoid. At this point, draw the normal to the surface.
6. Measure the angle of incidence (θi) and the angle of refraction with a
protractor. Both of these angles should be measured from the normal. Record
the angles in the first row of Table 4.1.
Basic Optics System Experiment 4: Snell’s Law

7. On a new sheet of paper, repeat steps 2–6 with a different angle of incidence.
Repeat these steps again with a third angle of incidence. The first two columns
of Table 4.1 should now be filled.
Table 4.1: Data and Results

Angle of Incidence Angle of Refraction

40ᵒ 25ᵒ
38ᵒ 65ᵒ
37ᵒ 21.5ᵒ
Average: 1.54


1. For each row of Table 4.1, use Snell’s Law to calculate the index of
refraction, assuming the index of refraction of air is 1.0.

ANS: The relevant calculations have been performed above and the readings
have been entered in the last column of table 4.1.

2. Average the three values of the index of refraction. Compare the average to
the accepted value (n = 1.5) by calculating the percent difference.

‫ ׀‬original−calculated ‫׀‬
ANS: Percent difference = × 100 %
‫ ׀‬1.5−1.54 ‫׀‬
= ×100 %
= 2.67%


What is the angle of the ray that leaves the trapezoid relative to the ray that enters it?

ANS: The angle between the two rays is 0 because the rays are parallel. The ray entering the trapezoid bends
towards and then away from normal by equal amounts.
Experiment 5: Total Internal Reflection

Experiment 5: Total Internal Reflection

Required Equipment from Basic Optics System

Light Source

Trapezoid from Ray Optics Kit

Other Required Equipment


White paper


In this experiment, you will determine the critical angle at which total internal
reflection occurs in the acrylic trapezoid and confirm your result using Snell’s Law.

Incident ray Reflected ray
For light crossing the boundary between two q1
transparent materials, Snell’s Law states

n 1sin θ1 = n2sin θ2

where θ1 is the angle of incidence, θ2 is the angle of n1 Surface

refraction, and n1 and n 2 are the respective indices
of refraction of the materials (see Figure 5.1).
Refracted ray
In this experiment, you will study a ray as it passes out of
the trapezoid, from acrylic (n = 1.5) to air (nair = 1). q2 (n1 > n2)
If the incident angle (θ1) is greater than the critical Figure 5.1
angle (θc), there is no refracted ray and total internal
reflection occurs. If θ1 = θc, the angle of the refracted
ray (θ2) is 90°, as in Figure 5.2.

In this case, Snell’s Law states:

n sin θc = 1 sin 90°

Incident ray Reflected ray

Solving for the sine of critical angle gives: qc

sin θc=
n n
nair= 1 Refracted ray


Figure 5.2
Basic Optics System Experiment 5: Total Internal Reflection


1. Place the light source in ray-box mode on a sheet of white paper. Turn Reflected
the wheel to select a single ray.
2. Position the trapezoid as shown in Figure 5.3, with the ray entering
the trapezoid at least 2 cm from the tip. ray Refracted
3. Rotate the trapezoid until the emerging ray just barely disappears. Just as
it disappears, the ray separates into colors. The trapezoid is correctly
posi-tioned if the red has just disappeared.
Figure 5.3
4. Mark the surfaces of the trapezoid. Mark exactly the point on the
surface where the ray is internally reflected. Also mark the entrance
point of the incident ray and the exit point of the reflected ray.

5. Remove the trapezoid and draw the rays that are incident upon and Exit point
reflected from the inside surface of the trapezoid. See Figure 5.4.
Measure the angle between these rays using a protractor. (Extend these
rays to make the protractor easier to use.) Note that this angle is twice
the critical angle because the angle of incidence equals the angle of
reflection. Record the critical angle here:
θc = ___41.5ᵒ___ (experimental) R

Entrance point point

6. Calculate the critical angle using Snell’s Law and the given index of
refraction for Acrylic (n = 1.5). Record the theoretical value here: Figure 5.4

θc = ___41.8ᵒ___ (theoretical)

7. Calculate the percent difference between the measured and theoretical


% difference = × 100 % = 0.71%


1. How does the brightness of the internally reflected ray change when the
incident angle changes from less than θc to greater than θc?

ANS: As the trapezoid is rotated such that angle of reflection increases, the
intensity of the internally reflected ray increases as we go from less than θc to
θc. For angles greater than θc the intensity of the ray is constant.

2. Is the critical angle greater for red light or violet light? What does this tell you
about the index of refraction?

ANS: Red light disappears last as we rotate the trapezoid in the previous
question. So it has greater critical angle than violet light. We know that
sin θc=
Since sin θc for red light is greater than sin θc for violet light so n (red) is less
than n (violet).
Experiment 6: Convex and Concave Lenses

Experiment 6: Convex and Concave Lenses

Required Equipment from Basic Optics System

Light Source

Convex Lens from Ray Optics Kit

Concave Lens from Ray Optics Kit

Other Required Equipment

Metric ruler


In this experiment, you will explore the difference between convex and
concave lenses and determine their focal lengths.


When parallel light rays pass through a thin lens, they emerge either converging or
diverging. The point where the converging rays (or their extensions) cross is the
focal point of the lens. The focal length of the lens is the distance from the center of
the lens to the focal point. If the rays diverge, the focal length is negative.

Incoming rays
1. Place the light source in ray-box mode on a white sheet of paper. Turn the
wheel to select three parallel rays. Shine the rays straight into the convex lens
(see Fig-ure 6.1).

Note: The lenses used in this experiment have one flat edge. Place the flat edge on Convex lens
the paper so the lens stands stably without rocking.
Figure 6.1

2. Trace around the surface of the lens and trace the incident and transmitted rays.
Indicate the incoming and the outgoing rays with arrows in the appropriate

3. The point where the outgoing rays cross is the focal point of the lens. Measure
the focal length from the center of the lens to the focal point. Record the result
in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1: Results
Convex lens Concave lens
(cm) (cm)
Focal 15 -12

4. Repeat the procedure with the concave lens. Note that in step 3, the rays leaving
the lens are diverging and do not cross. Use a ruler to extend the outgoing rays
straight back through the lens. The focal point is where these extended rays
cross. (Remember to record the focal length as a negative number.)

Basic Optics System Experiment 6: Convex and Concave Lenses

5. Nest the convex and concave lenses together and place them in the path of the
parallel rays (see Figure 6.2). Trace the rays. Are the outgoing rays converging,
diverging or parallel? What does this tell you about the relationship between
the focal lengths of these two lenses?

ANS: The outgoing rays are parallel because the second lens converges /
diverges the rays by the same amount that the first lens diverges / converges
the rays. So the focal lengths of the two lenses should be equal but opposite
in sign.

6. Slide the convex and concave lenses apart by a few centimeters and observe the
effect. Then reverse the order of the lenses. Trace at least one pattern of this type.
What is the effect of changing the distance between the lenses? What is the effect Figure 6.2
of reversing their positions?

ANS: In this case the rays converge when first concave lens is placed and then
convex lens. The rays diverge when first convex lens is placed and then concave lens.
Changing the distance between the lenses changes the position of point of

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