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BAI TAP 12 THi 1. We are pleased to announce that Ms. Vier her new position as market analyst on September 30. (A) has been starting (B) will be starting (C) was started _(D) is being started Voca: be pleased to~ vui long dé; as ~ nhu 1a; market analyst-nha phan tich thj trudng. Dich nghia: Ching tdi vui mirng thong bao ring ba Vieri sé bit dau vi tri méi véi tw cAch lA nha phan tich thj trong vao ngay 30 thang 9. 2. Sylvia Cho --- her training at Frio County Animal Hospital last week and will begin working as a veterinary technician. (A) will conclude (B) to conclude (C) concludes (D) concluded Voca: training~ vige dao tao; veterinary technician~ky thuat vién thi y; conclude ~ két thie, két lun. Dich nghia: Sylvia Cho aa két thie kha dao tao cia minh tai Bénh vign Dgng vit Hat Frio vao tuan truée va sé bat dau lam vige nhw la mot ky thuat vién thi y. 3. Last year, the Hansford Automobile catalog ------air-conditioning and digital radios as standard features in all automobiles. (A) listed (B) list (©) listing (D) to list Voca: catalog ~ danh muc; air-conditioning~diéu hoa khng khi ; digital ~ ky thuat sé; standard feature~ tinh nang tiéu chuan; automobile~ 6 t6. Djch nghia: Nam ngoai, danh myc 6 té Hansford 4a ligt ké digu hoa khdng khi va radio ky thuat sé lA cdc tinh nding tiéu chun trong tit cd cic 6 t6. 4, By the time Ms. Okada- preliminary negotiations by telephone. -in Incheon for the sales meeting, she had already completed (A) arrives (B) arrived (©) has arrived (D) will arrive Voca: By the time~ truéc, vao thoi dié preliminary negotiation~dam phan so b6. sales meeting~cuge hop ban hang; already ~ a r Dich nghia: Vao thai diém ba Okada dén Incheon cho cudc hop ban hang, ba da hoan tt cdc cuge dam phan sob} qua dign thoai. 5. Next year, Khosun Industries will -------several employees to work in the new factory in Kuala Lumpur. (A) sent (B) send (C) sends (D) sending ~ mét vai; factory ~ nha may, Djch nghia: Nam téi, Khosun Industries sé cir mét s6 nhin vién dén lam vige tai nha may moi 6 Kuala Lumpur. 6. Daily guided tours ------at 10:00 A.M. in the reception area on the first floor. (A) begin (B) begins (C) to begin (D) beginning Voca: guided tour~ chuyéh du lich 6 huéng dan; reception area ~ Dich nghfa: Cac tour du lich c6 huéng din hing ngay bat dau lic 10:00 A.M. trong khu vue tiép tan 6 tng mat. Dich nghia: Cac tour du lich cé hwéng dan hang ngay bat dau lic 10:00 A.M. trong khu vire -very popular right now because they are so easy to use. (A) became (B) are becoming (C) to become —_(D) becomes Voca: popular ~ phd bién; become ~ tr nén. Dich nghia: May anh Magnum Plus dang tré nén rat phé bién ngay bay gid vi ching rt dé sir dung. defending an argument, synthesizing information, and writing precisely and (A) include (B) includes (C) including (D) inclusion Voca: defend~ bao vé; argument~ lap ludn; synthesize~ téng hgp; precisely~ chinh xac; concisely~ ngin gon, Dich nghia: Cac chit dé bao gdm bao vé ly Ié, tong hop thong tin va viét bai mot cach chinh xac va stic tich. 9, Liza Baley recently Nightfall. --positive reviews for her performance in Mike Keric's new drama, (A) receives (B) was receiving (C) is received (D) received Voca: recently~ gan day; positive review~ danh gia tich eye; performance ~ budi biéu dign; drama~ vo kich, Djech nghia: Liza Baley gin day di nh§n duge nhing danh gid tich eye cho vai dién cita e6 trong b@ phim méi ciia Mike Keric, Nightfall. 10. By the time the magazine article on home security devices information had already outdated. on the newsstands, the pricing (A) appears (B) appeared (C) will appear (D) appearing ne article~bai bao trén tap chi; home security device~ thiét bj an ninh gia dinh; 1 thoi, duge tiét 16. Voca: maga: newsstands~ sap bo; pricing information~ thong tin vé gid ca; outdated~ Dich nghia: Truéc khi bai bao trén tap chi vé cdc thiét bj an ninh gia dinh xudt hign trén cde quay bao, théng tin vé gia da 16i thoi. -the kitchen at the Hokulea Cafe 11. At the end of next month, executive chef Tracy Nakagawa for ten years. (A) has supervised (B) will have supervised had been supervising (D) is supervising Voca: executive chef~ bép truéng; executive~ ngudi diéu hanh; supervised~ giam sat. Dich ngl ‘Ao cudi thing téi, bép truéng diéu hanh Tracy Nakagawa sé gidm sat nha bép tai quan ca phé Hokulea trong mudi nim, 12, By the time Clear Blaze Technology's word processing program goes on the market, software engineers its remaining flaws. (A) will have corrected (B) had been correcting (C) are correcting (D) will correct Voca: word processing program~ chuong trinh xit ly vin ban; on the market~ trén thj truémg; engineer~ ky su; remaining~ cdn lai; flaw ~ 165i. Djch nghia: Trude khi chuong trinh xir ly vn ban cia Clear Blaze Technology xuat hign trén thi trong, cae ky sw phiin mém sé sia cae 15i con lai cia nd. 13. Taiwan Knitwear Corporation's board of directors annual report. for two hours yesterday to review the (A) met (B) meet (C) meets (D) meeting Voca: board of directors~ ban giam déc; annual report~ bao co hang nam. Djch nghia: Hi ddng quan trj cia TAp don Dét kim Dai Loan da hop hai gid’ hom qua dé xem xét bao cdo thurong nién, 14, Maria Vegas keynote address at next month's Entrepreneurs Symposium in Singapore ~ short video. -- bya (A) was preceded (B) will be preceded (C) would preced (D) were to precede Voca: keynote address~ bai phat biéu quan trong; precede~ mé diu, di truée. Dich nghia: Bai phat biéu quan trong cia Maria Vegas tai Hi nghj chuyén gia doanh nhan vao thang téi tai Singapore sé dwgc mé dau bang mt doan video ngan. 15. The airport shuttle -~ - every hour from the hotel's front entrance. (A) depart (B) was departed (C) are departing (D) departs Voca: airport shuttle~Xe dua dén sin bay; entrance~ 181 vao; depart ~ khéi hanh. Djch nghia: Xe dua d6n sn bay khéi hanh mii gid tir 16i vao phia truée cia khach san. 16, Trains —- at 9:00 A.M. Monday through Friday (A) depart (B) is departed (C) departs. (D) is departing Djch nghia: Xe lira khéi hnh Iie 9:00 A.M, tir thir Hai dén thir Sau, 17. The Globe Lighting Supply handbook —~ alist of important company telephone numbers. (A) contain (B) containing (C) are contained —_(D) contains Voca: handbook~ cm nang, sch; contain ~ chita. Djch nghia: Cam nang Cung c4p Anh sang Toan cau chira danh sach cae s6 dign thogi quan trong cia cong ty. 18. The manufacturer the warranty on its latest camera models by twelve months. (A) extend (B) were extended (C) extending (D) has extended Voca: warranty ~ bao hanh; extend ~ kéo dai, mé rong. Dich ngh muri hai thing. : Nha sin xuat di gia han bao hanh cho céc miu méy anh méi nhat cia minh thém 19. Guitarist Carlos Roldan -- ~ his newest music at a fund-raising concert in Madrid last month. (A) performed (B) performs (C) performing (D) will perform Voca: Guitarist~ nghé si guitar; fund-raising concert ~budi hoa nhac gay quy; perform~ biéu dién, Dich nghia: Guitarist Carlos Roldan da biéu dién 4m nhac méi nhat cia minh tai mét budi hoa nhge gy quy & Madrid vao thang truée. 20. Inclement weather and a reduced workforce Kern Science Center. the greatest challenges to the renovation of the (A) have posed (B) is posing (©) does pose (D) has been posed Voca: inclement~ xau, khic nghi renovation~ cai tao; pose ~d&t ra. workforce~lyc Iugng lao dong; challenge~ thir thach; Dich nghia: Thai tiét khie nghigt va lye lurgng lao dng gidm da dit ra nhitng thich thite lin nhat déi véi vige cai tao Trung tam Khoa hoc Kern. 21. By the time Ms, Valspar retires as president of Movene Technologies, she to increase the company's market share significantly. (A) manages (B) will haye managed (C) managed _(D) has been managing Voca: retire~ nghi hwu; market share~ thi phan; significantly~ dang ké. Dich nghia: Truée khi ba Valspar nghi hwu vi tu eéeh 1a chi é ting thj phan cia céng ty mt cach ding ki h ciia Movene Technologies, 22. Before Mr. Kim joined our company as a sales analyst, he ------- in the sales sector for several years already. (A) works (B) has worked (©) will work (D) had worked Voca: as ~ nhu Ia; sales analyst~ nha phan tich ban hang; sector ~ linh vue. Dich nghia: Truée khi Ong Kim gia nh§p cng ty ching tdi véi tw cach 1d mt nha phan tich bin hang, Ong da lim vige trong linh vire bin hang durge vai nim roi. 23. The company build on. --working on the project for the main office even before it chose the land to (A) will begin (B)had begun (C) has begun (D) is beginning Voca: main office ~ van phong chinh; even ~ thm chi, Dich nghia: Cong ty da bat dau lam vige cho dy An cho vin phong chinh ngay ca truée khi ho chon dat dé xay dung. 24, Following the visit to your production facility in Hong Kong next week, wi comprehensive factory automation program to meet your company's needs. (A) will create (B) was created (C) having created (D) had been creating Voca: main office ~ van phéng chinh; even ~ tham chi. Dich nghia: Sau chuyén thim co sé san xudt cua ban tai Hong Kong vao tuan téi, chung tai sé tgo ra mt chwong trinh ty dng héa nha méy ton dign dé dap ing nhu cu ciia cng ty ban. 25. In addition, the branch offices in Washington and Atlanta new interns last week. (A) welcome (B) welcomed (C) will welcome (D) has welcomed Voca: In addition~ ngoai ra, thém vao; branch office~ van phong chi nhanh; intem~ thye tap sinh. Dich nghia: Ngoai ra, céc vin phong chi nhanh tai Washington va Atlanta da chao dén thye tip sinh méi yao tuan truée. 26. After all entries have been submitted, a panel of independent judges based on originality. —-the winning slogan (A) will choose (B) was choosing (C) choose (Dy has chosen Voca: entry~sur ghi dan, danh séch ngudi thi on~ dya trén; originality-tinh dc dao. ; a panel~ mot hoi ding; judge~ gidm khao; based Dich nghia: Sau khi tt ca danh sich duge nop, mGt hdi déng thm phan déc lap sé chon khau higu chién thing dya trén tinh nguyén ban. 27. WOCO will production line. -- employees to Ireland to help design the plant and assist in establishing the (A) sent (B) send (C)sends (D) sending Voca: plant ~ nha may; assist~ hé trg; establish~ thiét lap; production line~ day chuyén san xudt Dich nghia: WOCO sé cir nhan vién dén Ireland dé gidp thiét ké nha may va hd tro thiét lap day chuyén san xuat. 28, Mr. Graves —- employed by the same company in various capacities since 1988 Adis (B) has (©) has been (D) could be Voca: employ~ tuyén dung; capacity~ vi tri, kha nang; various ~ khdc nhau, nhiéu. Dich nghia: Ong Graves di dug thué béi cing mot céng ty trong cae vi tri khac nhau ké tir nim 1988. 29. The Department of Public Safety Rink, at the end of next month. --10 a newly renovated facility at 200 Elm Drive, near Baker (A) was relocated (B) to relocate (C) will relocate _(D) relocated Voca: f ity~ co so; newly ~ méi, gan day; relocate~ di doi. Dich nghia: BO An toan Céng cong sé chuyén dén mét co sé méi duge cai tao tai 200 Elm Drive, gan Baker Rink, vao cudi thing téi. 30. Two years ago, some of the athletes ------- school to pursue a professional career or the Olympics. (A) leave (B) left (©) will leave (D) was left Voca: athlete~ van dong vién; pursue ~ theo dudi; professional career~swr nghigp chuyén nghiép. Dich nghia: Hai nim truéc, mot sé van dong vién rai trudng dé theo dudi sw nghigp chuyén nghigp hoge Thé van hi

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