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Learner A: Baltera, Alyssa Mae S.

Date: 02/10/2020
Learner B: Activity No.: 5
Course/Section: BTVTED – FSM IIB

My Diagram in a Drum
This activity will allow the students to analyze the importance and relevance of technology in education.
Instruction:This activity will be done with a partner. Illustrate through a diagram your own
understanding of the different phases of Technology Integration Planning Model. Explain why you have
designed your diagram that way.

Phase 1: You need to define the advantages of integrating technology into teaching
in order to see the possible good solutions and new better ways work with this
integration to give up your traditional routines

Phase 2: The second phase wherein you will decide what objectives of your
technology will be inculcated.

Phase 3: You should define your own teaching strategies and activities work best with
this approach in class.

Phase 4: The environment should be appropriate for the technology you are using
whether there are enough electric outlet.

Phase 5: You will evaluate the whole model and the revision. If there is a revision, you
need to go back to phase 3 in order to design again the strategies and so on.

Phase 1: Phase 5:
Phase 3: Phase 4:
Determine Phase 2: Evaluate and
Design Prepare the
the Decide on Revise
Integration Instructional Integration
Relative Objectives Strategies Environment Strategies

I designed my diagram that way as a guide to ensure the efficiency of

integrated technology about whether it meets the needs or not.

Technology in Teaching and Learning 2

College of Teacher Education• Laguna State Polytechnic University - SCC

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