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TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.



1. tidying : dọn dẹp 1. she is tidying her room

Brushing: đánh, chải 2. she is brushing her teeh
Teeth: răng
Sweeping: đang quét 3. she is sweeping the desk
Deck: sàn 4. she is scrubbing the pot
Scrubbing: đang lau
Pots: cái chậu
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


2. parking lot: bãi đổ xe a. the woman is in a parking lot

Clothes: áo quần b. the woman is shopping some clothes
Supermarket : siêu thị c.the woman is in the supermarket
d. the woman is paying
paying : đang thanh toán
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


3. resting: đang nghỉ ngơi they are resting in waiting are

waiting area: khu vực chờ they are boarding the airplane
boarding : đang lên ( máy bay, tàu)
airplane: máy bay they are waiting in line
waiting: đang chờ đợi they are packing a suitcase
in line: trong hàng
packing : đóng gói
suitcase: va li, hành lý
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


4. taking a picture: đang chụp ảnh the woman is taking a picture

Walks: đi bộ The women is reading at…
The boy is holding the woman’s hand
woman’s hand: tay của người phụ nữ The boy is playing on buses
buses: xe bus
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


5 sitting: đang ngồi They are sitting on the bench

Bench : ghế dài They are lying on the grass
lying on: đang nằm trên They are riding in the bycicle
They are swimming in the water
grass: bãi cỏ
riding : đang đạp
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


6. Sofa: ghế sofa She is closing the door

Holding: đang cầm nắm She is lying on the sofa
She is holdling the paper
She is writing a letter
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575



Magazine: tạp chí He is reading a magazine

Putting up: đang đặt lên He is putting up a display case
Display: trưng bày He is getting into vehicle
He is looking at the sign
Case: tủ, hộp
Getting into: vào trong
Vehicle: xe
Sign: biển hiệu, chữ ký
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575



Sitting: ngồi They are looking at the screen

Each other: lẫn nhau They are sitting at each other
They are organizing the desk
Organizing: sắp xếp, tổ chức They are decorating the wall
Desk: bàn
Decorating: trang trí
Wall: bức tường
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575



Assembling: tụ họp, lắp ráp The woman is assembling the desk

Notebook: cuốn vở, cuốn sổ The woman is writing the notebook
Some book are spead out the floor
Spead out: trải ra The customer is paying for some merchandise
Paying: đang thanh toán, trả tiền
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575



Briefcase: va li, cặp He is opening the briefcase

Hat: mũ He is wearing a hat
Piloting: đang lái He is piloting the plane
He is sweeping ground
Plane: máy bay
Sweeping: đang quét
Ground: đất
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575



Packing: đóng gói he is packing his luggage

Luggage: hành lí He is picking up his briefcase
He is working on laptop computer
Picking up: lấy He is comparing two computer
Compare: so sánh
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575



Washing: rửa, giặt

Hand: tay She is washing her hand
She is wearing a coat
Gloves: găng tay She is fixing her hair
Fixing: sửa She is putting on her gloves
Hair: tóc
Coat: áo khoác
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575



Painting: bức tranh The woman is working on the painting

Viewing: xem, nhìn The woman is viewing art in the museum
The woman is paying the picture
Art: nghệ thuật The woman and the man are discussing the artwork
Museum: bảo tàng
Discussing: đang thảo luận
Artwork: tác phẩm nghệ thuật
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575



Choosing: đang chọn He is choosing the tie

Tie: cà vạt He is arranging the chair
Arranging: đang sắp xếp …
He is examining a document
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575



Fish: con cá people are watching fish

people are fishing
Fishing: câu cá people are driving
Washing: đang chùi rửa, giặt people are washing car
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575



Folding: gấp lại A man is folding a paper

Notes: ghi chú A women is taking notes
Some people are …
Shown: chỉ dẫn Some people are looking out the window
Seat: chỗ ngồi
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575



Waiting room: phòng chờ They are .. in the waiting room

Taking: lấy They are taking a new paper on the table
The women is watering a plant
Watering: tưới The man is hanging a picture on the wall
Plant: cây
Hanging: đang treo
Wall: bức tường
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575



Operating: vận hành He is operating some factory machinery

Factory: nhà máy He is turning on the light switch
He is adjusting his face mask
Machinery: máy móc He is unplugging the power cord
Light: đèn
Switch: công tắc
Adjusting: điều chỉnh
Face mask: khẩu trang che mặt
Unplugging: đang rút ra
Power cord: dây điện
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575



Podium: bục đứng, bục giảng the man is sitting on the podium
Presenter: người thuyết trình presenter is sitting in front of microphone
trophies is distribute a ward ceremony
In front of: đứng trước …..
Trophies: những chiếc cúp
Distribute: phân phối, phát
Award: giải thưởng
Ceremony: buổi lễ
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575



talking: nói chuyện

the women is talking each other
each other: lẫn nhau The women is checking the map
checking : kiểm tra The women is shopping in the supermarket
map : bản đồ The women is mopping the floor
supermarket : siêu thị
mopping : lau
floor: sàn nhà
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


21. throwing : thả He is throwing some fish in the water

Fish: cá He is swimming in the ocean
He is looking over the side on the boat
Water: nước He is standing in the water
swimming: bơi
Ocean: biển
looking over: nhìn qua
the side: bên cạnh
boat : thuyền
standing : đang đứng
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


22. meeting: gặp They are meeting in the restaurant

Restaurant: nhà hàng They are looking at the computer
They are examining the document
filling : đang điền They are filling some forms
forms : mẫu đơn
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


23. store: cửa hàng They are looking into the store
walking: đi They are walking out of the shop
They are trying on some shoes
out of : ra khỏi They are washing the windown
trying on: đang thử
shoes : giày
washing : chùi rửa, giặt
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


24. fishing : câu cá He is fishing on the boat

a pile: 1 đống ( đống gạch, đống cát ) He is looking at a pile fishes
He is eating from a dish
eating: ăn He is standing on the scale
dish: dĩa thức ăn
scale: cái cân
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


25. installing : đang cài đặt A man is installing a video on the camera
camera : máy quay A cabinet door has been opened
cabinet: cái tủ The people are watching some monitors
open : mở ra The electronics had been solded on the store
monitors : màn hình
Electronics : thiệt bị điện tử
Sold: bán
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


26. light fixtures : thiệt bị đèn, chiếu sáng They are installing some light fixtures
Reports : bản báo cáo They are writing reposts in classroom
classroom : phòng học They are adjusting microphone on the stage
They are examining some laboratory in equipment
adjusting: điều chỉnh
microphone: cái micro
stage : sân khấu
laboratory: phòng thí nghiệm
equipment: thiết bị
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


27. putting away: đang cất đi He is putting away some tools

Tools: dụng cụ, công cụ He is trying on a pair shoe
He is adjusting his eyeglasses
trying on: đang thử He is preparing a shoe
a pair : một đôi
shoe: giày
adjusting : đang điều chính
eyeglasses : kính đeo mắt
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


28. holding : đang cầm

The man is holding a wallet
Wallet : chiếc ví The man is painting a picture
painting : đang sơn, đang vẽ. The man is brushing his hair
brushing : đang chải The man is sweeping by his broom
hair: tóc
sweeping : đang quét
broom: cái chổi
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


29. letter: lá thư He is writing a letter

serving : đang phục vụ He is reading a book
He is serving some food
holding: cầm, nắm He is holding a piece paper
a piece : 1 tờ, 1 mảnh, 1 miếng
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


30. watch : đồng hồ He is looking at his watch

talking : đang nói chuyện He is talking on the phone
He is walking outside
outside: bên ngoài He is opening a box
box: cái hộp
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


31. public phone : điện thoại công cộng He is calling in a public phone
Directory: danh bạ He is looking at telephone directory
He is standing in a hallway
Hallway : hành lang The telephone has been repaired
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


32. sports : thể thao They are watching a sports event

Event : sự kiện They are turning on the computer
They are checking information from reference books
information : thông tin They are looking at computer monitor
reference books: sách tham khảo
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


33. holding : cầm, nắm The man is holding a pencil

sipping : đang nhấm nháp .the man is sipping some coffe
.the man is wearing a short-sleeved shirts
short-sleeved: tay ngắn The man is reading a newpaper
Shirt: áo sơ mi
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


34. folding up: gấp lại The man is folding up the chair
Most of : hầu hết Most of the seat were unoccupied
Seats: chỗ ngồi The man is sitting a stage on the event
The chair has been putting on the grass
Unoccupied : trống vắng, trống rỗng
stage: sân khấu
put: đặt
grass : bãi cỏ
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


35. putting : đặt They are putting a file on the cabinet

Cabinet: tủ They are sitting at a meeting table
They are looking at a document
taking out : lấy ra They are talking out some new paper from bags
bags: túi xách
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


36. lying on : nằm trên. The man is lying on the bed

same clothes : cùng bộ quần áo The man have same clothes
lifting : đang nâng lên The man is wearing hat
The man is lifting a bed
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


37. running : đang chạy People are running on the halls

Halls : hội trường People are mopping the floor
People are hanging paintings up
mopping : đang lau People are looking at the painting
hanging: đang treo
paintings up: bức ảnh lên
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


38. The children are washing a car

getting into: đi vào several people are getting into the vehicle
some tools has been piled up behind vehicle
tools : dụng cụ the children is learning against the car
piled up : xếp chồng lên
behind : phía sau
leaning against : dựa vào
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


39. moving : di chuyển

Slope: dốc The man is moving down a slope
The man is climbing a ladder
Climbing : trèo The man is wearing a safety hemet
Ladder : cái thang The man is cutting a rope
wearing : đang mang, đang mặc
safety: an toàn
helmet: mũ
cutting: đang cắt
rope: dây thừng
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


40. fruit : trái cây

Baskets : giỏ People are putting fruit in the baskets
Making: đang làm People are making a price tags
the woman is looking at some food
price tags : thẻ giá The customer has arms folded
arms folded : khoanh tay lại
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


41. sign: biển báo, bảng hiệu The man is reading a sign in the park
holding : cầm, nắm The man is sitting on the bench
The man is holding a umbrella
planting : đang trồng The man is planting a tree
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


42. empty : trống rỗng The office is empty

taking notes : đang ghi chú People are taking note
The women is selling products
selling : đang bán People are working in workstations
products : sản phẩm
workstations: trạm làm việc
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


43. lifting : đang nâng The man is lifting some cartons

Cartons : hôp các tông One man is loading a box into a cart
Loading: đang chất The man is moving something together
The man is stacking items on wheelbarrow
Box: cái hộp
Cart: xe đẩy
something : thứ gì đó
stacking : đang xếp chôngf
items : hàng hóa
wheelbarrow : xe cút kít, xe rùa
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


44. sunglasses: kính râm The man is putting sunglasses

Hood: nắp The man is fixing his car
The man is opening the hood
reaching : với tay đến The man is reaching pick up the tool
pick up: lấy
tool: công cụ
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


45. cook : người nấu ăn, đầu bếp The cook is serving chicken
serving : đang phục vụ The man is cutting some vegetables
The man is looking at the food
cutting: đang cắt The cook is wearing a long-sleeved uniform
vegetables: rau
wearing : đang mặc
long-sleeved : tay dài
uniform : đồng phục
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


46. telescope : kính viễn vọng The women is looking into the telescope
Tying: đang buộc The women is tying her hair with a scarf
The wonmen is staring at something at the pot
Scarf : cái khăn The women is positioning the microphone
Staring at: đang nhìn chằm chằm
Pot: cái nồi
positioning : đang đặt, định vị
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


47. He is cutting some fruit

rolling up: cuộn He is rolling sleeves
He is holding a plate
sleeves: tay áo He is throwing something away
plate: cái đĩa
throwing : ném, thả
away: đi xa
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


48. letter: bức thư They are writing a letter

Both people: cả 2 người The woman is holding a phone
Both people have sunglasses
The man is talking on the telephone
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


49. taking a nap: đang ngủ They are talking a nap on the benches
Benches : những cái ghế dài Benches positioned under the building
They are resting on the benches
positioned : đặt The woman is stretching out on the bench
under : dưới
building : tòa nhà
resting : nghỉ ngơi
stretching out : đang duỗi người ra
TOEIC MR.TRU – 07.6677.6575


50. through : thông qua

The people are walking through the forest
Forest: khu rừng The people are fishing on the riverbank
Riverbank : bờ sông The people are talking a walk
each other : lẫn nhau, với nhau The people are looking at each other

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