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1. Why should organizations pay attention to learning. Explain with examples.

Learning is an essential and critical step for the success of organizations. This is because it is

through learning where associates gain knowledge and skills necessary for them to perform

better in their jobs. Learning is also essential as it gives organizations a source of competitive

advantages. The value of an organization’s human capital is backed up by providing the base for

organizational learning which is vital for organizations when it comes to competitive advantage.

Additionally, the learning process also promotes the goals of the organizations. For instance,

through learning, employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for them to

achieve the various goals and objectives set aside by the organization. Lastly, learning also offers

organizations new perspectives for contemporary managers in enhancing the efficiency of an

organization. For example, an organization ensures that all its employees are conversant with the

information technology system that is vital to the managers in making quick decisions and

enhancing the free exchange of ideas and innovation.

2. What is learning? How do we learn? What implications does the learning process

have for the development of trainings?

Organizational learning is an essential step to all organizations as t helps create, retain and

transfer knowledge throughout the entire organization team, thus strengthening it. The learning

process is impactful, as it allows businesses conceive of acting and reflecting. For instance, an

organization coming up with products and services out of ideas perceived is proof that the

learning process has occurred. The implication of all these is through the need to understand the

significance of creating a learning culture within the business. This is a crucial step since all the

employees from the staff to subordinate staff.

3. What is perception? How do we attribute causality? What are some of the common

perceptual errors and biases?

Perception is the act of organizing and interpreting sensory impressions by individuals to give

meaning to their environment. Simply put, it is a process that helps people receive information

about something and making sense of the world around them. Causality involves the influence

through which a past occurrence contributes to the production of another event. All attributes to

causality revolve around past experiences. In an organizational setting, we attribute causality in

the way they operate mainly depending on their past norms, culture and best practices. The

perpetual errors and biasness involve the inability to see the reality of things the way they are.

Some of the errors include:

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