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Reading Questions- Aristotle NE BkVIII

Nichomachean Ethics Book VIII

1) What are the three types of friendship? Describe the characteristics of each
friendship based on utility, friendship based on pleasure and friendship based on goodness.
The first two friendships are based on superficial qualities, so this friendship usually does not last.
Friendship based on good character is the best friendship, because these friends love each other because
they are their identities, not because they will gain something from each other.
2) Provide an example of each.
friendship based on utility:the relationship based on money or other things. If two people hung
out with each other just because of one of them is rich, then the friendship between them would
not be long.
friendship based on pleasure: in the relationship, both of them are feel really happy and have a
positive relationship which based on the pleasure.
friendship based on goodness: in this kind of relationship, both of them have great personality, for
example, kindness, honest and more.

3) What is required for a friendship of virtue (true friendship)?

There is usually friendship between equality, love each other and take care of each other.

4) What are the 6 types of political structures?

Monarchy, tyranny, aristocracy, oligarchy, constitutional government, democracy

5) Aristotle discussions the question “Is it better to love someone or to be loved by someone (to
pursue someone or to be pursued)” What is the common answer? What is Aristotle’s answer?
Explain why Aristotle gives the answer he does. Which do you think is better?
The common answer is the second one. And he’s answer is the first one.Because in a positive
relationship, we have to become equal. You friends love you, you have to pay same quantity of love
to them. I think the first one, because we do need to do something to let friends know, we are
connect and we love each other.

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