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A simple meaning of Marketing is seeing the business from the perspective of the guest.
We have organized our mareting in the way for guest to feel served in best meaning and for us to have
good profit and be comfortable.Good atmosfere ,proffesional and friendly service , delicious food will
sure attract guest to come and taste our food again.

Grand opening celebration

➢ V.I.P and all familiar persons are invited

➢ hostes welcoming the guests and giving brochures
➢ dressy decoration of restourant,
➢ violine players playing,
➢ tasteing variates of food
➢ Donating roses for a ladies

Friday „ Rings for drinks”

➢ by two drinks and get one free meal

Wine tasteing dinner

➢ wine and chese tasteing dinner

Bokeljian dinner

➢ Special and Bokeljian menu of the day

➢ posters slides of old ships slideing between tables

Valentine s Day

➢ where all couples gets 10% discount

➢ free dessert

We also organize Aniversaries and Weddings were all expetations from guest are recived.

We promote our restourant trough :

 Web site
 Direct mail
 Bilboard by the main road throuh whole sea coast
 Brochures and calendars in Camelia mall

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