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The Impact of Global Trends at the Level of Macro Environment

Dimensions on The Transformation of Travel Intermediaries:
Case Of The Republic of Croatia

Iris Mihajlović
Department of Economics and Business Economics
University od Dubrovnik
Lapadska obala 7
20 000 Dubrovnik

Abstract:In the first part of the paper the recent findings of numerous scholars from the domain of tourism were
analyzed with emphazise on the impact of new technologies on business operations in tourism industry,
pointing out its advantages and the role of innovative tools in the placement of products (packages) of travel
intermediaries. Also, special attention is given to customization options the business subjects of tourist offer in
the competitive market conditions which are aimed at innovations in the domain of contents and modes of
product placement in tourism. The results obtained by empirical research on the impact of technological
innovation and market changes to changes in tourism and the further transformation of the business-aimed
specialization of travel agencies, which was conducted on a sample of 200 travel agencies operating in Croatia,
indicate that the highlighted macro variables are very significant or significant to the the specialization of their
business. Taking into account complementary role of new technologies in the business of travel intermediaries
as a source of competitiveness in the dynamic market conditions, the results show that managers from the
sample understand the significance of technology relevant to the performance and the continuity of business.
Prominent macro variables are the key link in making decisions about the direction of specialization ogf travel
agencies. The market and the technology have the powerful impact on specialization, particularly considering
the increased competition that affects all business entities, including travel agencies.

Key words: global trends, environment, ICT, transformation, specialization, travel intermediaries

1 INTRODUCTION to which the creating a global cultural identity as an

Global trends affect the quantitative increase of initiative factor for transcultural conflict is
tourist demand. At the level of dimensions of confronted. [1].
macro environment occur rapid changes affecting Due to rapid transmission of information and of
the strong structural changes of tourist demand. high networking which amplify the effects of
This will initiate new trends in tourism globalization, Information Technology (IT) acts as
development, which reflecting the specificity of a catalyst. That is obvious in a manner of
tourist movements according to the criteria of accelerating of distribution, the improvement of
direction, the intensity and the frequency, as well as telecommunications and enhancing of global
the the preferred innovative considering the criteria availability of the media [2].
of contents, features and competitive prices in These trends have not been bypassed any
terms of dynamic market requirements. business on tourist market neither business
Due to globalization processes, changes that activities of travel intermediaries. In the context of
affect people and organizations go beyond local new trends resulting from changes in the
level and break down national barriers. It is a environment, examining furthermore the impact of
transformation that taking place at the global level, changes on market aspects in terms of
and the consequences are evident through the transformation of the business of travel
following aspects: technological changes, changes intermediaries, it is significant an increasing trend
in evaluation criteria of significance of resources, of using of innovative tools in accordance with the

E-ISSN: 2224-2899 663 Volume 11, 2014


requirements for more rational use of time and the

requirements for safer and proven products in the 2.1 Trend: Market conditions as an incentive for
destination. competitiveness
As well as on most other activities, the global
2 The Theoretical Review Of The market competition affects the tourism. Today's
Impact Of Global Trends In The dinamic changes on tourism market are imposed to
Macro Environment On Tourism global cultural identity, while simultaneously, the
And The Business Transformation specific interests of tourists intensely affect the
need for profiling of new specific products.
Of Subjects Of Tourist Offer
The changes are visible at the level of
One of the key arguments that speaks in favor of
specific interest of potential consumers who oppose
future success of the business of travel
to global cultural identity. On the tourist market it
intermediaries on tourist market, refers to the
is evident a shift in preferences from standard to
necessity of understanding of critical trends and the
specific tourist products. In doing so, the extra
use of positive effects from the environment.
effort should be invested in inclusion of activities
Travel intermediaries are directly or
in the programs of arrangements (packages) that
indirectly exposed to the influences of the changes
are often concentrated on anthropogenic factors in
from the the macro environment, through the
the destination.
market dimension up to aspects of the technology.
Global market trends are affecting on and
Changes in the macro environment affect the new
consequences are evident through: a) a sudden
trends in the behavior of tourists. There is an
increase of potential tourist demand for numerous
assumption according that the intensive changes in
destinations, where it must be emphasized that the
the macro environment will be visible through
whole world becomes a potential destination
behavior of consumers (tourists) - in the number of
considering tourists needs looking for specific
trips, motives for travel and choices of destinations
experiences, b) the competition, sharpened,
as tourist products.
between tourist destinations in a manner of
This will affect the activities of future
adjusting of their own specifics and capabilities
tourists. In choosing travel products tourists often
according to requirements of potential tourists, c)
tend to safer products, which are affordable and
the surviving of SMEs on tourism market
more acceptable, at the same time, and according to
considering all higher conquering power of large
the contents - substantially harmonized to the needs
corporations, d) emphasis on the need for
of tourists. In doing so, the modern technology has
innovations, e) the specialization, f) improved
an important role. It affects new tendencies in
quality of products and services ,g)
choosing of tourist trips, new motifs which are the
increasing needs for additional capital to finance
precursors for the development of innovative
the necessary investments for future targets and in
products leading to the transformation of business
order to maintain competitive positions on the
in travel intermediaries.
market, g) problems for developed tourist
The impact of global trends on tourism
destinations arising from relationships with
development could be analyzed through
suppliers often not heterogeneous and who not
technological changes and market conditions that
implement quality standards [4].
influence transformation of distribution channels,
Due to the different levels of experiences
encouraging the creation of innovative tools that
acquired by tourists travelling, different levels of
improve communication process on tourism
education of tourist consumers, their different
market. According to Buhalis, the success of
traditions and cultural levels, because of
tourism in the future will be based on cohesion and
heterogeneity of their priorities on trips - doubts
the compatibility with other branches [3]. In terms
about the survival of global tourist products were
of dynamism of the process and the consequential
augmented [5].
influences there are obvious tendencies of
compliance of tourist offer with the changes in
2.2 Trend: The impact of changes at the
demographic features of demand. Focusing on
level of technological changes - on the
incentives for achieving competitive positions in
intensity of tourist demand and the
business, the emphasis should be put on the content
capabilities of customization of travel
innovations, solutions in terms of technological
innovations to facilitate the efficiency of
promotions, and sales of products and services.

E-ISSN: 2224-2899 664 Volume 11, 2014


Social strucutre can be defined in part by its use of The Internet has expanded the capabilities of local
technology which transforms the environment, businesses [14]. The Internet has encouraged global
ideologies, and its sociological elements [6]. collaboration in serving with on line travel
Technological changes associated with the power agencies, on line advertising agencies, and inter –
of processes of creative destruction leave organizational reservation systems. Development of
consequences on human society. These processes ICT will lead to a greater efficiency and
represent a shift to continue the process of reorganization of both communication strategies
transformation of needs of individuals and subjects. and business, both with suppliers as well as
They are evident through global trends. between other companies within in the destination
Technological advances and tourism are closely [15]. The innovative technologies improve: a) the
linked since both areas have experienced an efficiency of suppliers, b) encourage the
exponential increase since the mid-of the twentieth interoperability, personalization and continually
century [7]. Due to technological changes, networking of participants in the process [16]. The
Information - Communication Technology (ICT) task of travel intermediaries is to identify the
has the function of a catalyst of change in the changes in consumer behavior and the changes on
environment. It has a strong influence on trends in the market, developing personalized services to
travel. ICT contributes to spatial - temporal meet individual needs of tourists. Taking care of
convergence. At the global level, ICT has affected fulfillment of requires of tourists must continue
the development of tourism, and its progress has during the consumption of sold services.
changed the practice of business as well as An innovative approach and the use of new
development strategies [8]. In doing so, three new techniques in business of subjects of tourist offer is
systems has dramatically changed tactical and transparently indicated in the area of creation,
strategic business of companies [9][10], and those distribution and information about tourist products.
are Computer Reservation System (CRS), the Technological innovations with strong impact on
Global Distribution System (GDS) and the Internet. tourism are the following: Internet, development of
According Mazarr, the benefits of Internet are mobile and wireless phones, multimedia,
contained in possibilities of easier transmission of interoperability, easy access for people with
knowledge, the bringing people and strengthening disabilities [17].
of their relationships within the groups-forums that The lives of the people, including the business
capture same or similar interests, beliefs, hobbies, have been drastically influenced by Internet and
through an interactive approach [11]. The Internet modern technology, making information more
supports a wide variety of different tools and accessible. New technologies also influenced the
functions such as electronic mail and electronic way of creating of trips and tourist products. ICT
commerce that can be used for communication or has brought powerful innovations and
sharing data among tourism enterprises. improvements in the manner of product placement
The Internet serves for both distribution making it more efficient. It implies new and more
of information and also for reservation and the sale acceptable ways of booking, promotion and sales.
of services online. It can be accessed by anyone at Those operators who follow the trends of
anytime, and can reach more potential customers development, implementing new technology,
than any other distribution channels. continuously educate their employees, emphasizing
Through the Internet the power of GDS and the significance of timely response to requests of
CRS can be further shared with the end user, tourists, will be regarded as innovative entities[18].
allowing more flexibility and customization of The application of information and communication
travel products by the individual traveler. technology has changed the way of business,
Therefore, emphasis should be given to representing the innovative views of business
"controlled" technology in the function of tourists. operations from its conception to its mode of
Subjects of tourist offer should be able to recognize implementation [19] [20]. Those travel
ICT strengths, and transform them into own intermediaries that recognize the importance of
benefits [12]. ICT has left a mark on tourism and personalization of tourist products (services, or
the development of travel, particularly in the the package tours) toward specialization will be able to
areas of automation and distribution channels The respond to new market trends. For efficiency of
local travel agents who have used GDS (Global placements will be responsible the technology,
Distribution System) have adapted marketing tailor-made to tourist needs [21].
strategies and expanded their services in an effort Changing the essence of system of values
to realize an increased competitive advantage [13]. according to which individuals are identified,

E-ISSN: 2224-2899 665 Volume 11, 2014


tourist behaviors have been amended. The suppliers of various components are commercially
emphasize is on new trends of using of products. related, simultaneity of the purchase, wide
Because of the "variability of" needs expressed possibility of creating and connecting, online travel
through different preferences, innovative products agencies enable buying of some services from one
could be designed . The Internet has increased the source and the other from other sources, so
cohesion of informal groups connected by common composing their own package. At the same time it
interests and needs, whose satisfaction is also is possible to offer highly specialized tourist
realized through tourist trips. Using innovative products that can be characterized as highly
tools in business, the most visible changes of specific packages. In terms of content, services are
activities of subjects of tourist offer are contained acceptable to tourists who belong to geographically
in the way of communication, as well as in the dispersed market segments that are tailored to their
performances of services that tourists mark as requirements with regard to possible combinations.
higher quality considering the efficiency of buying Those are competitive among other innovative
process via Internet. solutions and applications that can be offered.
In the last few years the product that appeared The popularity of the Internet has greatly
on tourism market is the dynamic package. The changed people’s way of life [28][29]. The efficient
name - package - augments to doubt according the time management is essential for positioning of
manner of providing services that tourists accept, intermediaries in the competitive environment. The
the way of creation, pricing, highlighting its application of ICT in all business segments
specific characteristics considering the dynamic facilitates the activities according requirements
calculating of prices. relating to coordination between tasks and the
The authors define it as: new integrated system performance of functions. There is an assumption
that has adopted the performance of www., by that technological innovations can be a source the
implementing a capitalization value of Internet. competitive advantages to those entities on the
Stakeholders and consumers are free in selection tourism market that business strategy base on
of services that are provided (eg flight and other continuous use of the benefits of technological
service providers) and they are involved in advances. Those who lagging behind, those that
combinations considering creation of their own have not systematically approach to adoption of
personalized tailor-made travel [22], an offer new technologies, excluding the technological
consisted from two or more components of travel innovations- necessarily lag behind the competition
that customers are free to choose and to combine [30][31]. This is especially evident in today's
[23], industry of electronic word that enables to uncertain market conditions when the emphasize is
tourists to create tailor-made itineraries , merging on the relevance of segment of rationalization in
the multiplicative optional components in business of companies, assuming maintaining
realization of transactions in real time [24]. quality [32][33].
Dynamic packages (DP) enable comprehensive Accordingly, managers of travel intermediaries
insurance package pricing, “bundle” of services should use new methods of booking, promotion and
(with hidden individual prices of components) and the sale as well as the innovative and the diversified
the transaction within a time frame 5 to 15 seconds, products. The products should be adapted to these
whereby the customer can access the database from changes, concerning specific elements of costs and
multiple separate control systems [25]. The the contents of products that should adapt to these
prominent innovative tool represents new changes. Internet allows interaction between
technology for distribution of trips. Operators must tourists and travel agents and gives them the
have technological support with capabilities that possibility to adapt the services they bought to their
can provide and enable DP to customers . In the own needs [34]. Firms that possess experience in
future it is expected a large increase of the use of innovation activities and proper combination of
DP [26]. Important elements of definition of DP technological and marketing skills as well as
are: the combination of two or more services, wide innovation strategy are capable of exploiting these
range of services for customers, instant creation of skills in optimal way [35].
offer in time unit, dynamic pricing per unit of time, An alternative perspective suggests that the
online connectivity [27]. Specifics of DP are: introduction of ICT’s has opened opportunities for
flexibility in choosing the services, personalized the re-intermediation of travel agents, i.e. has
services, simplicity, high speed when calculating created further intermediary possibilities [36].
prices (dynamic). DP are characterized by: the Opportunities exist for the travel agent of the future
specifics of the model of buying of components, to be a network information broker [37]. Research

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shows that in spite of the advantages that e- impact of macro variables on business of travel
Tourism offers, many travelers remain reluctant agencies and defined through the variable of
online buyers. Several factors are highlighted as technological innovations.
reasons for this reluctance; barriers in using new Here are the characteristics of analyzed
technologies considering the lack of skills, sample. Elementary unit of survey to be selected in
difficulties in highlighting the clear differences the sample is defined as a business unit engaged in
among similar products when collecting providing services related to intermediation and
informations about of products that produce the organization of tourist stay. In this survey, travel
confusion, reluctance to rely on machines rather agencies are classified according to the criteria that
than people, fears that mistakes are easy to make are not exclusive and determine a number of
and difficult to correct, lack of personal approach specific business features. The survey encompasses
and most importantly concerns about security and travel agencies according to the following: region
safety when providing personal and credit card (Continental Croatia, Istria and Primorje,
information [38][39][40][41][42]. Dalmatia), predominant business function
(organizational, intermediary), characteristics of
3. DATA AND METHODOLOGY OF business (initiative, receptive, initiative –
RESEARCH receptive), considering the object of the business as
The transformation of the business of travel business activities (wholesale, retail, wholesale –
intermediaries as a result of global trends in the retail), organizational structure (without or with a
environment, constitutes an important lever to office network), the ways of presenting themselves
increase the competitiveness of individual on the markets (the manner of occurrence in the
businesses, also the entire systems of Croatian tourist market- independent, dependent), area of
tourism. Changes in society and economy have a business (national, international).
strong impact on specialization in tourism. To Respondents were travel agency managers.
quantify the impact of technical - technological The workplace of respondent was primarily
innovations and the impact of market conditions, determined by the size of a travel agency. Target
the primary research using the survey method was population for the given research was defined as a
conducted, on a sample of managers doing business group of travel agencies registered in the Republic
in leadership positions in travel agencies in Croatia. of Croatia with operating results filed. The research
In order to test the intensity of the impact covered the period from June 2010 to the end of the
of changes on the level of of dimensions macro 2010th year. A longer timeframe was used to meet
environment on specialization of travel the criteria of greater concentration of of high-
intermediaries in Croatia, the following hypothesis quality responses. By means of random number
is defined: generator 200 travel agencies were selected,
companies were contacted by phone so as to verify
H: New trends in technological dimension of their primary activity, and willingness to participate
environment through innovations and in in the survey. The questionnaire was sent by e-mail
marketconditions influence on further after phone conversation. An effective sample size
transformation of business of travel agencies of 82 respondents was used to test the hypothesis of
this paper. With regard to different features of
In order to test hypotheses, empirical research was travel agencies participating in the survey it can be
conducted using questionnaire to obtain results as concluded that their selection was representative.
response to questions on the intensities of Results from the survey sample can be
influences of new trends in the environment on considered adequate for making relevant
transformation of business aimed toward conclusions. According to data of the sample 32 or
specialization of travel agencies.These results are (39%) of travel agencies are from the region of
important for competitiveness and development of Continental Croatia, 11 or (13%) belongs to travel
travel agencies. The questions were formulated agencies from Istria and Primorje, 39 or (48%)
designed in a way to meet the criteria of greater cover Dalmatia region. Given the characteristics of
concentration of of high-quality responses. The business 41 or (50%), are those of initiative-
questionnaire was composed of questions in receptive character, receptive travel agencies
relation to: a) The data on the manager profile, b) participate with the share of 32 or (38%) of total
the intensity of the impact of macro variables on number, 10 or (12%) agencies belong to outgoing/
business of travel agencies defined through the initiative characteristics that based operations on an
variable of market conditions, c) the intensity of the organized initiation and facilitating of travelling

E-ISSN: 2224-2899 667 Volume 11, 2014


and staying to tourists. Considering the method using ICT) and in private production of
organizational structure, 62 or (76%) of travel products in tourism – innovative travel packages.
agencies is without office network and 20 or (24%) Intensive change in tourist offer with modern way
of agencies is with office network. Given the ways of doing business based on responsibility,
of presenting themselves on the markets most travel competitiveness and high level of demand for
agencies are independent 79 or (96%), acting quality is finding way through travel agencies.
independently as an economic entity, while just Regardless of the form and outcome of changes,
(4%) are dependent, operating within the major travel agencies show their willingness to adapt with
commercial units. The area of business for most the mere introduction of changes in their business.
agencies 48 or (59%) is predominantly national, Respondents were asked to estimate the
while slightly less is international (41%). extent to which technical and technological
The paper uses the method of testing innovations affect the business specialization.
hypotheses on assumed value of proportion of Using a Likert scale of 1 to 5 for the evaluation of
population - p on the basis of large sample (n> 30) the intensity of importance of certain factors for
and the normal distribution as the distribution of specialization business of travel agencies, the
assessors. Approximation of the sampling results indicate that the share of (43%) of
distribution of proportion normal, it satisfies if the respondents have positive attitude on importance of
null hypothesis is true and the sample sufficiently the technical-technological innovations assessing
sized.. that variable as extremely important, while (35%)
Testing of hypotheses on assumed value of of respondents have attitudes that this variable is
proportions of population p to the upper limit along very important, and (20%) of respondents assessed
with a assumed value of 50% , has been used in the that variable as moderately important, (1%) of
paper. With regard to information relating the respondents assessed that variable as slightly
number and percentage of respondents who important or irrelevant. cal innovations affect of
participated in the study, bearing in mind their business specialization.
characteristics (length of service, position, age and Table 1 shows the characteristics of travel
qualifications), it can be concluded that selection of agencies with concerning the share of respondents
respondents is representative, given the several of who assessed the technical and technological
hypotheses’ characteristics. Shown as absolute and innovations as important or very important for
relative values of the respondents from travel specialization of travel agencies. It turned out that
agencies who participated in the study, in most such an attitude an above average is shared by
cases, 52 or (63%) of respondents have a university managers of travel agencies with an accentuated
degree, followed by those having colleges 20 or predominant organizational function and
(24%) and secondary school degree 10 or (12%). wholesalers. The high concentration of responses of
The largest share of respondents or 31 of them managers with the above assessments indicates the
(38%) had 21-30 years of working experience , attitudes toward the technical-technological
followed by those who have less than 11 years of innovations have an extremely important
working experience (23%) and 11-20 years of significance for specialization activities of travel
working experience (23%). Respondents who have agencies.
more than 30 years of working experience Results with regard to individual
participate in a share of (16%). With equal share of characteristics of travel agencies exceed the
respondents participate those who have 40 years - average score of respondents on the importance of
32 or (39%) and of those who have more than 49 technical and technological innovations. It is about
years. Those who have 41-49 years participate in travel agencies from Continental Croatia (82%) but
share of (18%). With regard to the function they also travel agencies from Dalmatia (85%).
perform the most are managers who are also the Especially wholesalers emphasize the importance
owners (50%), followed by managers that are not of this factor in communication and the other
owners (18%). business areas (in promotion, distribution), that is
comfirmed by share of (100%). The importance of
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION technology and innovations implemented in their
Dynamic and uncertain environment changes the businesses is emphasized in the areas of creating of
framework of travel agencies asking for their products and efficiency of product placement.
adaptation by accepting new challenges and Managers of travel agencies with the predominant
opportunities in general management (placement organizational business function, assessed the
importance of technical –technological innovations

E-ISSN: 2224-2899 668 Volume 11, 2014


for specialization of travel intermediaries as high

and very high (79%). Considering the object of the The paper uses the method of testing hypotheses on
business as business activities, managers in assumed value of proportion of population - p on
wholesale – retail agencies, confirmed the the basis of large sample (n> 30) and the normal
highlighted attitudes (79%). Due to the way of distribution as the distribution of assessors.
presenting themselves on the markets (the manner Approximation of the sampling
of occurrence in the tourist market, (79%) of distribution of proportion normal, it satisfies, if the
independent travel agencies, (100%) of dependent null hypothesis is true and the sample sufficiently
travel agencies appreciate the importance of sized.
technical and technological innovations. Testing of hypotheses on assumed value of
They perceive innovations as crucial proportions of population p to the upper limit along
factors in achieving the competitive advantages with a assumed value of 50% has been used in the
which is confirmed in evaluation. paper.

Table 1 Characteristics of travel agencies H0 - null hypothesis;

with concerning the share of H1 - alternative hypothesis, the sample size;
attitudes of managers of travel p - proportion of the population,
agencies according to which po - the assumed value of the proportions of the
technical – technological population;
innovations are important or very n - sample size;
important for specialization of σ p̂ = the standard estimation error;
travel intermediaries α– level of significance;
Technological z ( ) = theoretical value for z normal distribution
innovations depends on the level of signicance;
z – test size i.e. empirically z ratio; N – number
Continental 82%
Croatia of elements of the population;
Istria and 45% M - the number of elements of the population
Primorje with a certain modality of variable;,
REGION Dalmatia 85% p- the proportion of elements with a specific
PREDOMINANT Organization 79% modality in the population;
FUNCTION Intermediary 76% q - the proportion of elements that have no the
Initiative 90% selected modality in the population; pê –
CHARACTERI Receptive 70% appraiser proportion of the population by
STICS OF Initiative- 81% number; m - number of elements with the
BUSINESS receptive selected modality of variables in the sample
Wholesale 100%
Retail 75%
79% The paper uses z - test as the method of
testing hypotheses on assumed value of proportion
Wholesale – of population - p , where the null hypothesis H0 –
OF BUSINESS according to which the proportion of managers of
ACTIVITIES travel agencies that have the attitude that technical
Without 79% and technological innovations are very important or
office important for business specialization is less than or
ORGANIZATI With office 75% equal to 50%, and the alternative hypothesis H1,
ONAL according to which share of travel agencies with
STRUCTURE network prominent features is in excess of 50%.
77% At the significance level of 1%, the null
THE MANNER 100% hypothesis H0 is rejected and the the alternative
OF hypothesis H1 is accepted (z = 5.071, p-value =
TOURIST Featured results are presented in Table 2.
Dependent Table 2 Z-test on the significance of proportion -
Source: Author's data processing of survey Variable: Technical - technological innovations

E-ISSN: 2224-2899 669 Volume 11, 2014


assessed the market factors - important or

The variable: Technical – technological very important in business specialization
Marke Total
Basic settings: t %
assumed propportion 0,5
84% 100
α level of significance 0,01 TOTAL 82 %
M- the number of elements Continental 88% 39%
of the population with a Croatia 32
certain modality of Istria and 73% 13%
variable in a sample 64 Primorje 11
n-sample size 82 85% 48%
Supporting results: Organiza- 85% 59%
Proportion of sample 0,780 PREDOMINANT
tional 48
σ p̂ = the standard estimation FUNCTION
Interme- 82% 41%
diary 34
error 0,055 80% 12%
z – test size 5,071 10
test on the upper limit 84% 38%
CS OF Receptive
theoretical value for z 31
Initiative- 85% 50%
normal distributions 2,326
receptive 41
p-value 0,000 100% 2%
Decision: Reject H0 Wholesale
Source: PHStat, author's data processing 82% 40%
The test on the assumed value of proportion of the Wholesale – 85% 57%
retail 47
population that supporting an thesis of firm
Without 84% 76%
connection of specialization of travel ORGANIZATIONA office 62
intermediaries, was conducted. L network
STRUCTURE With office 85% 24%
Table 3 contains data on the share of travel network 20
THE MANNER OF Independen 85% 96%
agencies with regard to assessment of the
importance of the market factor for the IN THE TOURIST 67% 4%
specialization. According to the importance of the MARKET- Dependent 3
market factor for specialization, the greatest
concentration of responses stands out the AREA BUSINESS 90% 59%
National 48
Internation 76% 41%
From the data, it can be observed the al 34
larger proportion of travel agencies across all
categories with the assessment that: the market in Source: Author's data processing of survey
defining competitive relations is extremely
important for specialization of business (84%). The The paper uses z - test as the method of testing
emphasize is on wholesalers again, that completely hypotheses on assumed value of proportion of
(100%) state that the market is important for the population, where the null hypothesis H0 - the
specialization. share of travel agencies that support attitude that
The share of other agencies to which the "market" as a variable is very important for their
market is very important for specialization is higher business specialization is less than or equal to 50%,
than (80%), with some lower influence in travel and the alternative hypothesis H1, according to
agencies from Istria and Primorje (73%), dependent which share of travel agencies with prominent
travel agencies (67%) and the travel agencies features is in excess of 50%. (Table 4). At the
operating on the international market (76%). significance level of 1%, the null hypothesis H0 is
rejected and the the alternative hypothesis H1 is
accepted (z=6,158, p-value=0,000).
Table 3 Characteristics of travel agencies with Table 4 Z-test on the significance of proportion -
concerning the share of respondents who Variable: Market

E-ISSN: 2224-2899 670 Volume 11, 2014


agencies according which market in business

Variable: Market and market conditions specialization has a very significant or significant
impact, in excess of 50% (z=6,158, p-value=0,000).
Technical - technological changes have a
Basic settings: strong influence on transformation of business of
Assumed intermediaries aimed at the specialization. Internet
propportion 0,5 and new technologies that arise from its
Level of the application, generated the new forms of
significance 0,01
communication of better performances, enabling to
M- the number of
elements of the
travel agencies to quickly learn our clients' needs,
population with a their motives, as well as ways of making decisions
certain modality of about tourist trips. Thereby it must not be neglected
variable in a the innovative role played by technology in the
sample 69 efficient marketing of products (travel
n-sample size 82 arrangements) and services.
Supporting results: Featured performances open possibilities of
Proportion of using of new technologies, and must be taken into
sample 0,840 account when making decisions about the direction
σ p̂ = the standard of specialization of travel agencies It is shown that
estimation error 0,055
respondents from travel agencies are increasingly
aware that the variable of technical - technological
z – test size 6,158
test on the upper
changes is very significant or significant for
limit: specialization of their business, and at level of
theoretical value significance of 1% the alternative hypothesis H1 is
for z normal accepted according to that proportion travel
distributions 2,326 agencies in which the technical-and technological
p-value 0,000 changes in the business specialization have a very
Decision: Reject significant or significant impact in excess of 50%
H0 (z = 5.071, p-value = 0.000).

Source: PHStat, author's data processing This confirms the hypothesis according to which
new trends in technological dimension of
The results show that respondents from travel environment through innovations and in market
agencies are increasingly aware of the necessity of conditions influence on further transformation of
transformation of way of doing business in order to business of travel agencies.
adapt to global trends and which for purpose of this
paper implies the adaptation of subjects through the 5. CONCLUSION
progress in product customization in market- Based on analysis of the effects of global trends in
competitive conditions and applying technical and macro environment on tourism and analyzing the
technological innovations, considering the dynamic results obtained by the empirical research,
changes at the level of dimensions macro conducted on a sample of travel agencies operating
environment,. in Croatia including Continental Croatian region,
The market has a strong influence on Istria and Primorje and Dalmatia, the insight was
transformation of business aimed at the gained on the level and intensity of impact of
specialization, particularly through the increased studied variables on business specialization of
competition that influences all business entities, travel intermediaries..
including travel agencies. In order to successfully Research shows that the technological
overcome the conditions of increased competition challenges contained in application of innovations,
because of the influence of market, travel agencies points out as significant variables for the
are compelled to approach the specialization. It is specialization of business intermediary. It is known
shown that respondents from travel agencies are that the process of specialization in tourism initiates
increasingly aware the significance of market as the emergence of new trends but also the layering
very important or important for their business of the market, and is the impetus for the emergence
specialization, at a significance level of 1% of new structural market changes of tourism
hypothesis is accepted, the proportion of travel demand.

E-ISSN: 2224-2899 671 Volume 11, 2014


Direction, the pace, intensity and frequency an acceptable source of information, and on the
of visits to destinations, observed through the prism other hand, too much variety of choices and offers
of the frequency of visits during the year and the create barriers, psychological confusion and
duration of stay in the destination, speaks in favor hesitancy when clients choosing products. . Also,
of the growing need for sophisticated and innovated Internet and new technologies that arise from its
tourism products according to the criteria of application rapidly generate new forms of
content, services and prices. communication that enable to travel agencies to
The speed of access to services and tourism find out clients' needs, their motives, bringing more
products - such as arrangements, the availability of reasonable decisions when creating contents of
information, the efficient communication among packages.
partners, more effective product placement - are the Efficient time management is indispensable
arguments that speak in favor of the necessity of for competitiveness of travel agencies, while the
using of new technology that is complementary to use of ICT in all business segments facilitates
the quality of the product. activities which are prerequisite to the coordination
The knowledge, experiences in business of tasks and agency functions, whereas it must be
activities, synergistic associated to technology that said that partial efficiency of particular function
is contained in product innovations, have an impacts the overall business performance.
important / very important role in the marketing of Well-known scientific standpoints test the
services of travel intermediaries and affect the endurance of traditional travel agents through the
specializations. function of intermediation, while transformed
The transformation is necessity in business intermediation reflects the changes in ICT. This is
activities according the requirements of evident in travel agencies through changes in
environment that often make pressure on different business segments with the aim to
companies to take an proactive attitude, often improve efficiency with the synergistic influence of
directed toward specialization. The specialization technology on the way services are provided. In
of business activities of subject of tourist offer has this context, fear of disintermediation is redundant.
an important role to increase the competitiveness of The highlighted cognition should be taken into
individual businesses. account by managers when making decisions about
Changes in society and the economy have a the direction of specialization of travel agencies.
strong impact on the specialization in tourism, and New technologies were unfairly regarded
in intention to quantify that impact survey results, as a threat to the mediating role of travel agencies,
conducted on a sample of travel agencies in whereby the complementary role of new
Croatia, were used . The findings show that travel technologies was neglected. The practice has
agencies recognized the importance of shown that intermediaries who were not ready for
specialization through business transformation new challenges were condemned to elimination
according to incentives of changing global trends from the market. Respondents from travel agencies
at the level of dimension of macro environment . are increasingly aware that technical and
Socio-economic changes for the purposes of this technological innovations are important for the
paper, refer on technically and scientific progress, success and the continuity of business. The market
technological innovations and economic changes also has a strong influence on specialization,
through influences of market conditions. particularly through the increased competition that
It can be concluded that managers of travel affects all business entities, including the travel
agencies recognize the need for transformation agencies.
toward to specialization of their businesses. Thus Due to the impact of the market, in order
the socio-economic changes are analyzed through to successfully overcome the conditions of
impact of technological changes and economic increased competition, travel agencies were
changes - through market conditions and focused on specialization. It turned out that
competition. That variables represent the incentives respondents from travel agencies are increasingly
to transform their business. aware of the level of market importance their
Technical and technological changes affect business specialization.
on all aspects of human activities and living. It Elaborating of prominent data, results of
influence on tourism as a phenomenon that rapidly the research conducted on the basis of a z-test on
reflects changes in society. The impact of the assumed value of the proportion of the
technological change is twofold. On the one hand it population on upper limit along with a presumed
opens up new possibilities of using the Internet as value of 50%, it is concluded that the technological

E-ISSN: 2224-2899 672 Volume 11, 2014


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