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Name of Course Instructor: Purnima Mulmi

Course Code: CC303n Course Name: Programming Models

Program Name: B.Sc. (Hons) Computing Semester: 9th
Assignment No: 3 Assignment Type: Individual
Batch: 5th

Submission date: 2nd Oct , 2020

Assignment Title : Lab 3
Name of the Student ID number Contact no. E-mail Signature
Nikesh Maharjan 1001849588 9813503419


Evaluators Signature and Comment

1. Which of the following pairs of terms unify? Where relevant, give the variable instantiations
that lead to successful unification.
1. bread = bread
2. 'Bread' = bread
4. bread = sausage
5. food(bread) = bread
6. food(bread) = X
7. food(X)=food(bread)
8. food(bread, X) = food(Y, sausage)
- X = sausage,
Y = bread.
9. food(bread, X, beer) = food(Y, sausage, X)
10. food(bread, X, beer) = food(Y, kahuna_burger)
11. food(X) = X
- X = food(X).
12. meal(food(bread), drink(beer)) = meal(X,Y)
- X = food(bread),
Y = drink(beer).
13. meal(food(bread), X) = meal(X, drink(beer))
2. Draw the family tree corresponding to the following Prolog program:

parent(bob, lisa).
parent(bob, paul).
parent(bob, mary).
parent(juliet, lisa).
parent(juliet, paul).
parent(juliet, mary).
parent(peter, harry).
parent(lisa, harry).
parent(mary, dick).
parent(mary, sandra).
Juliet Bob

Paul Lisa Peter Marry

Harry Dick Sandra

Figure 1: Parent Tree

Define new predicates (in terms of rules using male/1, female/1 and parent/2) for the
following family relations:
(a) father
- father(F,X) :- parent(F,X), male(F).
(b) sister
- sister(S,X) :- sibling(S,X), female(S).
(c) grandmother
- grandmother(GM,X) :- parent(P,X), parent(GM,P), female(GM).
(d) cousin
- cousin(C,X) :- parent(P,X), sibling(P,OA), parent(OA,C).
Learning Outcome
 Understand the basic principles and techniques of logic programming and how these can be
applied in practice.
 Learn the idea of recursing down list.
 Describe the main concept of Logic Programming.
 Learn how make parent tree.

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