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To Mrs. Ana Mainit, the school librarian, for providing reliable source and

reference for the related literature.

To the Municipal Mayor of Carmen, Jagna, Talibon, Ubay and Tagbilaran

City for their approval to conduct this research in their municipality, for their

cooperation and for giving the necessary information for the accomplishment of

this study.

To the Businessmen, Consumers and Department of Trade and Industry

personnel, who served as respondents of this research, for giving their precious

time in answering the survey questionnaire.

To Cabahug family, for their generosity in helping the researchers in

conducting the survey in Carmen.

To Laggui family for accommodating the researchers in Tagbilaran.

To Pescadero family for accepting the researchers to spend the night in

their home.

To the transportation drivers for diligently bringing the researchers to the

far-flung places of Bohol.

To all persons who weren’t mentioned above but contributed a lot for the

success of the study.

Thank you and may you continue to be a blessing to everyone.

The Researchers

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