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Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission

Sheet I-95/Scudder Falls Bridge Improvement Project

Planned Improvements include:

• Constructing a new bridge on an upstream alignment with • Reconstruction and reconfiguration of NJ Route 29
six through-traffic lanes (three in each direction) and three Interchange to improve safety.
auxiliary lanes (two in the northbound direction and one in • Transition improvements on I-95 between
the southbound direction) NJ Route 29 and Bear Tavern Road
• Widening into the median (inside widening) to add one • Transportation Systems Management/Transportation
travel lane in each direction on I-95 in Pennsylvania Demand Management (inside shoulders designed for
• Reconfiguration of Taylorsville Road Interchange future Route 1 Bus Rapid Transit service)
to improve safety
A pedestrian/bicycle facility also may be included to link the adjoining canal towpaths in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
A final decision on constructing the pedestrian/bicycle facility will be made during final design.
Project Purpose: alleviate recurring current and future traffic congestion, and upgrade safety and traffic operational conditions
on the I-95/Scudder Falls Bridge and adjoining highway segments in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Project Needs:
• The current Scudder Falls Bridge is 50 years old, is unable to • The current acceleration and deceleration lanes and spacing
meet current and future traffic demands, and does not meet of ramp merges at the adjoining NJ Route 29 and Taylorsville
current design standards. Although it is safe, it presents a Road interchanges are inadequate
future reliability and safety concern • Roadway capacity is insufficient, failing to provide acceptable
• The current Scudder Falls Bridge has inadequate inside throughput for current and future (2030) peak-period traffic
shoulders and outside shoulders (breakdown lanes) • Interchanges do not currently meet design criteria for lane and
shoulder widths and ramp configurations
A broad range of Alternatives was considered to meet the project purpose and need.
No Build
Transportation Systems Management/Transportation Demand Management
 Coordination with Bucks County and Mercer County
 Inside shoulders designed to carry Bus Rapid Transit
Transportation Management Associations
 ITS and incident management recommendations
I-95/Scudder Falls Bridge Structural Options
 Bridge rehabilitation (full and partial) with widening  Bridge replacement
I-95/Scudder Falls Bridge Lane Configuration Options
 Double-deck (two-level) bridge  Collector/distributor (CD) roadway (3-lane northbound CD roadway)
 Contra-flow lane (reversible lane for use  Standard lane additions (3 through-lanes in each direction and 3
in peak-flow directions) auxiliary lanes on the I-95/Scudder Falls Bridge)
I-95/Scudder Falls Bridge Alignment Options
 New bridge on centerline alignment  New bridge on upstream alignment
 New bridge on downstream alignment
Pennsylvania Mainline Options
 Outside widening  Inside widening
Interchange Design Options
 Taylorsville Road Interchange  NJ Route 29 Interchange
— Design Option 1a: Folded diamond without a bypass
— Design Option 1: Retains all existing interchange ramps
for NJ Route 29 northbound
— Design Option 2: Eliminates eastern — Design Option 1b: Folded diamond with a bypass
southbound off-ramp for NJ Route 29 northbound
— Design Option 3: Eliminates eastern — Design Option 1c (Modified): Folded diamond with roundabout
northbound on-ramp intersections and a bypass for NJ Route 29 northbound
— Design Option 4: Eliminates eastern southbound —D  esign Option 2: Folded diamond on NJ Route 29
off-ramp and northbound on-ramp northbound (eastern) alignment
Pedestrian/Bicycle Facility Options (Final decision to be made in final design)
 ennsylvania landing with direct connection  New Jersey landing connection to Delaware and Raritan
to Delaware Canal towpath Canal on west side of NJ Route 29 Interchange
 Pennsylvania landing with connection to canal towpath via sidewalk along Woodside Road
= Part of Proposed Action
The following table summarizes the Environmental Impacts and Proposed Mitigation associated with the project.

Impact Category Impacts of the Proposed Action Mitigation

Acceptable LOS A to C in 2030 on I-95/Scudder
Traffic and Falls Bridge. No adverse effects. The Proposed Action relieves
Transportation Accommodations for shoulder use by traffic congestion and enhances traffic safety.
Bus Rapid Transit service.
The DRJTBC will follow the policies of the State
Congestion relieved. DOTs and will work with the affected property
Community and
Impact on 3.1 acres of public land and 3.8 acres owners to provide compensation for property
Economic Conditions
of private land. One residence in PA displaced. to be acquired and relocation assistance for
the displaced residence.
Utilities and Fiber optic cable on the bridge would be
Affected utilities will be relocated.
Infrastructure affected. No impacts to utility service.
Aesthetic treatments to be incorporated into the
design; implement measures for protection of the
Parklands and Impact on 0.4 acre of Delaware and
canal and park use during construction; funding
Recreation Facilities Raritan Canal State Park.
to foster and support the interpretation of historic
resources along the Delaware and Raritan Canal.
Impact on 0.9 acre of preserved farmland, of which Coordinate with Lower Makefield during final design
0.08 acre is actively farmed. to minimize impacts.
Views of a wider I-95 mainline and views from the
Aesthetic and Visual
bridge may be obstructed by safety/noise barriers. Aesthetic treatments at bridge piers and abutments.
Additional shading of Delaware River and canals.
Permanent loss of 0.3 acre of Delaware River Erosion and Sedimentation controls; use of trestle
bottom and 0.04 acre along 3 streams. Increased causeway during construction; use of cofferdams
Surface Waters
shading of 2.8 acres for river and 0.7 acre during construction; implementation of post-
for the canals. construction stormwater management plan.
Erosion and Sedimentation controls; implementation
Groundwater Increase in impervious area (20 acres).
of post-construction stormwater management plan.
Geology and Soils Impact to 60 acres of erodible soils. Erosion and sedimentation controls.
Impacts to 2.17 acres of regulatory floodway and
10.3 acres of 100-year floodplain. Proposed bridge During final design, conduct additional hydrologic
Floodplains would be less of an obstruction to flooding and and hydraulics analysis and develop appropriate
flood elevations would be 0.03 feet (1-year flood) compensatory storage.
to 0.07 feet lower (500-year flood) than existing.
Develop detailed wetland mitigation plan during
Wetlands Permanent impact to 0.88 acre of wetland. final design, including wetland replication through a
mitigation bank in-lieu fee programs or on-site.
Erosion and Sedimentation Control, Spill Prevention
Terrestrial and Clearing of 8 acres of forest and loss of 0.34 acre
Control and no in-water work during shortnose
Aquatic Habitats of river or stream bottom.
sturgeon spawning period.
Construct new bridge piers within cofferdams; no
Loss of 0.03 percent of spawning habitat for
in-water work during shortnose sturgeon spawning
shortnose sturgeon. Potential nesting for peregrine
Threatened and periods; use trestle causeway not earthen causeway;
falcon. Habitats for Atlantic sturgeon (not
Endangered Species other measures contained in the Biological Opinion
spawning), listed mussels species and red-bellied
on the potential effects on the shortnose sturgeon.
turtle will be affected.
Provide alternative nesting for peregrine falcon.
Aesthetic treatment of bridge piers/abutments;
Adverse effect on the Delaware and Raritan funding to foster and support the interpretation
Historic Resources Canal and an effect (not considered adverse) of historic resources along the Delaware and
on the Delaware Canal. Raritan Canal. Implement stipulations of the
Section 106 Programmatic Agreement.
Implement stipulations of the Section 106
Archaeological Impact to several areas along the Delaware River
Programmatic Agreement. Additional study
Resources with high archaeological sensitivity.
and recovery will be performed.
Future carbon monoxide levels will be well within
No adverse effects. Dust control measures
Air Quality established standards (NAAQS) in 2030, and
will be incorporated during construction.
particulate matter will not be of concern.
Increase of 1 to 5 dBA Leq(h) over existing
Noise conditions; 1 to 4 dBA Leq(h) over 2030 No Construct 3 miles of noise walls.
Build; and 74 impacted receptors.
Lead paint on existing bridge and potential Lead paint containment during demolition
Hazardous Waste
for asbestos will be determined. of existing bridge.
Project supports planned economic development
Secondary Development and access to designated growth centers within
No adverse effects.
and Cumulative Impacts PA and NJ, but the project will not change well-
established land use and development patterns.

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