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Discussion and References

Information about Wall thickness calculation of straight pipes under external pressure:
ASME Section VIII Div 1 paragraphs UG-28, UG-29 and UG-30
ASME B31.3 Process Piping, paragraph 304.1.3

Tables and Standards

- ASME Sec on VIII Div 1 paragraph UG-28, Thickness of Shells and Tubes under External Pressure
- ASME Sec on VIII Div 1 paragraph UG-29, S ffening Rings for Cylindrical Shells Under External Pressure
- ASME Sec on VIII Div 1 paragraph UG-30, A achment of S ffening Rings
- ASME B31.3 Process Piping, paragraph 304.1.3, Straight Pipe Under External Pressure
- ASME Sec. II D Fig. G, Geometric Chart for Components Under External or Compressive Loadings (All Materials)
- ASME Sec. II D Fig. CS, Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed
for Carbon or Low Alloy Steel
- ASME Sec. II D Fig. HA, Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed
for Austeni c Steel
- ASME Sec. II D Fig. HT, Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Components Under External Pressure Developed
for Quenched and Tempered Low Alloy Steel
- ASME Sec. II D Table TM-1 ( Modulus of Elas city, E )
- ASME B36.10M-Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe
- ASME B36.19M-Stainless Steel Pipe

Cylinders having Do/t values ≥ 10

Step 1. Assume a value for t and determine the ra os L/Do and Do/t.
Step 2. Enter Figure G in Subpart 3 of Sec on II, Part D at the value of L/Do determined in Step 1. For
values of L/Do greater than 50, enter the chart at a value of L/Do = 50. For values of L/Do less
than 0.05, enter the chart at a value of L/Do = 0.05.
Step 3. Move horizontally to the line for the value of Do /t determined in Step 1. Interpola on may be
made for intermediate values of Do/t; extrapola on is not permi ed. From this point of
intersec on move ver cally downward to determine the value of factor A.
Step 4. Using the value of A calculated in Step 3, enter the applicable material chart in Subpart 3 of

Sec on II, Part D for the material under considera on. (See figures CS for Carbon and Low Alloy

Steel and HT for Ferri c Steels with Proper es Enhanced by Heat Treatment). Move ver cally to

an intersec on with the material/temperature line for the design temperature (see UG-20).
Interpola on may be made between lines for intermediate temperatures. If tabular values in
Subpart 3 of Sec on II, Part D are used, linear interpola on or any other ra onal interpola on
method may be used to determine a B value that lies between two adjacent tabular values for a
specific temperature. Such interpola on may also be used to determine a B value at an

intermediate temperature that lies between two sets of tabular values, a er first determining

B values for each set of tabular values.

In cases where the value of A falls to the right of the end of the material/temperature line,
assume an intersec on with the horizontal projec on of the upper end of the material/
temperature line. If tabular values are used, the last (maximum) tabulated value shall be used.
For values of A falling to the le of the material/temperature line, see Step 7.
Step 5. From the intersec on obtained in Step 4, move horizontally to the right and read the value of
factor B.
Step 6. Using this value of B, calculate the value of the maximum allowable external working pressure
Pa using the following equa on: SERIES No. 0005S_2/SPREADSHEETS SERIES No. 0005S_2.htm 1/2

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Pa =

Step 7. For values of A falling to the left of the applicable material/temperature line, the value of Pa can be
calculated using the following equation:

Pa =

If tabular values are used, determine B as in Step 4 and apply it to the equa on in Step 6.
Step 8. Compare the calculated value of Pa obtained in Step 6 or Step 7 with P. If Pa is smaller than P,
select a larger value for t and repeat the design procedure un l a value of Pa is obtained that is
equal to or greater than P.

The parameters in the wall thickness calcula on of straight pipes under external pressure
equa ons above are:

A = factor determined from Figure G in Subpart 3 of Sec on II, Part D and used to enter the
applicable material chart in Subpart 3 of Sec on II, Part D. For the case of cylinders having
Do/t values less than 10, see (c)(2).
B = factor determined from the applicable material chart or table in Subpart 3 of Sec on II,
Part D (Figures CS, HA, HT) for maximum design metal temperature [see UG-20(c)]
Do = outside diameter of cylindrical shell course or tube.
E = modulus of elas city of material at design temperature. For external pressure design in
accordance with this Sec on, the modulus of elas city to be used shall be taken from the
applicable materials chart in Subpart 3 of Sec on II, Part D. (Interpola on may be made
made between lines for intermediate temperatures.)
L = the running centerline length between any two sec ons s ffened in accordance with
UG-29. in. (mm).
P = external design pressure [see Note in UG-28 (f)].
Pa = calculated value of maximum allowable external working pressure for the assumed
assumed value of t, [see Note in UG-28(f)].
t = minimum required thickness of cylindrical shell or tube, or spherical shell, in. (mm) SERIES No. 0005S_2/SPREADSHEETS SERIES No. 0005S_2.htm 2/2

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