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Conjunction To introduce a Topic To Summarize To show purpose Cause and Effect To compare To contrast
And As for In all In order to Accordingly By comparison However
But Concerning In a word So that According to In the same way Instead of
Or With regard to In brief In accordance with Likewise In spite of
If With respect to Briefly As a consequence Similarly Despite
Regarding In short For this reason Notwithstanding
In conclusion Thus On the contrary
To conclude Hence On the other hand
So Rather than
Then Yet

To explain To add information To show conditions To show conviction Chronological order Logical order
Actually Also In spite of After all After that For example (e.g.) In which
Because Besides Nevertheless Surely Afterwards For instance Wherein
Because of Furthermore Even if Doubtless Later Namely
Due to In addition Unless Undoubtedly Then Such as
Owing to Moreover Otherwise Evidently When Both … and
Certainly Once more Although Certainly While Either … or
In fact Though Whilst Neither … nor
Indeed Despite Earlier
Since Previously
That is Already
i.e. (id est) Finally
In the meantime

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