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How Does GEC 002 Help Me Attain the T.I.P. Graduate Attributes?

In this modular, it is safe to say that I acquired most of the following attributes listed:

• Professional Competence
• Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills
• Communication Skills
• Lifelong Learning
• Social and Ethical Responsibility
• Productivity
• Interpersonal Skills

This course was definitely more than just a history lesson for me. It was an exploration of
ideas and it made me understand cultures, traditions, beliefs and laws. And it just showed how
everything from the past influenced and shaped our country into what it is today. This modular, I
realized I gained a new interest for history. I wasn’t into it back then so I now understand what the
quote “you’ll understand what actually matters when you are old” really meant because the lessons
connects to the country’s situation right now. The discrimination, Inequality, Poverty, and
Oppression especially to our farmers and minority, all of that are still out here in this democratic
country. Now that I actually read some laws in a deeper comprehension and actually understand
what it meant to stand for your people, I have this burning desire as a future engineer to contribute
well to make this country better and great than ever.

Moreover, I learned how to weigh and utilize sources that is credible which is a basic
component to historical research. For this reason, we could be stop from making the same old
mistakes. History basically makes up our whole lives. By looking at history, we have a better
understanding of how to live in the world. There are diverse sources of history including
documentary sources or documents, archaeological records, and oral and video accounts which are
still reliant until this day. Like we managed to know how our countrymen’s efforts attained the
national independence that we’ve longed for, from the Spanish colonization, enough to be
motivated up to now. Truly, our history mirrors the Filipino spirit of faith, bravery and
perseverance. Same as what we have right now, we are sick of seeing our countrymen being
trapped in tyranny; so people had to rally on the streets to get what they need. I believed that a
citizen should involve oneself in the development of the nation, the welfare of one’s fellow citizens
and to aspire for progress; but I also believed that it shouldn’t be one sided, the government must
step up, balance and administer the rights of their people. In the midst of the call for change and
the clamor for national unity, love of country means proactively doing ones share in nation building
to make sure that the future generations of Filipinos, just like what Rizal and Bonifacio envisioned
during their time, will have a better future. Being a citizen may be a little difficult for the reason
that we to be compelled in paying taxes and to follow the rules implemented by the government
but we have to submit to the authorities, have to be responsible and need to contribute in the
simplest way that we can do for the country. Do not let our heroes’ sacrifices for the country be in

Furthermore, I specifically love the controversies, the cry of Pugadlawin and

Balintawak where we composed a rap song and the activity about Gregorio Del Pilar because in
able for me to finish the Comics, I’ve read a lot of stories about him. I even watched a whole movie
about it that I enjoyed as well. Also, I got to have a peaceful argument and discussion with my
friends from other universities who has the same course and same interests and also to my
groupmates that I actually never interacted with. With completing these assignments, I was able
to explain what I thought was the most important influences, and express all of my new knowledge
on the subject to the reader. I grasped how to analyze rather than report, as well as writing in
historical context.

Thus, History beyond doubt provided us insights of general information from the past that
made us easier to live up to the fundamental notion of continuous innovation. Despite all these
developments and modernity, major interrogations like the controversies are still unanswered;
meaning we still have a lot of room to improve for we have lots of open-ended problems to face
and solve as well. With all the activities and informative discussions, this course has successfully
stimulated my mind. I feel that I take in a whole lot that I could in six weeks’ time. History, then,
is the concatenation of human experiences. There are victories and pain, enlightenment and
prejudices that has been a part of the changes of our philosophy. It is, perhaps, the only way to
know who we are.

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