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RESULT So It was late, so I decided to take a taxi home.
Consequently / As a result / Therefore His wife left him. As a result, he became very depressed.
So / Such (a) ........... that The storm was so terrible that the roofs were ripped off.
He was such a handsome man that she fell in love
CAUSE AND Because / Since / As Since we arrived late, all the best seats had been taken.
REASON Because of / Due to We were unable to go by train because of the rail strike.
CONTRAST Although / Even though / But Although the car is old, it is still reliable.
Despite / In spite of Despite / In spite of the rain, I went for a walk.
However / Nevertheless/ On the other Buying a house is expensive. However, it is a good
hand investment.
TIME When / While / After / after that While I was driving home, I saw a terrible accident.
Before / As soon as / Until / By the He went out after he had finished work.
ADDITION And I don´t feel like going out tonight. Besides, there is a good
In addition / Furthermore / Moreover / film on.
Besides She writes novels. In addition, she also writes poetry.
In addition to / As well as They robbed a bank as well as a post office.
Also / Too They adore Indian food. I like Indian food, too.
PURPOSE In order (not) to / So as (not) to + inf
So that + subject + modal verb + inf I do exercise so that I get fit
I do exercise in order to / so as to get fit.
Anita phoned me in order to recommend a film she had
just seen.
I left early so that I would meet Dan at the cinema on time.


1. Since Bill had lived in Spain for six years, he spoke Spanish fluently. (so)
Bill had lived in Spain for 6 years, so he spoke Spanish fluently.

2. I am sick and tired of people phoning me during my favourite TV programme. ( while)

I am sick and tied of people phoning me while I’m watching my favourite TV programme.
3. I don´t know Helen very much. Nevertheless, I like her. (in spite of )
In spite of + ing / nombre In spite of not knowing Helen, I like her,
Spite of the fact that In spite of the fact that I don’t know Helen very much, I like her. ( Although)

4. The weather was very hot, so we all felt tired. (because)

We all felt tired because the weather was very hot.

5. If you don’t want to wake up the baby, speak softly. (so as to)
Speak softly so as not to wake up the baby.

6. We are old but we enjoy life. (despite)

Despite the fact that we are old, we enjoy life.
Despite being old, we enjoy life.

7. The game was so easy that even a child could play it. (such)
such a/an + adjective + noun = tan ….. como
so + adjective = tan ….. como
Te game was so easy that even a child………
It was such an easy game that even …….
8. They opened the window because they didn’t want the smoke to go in the kitchen. (so that)
They didn’t want the smoke to go in the kitchen so that they opened the window.

9. He speaks Chinese and he can also read it. (furthermore)

He speaks Chinese. Furthermore, he can read it.

10. I‘m going to do more sport because I want to lose some weight. (in order to)
I’m going to do more sport in order to lose some weight.

11. I worked hard although I didn´t get the results I expected. (nevertheless)

I worked hard. Nevertheless I didn’t ger the results I expected

12. It’s such a fantastic story that I can’t believe it. (so)
The story is so fantastic that I can’t believe it.

13. They acted quickly because they wanted to avoid confusion. (so that)
So that they to avoid confusion. They acted quickly

14. You seem to know so much about it. For this reason, I would like to hear your version of the incident. (as)
As you seem to know about it, I would like to hear your version of the incident

15. You may not feel like doing it but you should visit your aunt. (however)
You may not fell like doing it however you should visit your aunt.

16. Let’s take a taxi. I want to arrive in time. (so that)

Lets take a taxi .so that I want to arrive in time

17. The paintings were so beautiful that I went to the museum twice. (such)
Such a beautiful paintings i went to the museum twice

18. The T-shirts were so cheap that we bought quite a lot. (such)
Such a cheap t-shirts we bought quite a lot

19. Tom is such a bad player that nobody wants him in their team. (so)
Tom is so bad player that nobody wants him in their team

20. Sara is so intelligent that everybody asks for her advice. (such)
Sara is an person such a intelligent that everybody asks for her advice

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