Architectural Design Assessment

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Egyptian Architecture Greek Architecture


Columns  Columns all have smooth shafts, but there are
 Greeks emphasized the vertical lines of the column
two different types of capitals: bud shaped
and its structural function by freeing the surfaces of
and bell shaped, or campaniform.
the shaft from all ornament.
 It is a simple Doric Temple characterized by its
 Swamp-plant columns at Karnak which are simplicity in the columns and capitols.
carved to resemble lotus or papyrus, with bud-  The building was supported around its perimeter by
cluster or bell-shaped capitals. Painted colonnades.
decorations, traces of which still can be seen
on the surfaces of the shafts and capitals.  The temple of Artemis in Corfu and the Parthenon
are the only Greek temples with eight columns
between antae.

Mouldings  The columns were designed with lotus,  The pediment is the triangular part on the top of the
papyrus, and palm plants in order to reflect temple. Figures were often carved on slabs and then
the marsh-like environment of creation. attached to the pediment.
 The function of the Medusa and panther figures is
believed to be apotropaic, that is, their function was to
ward-off evil and prevent it from entering the temple
 The pediments were decorated with mythical figures,
sculpted in high relief.

Roofing  The temple roof represented the sky and was  It was surmounted by a roof with two slopes with a
often decorated with stars and birds. low inclination. Triangular Pediments

Façade  A procession of criosphinxes (ram-headed)  Classical, figurative and clean. In the literal sense,
define the main entrance; these symbolize because the classical Hellenistic style is perfectly
Amon, the patron deity of the pharaoh. They defined and easily recognizable, it consists of the
have sun discs on their heads and the presence of a "cella".
mummified form of Ramses II between their

Construction Materials  Buildings for the use of mortars, which were  The Temple of Artemis is a limestone structure.
built of mudbrick.  Two different materials were used on the temple of
 The main stones used in temple construction Artemis, both on the archaic temple and on the
were limestone and sandstone, Hellenic: marble and wood as marble was an
 For obelisks is stones that are harder and innovative material.
more difficult to carve, such as granite.

Construction Methods  Column shafts and capitals were typically  The main difficulty of the construction was the
formed out of stacked stone drums or half digging of the foundations. It must be said that the
drums. temple was built in an area close to the vaguely
 Decorative elements on shafts and capitals marshy river, and the soil was therefore reluctant to
could be cut directly from the stacked blocks bear the weight of such a monument.
once in place.  the idea of installing a substrate made of a mixture
 Temple structures were built on foundations of of sand and coal on a bed of animal skins.
stone slabs set into sand-filled trenches
 The post-and-lintel structure of Egyptian temples
appears to have had its origin in an early
building technique that used firmly bound
sheaves of reeds and swamp plants as roof
supports in adobe structures
Compare the works of the 2 following architects.
Le Corbusier Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe
Le Corbusier (1887-1967), a French architect, designed with Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe (1886-1969), a German architect, was
rationality and functionality. He sought out to liberate the a constructivist abstraction designer, mainly focusing on planes
individual and therefore, exercised the Modular system to utilize and lines. Influenced by the Berlin Avant-garde, he had multiple
the human dimensions. Pairing the golden ratio to the Modular, ideas of architecture as well:
his system focused on scale of architectural proportion. 1. The enclosure of function in a generalized cubic container not
Le Corbusier uses a system of columns to capture his open plan committed to any particular set of concrete functions.
affect. 2. The articulation of the buildings in response to the fluidity of life.
3. Dematerialization of architectural elements.
This idea was revolutionary and became the foundation of Le 4. Plastic sensibility in window/brick compositions
Corbusier’s 5 points of architecture: 5. Elementalist design of the plan
1. Columns (pilotis) 6. The Center is abolished
 Elevating the mass off the ground 7. The room as a plan organizer is dissolved.
2. Free plan (plan libre) 8. Plans are not organized by the taxonomy of functions but
 Achieved through the separation of the load-bearing represent an instance of MVDR’s many possible compositions.
columns from the walls subdividing the space 9. Interplay between column and wall is a major theme.
3. The free façade (façade libre)
 The corollary of the free plan in the vertical plane Mies Van Der Rohe uses a series of planes to capture the open
4. Ribbon wind (fenetre de longerue) plan. Mies Van Der Rohe does use the column as well. He even
 The long horizontal sliding window uses the column in some interesting ways that were somewhat of
5. Roof garden (toit-jardin) a revolution. However, Mies really changes things up with his use
 Restoring supposedly, the area of ground covered by of planes.  Their horizontal elements are very similar to each other
the house though.

Villa Savoye is an open plan but, by looking at the plan you can The 50 x 50 House was never actually constructed. Columns, at
begin to see how much of the plan is open but then Le Corbusier the time, were thought to be a corner element.
places a lot of spaces in the back corners to allow for some more Mies placed the columns on the center of the walls meaning all
privacy in places that may need privacy. Comparing that to Mies the weight was supported in the center of the exterior instead of
Van Der Rohe’s 50 x 50 House and you can begin to see how the corners.
truly open his plan was. In terms of program Mies eliminated a lot of privacy. Not only did
he eliminate a lot of privacy within the house he eliminated it from
outside the house.
The house was all glass curtain walls allowing the house to be
somewhat of a doll house. You could see inside the house at all

Villa Savoye & Floor Plan

The 50 x 50 Plan House Concept

By eliminating the load-bearing walls and replacing them with In Mies Van Der Rohe’s Barcelona Pavilion you can really see
columns, Le Corbusier opened up the interior and exterior, how he uses the plane. Similar to Le Corbusier, the wall was no
allowing new possibilities to be explored. longer needed as a structural element. Columns took their place,
as the walls became more of a visual aspect. His plans were quite
simple, designing the structure around the notion of “less is more”.
Choose 1 example of modern/international style architecture & explain why it became modern architecture.

In the exterior wall terminations were performed with two

layers revoking dyed and waterproofed cement, applied
directly to the concrete formwork.

 A Giant Ocean Liner

Wells Coates' biographer, J.M. Richards, believes that these
flats are "nearer to the machine á habiter than anything
Corbusier ever designed". The block showcases perfectly
Wells' belief in the benefits of minimal living- gone is the
unnecessary ornamentation of the Victorian house; in its
Construction Date: 1933 - 1934 place is a small, clean, furnished, centrally-heated
Location: Hampstead, London apartment.
A Vision for Modern Living
The desire to create an organic community is also clear:
Isokon Flats, also known as Lawn Road Flats, on Lawn
Wells wrote to Jack Pritchard; "My scheme provides a place
Road, Hampstead, London NW3, is a reinforced concrete
which every actor in this drama can call his own place, and
block of 36 flats, A sculptural Modernist apartment block that
further than that my idea of property does not go. This is the
was once home to Walter Gropius, Agatha Christie and
room where I sleep, this is where I work, and this is where I
Soviet spy Arnold Deutsch.
eat. This is the roof garden where everyone can turn out.
This is the garden where everyone goes. It's like a park."
 Concept
The apartment block Lawn Road, completed in 1934 by
 Decline and Rebirth
Wells Coates, was conceived as a social and architectural
Pritchard was unable to import necessary materials for
experiment which aimed to make possible a system of
building from the continent, and after the war the flats failed
modern urban life. It was the first building of the architect
to attract the same eclectic mix that had lived there in the
o Isokon (Isometric Unit Construction) in whose name
building later became known, exposed a “minimun flat”
In 1955, the whole block was given a stucco makeover,
designed by Coates, showing the type of accommodation
spoiling their imposing appearance, the flats were transferred
could be designed for young professionals and spark interest
to Camden Council in 1972. The Isobar was closed and the
sense of community which had been such a part of the
o Smaller departments, 22 “minimal flats”, had a little
Isokon experiment was lost.
kitchenette equipped and could not be inhabited by people
with children “kitchenless and child-free”. Constraints of
 What makes Lawn Road special is its very early date for
modern life simpler by providing the space that would give
a British Modern building.
maximum comfort using the least amount of materials.
It was very neatly fitted out, and it has been cleverly adapted
to work in the 21st century. It's ultimately right that it has
 Materials survived as a repository of stories; a monument to the
The departments were built with reinforced concrete. The excellence and energy of a pioneering period and a vivacious
outer walls with 10 cm thick were inside an insulating layer of and bold group of people. Much of the original fabric has
2.5 cm, consisting of pressed cork plates placed inside the been lost - windows had been replaced gradually over the
formwork. The dividing walls between departments on both years and Avanti has had to take out the cross wall between
sides were lined with limestone blocks, with a separation the flats to improve insulation.
between them of about 5 inches and filled with glued strips
partitions to fill this gap. The remaining walls were plastered It would have been good to see some shared facilities
internally. Departments are insonorizaron as possible. reintroduced. The Isobar was not feasible in planning or
economic terms, but a communal laundry - ruled out because
of projected management difficulties - would have freed up
space in the flats and encouraged interaction. However, it is
a joy to see the building back in use and appreciated by the public and its lucky occupiers.

Building Maintenance is the process of ensuring that buildings Running a business is time consuming, bringing in an expert to
and other assets retain a good appearance and operate at manage compliance will free up valuable time so you can
optimum efficiency. Inadequate maintenance can result in concentrate on growing your business.
decay, degradation and reduced performance and can affect
heath and threaten the safety of users, occupants and others in Role of an Architect in relation to Building Maintenance:
the vicinity. o Architecture and design influence not merely the aesthetics
of buildings and other physical surroundings, but also the
Planned maintenance: Carried out on a regular basis, such as way individuals perceive and go about performing everyday
servicing boilers. activities.
Preventive maintenance: Carried out in order to keep o Architects thus create spaces that enable people to
something in working order or extend its life, such as replacing perform daily tasks and a range of everyday social
cracked roofing tiles before inclement weather. activities.
Corrective maintenance: This involves repairing something that o Architects also play a vital role in securing the future
has broken, such as a window or guttering. maintenance of newly designed buildings in order to
Front-line maintenance: This involves maintaining something ensure the continued existence of these physical spaces.
while it is still in use, such as repainting and decorating an
occupied building.
Uncompromised Aesthetics Through Thoughtful Design
Proactive maintenance: Maintenance work that is undertaken
to avoid failures or to identify defects that could lead to failure. o Architectural visions and inspirational design rarely stem
Reliability Centered maintenance: A combination of from the practical needs of building maintenance.
maintenance strategies used to ensure a physical asset o The uncompromised aesthetics of these architectural
continues to function correctly. landmarks rely on vast open spaces that allow air and
Scheduled maintenance: Preventive maintenance carried out natural light to dominate, thus creating pleasant and
in accordance with predetermined intervals, number of spectacular environments. However, the continued use of
operations, hours run, and so on. these buildings brings about a range of practical issues
regarding the building maintenance.
o Plan of Action o Permanent installations in the ceilings and walls entail
great compromises to the aesthetics and lack flexibility to
For Electrical Safety, Fire Safety, Emergency Lighting, Pest
perform various maintenance tasks.
Control and Water Testing.
o Scaffolding provides the necessary flexibility, but is a
o Record Keeping laborious and time-consuming solution for performing
everyday maintenance, such as cleaning, repairs and
Record keeping will allow for easier management of Building decorating projects.
Maintenance however it also offer a company the security of
knowing all legal requirements have been met should something
Opening Possibilities with Flexible Solutions for Building
go wrong.
o Keep Up to Date and Prepare For Change
o Flexible solutions for building maintenance open a range of
Sourcing the relevant updates should not be a difficult, time possibilities for architects to ensure that the future facility
consuming responsibility, once a reliable source has been management may be carried out in ways that are in line
identified and established. Planning ahead is the best way to with the architectural visions of the building.
reduce impact on a business and keep costs to a minimum.
Sustainability Necessitates Maintenance
o Costing
o By considering maintenance possibilities during the design
This may include equipment, maintenance of the equipment, phase, architects play a vital role in securing the proper
staffing, certification fees for a number of services such as water conservation of completed projects.
hygiene, security or portable appliance testing. o Sustainable architectural design needs to provide
o Outsource thoughtful solutions for future building maintenance that are
flexible, safe and economically sound.
Source: Arc
Architecture and design influence not merely the aesthetics of who are familiar with flexible maintenance technologies
buildings and other physical surroundings, but also the way may grant themselves certain design freedoms by
individuals perceive and go about performing everyday highlighting these possibilities. Sustainable architectural
activities. Contemporary architecture considers and shapes the design needs to provide thoughtful solutions for future
behavior of people, whether at home, at work or during leisure
building maintenance that are flexible, safe and
activities. In this regard, contemporary architecture increasingly
incorporates diverse materials with different and unique qualities economically sound.
in order to create surroundings that facilitate the intended and
naturally occurring behavior of visitors and everyday users.  Electrical Safety – Electrical Inspection and
Architects thus create spaces that enable people to perform Testing, Electrical Maintenance and Portable
daily tasks and a range of everyday social activities. However, Appliance Testing.
architects also play a vital role in securing the future
maintenance of newly designed buildings in order to ensure the
continued existence of these physical spaces.
 Fire Safety – Fire alarms, logs and wardens all
contribute to ensuring fire safety.
Uncompromised Aesthetics Through Thoughtful Design
 Emergency Lighting – Emergency lighting help
Architectural visions and inspirational design rarely stem site users are able to remain safe, or safely
from the practical needs of building maintenance. The escape a building in the event of normal lighting
uncompromised aesthetics of these architectural failure.
landmarks rely on vast open spaces that allow air and
natural light to dominate, thus creating pleasant and  Pest Control – Failure to adhere to pest control
spectacular environments. However, the continued use of measures can cause contamination and put your
these buildings brings about a range of practical issues employees’ and consumers’ health at risk.
regarding the building maintenance. Permanent
installations in the ceilings and walls entail great
 Water Testing – Water is a large risk factor for
compromises to the aesthetics and lack flexibility to
which all employers and landlords are obliged to
perform various maintenance tasks. Scaffolding provides
regularly undertake water treatment and to act to
the necessary flexibility, but is a laborious and time-
limit this risk, particularly for Legionella.
consuming solution for performing everyday maintenance,
such as cleaning, repairs and decorating projects. Falcon
Spider Lifts are designed to respond to the architectural
and functional needs of contemporary buildings without
compromising aesthetics, safety or the practical needs of  Planned maintenance: Carried out on a regular
building maintenance. basis, such as servicing boilers.

Opening Possibilities with Flexible Solutions for Building  Preventive maintenance: Carried out in order to
Maintenance keep something in working order or extend its
life, such as replacing cracked roofing tiles before
Flexible solutions for building maintenance open a range inclement weather.
of possibilities for architects to ensure that the future
facility management may be carried out in ways that are in  Corrective maintenance: This involves repairing
line with the architectural visions of the building. The light something that has broken, such as a window or
ground pressure, long outreach and wheel-based options guttering.
makes Falcon Spider Lifts a perfect solution for performing
maintenance task indoors and on sensitive floorings.  Front-line maintenance: This involves
maintaining something while it is still in use, such
Sustainability Necessitates Maintenance as repainting and decorating an occupied
By considering maintenance possibilities during the design
phase, architects play a vital role in securing the proper
conservation of completed projects. Moreover, architects
 Proactive maintenance: Maintenance work that is
undertaken to avoid failures or to identify defects
that could lead to failure.

 Reliability centred maintenance: A combination of

maintenance strategies used to ensure a
physical asset continues to function correctly.

 Scheduled maintenance: Preventive

maintenance carried out in accordance with
predetermined intervals, number of operations,
hours run, and so on.

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