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Unit Test Higher

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1 Listen to an interview with a journalist called John. Complete the notes below with a word or short UT Track 5
phrase in each space.

Inspiration in Sports Awards

Awards show respect for young people who have done something heroic or (1) . Some
parts of the media are more interested in (2) at sports events than in more positive
stories. John’s editor agreed that there was too much (3) in the press. One girl won an
award for rescuing someone while she was doing a (4) run. According to John, the
awards (5) that sports can motivate us and be a positive force.

Score: /5

2 Listen to an interview with a journalist called John. For questions 1–5, choose the best answer (A, B UT Track 5
or C).

1 What is the purpose of the Inspiration in Sports awards?

A to celebrate the greatest achievements in youth sports events
B to give recognition to young people who have given us feelings of hope and encouragement
C to show that it’s possible for disabled people to compete in sporting events
2 How does John feel about the media’s reporting on bad behaviour at sports events?
A He thinks the media uses the reports to sell papers.
B He thinks the media should show parents how to behave better.
C He thinks the media’s reporting is fascinating.
3 How did John’s wife respond to his complaints about the media’s attitude?
A She shared his anger and started to make her own complaints.
B She decided to do some research to find more positive stories.
C She spoke to John’s newspaper about organising an event.
4 Why did John’s editor finally agree to the awards ceremony?
A She realised it wouldn’t be as time consuming as she first thought.
B She realised that there would be a huge response by the readers.
C She was concerned about the negativity in sports reporting.
5 According to John, in what way can sports have a positive effect on people?
A They can show us that anger and frustration are just a normal part of life.
B Winning is important in competitions but there are other things which can also inspire us.
C Seeing the winners of sports competitions can inspire us to be winners ourselves.

Score: /5

3 Complete the dialogue with the words and phrases in the box. There are two extra words and phrases which you
don’t need to use.

can couldn’t don’t have to must mustn’t ought should

A: Hi, Ellie ... I (1) go to the running club meeting this morning. Did I miss anything
B: Well, the main subject was the half-marathon which is coming up. First of all, they told us how to register.
A: (2) we do it online?
B: Unfortunately not. The only way to do it is by filling in the form and sending it to the race organisers.
A: Right. I’ll do it next week.
B: You (3) to do it before then. The places are limited and you won’t get one if you’re too late.
A: OK, was there anything else that came up?
B: Yes, we (4) enter the race if we haven’t done any training. Apparently, it’s essential to be properly
A: That’s no problem. I’ve been training for months so I(5) worry about that.
B: Great. See you at the race then!

Score: /5

4 Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first. Do not change the word given. Use two to five
words, including the word given.

1 I couldn’t watch much TV when I was younger.

I watch much TV when I was a child.
2 I’m annoyed that Taylor used my phone after I asked her not to.
Taylor used my phone after I asked her not to.
3 It wasn’t necessary for us to take sandwiches because lunch was provided for us.
We sandwiches because lunch was provided for us.
4 It’ll be impossible for me to come to your birthday party because I’ll be on holiday.
I to come to your birthday party because I’ll be on holiday.
5 Manus must stay behind after school because of his behaviour in class.
Manus stay behind after school because of his behaviour in class.

Score: /5

5 Write a verb or verb phrase from the box in the correct form to complete each sentence.

arrive drop listen receive watch

1 Ali can’t find his keys. He thinks he might them on the way to school.
2 He must to music with his headphones on when you rang. That’s why he didn’t hear the phone.
3 They can’t the tennis now. The match finished half an hour ago.
4 Emma said she was leaving at lunch time so she should by now.
5 Jason couldn’t your message. Otherwise, he would have called you back.

Score: /5

6 Put each verb in the correct form with an appropriate modal or semi-modal to complete the text.

Pickles and the World Cup

Every serious England football supporter (1) (be) familiar with the story of the stolen World
Cup. Taken only months before the 1966 World Cup, the thief was quickly caught and the cup was found by a dog called
Pickles. However, what some supporters (2) (know) is that Pickles’ owner, Mr Corbett, was
also arrested. After Pickles found the cup, Mr Corbett (3) (think) that the police would
consider him a hero. What he (4) (realise) though is that the thief had told the police that he
had worked with someone else. When Mr Corbett handed the cup over to the police, they assumed he was the second thief
and arrested him. Luckily, Mr Corbett was quickly eliminated from their enquiries and reunited with Pickles. It was just as
well because without Mr Corbett and Pickles, there (5) (be) a World Cup to be won.

Score: /5


Board games versus computer games: who’s the winner?

A Computer games are everywhere, with companies investing big money on advertising the latest titles. They are
featured on TV and billboards and some even have their own TV series and films. (1) Traditional
games like Scrabble and chess are still popular with all ages, while for kids there is a new generation of board games
to accompany their favourite TV series, such as Game of Thrones and Star Wars. What is it that makes board games so
special and why should we play them rather than computer games?

B You can’t deny that computer games are a powerful form of entertainment. Despite spending hours in front of
screens at school and at work, many of us rush home to play our favourite computer games. There is debate about
whether computer games are harmful or not, but it’s clear that there are benefits such as developing attention span
and helping your brain grow. However, anyone who’s spent much time in front of a screen will also be familiar with
the negative side effects, like headaches and sore eyes. While board games have similar positive qualities to
computer games, they don’t tend to have the same unwanted side effects. (2)

C Nowadays, the makers of board games love to point out the positive qualities of their products for younger children.
(3) All of these social skills are considered important for the healthy development of children.
However, they should also consider putting these labels on their adult games. There is nothing to say that we should
stop developing these skills, and they may be even more important in adults. By participating in board games from
time to time, we may be helping ourselves to become more sociable.

D Another important benefit, which is related to developing social skills, is the positive effect board games have on
family life. Everyone knows that family relationships can be difficult, even at the best of times. However, board
games can bring families together, if only for a few hours each week. (4) When you’re playing
Monopoly, the only thing that matters is winning, and the tensions of normal life disappear. Even if your annoying
sister has beaten you again, you’ll probably leave the game with the feeling that you’ve had an enjoyable experience
E So far, many of the benefits are common to both board and computer games. However, one advantage, which is not
shared by computer games, is that board games are tactile. There are physical objects which you can touch.
(5) After all, it is our sense of touch that helps us interact with the real world and this is currently
missing from most computer games. I’m not against computer games, but there is something about playing a board
game that’s far more rewarding. It’s a way to connect with your family and friends and, most importantly, the world
around you.

7 Read the text and match the summaries 1–7 to the paragraphs A–E. There are two extra summaries which you don’t

1 A number of board games are far more addictive than was originally thought.

2 Although computer games and board games possess many of the same qualities, computer games seem to have a more
negative effect on users.
3 Playing board games is a good way for us to strengthen our relationships with our loved ones.

4 Board games promote several skills which are useful to people of all generations.

5 While playing board games, there is a stronger interaction with the physical world and this can be a positive experience
for us.

6 Contrary to what you might expect, computer games haven’t completely taken over from board games.

7 Playing board games with family members can create a lot of tension and other negative side effects.

Score: /5

8 Read the text. Choose which sentence A–G fits each gap 1–5. There are two extra sentences which you don’t need.

A While there is much talk of computer game addiction, people rarely mention addiction to board games.
B They can teach us the value of taking time out from our routines and learning to enjoy the company of others.
C In spite of the negative effects, it’s clear that computer games are far more enjoyable than traditional board games.
D Nevertheless, board games, with their folding boards, dice and brightly coloured pieces, have been making a comeback
in recent years.
E This may seem insignificant but in a world which is increasingly virtual, this sensation should be valued.
F It would seem that in the near future, people will give up playing computer games altogether.
G They tell us that games help to develop turntaking skills, verbal communication, patience and perseverance.

Score: /5


9 Complete the sentences with one word in each space. The first letter of each word has been given.

1 More than 20,000 s turned out to watch the cycling race.

2 At the end of the tennis match, Andy Murray threw his r into the crowd.
3 He’s played some fantastic chess so far despite having had some very experienced o .
4 Messi s three goals in the last match so let’s see how he plays this time.
5 I found snooker quite difficult until my dad showed me how to hold the c properly.

Score: /5

10 Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the words in the box. There are two words which you don’t
need to use.

check knock listen make mind pull stick

1 A: You need to out when you’re crossing the road. The cars go very fast
B: I know. A friend of mine nearly got hit by a car last week.
2 A: I thought Johansson played terribly in last night’s match.
B: Yes. He really out from the other players, who were much more skilful.
3 A: Have you out the new sports centre
B: I saw it yesterday. It looks great, doesn’t it?
4 A: Do you know how Gerardo is doing in the squash championships?
B: Unfortunately, he got out in the last round. Let’s see if he does better next
5 A: Do you know when we can board the aeroplane?
B: I’m not sure. I’ve been out for announcements but they still haven’t

Score: /5

11 Complete the sentences with one word from each box in the correct form.

ban cheat consist difference participate

at between from in of

1 They were hoping to the sailing competition but they didn’t put their names down in time.
2 He deserves to be entering any more tournaments after his disgraceful behaviour.
3 A rugby union team fifteen players, whereas in rugby league there are thirteen players.
4 There has been an increase in the number of players chess, with many of them using mobile
technology to help them.
5 There seems to be very little the teams. They’re playing as well as each other

Score: /5
12 Choose the correct answers (A, B, C or D).

The O’Donovan brothers

There were more than three billion (1) for the 2016 Olympics, all tuning in to find out how their country’s
athletes were performing. For many of them, the two athletes that (2) out most were the O’Donovan brothers
from Skibereen in Ireland. They (3) both Norway and South Africa in a men’s rowing competition and claimed
Ireland’s first silver medal for rowing. However, it was their funny, down-to-earth interviews during the tournament which
really captured the hearts and minds of the public. Where most athletes would be anxious (4) competing in an
Olympic event, Paul O’Donovan told a TV presenter before the semi-finals, ‘It isn’t too complex really. A to B as fast as you
can go and hope for the best.’ Since the Olympics, the pair seem to have (5) well to the media attention. In a
recent TV chat show, they had the audience in fits of laughter with their sporting anecdotes.

1 A spectators B viewers C umpires D competitors

2 A made B pulled C stood D checked
3 A beat B won C scored D drew
4 A for B at C about D to
5 A benefitted B consisted C cheated D adjusted

Score: /5


13 Write a form of the word in capitals in each gap to complete the text.

Sumo Wrestling

Sumo wrestling is a popular sport in Japan, which dates back hundreds of years. It has gone
through various stages of (1) to become the sport that it is today. Originally, it DEVELOP
was more similar to Western forms of wrestling where (2) were expected to COMPETE
throw each other to the ground. Nowadays, however, the objective is for the wrestlers to push
their (3) out of the ring. In order to do this, they depend on their size and OPPOSE
(4) . There are no restrictions on size so there is every incentive for wrestlers to STRONG
be as big as possible. Despite the fact that each round may only last a few minutes, sumo wrestling
is extremely popular in Japan and there are big prizes for the sumo stars. Some wrestlers can
expect to receive (5) totalling more than £60,000. WIN

Score: /5
14 Write one word in each gap to complete the text.

I’m not very sporty and I certainly don’t like running through cold, muddy fields, so when my school organised a cross-
country run I wasn’t very happy. Everyone was expected to participate (1) the run and I couldn’t think of
any way to avoid it. Instead, I came up with a plan so I didn’t (2) to run the complete course. Before the
race, I got a map and I worked out all the places where I could take short cuts. This (3) have reduced the
distance by several kilometres. On the day of the race, I confidently set off and managed to complete it in record time.
However, I soon realised that there was a problem with my plan; the course consisted (4) a series of
checkpoints which the participants had to pass through. My teacher pointed out that I hadn’t gone through any of them. He
told me to run all the way back to the beginning, passing through the checkpoints. I certainly learnt my
(5) that day!

Score: /5

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