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Assignment 5: EE 765_Autumn_2020.

Deadline: Monday, November 2, 11:55 PM

• Submit a typed response, containing a PDF file. (No Hand-written responses will be accepted).
• Submit the Python / Matlab / Excel / Origin Files / Notebooks / Workbooks as well. Without
these, no credit will be given.
• You can zip all the necessary files and upload a single zipped file on Moodle. HTML files
generated using tools such as Jupyter notebook are also acceptable provided you have
provided description of your results, and TAs don’t have to go through your code to find out
• If you are not sure about something, make and clearly state the assumptions you have made
while solving the problems.
• To get the data specific to you, go to and enter your
roll number. If your roll number has letters, include capital letters. If you enter an incorrect roll
number, you will get a different data file. You will get zero credit for the assignment if you use
other data file than the one assigned to you for solving the questions below. If you download
the file more than one times using your correct roll number, you will get the same file every
• If you choose to use Origin for this assignment, know that a continuous connection to IITB
network (using VPN) is required, else Origin says it can’t verify the license and shuts down in
few minutes.

1. The failure times data obtained in the Accelerated Testing of capacitors (in hours) is
provided to you on the URL mentioned in the instructions. Your task is to fit Weibull
Distribution to this data to answer following questions:
A. Calculate α and β for the Weibull distribution along with 95% confidence intervals
using OLS Regression [4]
B. Calculate α and β for the Weibull distribution along with 95% confidence intervals
using MLE [4]
C. Comment on the origin of differences, if any, of the answers in A & B. [2]
D. Do the capacitors show reducing / constant / increasing failure rate? [2]
E. What’s the CDF when exactly 50 capacitors fail in the test? Is it exactly 0.5? Why? [2]
F. Now assume that you only had time and resources to conduct an accelerated test so
that only 20 failures could be seen. Rest of the capacitors that don’t fail in the test can
be considered to have “Right Censored Type II” data. (You can use the same data file
which you downloaded, but pretend that exact time to failure data is only available
for the first 20 failures). For this case, answer the questions A & B. [8]
G. For the data described in F, predict the time (with 95% confidence intervals) at which
90% of the failures would be expected in the test. (Solve this using MLE as well as LS).
H. Compare the results for G with time to obtain 90% failures when you considered the
full data (such as in A and B) and comment on the differences. [2]
Assignment 5: EE 765_Autumn_2020. Deadline: Monday, November 2, 11:55 PM

2. Approximately many hours did it take for you to develop and submit the solution for this
assignment? What took the most amount of time? [0.5 + 0.5]
3. Naming the PDF file and the Zip file as RollNumber_Asg4_EE765 [1]

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