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Fundamentos del Inglés Escrito. Actividad. ¿Cómo conversar?

¿Cómo conversar?

Nombres y Apellidos de estudiantes:

Diego Tadeo Morillo Jiménez, Julieska Noemi Ng Carrasquel

María Gabriela Mencias González

Diálogos utilizando el presente simple.

Actividad. Rellena el espacio en blanco con el verbo correcto en

tiempo presente, según la estructura de cada oración.
Dialogue A

Q: Do you get up early on Sundays? (get)

A: No, I get up late.
Q: What time do you get up? (get)
A: At noon.
Q: Does she eat breakfast in the morning? (eat)
A: Yes, she eats breakfast at work. (eat)
Q: What time does she eat breakfast? (eat)
A: At nine o'clock.
Q: Do they go to work together? (go)
A: Yes, they go together every day. (go)
Q: What time do they go to work? (go)
A: At a quarter to eight.
Fundamentos del Inglés Escrito. Actividad. ¿Cómo conversar?

Dialogue B

Q: Where do you live? (auxiliary verb of Simple Present) (live)

A: I live downtown with my family. (live)
Q: Nice, do you live in an apartment or house?
A: I live in a house, but we need more space. (need)
Q: Do you want to move?
A: Yes, we want to move to the countryside.
Fundamentos del Inglés Escrito. Actividad. ¿Cómo conversar?

Diálogos utilizando el presente simple.

Actividad. Rellena el espacio en blanco con el verbo correcto en

tiempo pasado, según la estructura de cada oración.
Dialogue A.

Q: How was the movie?

A: It was really good. (be)
Q: Was it scary? (be)
A: Yes, it was really scary. (be)
Q: Nice. Was it crowded?
A: No, it wasn’t (be, negative). There weren’t many people there, surprisingly.
Dialogue B.

Q: Did you do anything this weekend? (do)

A: I did. I took the train to the city and met my friend. (take)
Q: Oh, yeah! What did you do? (auxiliary verb of past simple)
A: We had lunch and did some shopping. (have)
Q: Did you buy anything? (auxiliary verb of past simple) (buy)
A: No, I didn’t. I just went window shopping . I’m trying to save money. (go)
A: Me too!

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