Argumentative Research Paper

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The thought of being executed for something you're being accused of would

horrify anyone. Studies show that not all people have the mental capacity to be held in
such regards when it comes to criminal activity; DNA testing could prevent many from
being wrongly put to death. Taking one's life is unjust and it makes the prosecutor no
better than the convicted.
The article DNA tests put death penalty under fire explains how the possiblity or
thought for doing dna testing on people convicted has sparked views on the death
penalty. The author states, “38 states allow people to be sentenced to death.” 38 states
are more than half of America. Is it justice occurring in these states that allow this? No!
If DNA testing could prevent innocent people from being falsely put to death, then I think
that it is important for it to be done.
The second article, titled Crime, culpability, and the adolescent brain: this fall, the
U.S. Supreme Court will consider whether capital crime by teenagers under 18 should
get the death sentence; the case for leniency is based in part on brain studies gives
various reasons to why the death penalty should not always be the option especially for
minors. The article says, “Capacities relevant to criminal responsibility are still
developing when you are 16 or 17 years old.” For a 16 or 17 year old this sentencing
could be considered cruel and unusual. Knowing my rights as an american citizen I
know that cruel and unusual punishment would be going against our eighth amendment.
So why as the people should we be for this? I say that we shouldn’t.
The article Public support for the death penalty uses facts and statistics to
display the increase in death penalty support and opposition. The author states “63% of
the public thought the death penalty was morally justified, but majorities said there was
sme risk of an innocent person being put to death.” An innocent person being put to
death is a horrible thing to imagine but the reality of the death penalty. Once a person is
executed there is no longer a fight and justice won’t be served.
While there are many arguments for DNA testing and not the death penalty there
are some aginst it. For example,some people argue that teenagers or even the mentally
retarded should know right from wrong. However, studies show that the brain is still
growing and maturing for these adolescents. In addition, the article states “Today, 54%
of Americans favor the death penalty for people convicted of murder”, which is more
than half of America. However, most of the people in favor of this are older white men.
In America the white man is known as the supremacist and you don’t see more
minorities going to jail than whites. While other arguments exist, the taking of one's life
is unjust and it makes the prosecutor no better than the convicted. The argument that is
for the death penalty can be unexplainedley and racially motivated.
In conclusion, the death penalty benefits no one. The accused doesn’t have a
chance to serve time for their actions; they’re life is just taken from them. A life for a life
isn’t moral. Us as the people allowing it to continue is unjust. The point of the judicial
system is to make sure justice is served. The death penalty does not do this. DNA
testing could be a beneficiary to see how many people are truly being wrongly

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