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Before we understand and simulate Datacenter failure and fail back let’s do some post

configuration on the DAG network. We know that all the servers which are in the DAG have
two NIC, Public and Private. We also know that Private is for replication traffic and public IP
is for MAPI traffic but it not defined in the DAG. We need to disable replication traffic
happening thought MAPI network and dedicate only replication IP for replication. Let’s see
what the current status of DAG network is? Below cmdlet pulls the details. Figure 15. Shows
the details of the current DAG network. It has 4 subnets from both the sites and they are,, and and Replication is enabled
on the entire Network


Figure 15. DAG network Status

The current DAG network looks very odd and replication is enabled on the entire DAG
Networks. Let’s rework to create two new DAG Network using below PowerShell, one for
MAPI with replication disabled and other for replication. Then add only the required subnets
into it.

New-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork -DatabaseAvailabilityGroup DAG01

-Name MAPI -Subnets, -ReplicationEnabled: $false

New-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork -DatabaseAvailabilityGroup DAG01

-Name Replication -Subnets,

Figure 16. Execution result after creating two new DAG network with required subnets
Now we create two new DAG network and added the subnets into it. It’s time to remove the
old subnets. Before that let’s see what the status of the DAG network is? Figure 17 show the
details. It has two new DAG network, MAPI with replication set to False and MAPI subnets
from both the Sites and Replication network with replication enabled
Figure 17. DAG network status after new DAG Network creation
Let’s remove the old DAG network01 – 04 which does not have any subnets in it. lets use
below PowerShell cmdlet to do the same. Figure 18. Shows the result of the Powershell

Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork DAG01\DAGNetwork* | Remove-


Figure 18. Removing old DAG network

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