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READING AND SPEAKING Advice column e people write 2 Match the readers’ letters to these problems. There are two for each problern 1 These problems come from a newspaper colurnn whs in with a problem, and other members ofthe public give their advice. Read the problems. What advice would you givet e Bargin i em Do I have to act my Laura i 47 She single, and het with Vanessa Goodman fC hom she nic her carer and has lot of fiend ist satisfied, She longs to change She wants to live abroad, pint poetry: but hr frends tl her she stop being silly and act her age. Do I have to be a my cell phone? Jason's company bought him ace “They want him to carry it with hi time, so that they can cont anywhere, anytime. He di aloways being available, and he sway people use cell phones to conversations in public. be Should | throw my Sarah's 24-year-old son fh stays in bed until late, and day, Hes ¢ member OF sometimes causes trouble int neighborhood, He’s intelligent, dropped out of school, He's never job, His father wants to throw him 0 Sarah worries that he could end up; into trouble and put in prison. 62 Unit * Dosand don'ts Peewee cn always need the support oftheir parents, ex they’te four or twenty-four. I think you 2 pay for him to get some job training, and ready, find somewhere him all the love Fenny Wong, Los Angeles, CA ded to give it all up and change my life ically “three years ago. Since then, the most exciting three years of my can be scary, but if you don’t doit, you won't what you've missed, I dont think Go for it. Mike Garfield, Vancouver, BC, Canada fesing you. T think Ie time to go. Twenty-four Is too old to be living Bs parents, He has to take responsibility for gi And about his gang ss, Sometimes you have to be cruel to be Luis Antonio Cruz, Miami, FL itt He isn't their slave; they fown him. And I too cantt stand the way use their cell phones in restaurants and on and buses, They think that the people ji them are invisible and can't hear Jane Sandowskt, Chicago,IL . before she gives up her job oes to live abroad. Does she think that the al always shine? If there is something in her ¢ makes her unhappy novi, this will follow See should take her time Marie Paeei, Dales, TX | He should have a tal with his “sor and come to an agreement. Why can't, it off sometimes? Cell phones are great, Ie be has one for free, ____- They se ofthe best inventions ever. Pete Gold, Phoenis, AR Where do these lines go? Put the lines into the correct a, ..- you should tell him to move out she should be very careful ‘you should help him you should worry. He has o keep it! before making a decision kis so rude Th on he's very hacky, i. Thave had i. you must tll the police K. 12 you have to give 1... should he accept Listen and check. Which lener writer ..? suggests waiting thinks love ithe answer hat been adventurous thinks that employers shouldn't exploit ther employees loves call phones suggests beng tough the readers make very different suggestions, Who do you agtee with? What do you think? + How old are children when they move out of their parents’ home in your country? + What do you think of people who use cell phones in public? + Do you think older people should act their age? Why/Why not? + "You have to be crue tobe kind.” Can you think of an example? Role play ‘With a partner, choose a situation and role-play the + Laura and one of ee rind + ton ands boss + Sarah nd her husband Group work In groups, writea letter to an advice column [Exchange your letters and write a reply. Te to express sympathy with the problem and give some explanation, as well as practical advice. Unit - Dosand donts 63 VOCABULARY Words that go together 1. Many verbs and nouns go together. a -_) problems on pages 62-63, jie responsibly for ook at the letters and problems again and checl = poetry Look atthe ersand problems aginandcheck fe) Serb ; | ser va youve missed 2 Close your books Try to remember the sentences dartknow | Stallwithsoneane that inde the pass fom the Dox hmvetobe | bed vey | youtine 3 wo nouns can go together, pres =e [perotiee estas babysit | a ‘The esi usally onthe fst word Mach the nouns to make nev words tam | onan a BEY | geo lon | ame) | Beak ee | sn cea | | = ae eo | [we eee | = (|= | van | tga | coffee \_| star ‘cigarette | set fee | aoe a | bw Listen and check. 4. Choose a word and give a definition to the class Can they guess the word? You use i 0 pay for things. IRYDAY ENGLISH sit to the doctor {hurts when | walk on it. =] My glans are swollen and it hurts when I sallow. Symptoms "havea temperture, my whole body aches, and I fel awful ‘heep gong to the bathroom, | keep throwing up, and have dlarthea. the sentences in the correct order. She tock my temperature and examined me. -Aftera few das, started to feel better | diet eel very wel | went to the lnc and saw the doctor I went to the pharmacy and go the prescription filed called the doctor office and made an appointment She told me tad an infection explained what was wrong She gave mea prescription forsome medication. ‘You will hear a conversation between Manuel, student from Chile, and a doctor. Answer the questi © What are Manuel's symptoms? What questions does the doctor ask? ‘What does the doctor think isthe matter with Manuel? “& What does she prescribe? IS What advice does she give him? | Where does he have to goto fill the prescription? Took atthe tapescript om page 134, Practice with “partner. Dake similar conversations with other Symptons. + Dosand don'ts 65

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