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Final Assessment

MGT783 Leadership and Managing Talent

Answer ALL questions in PART A and PART B

PART A (40 %)

Ayu Murni Sdn Bhd is a company involve in supplying medical equipment to various hospitals in
Klang Valley. It is a very successful company with outstanding performance. Since its establishment
in 2001, it has recorded a continuous increase in customers and profits. Every year the company
managed to earn profits not less than RM20 million and able to pay 6 to 8 months bonuses to its
employees. Currently, the company has about 860 employees assigned to various departments such
as marketing, human resource, technical, sales, finance, account, and business development.

Halim, a senior marketing executive, have been working for 10 years in Ayu Murni. Halim is liked by
many of the employees because of his positive and never give up attitude. Even though he is liked
by many, but his performance was not consistence. His 2018 and 2019 performance were quite
disappointing where he obtained 58 % and 56% respectively. He was not able to meet the high
targets set by his superior and also due to his inability to cope with the new challenge in marketing
his company’s products. Halim was not very happy with the tight schedule which requires him to
work for 10 hours every day. And complaining not having enough time with his family.

Ahmad, Halim’s best friend from the human resource department, is currently an assistance
manager that is well known for hardworking, committed and able to complete his assignment on
time as expected by his superior. His superior never complaint about his performance or attitude
because he always did things right according to the instruction and supervision given by his superior.
He always meets the target set by his superior very well and because of this, his superior would like
to retain him in the department. Ahmad also don’t have the intention to leave Ayu Murni as he
loves his work there and he can see that his future is bright there. The only thing Ahmad was not
happy in Ayu Murni was the working environment he is in. He feels that his superior doesn’t trust
him and always watch what he is doing. Some of his ideas where ignored as though it was not

Ahmad always looked up at his peer, Kassim, who is also in the HR department in charge of
compensation and industrial relations. Kasim is someone very confident, having high
communication skill, and very innovative. He always has new ideas, even though some are not
realistic or practical, to suggest to his superior and most of the time his ideas were accepted very
well. His is very extrovert kind of person and he like to socialized with all the employees in Ayu
Murni. Many envies his personality and wanted to be closed to him. As opposed to Ahmad and
Halim, whom both of them never taken any sick leave this year yet, Kasim has already taken 5 days
sick leaves. The doctor decided to give him these leaves because the doctor found out Kasim was
high fever and flu. So, he was required to take leave and rest. As a result, the company was not able
to get his service for 5 days and had to get a temporary replacement. Kassim too was unhappy
working in Ayu Murni because he feels that he was not well compensated.

Based on the above case, answer all of the following questions

1) Explain what should be done with Halim?

(10 marks)
2) Discuss who should be selected to enroll in the Talent Management program? Why?
(20 marks)


3) Describe what should be done with Ahmad?

(10 marks)

PART B (60%)

Answer ALL questions


a) Explain the various types of leaders or leadership styles which were not liked by employees
or followers
(10 marks)

b) In companies such as Google, Facebook and Apple, what type of leadership styles do you
think the leaders should practice. What make you think so?
(10 marks)


a) Explain the importance of talent retention and what are some of the specific strategies we
can adopt to reduce top talent intention to leave
(10 marks)

b) Describe five (5) differences between performer and talent

(10 marks)

c) Explain the relationship between performance management, performance appraisal, talent

selection, talent development, talent retention and leader.
(20 marks)


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