Appriciation From Parents

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What our parents say


“Our children, Writisha and Writwick, speak Assamese well and the weekly classes with
Gitasree baideo has definitely opened up a new world of Swarabarna, Byanjanbarna, Juktakshar,
among other things such as our Assamese art and culture. Within a month of starting classes, the
kids have become familiar and are able to identify and write the alphabets, numbers, and some
words in Assamese. This is a huge accomplishment for us, and we are deeply grateful to
Gitashree baideo for her patience and dedication to teach our beautiful Assamese language and
culture to our children.”

Karabi & Caustoobh Bezboruah
Dallas, TX


“Hi, my name is Kalyanee Chetia and my son Ranjoy Borah , 11 years old is learning Assamese
from Gitasree Gogoi Apte. I am very grateful that my son got a chance to learn his mother
tongue in a friendly positive environment and encouraging teacher. Gitasree has lots of patience
with children and very helpful with any questions from parents too.

I have seen a growing interest in Ranjoy to learn the letters and then words to master his mother
tongue. It gives me immense pleasure to see his confidence to try a new word in Assamese.
Even, he reminds us to talk in Assamese or ask what will you say the same thing in Assamese. I
hope, his interest and confidence to learn something new grow bigger with time.
We would like to thank Gitasree for creating such a fun and educational environment for Ranjoy.
We really appreciate your efforts and time. We are going to miss you very much.”

Take care,

Kalyanee Chetia
Torrance, California.
17th June,2020


Being born in abroad and able learn our mother tongue is a huge opportunity for our kids
and next generations. Dear Gitashree ba took a very noble initiative; initially teaching Assamese
to the kids from Canada and slowly Extended the Assamese teaching Classes to the kids across
North America. Her teaching skills, tools and techniques are really very instrumental to learn
quickly. Our son Ashwin enjoys her classes. Now Ashwin knows how to write Assamese letters
অ ফলা and ক ফলা!!

Thank you Gitashree ba for your dedication and willingness to voluntarily teaching Oxomiya to
our kids which will be a good source to keep our language alive even being away from Assam.
Thank you,
Anjana Bordoloi,
USA , Maryland
17th June,2020

My son Aarohan Sharma is a student in the Assamese school called Let’s Learn Assmese
started by Gitashree Gogoi. He started his class two months ago. We are very happy with his
progress. He has started to form words and write sentences in Assamese. I am super happy as a
mom to see his progress and waiting till he can read Assamese books. Thank you Gitashree ba
for all the effort and the hard work that you have done to teach how to read and write in their
mother tongue.

Karabi Sharma
17th June, 2020

A very good and nobel initiative by Mrs. Gitashri Gogoi Apte for starting this online
Assamese school. This is a volunteer work started during the Covid lockdown but we think that
this can go places and can be converted to a proper school in the coming years. She is doing a
wonderful job as a very friendly teacher with whom the kids are at ease and are learning very
Our kids Rivan and Shivan were learning Assamese in this school and within a few days they
were able to count till 100 and read and write with help. We were very happy to see their
progress as they could not even speak Assamese before.
Our best wishes are with Mrs. Gitashri Gogoi Apte and hope she can continue doing what she
loves the best- promoting Assamese language and culture in other parts of the world.
Good luck Gitashri ba!

Sanjeev and Rimlee Dutta
Calgary, Canada


On April 6th 2020 I was proud to enroll my younger daughter Aditi Bhuyan (10) into the first
official Assamese class in Canada, at least that’s the only one I heard of. I think Padmeshwar
Gogoi International School created by Geetashri Apte is an excellent idea and a very important
contribution to the Assamese community of North America, especially to the upcoming
generation. The younger generation will not only learn our mother tongue but this school will
help them understand and stay attached to the roots of their ancestors. Thank you Geetashri.

Tara Bhuyan
Toronto, Canada


I am Sangjukta Thakuria settled in Toronto with 2 kids, Krishiv (12yrs) and

Vianna(7yrs). I and my hubby both from Guwahati . As parents we tried all aspects to speak in
Assamese with our kids .But they did not know to read or write at all
Gitashree Gogoi Apte from Calgary whom I know through Facebook, asked me about my kids
Assamese knowledge. I told her the same. Then she asked me if they recognize the alphabets or
can read . I said no... then decided it’s a great opportunity for our kids. I told my kids about it.
They were very excited too. Now every Monday they wait for 4 pm for their Assamese school .
The worksheets prepared by Gitashree is so organized and the kids are learning fast and enjoying
too . Sometimes some arts too depending on the topic .
In one way the kids are meeting other children’s from all over North America which is a good
form of socialism too in this lockdown period .
I would like to Thank Gitashree for her efforts she is taking in her hectic schedule and it will be
a pride for our kids if they read Assamese short stories not only to themselves but to others in
near future

Sanjukta Thakuria

সুদৰূ কানাডাত থাককও কিদদশত থকা অসমীয়া নৱপ্ৰজন্ম ততাক অসমীয়া ভাষা ততা কশকািলল তমাৰ কপ্ৰয় িান্ধৱী
কিতাশ্ৰী তয় কি অদ াপুৰুষাথ ককৰদে
থ তাক মই ভাষা তৰ িৰ্াি
থ তনাৱাদৰা।আজজ তমাৰ জীয়ৰী krishnikai অসমীয়া
পকিি আৰু কলকিি পৰা ল কিতাশ্ৰীৰ অকল্পনীয় তেষ্টা ৰ ফলদতই।ি ু ত ি ু ত ধনযিাদ কিতাশ্ৰী লিদত ততাৰ এই
ম ান কাি থত আৰু তিন আিিাকি িাি পাৰ আৰু অসমীয়া পিাশালী িনৰ উন্নকত অন্তদৰদৰ কামনা ককৰদলাোঁ।

Thank you Gitashree for your initiative and effort to teach Assamese through your online
Assamese school.It is because of your selfless effort that my daughter Krishnika who is studying
in Seattle and my 10years old nephew Kai from Mississippi can read and write Assamese.My
best wishes are always with you and your school.

Bandana Saikia
Guwahati, India


Dear Ms.Gitashree,

I want to thank you for all the efforts and time you put into teaching Assamese to my son. My
child feels contented and satisfied with the learning you have taught. You have always been
supportive and helpful in understanding how children grow and develop. Thank you for
acknowledging their performances.

Thank you for being such wonderful support. Stay blessed.

Debasree & Dibya Baruah
Calgary, Canada


We are extremely happy as well as thankful to Mrs. Gitasree Gogoi Apte for opening an
Assamese School to keep our Assamese language alive in North America where most of the
Assamese children do not speak our native language at their home.

Our two daughters Sanjana Bezbaruah and Karnica Bezbaruah have been attending Gitashree’s
assamese google class room from May 25th. In this context, I would also like to thank my sister-
in-law Maya Sharma from Toronto who informed me about this Assamese School. After 3
weeks, our daughters can read the Swarabarnamala , some of Byanjanbarnamala and the
numbers 1 to 10. Now-a-days they are showing interest to know the Assamese words and to hear
some Assamese stories and rhymes. This is just a beginning and we hope that our daughters will
be benefited further in learning about our native literature, art and culture.
Once again, we want to thank Gitashree for putting so much effort for our future generation. We
wish her all the best to continue her good work. Also , please let us know if we can contribute to
help our community in any other way.


Sajali Sarmah (Mother)

Siddhartha Bezbaruah (Father)
Edmonton, AB, Canada
19 June 2020


Dear Gitashree Ba,

I am writing to express my appreciation for all that you have done for teaching Assamese online
to me and my son Kai. I never learned Assamese as a subject in school. My mother taught me to
read and write Assamese at home when I was in elementary school. This online school has
helped me get to a point where I can start reading Assamese books again. My son also never
learned Assamese before. This school has given him an opportunity to learn the native language
of his forebears. Kai's Aita is very pleased that her grandson is learning to read and write
Assamese. We are so proud that Kai is able to read and write Assamese now after a month of
attending your online classes. I would imagine your online lessons must have also been a great
opportunity for the other students in the class.


Dr. Gautam Rupak

Starkville, MS, USA


I, Partha Boruah would like to strongly recommend Geetasree for your kids or even yourself
for Assamese learning. I have seen my both daughters Maya and Heeya from hardly able to read
and comprehend Assamese to pronouncing all the Assamese alphabets correctly and count from
1 to 100 in Assamese in matter of few weeks, in fact now even they can read simple Assamese
which speaks volume about the dedication and sincerity with which Geetasree took this
responsibility single handedly and all voluntary in this unprecedented time of covid 19 which
came as a boon to our Assamese community kids in Calgary. It was initiative solely taken up by
Geetasree herself with full support of Assamese community of Alberta. Even she brought in few
guest lecturer to give different perspective about Assamese history and culture. I too presented a
short presentation on Assamese stalwart Lachit’s story. Many of the community members have
shown their appreciation for Geetasree’s sincere endeavour.
Wishing her the best and hoping many more keen learners would take advantage of her this
Dr. Partha Boruah, Calgary, Canada

Being a Bramptonian (Brampton, Ontario) I always had a inferior feelings about our language as
almost all Indian Languages are offered here in International Language Program from
kindergarten to grade 8. This Assamese School has fulfilled my expectations and I am grateful
that my both children-Srineev and Krivi Sharma have learnt Assamese letters in their 4 week
already. I enjoy to see their commitment in learning Assamese alphabets and proper
pronounciation. Krivi who is at grade 1, feels proud to share that she is learning her mother
language also while communicating online with her school teacher and dance teacher. This is a
great step taken by Geetashri Baideu to teach Assamese during this hard time. I wish your school
a great success. With best wishes and regards,

Maya Sharma
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
June24, 2020


Hi Geetasree ba,

We are extremely happy as well as thankful to Mrs. Gitasree Gogoi Apte

for starting the Assamese School to keep our Assamese language alive.
My son Agastya Kashyap is a student in the Assamese school. He started
his class two months ago. We are very happy with his progress. Apart
from teaching Assamese, Geetasreeba invites guest speakers to her
virtual classroom to discuss topics related to Assamese culture. She
talks to children about all the renowned personalities of Assam and
special days like Bishnu Rabha, environmental day, mother's day,
father's day, etc. These activities not only help the children in
terms of their readiness in learning the curriculum but also promotes
interest in the language and culture.

Thank you Gitashree ba for your dedication and willingness to

voluntarily teaching Assamese to all kids which will be a good source
to keep our language alive even being away from Assam.

Thank you for all the efforts and time you put into teaching Assamese
to my son. My child feels content and satisfied with the learning you
have taught. You have always been supportive and helpful in
understanding how children grow and develop. Thank you for being such
wonderful support.

Thanks a lot

Agastya Kashyap, Rituparna Sarma and Manoj Kumar Sarma

L.A. California, USA

Jonali Barua Panging

Dallas, USA

Thank you!!
Geetashree ba started the Assamese school right after COVID lockdown started in Calgary. The
lockdown period was a very tiring period for the kids with not much to keep them engaged. But
thanks to Geetashree ba’s brilliant idea of the Assamese Online School, the kids found an engaging
way to spend their time.
For my son Dhruv Dadlani – it was something he looked forward to, not just for the lessons but also
because he got to virtually meet his friends, listened to some amazing guest speaker that talked
about different topics and even celebrated virtual birthdays.
This was a great initiative and I am positive that children benefited a lot. I can only imagine the
hours she had to put to gather materials for her lessons and then making it accessible to everyone. I
am very thankful to Geetashree ba for her dedication and effort she put in each kid.
Kind Regards,
Mandita Barthakur
Mother of : Dhruv Dadlani
Calgary, Canada

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