CV Assessment Sheet (3 Pages)

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Resume and Online Application

Assessment Form (3 pages)

Submitted by Name: _________________________ Evaluated by Name: ___________________

Assignment Submitted
 A Job Advertisement (for the post of _________________________________)

Comments & Remarks 1 (poor) ……..
10 (Excellent)

A. Evaluation (Cover Letter)

1. Layout / Format / Stationary
 Right paragraphs and sequence from open to closing
 Length : 1 page (not more than 2)
 Margins / spacing / font size
 Quality of stationery / paper

2. Content Sequence
 Able to build up background on strength and experience
 Able to convey strength, capability and interest

3. Tailored to the job

 Link up of job requirement with relevant learning,
experience and skills
 Able to back up claims with specific examples

4. Style and Grammar

 Fluency in expression
 No grammatical errors
 Correct spelling, punctuations
 Proper courtesy in language

5. No excessive duplication in CV information

 Not descriptive repeat in CV information
Comments & Remarks 1 (poor) ……..
10 (Excellent)

B. Evaluation (CV)
6. Layout / Format Stationary
 Page (too long, short)
 Proper headlines
 Proper section categorization

7. Content
 Right priority sequence of paragraphs according to job
requirement and experience to offer matching
 Provide relevant, specific examples to support

8. Grammar and Spelling

 Error free, correct tense

9. Style and Writing

 Clear and lucid in expression

10. Overall presentation of information

 No unnecessary exaggeration and true to background /
experience / accomplishment
 No over-selling

Comments & Remarks

C. Online Questions
Question 1:
 Relevant to the question asked and good answers
 Within the word limit (not too long or too short)
 Good English

Question 2:
 Relevant to the question asked and good answers
 Within the word limit (not too long or too short)
 Good English

Question 3:
 Relevant to the question asked and good answers
 Within the word limit (not too long or too short)
 Good English

Overall comments and suitability of the candidate for the post of Management Trainee or Talent
Acquisition Officer.



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