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Date : 7 March 2013 (Thursday)

Time : 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Venue : MW325, Meng Wah Complex

Speaker: Mr. Herman Chan,

Director of Careers & Placement

This PowerPoint will be put in our website : H:\1213\CE\WS\HKSAR\AO\130307.pptx
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 6 group candidates
 5 assessors

 3 assignments
 2 tasks under each assignment
 i.e. 6 group discussions in total

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Each of the 6 candidates takes turn for the following role :

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2 pages in A4 size in total,
Times New Roman, Size:

Chairman gets additional

information & instruction
(take the role as chairman
to manage the meeting,
no indication on what
position/direction to
take); others get the
same without Chairman

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 Assignment 1 : Censorship
 Assignment 1A (Cantonese):

 Currently teenagers who are under 18 are prohibited from

watching category III movies. However, for IIA and IIB movies,
the age restriction is only advisory in nature.
 Should there be a statutory age limit?
 Specific role:
 Social Welfare Department
 Commerce and Economic Development Bureau
 Note:
 This has been a popular moral topic in AO interview/group discussion

 Be ready for pros and cons. Why 18? How to answer queries from

moral action groups?

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 Assignment 1 : Censorship
 Assignment 1B (English):

 Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority

imposes a stricter standard on sex scenes between
 Should such a standard continue to be in force?
 Should the government commence legislation for Sexual
Orientation discrimination Ordinance? (Note: repeat in
 Specific role:
 Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority

 Home Affairs Bureau

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 Assignment 2 : Country Parks and
 Assignment 2A (English):
 Should government outsource the management of
barbecue pits in Country Park to external parties?
(Note: consider function/utility, cost/benefit, efficiency,
etc. It includes all: very wide distributions)
 Specific role:
 Tourism Board

 Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department

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 Assignment 2 : Country Parks and Conservation
 Assignment 2B (Cantonese):
 There is a lychee farm in the NT which attracts lots of visitors every year.
 The farm employs lots of workers and promotes organic farming.
 However, it has been discovered that the farm had long invaded into
the country park and uses government land without getting any
permission beforehand.
 Discuss the government’s next action.
 Specific role:
 Tourism Board
 Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
 Note: solution is clear. 依法辦事 . Point to be considered:
should farm operator be sued for government loss of

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 Assignment 3 : Animal Rights
 Assignment 3A (English):
 Over recent times, there has been growing awareness of issues

related to animal health and welfare in the community, and

also a rapid expansion of animal trading activities. The
Government has recently reviewed the method of operation of the
pet trade, its current enforcement action and legislation.
 Should there be legislation to regulate the activities of pet shops

and pet owners?

 How to provide sufficient space for pets in Hong Kong?

 Specific role:

 Commerce and Economic Development Bureau

 Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department

 Note: 2013 repeat in form of animal cruelty. More

severer penalty? What more enforcement measures?

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 Assignment 3 : Animal Rights
 Assignment 3B (English):
 There will be a grand opening of a famous French restaurant in

Hong Kong which serves horse meat. The source of the horses will
be those old and retired ones from the Hong Kong Jockey Club. A
lots of animal lovers have organised demonstrations opposing the
opening of this restaurant. The restaurant invites government
officials to address the ceremony. (2011 question repeated)
 Should the Chief Secretary for Administration go on behalf of the

 Specific role:

 Commerce and Economic Development Bureau

 Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department

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 Assignment 1 : Foreign Direct Investment
 Assignment 1A (Cantonese): Embryos stem cell research in Hong Kong
 A foreign corporation wants to invest US$50 billion in Hong Kong to set up a
research centre for embryos stem cell research project, without asking for any
concession from the government. It is expected to create economic benefits.
 A religious concern group has written to oppose to this plan for ethical reason. A
patients group supports this research, because this will provide better treatments
to patients.
 Although FHB does not have a time frame for the discussion of this policy yet,
preliminarily it has reservation. Because this is morally very controversial. FHB
expects to receive a large of opposing public opinions.
 Invest Hong Kong supports this policy, because of the great economic benefits.
Also, the foreign investor does not ask for any concessionary or supportive policy
from the government.
 Specific role: Invest Hong Kong + Food and Health Bureau
 Note: To handle moral issue related to advanced medical research in Hong Kong,
you could use 1st HK Medical Council moral standard + advanced US/Europe

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 Assignment 1 : Foreign Direct Investment
 Assignment 1B (English): construction of golf course and recreational centre in Sai
 A foreign company wants to develop a golf course and recreation facility in Sai
Kung. The location is currently a piece of valuable wetland.
 The golf course and recreation facility will target at the high-end business
travellers. Expectedly, it will be profitable.
 Sai Kung residents support this plan because they want development in the area.
 Hikers oppose to this plan, because this will ruin the wetland.
 Tourism Commission supports the plan because it will become a tourist spot that
help promote Hong Kong.
 AFCD is against this plan because it recognises the need to conserve the wetland.
 Specific role: Tourism Commission + Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation
 Note: A delicate balancing act. Need to quantify economic/employment benefit
vs. nature conservation benefit & see what consensus.

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 Assignment 2 : Correctional Services
 Assignment 2A (English): Prohibiting employers from asking for job applicant’s criminal records
 A group of discharged prisoners wrote to the Government, complaining that employers of
the private sector ask for their criminal record. It is believed that there is a labelling effect.
As such, even if the discharged prisoner is well qualified for the job, the employer does
not want to hire them because of the criminal record (even it is irrelevant to the position).
Also, the discharged prisoners will automatically feel being discriminated against.
 It is said that the government no longer require job applicants to provide their criminal
 They ask the government to pass a law to prohibit the employers from asking for criminal
 CEDB is against the proposal, because it does not want to interfere with the rights of
employers to choose their employees.
 EOC supports the proposal because it recognises the labelling effect of the disclosure of
criminal records.
 Specific role: Commerce and Economic Development Bureau + Equal Opportunities
 Note: Two aspects: 1. Legal, latest arrangement; 2. Moral & employment practice,
employer vs. worker. No clear way)

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 Assignment 2 : Correctional Services
 Assignment 2B (Cantonese): Imposition of quota on Civil Service Bureau to hire 200
discharged prisoners per year
 A group of discharged prisoners complained that the government has not tried hard
enough to help them re-integrate back in society. They ask the government to
impose a quota on CSB to employ 200 discharged prisoners every year so as to set a
good example for the private sector.
 CSB is against the proposal. CSB said their employment decision is made solely on
whether the candidate is capable for the position. Imposition of quota will be unfair
to the other candidates.
 SWD thinks the proposal should be implemented because this will help the
discharged prisoners to blend with the rest of society. After all, the government is
duty-bound to help discharged prisoners to re-integrate back in society.
 A citizen spoke at a radio phone-in programme, jokingly said if such policy is
implemented, perhaps one should get criminal record so as to join the civil service.
 Specific role: Civil Service Bureau + Social Welfare Department
 Note: same policy arrangement applies to legalise quota on disabled person hiring.
Penalty if violate? China has this policy & law. Companies paid the penalty instead of

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 Assignment 3 : Gender Issues
 Assignment 3A (English): Setting up a Men’s Commission
 It is suggested that men in Hong Kong faces a lot pressure in various areas of life,
such as when unemployed, they tend to be more pressurised than women
because of cultural stereotype. As such, there is a proposal that a Men’s
Commission (c.f. Women’s Commission) should be set up to address policies in
education, health, and welfare of men.
 LWB is against this proposal. The major reason is that there are already many
channels in the existing system. The current system has been working very well.
 EOC supports the proposal, essentially because it recognizes the inequality
against men in Hong Kong, and thinks that if there is a Women’s Commission,
there should equally be a Men’s Commission. EOC believes that the Men’s
Commission will help mainstreaming gender equality.
 Specific role: Labour and Welfare Bureau + Equal Opportunities Commission
 Note: Define & establish: objective & role of a commission
 Existing channels set up to address men’s issue not significant, e.g. battered men
shelter. Worth to set up commission to address hidden demand.

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 Assignment 3 : Gender Issues
 Assignment 3B (English): Requiring commercial building to provide nursery
room for breast-feeding
 News report says that a mother tried to breast-feed her baby in a shopping mall,
the guard asked her to leave. As a result, a women’s concern group wrote to the
government asking for a mandatory requirement be imposed on commercial
buildings that are accessible by public to build a nursery room for breast-feeding.
 Health Department supports this proposal, because it has been promoting breast-
feeding in Hong Kong
 Development Bureau is reluctant to impose another mandatory requirement on
commercial buildings, especially because it does not affect the safety of buildings.
 Specific role:
 Health Department
 Development Bureau
 Note: easier to argue to stand for this.

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 Assignment 1 : Obesity
 Assignment 1A (Cantonese):

 To promote healthy eating habits, a coalition proposed to cooperate with

local supermarkets to distribute ‘Healthy Food Voucher’, which citizens
can use them to buy healthy food at 50% discount. The government has to
subsidize $100 million for the programme. Consumer Council is concerned
with the impression of collusion between government and large
supermarkets, making it more difficult for small business to survive, and
the problem of what should be defined as healthy food.
 Specific role:
 Consumer Council
 Department of Health
 Note: Technically very complicated. What is healthy food?
What is the real price? Why just food? Why not gym fee
subsidy? Why not sports ground fee subsidy?

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 Assignment 1 : Obesity
 Assignment 1B (English):
 Parents are concerned with junk food advertisement on TV
targeting at children. It is proposed to ban junk food advertising
altogether. But CEDB is concerned if that would damage Hong
Kong’s image of promoting free trade.
 Specific role:
 Commerce and Economic Development Bureau
 Department of Health
 Note: Technically complicated & controversial. An
alternative: Extensive health living education from
eating to exercise; more government sports facilities;
low fee class for different ages & times.

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 Assignment 2 : Obscene and Indecent Articles
 Assignment 2A (English):
 It is proposed that Internet service provider (ISP) filter is an effective way

of screening out all undesirable materials for the protection of children.

Parties are concerned with the effectiveness of keeping children away
from obscene and indecent materials while some are alert to this kind of
internet censorship.
 Specific role:

 Office of the Communications Authority

 Home Affairs Bureau

 Filter: Private use ok. How effective? Arguable.

 Public use: a controversial subject of public opinion control,
national security, etc.

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 Assignment 2 : Obscene and Indecent Articles
 Assignment 2B (Cantonese):
 Publishers take advantage of the grey area of law and very often do not
wrap indecent articles with opaque paper properly. Teenagers can easily buy
these articles too. It is proposed to have a designated premise for sales of
indecent articles, where only people over 18 can enter. Home Affairs Bureau
is concerned with possible disturbance brought to the selected districts.
 Specific role:
 Home Affairs Bureau
 Office of the Communications Authority
 Note: Adult shops operate like mini bars? Could be feasible.
Would it be too expensive to open a shop to substitute
newspaper stalls only for a specialised category of
publication? Who will run it? Publication house would object.

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 Assignment 3 : Integrated Call Centre (1823)
 Assignment 3A (English):
 It is proposed to employ some well-educated prisoners to take up

the job of Integrated Call Centre, which answers call from citizens
about general enquiries of government departments. Social
Welfare Department supports this as it can facilitate prisoners’
reintegration into society but Correctional Services Department is
concerned with problems of security and quality of services.
 Specific role:

 Social Welfare Department

 Correctional Services Department

 Note: Creative! Can this centre be housed in prison facilities?

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 Assignment 3 : Integrated Call Centre (1823)
 Assignment 3B (English):
 Currently policy officers take turn to answer 999 calls but 60% of the

calls are misdials or nuisance. It is proposed that ICC takes up the

job of filtering and divert real emergency calls to 999. Efficiency Unit
is concerned with the possible delay of providing emergency
services to real users and the ability of ICC staff to deal with
emergency cases as they are only trained to answer general
 Specific role:

 Efficiency Unit

 Hong Kong Police Force

 Note: Necessary evil and cost of 999 call? Risk of delaying real 999.

cost is too high to induce any delay for efficiency. One has to define
and agree on what is 999 call efficiency.

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 Other 2012 topics with limited information collected from

Should the government allow foreign domestic maids to
perform task outside the home of their employers?

Should the government limit the annual importation number of
foreign domestic maids to 200,000, so as to give more job
opportunities to local domestic helpers?

Should the government encourage schools to receive those
students who need special education, so as to help them to
integrate with society? (could repeat in 2013)

Should the government allows the sharing of patient records of
students with special needs between schools, without the
consents of the parents?

Should schools provide condoms to students so as to prevent
the spread of sexually transmitted diseases? (could repeat in

Should the government allow 16-18 year old young women
apply for abortion without permission from their parents?
(could repeat in 2013)

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 Other 2012 topics with limited information collected from
 Should the government headquarter have a smoking room?

 Should the government provide vaccines for a highly

infectious but not deadly disease to all children in Hong

Kong for free?
 Should the government develop a piece of unused small

land for tertiary education?

 Should the government subsidise manufacturers in
developing in the land? (could repeat in 2013)
 Should the government outlaw age discrimination at work?

 Should the government propose a legislation to postpone

retirement age?

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 Other 2012 topics with limited information collected from
 There are a lot of bars in one of the areas in Tuen Mun. Should
the government regulate them and make the area into an
outdoor bars and restaurants zone, such as those in Temple
 Should the government regulate the promotion activities of
telecommunication industry?
 Discuss the pros and cons if a spa resort is developed in Lamma
Island. (could repeat in 2013)
 Should the government regulate the tour guides of eco-tourism?
 Should the government make postal voting possible? (could
repeat in 2013)
 Should the government make voting compulsory? (could repeat
in 2013)

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 Other 2012 topics with limited information collected from

Discuss points for Chief Secretary to a delegation from
California, US on “Government effort on promoting homosexual
marriage in Hong Kong” (could repeat in 2013)

Discuss whether the government hold a “HK Homosexual
Festival” in Victoria Park. (could repeat in 2013)

Discuss how to solve the shortage problem of columbarium and
niches in Hong Kong.

A private columbarium has appropriated a piece of government
land and sold about 800 niches for $100,000 each already.
Should the government break into the columbarium and lock
down the site? How to handle the niches owners?

Should the government ask local internet service providers to
block internet access of those who frequently download and
upload intellectual property right infringing materials? (could
repeat in 2013)

What can the government do to crack down on selling of
counterfeits. Is legislating against buying them possible?

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 Other 2012 topics with limited information collected from
 Should the government pass the legislation of commercial

surrogacy? (could repeat in 2013)

 Should the government allow genetic screening of all vitro

fertilisation embryos for possible defects?

 Should the government allow schools to inspect student

lockers and drawers? (could repeat in 2013)

 How to regularly combat teenager drug abuse problem?

 Should the government privatise HKUST so as to promote

self-financed university education?

 Should the government provide placements to Chinese

medicine university graduates?

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 Assignment 1 :
 Assignment 1A (Cantonese): Legislation on prohibiting

companies requiring employees to go to work when

typhoon signal no. 8 is hoisted
 Specific role: Commerce and Economic Development

Bureau and Labour Department

 To balance between flexibility in business operation,

convenience to citizens and safety of workers

 To do research and consultation in defining what are

covered as the essential and emergency services

 Any side policies or alternative

 Draft a reply to the Association concerning industrial


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 Analysis:
 Background:
 could be a request/demand for legislation from labour unions, political

parties or pressure groups. Government required to respond.

 Consideration:
 Unions, political parties: good reason to gain member support,

 Business: very restrictive

 Administration: very complex, as to what covered what exempted. If

exempted, what staff compensation, OT, insurance, etc. Cost to

 International practice: US/Europe/China: on severe weather (snow

storm, hurricane, blizzard)

 Solution: Not put into law now? Too restrictive?
 Government detailed warning and weather report

 Companies negotiate/discuss with staff on arrangement

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 Assignment 1 : Labour Law Legislation: 5-Day Working Week
 Assignment 1B (English): Legislation to extend the 5-day working

week to all businesses

 Concern: work life balance, decrease in salaries,
competitiveness of Hong Kong
 Specific role: Commerce and Economic Development Bureau

and Labour Department

 Alternatives? To encourage firms doing so but allow their

flexibility at the moment, more aggressive publicise the

benefits associated and see how many firms follow and
evaluate later in stage whether legislation is required
 Other argument: Does HK want to migrate towards the

European model like Italy, Greece, France with restrictive

hours & working days?

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 Assignment 2 : Education: Pre-kindergarten Childcare
 Assignment 2A (English): Should the pre-primary education
vouchers be extended to child under 3 for the child care
 Specific role: Finance and Treasury Services Bureau + one more
 Concern: FTSB: may incur a re-current expense to the government
with the education psychologist stating that the effectiveness to
children age under 3 is not effective
 Should the financial resources be allocated to other educational
 Should the child care services be taking care of seeing the lowered
birth rate, aging population, encouraging working etc.

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 Assignment 2 : Education: Pre-kindergarten Childcare Services
 Assignment 2A (English): Should the pre-primary education vouchers
be extended to child under 3 for the child care services?
 Is there any alternatives, e.g. subsidising

 Child care services operated by NGOs and Charities are in shortage

 Should the government operates its own child care centres in

districts with shortage?

 Is the government going to operate itself or transfer to NGOs to

operate to avoid re-current expenses

 Any monitoring systems to the subsidies? Require audit of

financial reports as well as quality inspection?

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 Analysis:
1. Why there was a need for pre-kindergarten childcare?
Who needed this?
2. What role & service focus of this service? Just basic
childcare? Educational element = zero? Yes? No?
3. How does this fit as a part of overall population policy?
Fostering more child birth rate by sharing the burden of
early childcare?
4. Can NGOs & Charities play an active role?

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 Assignment 2 : Education
 Assignment 2B (Cantonese): School with unauthorised building
 1.5 months before commencement of new September school year,

it has just been found out that a new primary school premises in
Kowloon Tong contains 10 unauthorised (non-comply) building
structures. Since the re-construction works cannot be done in a
month (or took 3-4 months), discuss whether to allow the school
to be registered or on condition. The school also submitted to
request for increase of admission quota by 80 students. If request
not approved, prepare responses before meeting with the parents
the method to accommodate the students affected.
 The school is a well renowned one and has been of good record in

school management. Students are from affluent families.

 Specific role: Education Bureau, Buildings Department

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 Assignment 3 : Intellectual Property Rights
 Assignment 3A (English): Increase “abuse” of internet in jeopardising the
intellectual properly rights. It has been a tough time for the creative art
and is considering laying off staffs.
 Should there be legislation on internet uses who “massively”

distribute relevant materials online?

 Specific roles: Constitutions and Mainland Affairs Bureau, Intellectual

Property Department
 Given that IPD has been focusing on education at schools, business

sector and the mass public. Custom and Excise Department also has a
team on the internet patrol. Is the criminal liability reasonable?
 How about the definition of “massively”? Can it be well defined?

 Will it infringe the freedom of speech and expression?

 Any short term measures to tackle the short term problems? Assistant

and Support to the creative industry? Technical and financial? Any

possible streamline of our own processing of the patenting

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 Analysis:
 Need to update role & function of Customs & Excise
Department on copyright law enforcement
 Update controversial argument between
Google/Apple/YouTube on musical production
downloading, with artists/producers association
 Recent criminal prosecution (with international
cooperation US/Europe/Asia) on movie/song download
software company

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 Assignment 3 : Intellectual Property Rights
 Assignment 3B (English): Street level sale of counterfeit and pirated
 Custom and Excise Department has not been effective in tackling

the street level sale of those goods

 Specific roles: Custom and Excise Department, Consumer Council

 Legislation on the demand side? Who knowingly purchase &

possess the pirated goods should bare a criminal offense.

 How about tourists?

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 Assignment 3 : Intellectual Property Rights
 Assignment 3B (English): Street level sale of counterfeit and pirated
 Consumer Council to cooperate with brands in putting ways of

identifying genuine brands online particularly addressing the need

from tourist education, and together aggressively promote more
on the brand identification in multiple level
 May serve as a preparatory step of education for the possible

future legislation that may build on the term of “knowingly

 And seeing the demand side may not easily tackled, may do more

on the supply side, increase the consequences of being charged of

this offence.
 Possible to set up a black list for shops being complained and

found to be selling those pirated goods to help the Custom and

Excise Department focus its force in enforcing the law.

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 Assignment 1 : Human Reproductive Technology
 Assignment 1A (Cantonese):
 Specific role: CE Office, Food and Health Bureau, Social Welfare Department
 There are protests urging for the allowance for commercial surrogacy.
Surrogacy is currently allowed in Hong Kong, what is prohibited is
commercial surrogacy only. Social Welfare Department: adoption is another
way out.
 Assignment 1B (English):
 Specific role: CE Office, Food and Health Bureau, Social Welfare Department
 Some people suggest that the government should use public fund to screen
out all embryos with life-threatening disease during in vitro fertilisation
(IVF). FHB’s point of view is that it is very hard to distinguish what is life-
threatening disease or mere genetic imperfections. Though such scheme
may screen 40-70% of embryos with life-threatening disease.

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 Analysis:
 Ethical/moral/scientific uncertainty subjects
 2011: surrogacy
 2012: 安 樂 死
Same sex marriage
Legal status of spouses transsexual marriage

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 Assignment 2 : Education
 Assignment 2A (English):
 Specific role: CE Office, Education Bureau, Security Bureau
 With the decreasing birth rate in Hong Kong and the slower
immigration rate of children from mainland China, primary
schools in Hong Kong are facing the problem of insufficient
students. Despite 4 existing measures, some people urge the
government to allow mainland children to study in primary
schools in Hong Kong.
 Education Bureau does not have a specific stance, while
Security Bureau opposes it, due to the impact on the
immigration policy

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 Analysis:
 2012: similar topic
 雙 非 孕 婦 所 產 子 女 入 學 問 題:所 有 新 界 北
區幼 稚 園、小 學 及 六 年 後 中 學 學 位 嚴 重 不
足 (20-30% underprovided) 。
 對 策?分 散 至 各 區,校 車 及 保 姆、過 境 交
通 問 題。

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 Assignment 2 : Education
 Assignment 2B (Cantonese):
 Specific role: CE Office, Education Bureau, Commerce Bureau
 The demand for international schools in Hong Kong is increasing,
staff from foreign enterprise find it difficult for their children to
study in international schools.
 Some people urges the government to ban all local students to
study in international schools.
 Commerce Commission supports this because this would
encourage foreign investment in Hong Kong.
 Education Bureau opposes this because of political pressure, and
the freedom of choice of education
 Is it noted that there is currently a cap for local students studying
in international schools, and the cap is not saturated.

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 Analysis:
 What policy & guideline should be set for
government subsidised international school?
 What is the definition of “subsidised”
land/operation expense?

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 Assignment 3 : Environment conservation
 Assignment 3A (English):
 Specific role: Environment Bureau, Agriculture, Fisheries and
Conservation Department, Travel Industry Council
 The hygiene condition of BBQ pits is very poor, the management
and cleaning of these pits require some costs.
 Some people suggests that the government can outsource the
BBQ pits to some private management companies, and allow them
to charge people on the use of these pits.
 AFCD’s view is that such commercial aspects may not be
compatible with the environment and the natural habitats.
 TIC supports this scheme because they can promote eco-tourism,
and book these sites in advance.

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 Analysis:
 Note: It is time to consider fee charging. Cleaning
is already outsourced.

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 Assignment 3 : Environment conservation
 Assignment 3B (English):
 Specific role: Environment Bureau, Agriculture,
Fisheries and Conservation Department, Travel Industry
 There was an accident that a baby Chinese White
Dolphin was dead because it was hit by the engine of a
vessel. People urged that it was due to the poor quality
of eco-tour and tourist guides.
 The public urge for stricter control and the environment
bureau wants to impose a licensing system.
 TIC opposes to this because they do not want strict
control over its members.

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 Analysis:
 Note: work with conservation group
 Water traffic control in white dolphin active area
 Route diversion ( 港 澳 jet boats )
 No fishing zone
 No pleasure craft route
 Speed control on vessels in this area, if vessels
needed to pass there

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 Other 2011 topics with limited information collected from
 Allowing Chinese nationals to come to Hong Kong to work
as maids?
 Promoting employment of trained household assistant
 Redefining the measuring standards of indecent and
obscene articles (Note: a regular topic)
 Restriction of the sale of indecent & obscene articles by
setting up specific points of sale
 Reservation of an old post office which locates at a
highway construction site
 Preservation of a heritage mansion which is currently
owned by private developer ( 何 東 花 園 : Another 2012
topic, get familiar with background information on what
government suggested)

Slide 54 of 103
 Other 2011 topics with limited information collected from
 Whether visitors of residential buildings should have their

ID cards recorded for security purpose in view of privacy

(Roles: Policy, Private Ordinance…) (never ending
controversy: could repeat; update 私 隱 條 例 on data
 Whether mobile phones should be banned from changing

rooms of swimming pools in order to protect women?

(Roles: LSCD and Police)
 Whether schools should have the right to check students’

lockers and drawers for better checking on dangerous

drugs in school? (Roles: Police and Education Bureau)

Slide 55 of 103
 Other 2011 topics with limited information collected from
 Whether Methadone Centre should be relocated due to

poor security towards the neighbourhood and a recent

fighting? (Role: Police, Health Department)
 Whether universities under UGC funding should be

privatised in order to promote higher education

opportunities. (Roles: UGC Secretariat and Education
 Whether placement schemes should be adopted for

Chinese Medicine Students in order to cope with the

current situation of poor employment (Roles: HA and
Education Bureau)

Slide 56 of 103
 A panel of 5 interviewers (20 - 30 minutes)
 Languages: English
 Interview questioning on broad subjects and sensitive
 Division of work among the panel : could be 2/3
attackers, 1 questioning and 2/3 observers. They took
 The panel can be :
 No matter how you responded, you would be challenged….OR
 Very harmonious, smile a lot, not harsh at all.

Slide 57 of 103
 Note: Prepare your answer & review during
1. Please comment on your performance in the
2. Please choose a topic out of the six discussed
to further elaborate your stance here.
 Note: Could ask your comment on
performance of others: Best? Worse?

Slide 58 of 103
 Your stance is very different from the others,
why didn’t you raise it out during the
discussion? (Be ready to review and defend
your own view in the morning)
 What do you think a chairman should be?

Slide 59 of 103
 Your decision may attract strong oppositions from
the public and a lot of workers may be
unemployed. How would you justify your decision
and face the opposition?
 (From here onward marked/color lines could show up
in 2013)
 Can you comment the tax system in Hon g Kong?
 How can the government widen the tax base?
 GST may increase the burden of the poor, how
can the government solve this problem?

Slide 60 of 103
 In some foreign countries, some goods maybe exempted
from GST. Can you name a few items and state the reasons
for exemption?
 Do you think Hong Kong should follow as well?
 What if people need social security assistance after
imposing GST? Do you think it is a bad phenomenon?
(Government could arrange year end lump sum GST
reimbursement to the poor, e.g. Canada) (HK= 派多粒糖 )
 Do you think now is the right timing for the government to
impose GST?
 Apart from your studies, what ECA you took part in HKU
and in your secondary school?

Slide 61 of 103
 What do you think about Hong Kong’s land policy?
 Do you think building HOS is a solution?
 How about its financial policy?
 Do you support turning country parks to residential areas?
 Do you think a man’s commission should be set up to
protect male’s rights?
 Many middle-aged men are reluctant to talk to others
about their problems. How can the commission help?
 In current years, the number of female entering into
universities is much more than male. It is foreseeable, for
example in 20 years time, female will dominate high rank
positions. Do you still think that a man’s commission is not

Slide 62 of 103
 Is keeping cremains at home possible in Hong
Kong? (Need to educate 風水師傅 , then
family to accept this. A long process)
 What other solutions can you suggest to tackle
shortage of niches?
 Japan is running an automatic-warehouse
mode to handle cremains, do you think it is
possible in Hong Kong? What are the
associated problems?

Slide 63 of 103
 What do you think is the responsibility of
 Why should a government department that
using government money be criticizing the
government all the time?
 What is the most valuable thing of RTHK?
 Should the government publish its own
 What is your views on standard working hour?

Slide 64 of 103
 Building a golf course would need a large patch of
land but catering only a few people. Land in Hong
Kong is scare and valuable. Should not we build
other facilities that can hold more people like a
swimming pool, tennis courts, or even public
 Hong Kong is now implementing the self drive
tour phase 1, what is your view on self drive tour?
 You mentioned a lot of benefits of self drive tour.
Should we then not set a quota but let cars come
and go freely into and out of Hong Kong?

Slide 65 of 103
 Only implementing the phase 1 of self drive tour has already caused
serious opposition among the general public. As an official, what
would you do? (phase 2 is coming)
 People are worried about the driving manner of Mainland drivers,
how would you ease the public’s fear? (How about HK taxi, minibus,
minivan drivers, all high accident group. Why worry China drivers,
some are good & some not. All need to comply HK transport law.)
 You mentioned that one of the objectives is to boost tourism and
communication between the 2 places. But then, with all these
troubles, why should we bother? There are already a lot of existing
measures that could serve this function, such as maialanders can
come freely to Hong Kong for visits. Why should we still have to
start the scheme? (A different group of tourist)
 Note: HK could not take advantage of phase I & stop phase II

Slide 66 of 103
 Tell me what have you done during your
internship in the government?
 Why don’t you become a lawyer instead?
(Note: more personal background question
asked in 2012. could continue in 2013.

Slide 67 of 103
1. Please comment your own performance in the group
discussion session this morning?
2. Who performed the best?
3. Do you think you did the worst?
4. If I ask you to kick out 2 candidates, which two will you
choose? (Note: Be ready to justify. This is a test of your
observation in the morning)

 Note:
 Take lunch break to review and prepare your answer.
 A test of your observation & assessor observation.
 Close? Different?

Slide 68 of 103
 Do you think that it is a good time to introduce GST
(General Sales Tax)?
 How to deal with public opposition?
 If we only introduce GST on luxurious goods, does it
violate the objective to expand the tax base?
 What is the effect on Hong Kong’s image as a
shopping paradise?
 How to help the low-income group?

Slide 69 of 103
 Do you support the introduction of medical
 How to gain public support?
 Any difference between public and private medical
insurance policy?
 It may involve huge administrative cost in monitoring
the system, how to tackle this?
 Will you buy a public medical insurance and why?
 Do you think that you are actually subsidising the
poor and the sick people?

Slide 70 of 103
 Recently, the government suggested to raise the car registration fee
to solve the traffic congestion problem, what is your view on this
 Besides this, what other method can you think off?
 Do you think the Electronic Road Pricing Scheme will constitute
discrimination to the people who cannot afford? (hot 2013)
 Do you think privacy of the public will be affected?
 What about the owners or staff of the shops in those streets?
 What about the customers of the shops in those streets?
 The scheme is forcing many cars to use other roads, making other
roads more congested, do you think it still work?
 Electronic Road Pricing may take a long time to establish, can you
think of some other way to solve the problem in a shorter period of

Slide 71 of 103
 In China, some cities proposed the restructuring of bus and
minibus routes on certain days, only vehicles with odd/even
number can use the roads, do you think it works in Hong
 What about raising petrol tax?
 How about raising petrol tax on private cars only?
 Please compare the impact of raising petrol tax and the
electronic road pricing scheme?

Slide 72 of 103
 What lessons can HK government learn from the Jasmine
Flower Revolution in the middle East?
 Do you think there will be similar revolutions in China?
 Should the Chinese government introduce political reforms?
 Do you think there should be democracy in China similar to
the western world?
 Why do you think the western style of democracy may not be
compatible in China? (sensitive political problem on China not

Slide 73 of 103
 China has just replaced Japan as the world’s second largest
economy, what do you think of the development of Chinese
economies in the later years? (hot 2013)
 What factors do you think are important to sustain Chinese
 Why should china depend on its own domestic demand for its
 Do you think political reform is also important for economical
 What are the political reforms that have taken place in order to
facilitate the economy?
 What are the factors affecting the economic reform of China?
 When do you think is the suitable time for China to “open up”
human rights?

Slide 74 of 103
 What would you choose: columbarium in every district or one
mega columbarium in one remote district? If one in every
district, how are you going to persuade the people in terms of
psychological effects and practical economic factor, such as a
drop in property value?

 If one in every district, you would not have enough staff and
effort to convince all 18 districts. Isn’t it easier for you to
convince one rather that 18 districts?

Slide 75 of 103
 What do you think about the political parties in Hong Kong? (Hot
2013, note: 2017 直選特首 )
 Are you satisfied with the current LegCo members?
 What do you think about the constitutional reform in Hong Kong?
 What do you think about the Functional Constituencies?
 Pro-democrats does not like Functional Constituencies, what
possible solution do you suggest?
 If the Functional Constituencies is abolished, do you think it is very
difficult for the government to have its bills and legislations passed
in the LegCo?
 Do you think some of the councillors are opportunistic?
 Do you think it is a matter of the councillors’ quality or the current
political system?

Slide 76 of 103
 Having more pro-democratic voice may lead to more frequent
delay of projects and bills with lone-term benefit?
 What do you think about the political parties development in
Hong Kong?
 What do you consider as an acceptable demonstration?
 Why do we need an application process so as to launch a
 How about Falungong, being labelled in China? Should there
be any special arrangement?

Slide 77 of 103
 Basic Part : Related to the morning discussion topics
 Read, digest and form your view of 2013 HK Government Budget.
Newspaper editorial comments. No error on facts & clear on opinion
 Overall refer to 2 other AO workshop PowerPoints

 Written Exam (

 1st interview (

 2013 Budget (Hot, note: between 派糖 & 扶貧 , there is a long term

development strategy review team set up. Implication: population

policy? Aging policy? Economic development policy?; read editorials
信報 經濟日報 )
 Land, Infrastructure & Housing (reclamation)

 Minimum Wage & Standard Working Hours

Slide 78 of 103
 National education
 Human cloning
 Food labelling
 Rehabilitation
 Junk food tax
 More nuclear energy?
 Homosexuality and traditional family value
 Competition Law
 Garbage Levy
 Gender

Slide 79 of 103
For full review of questions in & before 2010,
Please refer to last year’s PowerPoint at
 Topics varied a lot, do not expect to get fully prepared
 Groupmates are unpredictable and variable
 Before the discussion while you are waiting in a room, grasp the time to
show your friendliness towards the groupmates
 Don’t be too aggressive during the discussion
 Read the given information quickly and clearly. All necessary information
is provided, so don’t worry!
 Be supportive and keep smiling, pay your attention to what other
groupmates express
 Don’t treat your groupmates as your competitors, should be cooperative
so as to run a smooth discussion
 The role of chairing the meeting was not pre-defined. NO instruction on
what direction one had to steer the meeting. It was a test on the ability to
plan, lead, summarise, conclude and time control

Slide 81 of 103
 The panel tried to make you feel like a fool, no matter
how you responded; in just 3 minutes
 Insist on your line, be cool, confident, keep your good
articulation. Don’t look nervous
 Adopted the attitude of solving a problem; not a fight
 Don’t react as if they are cruel, irrational fault pickers
 Formulate your own view on current topics and be ready
to defend it
 Be prepared questions on the opposite directions of your
 Do consider implementation issues and actions

Slide 82 of 103
 Maintain harmonious atmosphere with equal
 Positive attitude of the group in contributing to
 Not to argue too strongly and hold firm
 Easy to point out limitations and “cannot do”; Not
easy to suggest “can do”. Too many cannot “not
 Efficient in process and progress in arriving at
solution / recommendation

Slide 83 of 103
 Organisation of the Discussion
 Signs of activities being assessed and judged
 Structuring  Act as a leader (informal vs. formal)
 Set priorities  Time management/ adjustment
 Move forward  Suggest changes from brief (if needed)
 Back to point

 Chairman = organiser
 Overall, the assessor decides how influential or
ineffective the candidate was in influencing the form
and outcome of the discussion

Slide 84 of 103
 Quality
 How well did you grasp the essentials of the problem
 Identify key issues for consideration
 Produce original ideas, fluency, logic and insight
 Suggest a sequence of events to deal with issues
 Give accurate information to the group
 Understand the implications of other’s arguments
 ***Not contribute to the discussion = not receive any points
 Overall, the assessor decides if the contributions were put
forward sensitively enough to be acceptable to others and did
the candidate seem to be a popular member of the group

Slide 85 of 103
 Smooth, Efficient, Smart discussion leading to
 Solutions
 Recommendations
 Actionable
 Common consensus of opinion
(or clear statement of differences of opinion that
needed to be resolved)
 Show off of smart ideas, no solutions don’t work

Slide 86 of 103
 Contributions
 Make sure whatever you say has delivered a
“valid” message/opinion
 e.g. Direction setting
 Summarise consensus
 Recommendations
 Not saying for the sake of saying - no points

Slide 87 of 103
 Organisation of the Discussion (Look for signs of activities being
directed towards the task) :
 Structuring, as in suggesting how to tackle the problem or
organising the discussion
 Define the objective of the discussion
 Setting priorities for tasks to be completed
 Suggest on the role and position of the other 3 members with
undefined roles
 Moving the discussion forward
 Bringing the discussion back to the point
 Have you fulfilled your role properly
 Using time management to adjust the schedule of activity
 Overall, the assessor decides how influential or effective was the
candidate in influencing the form and outcome of the discussion.
(e.g. Your role as Chairman)

Slide 88 of 103
 Team Membership Behaviour (Evaluate candidate’s behaviour
towards the other participants: acceptance of others & being
 Showing tact, sensitivity and consideration and being treated as

an acceptable member of the group in return

 Referring to what others say, understanding their points of view

 Drawing others into the discussion & asking their point of view

 Praising others for their ideas & asking for their opinions and to

build on their constructive idea

 Eye contact & other non-verbal communication indicating

 Not show off or aggressive resulting in being isolated /


Slide 89 of 103
 Planning
 Fast construction of overall view
 Quick assessment of different mixes and outcome
 Define problem, objective and solution expected
 Structure the discussion
 Control time
 Leadership
 Encourage participation
 Able to steer in the planned direction
 Contribute and accept ideas
 Resolve conflict
 Regulate the flow of discussion

Slide 90 of 103
 Communication
 Express ideas clearly
 Organise ideas in a logical manner
 Summarise correctly
 Listen carefully
 Tact and sensitive to underlying meaning (able to dig it out)
 Interaction with others
 Analytical
 Assumptions validation
 Constructive questioning
 Analysis from different perspectives
 Reaching conclusions through analytical approach (e.g. deduction)

Slide 91 of 103
 Conflict Resolution
 When to push forward and when to pull back
 When to take and when to offer
 Insight on compromising point and hidden deadlock
 How to compromise
 How to articulate above points
 Decision
 Reaction under pressure
 Quick assimilation of facts and data
 Draw on constructive ideas
 Merge them to formulate direction / decision
 Build up consensus
 Show confidence

Slide 92 of 103
 Motivation
 Show enthusiasm and commitment to create best
 Stand for what deemed right for subject

Slide 93 of 103
The Dos…

Sensitive to the Express clearly & convincingly Step in &

feeling of others redirect the

Move discussion
New ideas Manage forward when
time necessary
Summarise Wide perspective others Listen first

The Don’ts…

Dominate Inappropriate non-

Silent DON’T verbal cue

Stray from the subject

Slide 94 of 103
 The Chairman of the discussion group should
be able to : (in 20 minutes)
 state the “agreed” objective of the meeting;
 encourage members to express their opinions and
ensure that opportunities are given to each
member to participate in the discussion;
 interact with members to facilitate the
development of discussion;

Slide 95 of 103
 The Chairman of the discussion group should
be able to :
 lead members to work towards a solution /
 clarify and /or summarise members’ viewpoints at
the appropriate time
 alleviate tension if necessary
 submit a list of recommendations at the end of
the meeting

Slide 96 of 103
 Members of the discussion group should be able to :
 state their own specific position and stand-point;
 explain their own organisation’s / association’s viewpoints;
 elaborate on the problems encountered and difficulties
 suggest possible solutions - pros/cons / the way forward;
 answer queries from other members and defend their own
organisation’s / association’s interests where necessary, and
 take a constructive attitude and contribute towards
solution of the problems

Slide 97 of 103
 Group Members could be :
(from a mix of various universities)
 A member who holds onto his own view and is
unwilling to listen to others’ opinion.
 A member who sidetracks from the main issue
and digresses into irrelevant areas.
 A member who keeps on talking without giving
opportunity to others to voice their opinions.

 How to draw them into the same direction?

Slide 98 of 103
 Psychologically each candidate is in a “Game
Theory” situation -- constant balancing of act,
restraint and reaction.
 Each step should be carefully considered and
reaction from others should also be carefully

Slide 99 of 103
 Comment on others view
 Don’t raise very critical comment and criticism on group
member (their view point/suggestion). Could trigger
strong reactions
 Could stir up heated arguments leading to no solution
 The whole group failed, despite smart but unproductive

Slide 100 of 103

 Advice on turning a risk into opportunities
 If the risk of heated argument comes up
 Play the role of facilitator to smooth out heated
argument & strong personal criticism
 Bring the group back to rationality & gear towards the
objective required – pros/cons & draw the balance
 Good rational discussion & efficient consensus is the
base of success of some groups in 2005, 2006 & 2007.
(based on 2-3 years observation)

Slide 101 of 103

Individual Practice

Location : 3/F Help

Desk , Meng Wah

Slide 102 of 103

Tell us your interview experience!
Click to open the Past Interview Questions form at and
submitting to us through the above email.

Slide 103 of 103

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