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Date : 22 February 2013 (Friday)

Time : 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Venue : MW322

Speaker: Mr. Herman Chan,

Director of Careers & Placement

This PowerPoint will be put in our website : H:\1213\CE\WS\HKSAR\AO\130222.pptx
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 Multi-skilled professional administrators
 Posted around a wide variety of posts in
bureaux and departments
 Becoming more difficult? (more political)
 Check HKSAR website for details

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30 minutes
in front of
a panel of

Slide 7 of 168
subject appears every year expect in 2013 Slide 8 of 168

Note 1 : Standard hours = legislate & legalised OT payment e.g. X1.5 or X2 beyond certain net working
subject appears every year expect in 2013 Slide 9 of 168
subject appears every year expect in 2013 Slide 10 of 168
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Note: 2013 hot topic
• What US strategy?
• How would China react?

Macro Political & Economic

Questions Reference:

Slide 20 of 168
Note: 2013, RMB Pool and finance impact

Slide 21 of 168
Brazil, Russia, India, China

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2013 question: 以色列會否空擊伊朗核設施 ?

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HK 民生 : read Policy Speech & see editorial comments, very hot for 2013 interview: quite
distinct -/+ comments ( 遠水 / 近火 ? 建屋不是做麵包 ?)

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Medical Insurance, related to population aging
& needed to be addressed / discussed and
agreed upon
Balance of interest between citizen, medical
insurance company, health industry
How to motivate those who can afford (e.g.
middle class) to pay a portion of the fee
instead of relying solely on high subsidised
government hospital / medical services e.g.
major / complicated operations?
How much share on cost should be taken up
by citizen in new scheme?
What service quality upgrade to existing level
to attract citizen to join, if a new insurance
scheme is designed?

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A very sticky subject, toxic to every new HK Chief Executive.
Needs very gradual education & preparation, could take another 20 years to finish. Slide 72 of 168
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 Conduct your
review of this
moral argument
 Your argument
base: British legal
concept as the
corner base
 These basic moral
issues are
questions over
the years
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Note: update your knowledge on “popular culture”
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Overall review on previous AO written
exams preparation PPT on topic analysis:
 Very sensitive HK & China political topics, advanced macro
economics topics came up in 2011, 2012,, could continue in 2013
 Interviewer could have economics or finance background
 Business students: prepare as if you were interviewed by I-bank MD’s
 Non-business students: read FT, 經濟日報 , 信報 to pick up news &
 Key concepts to note
 Prepare & read: European Debt: cause & solution
 Role of ECB, US Fed. Reserve, IMF
 ECB: Long Term Refinancing Operation (LTRO)
 LTRO = US Fed. Reserve QE (QE 3 news)
 After 2 rounds of LTRO. ECB
 Balance sheet = 3.4 Trillion US$
 Fed. Reserve Balance Sheet = 3.3 Trillion US$

Slide 107 of 168

 Read US: OT Operation Twist after QE1@2
 Buy 20 & 30 year bond push up price & push down
interest to 390 & below. Another way of credit supply.
 Note : QE = Money Printing = Fed Reserve buys
bond/debt from banks to release credit
 Physically : no physical paper money printing in
mass amount as commonly said
 Actually money flow M2 is slow in US = low

Slide 108 of 168

 Aesthetic surgery
 Is cosmetic surgery good
or bad?
 Should it be restricted or
 What priorities should
government consider in
developing cosmetic
surgery regulation?
 Cosmetic surgery can
improve the quality of

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 Organ donation
 Organ Donation should be
made compulsory?
 Should laws encourage
organ donation?
 Should people who sign up
to be organ donors be
given priority if they one
day need an organ
 Should We Legalize the
Market for Human Organs?

Slide 110 of 168

 Corporal punishment
 Should all schools bring
back corporal punishment?
 Should corporal
punishment of children be
 Is physical force a
justifiable method for
 Is Corporal punishment an
effective means of

Slide 111 of 168

 Does war bring peace?
 Is the War On Terror
justifiable and effective?
 Can we achieve peace
through war on
Afghanistan, Iraq and
 Can war ever be justified?
 Do you support a future
war on Syria, Iran, North

Slide 112 of 168

 Human cloning
 Is human cloning wrong?
 Should human cloning
be banned?
 Do safety problem arise
from the cloning of
 Would you allow
yourself to be cloned?
 What are the Ethical
Issues regarding Human

Slide 113 of 168

 Legal aid abuse
 How should legal aid be
 Should legal aid be
considered an essential
service and funded like
health care?
 Should legal aid be used
for judicial reviews? ( 司
工具 , 同意 ?)

Slide 114 of 168

 Law is a means to peace
 Why Do Nations Obey
International Law?
 Are there cases where
violence is necessary?

Slide 115 of 168

 Monitoring IT usage of
 Should employers
monitor employees
internet use?
 How do employers
monitor internet usage
at work in a legal way?
 Should teachers be able
monitor a student's

Slide 116 of 168

 Polygamy
 What's wrong with
 Should polygamous
marriage be recognised?
 Should we treat the
legalisation of same-sex
marriage and polygamy the
 Is it realistic to only have
one partner?
 Do you believe in a
monogamist relationship?

Slide 117 of 168

 Same-sex marriage
 Same-sex marriage is not
even fully recognized by the
West, why should we
 Would the right for
homosexuals to marry affect
the heterosexuals?
 Can we have compromise
solution to same-sex marriage
 What is the difference
between civil unions & same-
sex marriage?
 Should same-sex couples be
able to adopt kids

Slide 118 of 168

 Same-sex marriage
 同 性 戀、同 性 結 合 等 行 為,是 否 嚴 重 破 壞 傳 統 異 性 婚
 如何讓港人反思社會對性向問題的基本態度 ?
1. 對 傳 統 婚 姻 和 家 庭 的 最 大 破 壞 力,來 自 異 性 戀 而 不 是 同 性 戀。
一 般 公 認 對 傳 統 婚 姻 和 家 庭 最 有 害 的 涉 性 行 為,包 括 婚 外 情、
包 二 奶、嫖 妓、接 觸 色 情 資 訊 等,絕 大 多 數 和 同 性 戀 無 關。
2. 以 破 壞 傳 統 家 庭 價 值 為 理 由,攻 擊 同 性 戀、進 而 剝 奪 同 性 偏 好
者 的 各 種 權 利,只 反 映 有 異 性 偏 好 的 大 多 數 人,當 中 有 一 部 分
人 想 以 各 種 群 體 壓 力 和 政 治 力 量,將 自 己 的 性 道 德 觀 念 強 加 於
有 同 性 偏 好 的 少 數 人 身 上 罷 了,完 全 與 保 衞 傳 統 家 庭 無 關。這
也 是 一 種 專 制 迫 害,有 悖 於 民 主、開 放、自 由 原 則。
3. 衝 擊 一 夫 一 妻 婚 姻 制,反 對 當 局 將「同 性 同 居 關 係」與「異 性 同
居 關 係」均 視 作 婚 姻 或 家 庭 看 待,以 致 出 現「同 性 同 居 者」與「猶
如 適 用 於 婚 姻 一 樣」劃 上 等 號 的 條 文,是 衝 擊 一 夫 一 妻 婚 姻 制。
建 議 保 留 現 有 條 文,另 行 制 訂 名 為《居 所 暴 力 條 例》,擴 闊 保 護
範 圍 至 同 性 同 居 者 及 其 他 弱 勢 社 群 如 群 居 長 者、外 籍 傭 工 等。

Slide 119 of 168

 Should the rich pay more
for the public service?
 Should the rich pay more
 Can we reduce inequality
through the rich pay more
for the public service?
 Is a flat tax a good idea?
 Is redistribution of wealth
the right thing to do?

Slide 120 of 168

 Happiness index
 Is GDP growth a good
indicator of improving
quality of life?
 Which countries are the
happiest in the world?
 Do you think Hong Kong
people are happy?
 Can we actually measure

Slide 121 of 168

 Poverty Line for HK
1. 應否訂立?
2. 訂立?有何政策跟進?政府開支?
3. 如何訂立
 參考港大王于漸教授信報二月二十日
《如何制訂貧窮線》一文 (Wisenews
keyword search: 如何制訂貧窮線 )
 用家庭中位數 40% 、 50% 、 60% ?
 等於貧窮線永遠存在,不論中位數上
 應否如周永新教授建議住公屋家庭的
房租與市價租值差額計算在內 (= 公屋
是數字,沒有現金收入? )
 應否如王于漸教授建議加入年齡因素
( 同是家庭 5000 元收入,一個 40 歲戶
主家庭應比一個 60 歲戶主較富有?因
40 歲戶主將來收入增加機會較大 ) 同
意?不同意 ( 因計算收入同是 5000 元
, 40 歲將來收入增加較大是假設,如
變數,計算會變為複雜 ) Slide 122 of 168
 Freedom of speech
 Does the freedom of
speech mean the
freedom to insult?
 Should religious hate
speech be penalized?
 Do you support
Facebook has the right
to remove hate speech,
content that incites

Slide 123 of 168

 Basic Law Article 23
 Do you think the
Government has
consulted the public
 Is it a good time now to
re-launch the proposals
to implement Article 23?

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 Political parties
 Are political parties failing
to engage with young
 Should political parties be
removed from ballots?
 Are political parties
hurting politics?
 Should politicians let their
religious views influence
their decision?

Slide 125 of 168

 Public consultation
 Is the government
obligated to take care of
its citizens?
 Do you think it is time
 Do you think it can be a

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 Heritage conservation
 What do you think about
the arrangement of the
“Government Hill” West

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 Reclamation
 Is it a good way to
create more land for
residential use?

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 Old industrial buildings
 Will the revitalisation of
industrial buildings help
the creative industry?

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 New Territories Small
House Policy
 Should the government
legalise all the
unauthorized building
 Should we allow higher
buildings so as to provide
more residential flats?
 村屋地積比率 (plot ration)
加大 ? ( 可建 6-8 層 ?)

Slide 130 of 168

 Standard working hours
 What do you think about
the legislating for
standard working hours?
 What are the negative
views on this? Take
France as an example.

Slide 131 of 168

 National Education
 What are Hong Kong
identity and core values?
 Is National Education
 What is the pros of
National Education?
 How to arise the level of
Chinese national identity
of Hong Kong people?

Slide 132 of 168

 National education
 香港人身分認同及核心價值
 基本法 : 香港人 = 香港特別行政區居
民 ( 約可分五類 : 不同背景永久性居民
, 例如少數族裔 , 外國回流等 )
 香港人身份認同
 中國人 ? 中國公民 ?
 中國公民教育如何推行 ? 認同甚麼 ?

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 Garbage levy
 Which of the following
four garbage levy is
more feasible?

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 Food waste
 How to reduce food
 How to separate food
waste at source?
 What do you think about
the Food Waste
Recycling Partnership

Slide 135 of 168

 RMB appreciation
 Is RMB appreciation coming to
an end?
 What is the effect of a
Renminbi appreciation on the
US-China trade balance?
 What is the impact of
Renminbi appreciation on the
Hong Kong property market?
 人民幣市場開放後 ( 國
際 化 ) ,對 香 港 的 利 與
 香港作為人民幣離岸運
作 中 心,有 甚 麼 機 遇 和
挑 戰?

Slide 136 of 168

 Sino-US relations
 Why did the United
States intervene in the
dispute over the
sovereignty of the South
China Sea?
 What do you think of the
"China threat theory"?
 Containment of China
( 圍堵 )?

Slide 137 of 168

 Sino-Japanese relations
 Could China and Japan
really go to war over
disputed islands?
 If China and Japan fight
over Diaoyu Islands, who
would win?
 What is the purpose of the
US in calling for cool heads
in China-Japan island
 China and Japan, who
needs each other more?

Slide 138 of 168

 China’s role in DPRK
 Why China still backs
North Korea the recent
despite rocket launch in
December 2012?
 Will China give up North

Slide 139 of 168

 Israeli/Iran Conflict
 Will Israeli launch a
strike (air raid) on Iran?
(Israel already struck
Syria for destroying
military activities
supporting Palestine.)

Slide 140 of 168

 Hong Kong vs. Shanghai
 Will Shanghai overtake
Hong Kong in the race
for financial supremacy?
 In which year, Shanghai
will become a world

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 Hong Kong vs. Shenzhen
Qianhai ( 前海 )
 What is developing in
 What impacts on HK?

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 Land, Infrastructure & Housing
 填 海 增 加 工 地 供 應? ( 正 在 諮 詢 )
 依 計 劃 清 拆 丁 屋潛 建 部 份?
 填 海 造 地 ( 25 選 地 , 3 個 人 工 島 , 2 個 連 島 ,
滿 足 890 萬 人 口 土 地 需 求 問 題
 一改以前作風 , 大有為政府 , 又向房地產傾斜 ?
 將來離島 / 連島另一超級海景豪宅區或是天水
圍 , 香港未有成功平衡發展新市鎮經濟民生紀錄
( 如天水圍 , 東涌 ), 何以證明將來不再失敗 ?
 未來新填區域不再坐落中港貿易樞紐地理位置 ,
平衡發展經濟民生活動是一大挑戰 .

Slide 143 of 168

Good Reference

 政府 2012/13 財政盈餘達 600 億 , 派錢 ?

 中產減稅 ( 收窄稅基 ? 稅網 ? )
1. 每年”派糖”邊際,效應降 2. B 及 C 意見在 2013 會較 3. 政府或公司多派現金
低 明顯,政府應考慮奉投 是好,也是不好現象
A. 低下層 : 要派 放資源於教育、醫療、
B. 中層 : 轉做長遠政策規 交通環保及人口政策 好 : 市民 / 股東即時得
劃及資源 益
C. 商界 : 與中層意見相近 不好 : 政府 / 公司 沒有
更好方法運用 ( 投資 ) 資
Slide 144 of 168
西環治港…是 ? 否 ?

購買居屋設入息下限 ( 防止無收入人士申請 )

ICAC 被濫用為政治對抗投訴工具 , 同意 ?
Slide 145 of 168
居港權 : 律政司用外傭居港司法覆核提議終院
檢討居港權法案 ( 重新檢討莊豐源案 ), 包括再提
人大釋法 .

第三條機場跑道 : 影響東涌 ( 空氣污染 ), 中華白海豚生態 , 同意擱置 ? 或興建 ?

Slide 146 of 168

幼兒教育 : 不用研究 , 盡快執行 15 年免費教育
包括幼兒教育 , 同意 ?

80 億元補助歐盟 3 型或更舊的柴油貨車 ,
更換至新型 (4 至 5 型 ), 同意 ?

有個別車主要求更高補償 , 同意 ?

大運輸公司得益多 ?
Slide 147 of 168
For full review of questions & analysis before 2011,
please refer to previous year’s PowerPoint at
Slide 150 of 168
 Test On : (what AOs often encounter)
 Ability to make prompt organisation of ideas
 Creativity and management of uncertainty
 Ability to face the pressure of speaking to a group
under limited preparation
 Ability to defend your argument, statement &
 Fluency of expression and confidence

Slide 151 of 168

 Vary your tone
 Project your voice as clearly and strongly as possible.
 No monotone
 Use the right tempo
 Don’t speak in a slow, drawn-out manner.
 Talk fast when you wish to convey excitement or urgency.
 Slow down when you want your words to sink in.
 Get rid of “crutches”
 Avoid punctuating sentences with “you know, like, uh, really, kind of”
and other fillers.
 Don’t start every sentence with “In fact” or “ 其實”
 Articulate, Articulate
 Do not mumble or slur words, Ar Ah, Ah … at start of every line

Slide 152 of 168

 Speech : Language easily understood, well organised
 Use Body Language to Create Impact and Add Power :
 Good eye contact : steady, confident, with light smile, even
contact with each panel member.
 Be alert and alive, speak with sincerity and excitement.
 But not over-act, over-do.
 Use Spontaneous gestures (hand and eye coordinate). Eye
contact with audience. Good natural facial expression.
 Note the posture for stand up and seating.
 Students who had practised these in career workshops
know the difficulty to control “Body Language”

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 For AO Impromptu Talk:
 Objective reasoning and argument
 More on information view point and insight
 Organisation, reasoning

Slide 154 of 168

1. Topics are mostly social / economic / ethical /
political subjects
 Pros. Vs Cons.
 Different perspectives (view points 1, 2, 3 etc.)
2. Critical success point is :
 What framework used? : Summary
 What’s the focal point / important point? / your views
 What are the supplementary points?
 What are your final view?
 Can you defend it?

Slide 155 of 168

Slide 156 of 168
Slide 157 of 168
 Formulate a theme on selected topic
 Theme = your view point :
 Future correct direction
 Policy view point
 Moral view point

Slide 158 of 168

Slide 159 of 168
 How to add “flavour”
 Hook – attract audience’s attention (statistics, questions, stating
a problem and your view point, etc.)
 E.g. China demographic problem & risk, in China, now 6 adults support
1 child. 20-25 years later, 1 child support 6 old (over 60-65) adults. The
pension system will collapse. US is moving into this direction from
2010, when baby boomers are moving into retirement. This is a true
threat to China national economy if……
 Line – main body : main point / views and supplementary points
 Sinker – summary/conclusion/action statement
 Conclude…
 Come to the view…
 Think…
 Would like to summarise my view…
 Would emphasise again & state here…

Slide 160 of 168

Slide 161 of 168
1. Clock
2. Geographical
3. Analytical
4. Focus
5. Pendulum
6. Benefits
 These are general methods. For a 3 minute talk, apply
with care, otherwise overrun
 For full elaboration on the six methods, please refer to
the previous year’s PowerPoint at

Slide 162 of 168

 Mental attempts to recall missing points of a model
answer could hamper free flow of expression during
 You are not spontaneous
 When you recall from memory your eye sight can tell
 Worse case is your model answer is half fit (and half
not fit) the topic questions
 Use only key points to structure your answer
 Relax yourself and be natural
 Act fast, be lively and positive, speak clear

Slide 164 of 168

 Listen carefully to the questions.
 It is not easy to come up with exceptional good
insight. Well organised and supported arguments
are good answers too.
 Do not repeat factually what you read from public
media. Just make a quick summary.
 Organise your answer. State your view point justify,
and defend when questioned.
 Fluency and good organisation are as important as
good insight.

Slide 165 of 168

 Be yourself, keep natural eye contact
 Avoid undue gesture
 Stay calm and relaxed
 Keep smiling
 Remember the interviewer is very tired after a whole day of
 Show your enthusiasm
 with clear voice, loud enough for a one to one interview
conversation, steady pace and good structure of presentation
 Get interview practice!
 After reading so much background material you could come
up with good questions. Can you?

Slide 166 of 168
The section “Questions”& “Meetings ”
Under “Council Meetings”

Slide 167 of 168

 《晨早新聞天地》
 《自由風自由 PHONE 》陳燕萍 | 區家麟
 《香港家書》
 《左右大局》黃潔慧 陳聰
 《在晴朗的一天出發》李慧玲 | 郭志仁 | 麥詠宜 | 陳廷暉

 Newspaper ( 社 評 )
? 批評

支持 中立

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Individual Practice

Location : 3/F Help

Desk , Meng Wah

Slide 169 of 168

Tell us your interview experience!
Click to open the Past Interview Questions form at and
submitting to us through the above email.

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