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Quiz: Class (2130)

Run Factor Analysis and reliability tests on following constructs (Marks 4).
 Enjoy
 Life_work_balance
 Happiness
Once you make sure the reliability and the uni-dimensionality of the constructs. Compute them
and use target variables as
 Total_Enjoyment
 Total_work_life_balance
 Total_Happiness
Please make a multiple line graph (summaries of separate variable), using following variables.
 Total_Positive_Emotions
 Total_Negative_Emotions
 Total_Percievied_Stress
Use Age_Group5 as category Axis and Gender as Rows. Present result of the graph (Marks 2).
Perform median split on following variables and create group variables of following variables
(Marks 2)
 Total_Enjoyment
 Total_happiness
 Total_Perceived_Stress
Run Chi-Square test between (grouping) Total_happiness and Total_Enjoyment and use
Total_perceived_stress as a layer variable (Note use grouping variables). Present result of the
chi-square test (Marks 2).
Run Correlation test, using at least three appropriate test. Present result of the Correlation
(Marks 2).
Run multiple regression, using appropriate variables, with at least three independent variables.
Present result the multiple regression (Marks 3).
Run Independent T test, using appropriate variables. Present result of the independent T test
(Marks 3).
Run one-way ANOVA, using appropriate variables. Present result of the one-way ANOVA
(Marks 2).

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