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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Tuesday | November 10, 2020

CPD searches for suspect in Monday homicide

Victim apparently argued Tyshun Walker, 24. Columbus Police
Chief Fred Shelton said Walker was shot
Investigators with Co-
lumbus Police Depart-
with suspect in street Monday at about noon after apparently
arguing with the driver of a red or ma-
ment and Lowndes
County Coroner’s
before fatal shooting roon jeep in the street.
Office responded
to a fatal shooting
Walker’s body will be sent to the state near the intersection
Medical Examiner’s Office in Pearl for of Seventh Avenue
autopsy. North and 22nd
When police officers arrived at the Street in Columbus at
Police are searching for a suspect af- about noon Monday.
ter a Columbus man was killed in a shoot- scene, they found the victim on the porch
Authorities have iden-
ing near the intersection of Seventh Ave- of a nearby home, where they began to
tified the victim as
nue North and 22nd Street Monday. perform CPR, Police Chief Fred Shelton Tarcari Tyshun Walk-
Lowndes County Coroner Greg Mer- and Columbus Public Information Offi- er, 24, of Columbus.
chant identified the victim as Tarcari See HOMICIDE, 3A Isabelle Altman/Dispatch Staff

CMSD unveils new Falcon logo Former

Merchandise sales to drive fundraising, get rebranded bird off the ground Caledonia
water manager
charged with
Baggett personally
charged contractors
for work performed by
department employees

The former man-

ager of the Caledonia
Water Department
has been arrested for
embezzlement, the
State Auditor’s Office
announced Monday.
Barrett Baggett,
42, awaits a hearing Baggett
today after a state auditor’s investi-
gation showed Baggett personally
charged contractors and construc-
tion companies for work performed
Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff
by water department employees
Jay Harper, a graphics designer for the Mississippi School Boards Association hired by Columbus Municipal School District during the employees’ regular work
to create designs for the district’s rebrand, shares his thoughts on the new Falcon logos at Joe Cook Elementary School on hours.
Monday. Harper designed a logo for the school district as well as logos for all of the district’s schools. The district unveiled In addition to the embezzlement
the rebrand Monday at Cook Elementary School. charge, State Auditor Shad White
said Baggett was issued a demand
BY SLIM SMITH con head with a block letter “C” overlay budget year, there may letter for $3,126.66, a total that in- — one that will replace the old Falcon- be some money available cludes interest and investigative ex-
in-flight logo. through the marketing penses.
For 15 years, the image of a purple But how quickly the district will budget, but right now, The Caledonia Board of Alder-
falcon in flight has been a ubiquitous transition from old to new relies, quite there aren’t a lot of funds, men terminated Baggett in Septem-
presence throughout the Columbus literally, on buy-in from the public, ac- although we did amend ber 2019.
Municipal School District, adorning ev- knowledged school board President the budget to provide Mayor Mitch Wiggins referred
erything from letterheads to signage to Jason Spears and school district Super- $3,000 for branding.” all questions to the town’s attorney,
sports uniforms. intendent Cherie Labat. Labat said the plan is Chris Hemphill.
On Monday in the Joe Cook Elemen- “There’s no money set aside for to fund the transition to the new brand- In an emailed statement,
tary School auditorium, the district un- changing everything out that I’m aware ing primarily through funds generated Hemphill said the town acted quick-
veiled its new logo — a profile of a Fal- of,” Spears said. “As we go into the next See CMSD, 6A See EMBEZZLEMENT, 3A

Economist: Recession will last until COVID-19 is ‘under control’

Spruill: Rescheduled MSU football game could make up for this weekend’s lost revenue the third quarter
shows a recovery
BY TESS VRBIN economics at New Mexico State “The longer it takes us to “promote economic policy liter- of 7.4 percent, University, told the Starkville bring COVID under control, acy by putting mainstream eco-
but it still will be
Rotary Club via Zoom at its Mon- the more likely we’ll be in a pro- nomics in front of the general
The economic crisis resulting the second-worst
day meeting. longed recession,” said Erick- public,” according to its website.
from the COVID-19 pandemic Therefore “humility is re- son, a member of the National Erickson said the second quarter on record,
has no real historical precedent, quired” for economists when Economic Education Delega- quarter of 2020 saw the sharp- second only to
not even the Great Depression, discussing and analyzing the tion. est drop in gross domestic part of the Great Erickson
Chris Erickson, a professor and crisis, he said, but one thing is NEED is a nonprofit of pro- product (GDP) in U.S. history, Recession in the
the interim department head of quite clear. fessional economists seeking to with 9 percent. Early data from See ROTARY, 3A


1 What former Talking Head is a creator of the Wednesday MEETINGS
2016 set of interactive experiments called “The ■ Veterans Day observance:
Institute Presents: Neurosociety”? Starkville-Oktib-
The Bernard Romans DAR
2 What the-future-is-now delivery method did beha Consoli-
Amazon introduce at a 2016 technology confer- Chapter in Columbus will honor
dated School
ence? veterans with readings and bell
District Board of
3 What tennis legend did Serena Williams pass ringing in an 11 a.m. program
with her 307th Grand Slam singles win in 2016? Trustees meet-
Samantha Taboada at the Municipal Complex,
4 Which Mediterranean country is known as the 1501 Main St. Guests wel- ing, 6 p.m., 401
Kindergarten, Annunciation Greensboro St.
home of argan oil? come; masks required. Fran-

76 Low 67
5 What animated children’s show features ces Hairston, 662-272-5770. Nov. 13:
High puppies named Marshall, Rubble, Chase, Rocky, Starkville Board
Mostly cloudy
Zuma and Skype? of Aldermen
Full forecast on Answers, 5B Now through Nov. 21 work session,
page 3A. ■ United We Feed food 10 a.m., City
drive: United Way of North Hall
INSIDE Central Mississippi requests
donations of non-perishable
Nov. 16: Ok-
tibbeha County
Classifieds 5B Health 6A food items. Drop-off locations Board of Super-
Comics 4B Obituaries 5A in multiple counties are avail- visors meeting,
Crossword 3B Opinions 4A able at Clara Ortega, of Columbus, works 9 a.m., Chancery
Dear Abby 4B unitd-we-feed-1. at Columbus Lowndes Public Library. Courthouse


2A TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2020 The Dispatch •

Republicans back Trump as he

fights election results, transition
AG Barr authorizes the
Justice Department to Kremlin: Putin won’t congratulate
probe unsubstantiated
allegations of voter fraud
Biden until legal challenges end

MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin won’t congratulate
The Associated Press President-elect Joe Biden until legal challenges to the U.S. election are re-
solved and the result is official, the Kremlin announced Monday.
WASHINGTON — The Trump Putin is one of a handful of world leaders who have not commented on
administration threw the presi- Biden’s victory, which was called by major news organizations on Saturday.
dential transition into tumult, with But President Donald Trump’s team has promised legal action in the com-
President Donald Trump blocking ing days and refused to concede his loss, while alleging large-scale voter
government officials from cooperat- fraud, so far without proof.
ing with President-elect Joe Biden’s When Trump won in 2016, Putin was prompt in offering congratulations
team and Attorney General William — but Trump’s challenger in that election, Hillary Clinton, also conceded
Barr authorizing the Justice Depart- the day after the vote.
ment to probe unsubstantiated alle- Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters Monday that this year
gations of voter fraud. is different.
Some Republicans, including “Obviously, you can see that certain legal procedures are coming there,
Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mc- which were announced by the incumbent president — therefore this situa-
Connell, rallied behind Trump’s tion is different, so we consider it correct to wait for the official announce-
efforts to fight the election results. ment,” he said.
Few in the GOP acknowledged The leaders of China, Brazil and Turkey also are holdouts in offering
Biden’s victory or condemned congratulations. And Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador
Trump’s other concerning move on also said he would wait to comment until the legal challenges were re-
Monday: his firing of Defense Sec- solved.
retary Mark Esper.
The developments cast doubt on political parties have publicly stated power held off on taking that step.
whether the nation would witness that voting went well and interna- And the White House moved to
the same kind of smooth transition tional observers also confirmed that crack down on those not deemed
of power that has long anchored its there were no serious irregularities. sufficiently loyal as Trump contin-
democracy. The Electoral College Biden campaign lawyer Bob Bau- ued to refuse to concede the race.
is slated to formally confirm Biden’s er said Barr’s memorandum autho- Trump remained out of sight at
victory on Dec. 14, and the Demo- rizing investigations “will only fuel the White House, with conversa-
crat will be sworn into office in late the ‘specious, speculative, fanciful tions ongoing about how the de-
January. or far-fetched claims’ he professes feated president would spend the
On Monday, Barr authorized to guard against.” coming days and weeks as he chal-
U.S. attorneys to probe “substan- Biden pressed forward with plans lenged the people’s verdict. Trump
tial” allegations of voter irregular- to build out his administration, as- is not expected to formally concede
ities and election fraud, though no sembling a team of experts to face but is likely to grudgingly vacate the
widespread instances of that type the surging pandemic. But the fed- White House at the end of his term,
of trouble in the 2020 election exist. eral agency that needs to greenlight according to several people around
In fact, election officials from both the beginnings of the transition of him.

GOP tries again to get high court to ax health care law

Supreme Court scheduled to hear its gress in 2017 that reduced
the penalty for not having
If the mandate goes,
they say, the rest of the
third major fight over law today health insurance to zero.
Without the penalty, the
law should go with it be-
cause the mandate was
BY MARK SHERMAN the health care law. law’s mandate to have central to the law’s pas-
The Associated Press The case turns on a health insurance is un- sage.
change made by the Re- constitutional, the GOP-
WASHINGTON — A publican-controlled Con- led states argue.
week after the 2020 elec-
tion, Republican elected
officials and the Trump
administration are ad-
vancing their latest ar-
guments to get rid of the
Affordable Care Act, a
long-held GOP goal that
has repeatedly failed in
Congress and the courts.
In arguments sched-
uled for Tuesday, the Su-
preme Court will hear its
third major fight over the
10-year-old law, popularly
known as “Obamacare.”
Republican attorneys gen-
eral in 18 states and the
administration want the
whole law to be struck
down, which would threat-
en coverage for more than
23 million people.
It would wipe away
protections for people
with preexisting medical
conditions, subsidized
insurance premiums that
make coverage affordable
for millions of Americans
and an expansion of the
Medicaid program that
is available to low-income
people in most states.
California is leading a
group of Democratic-con-
trolled states that is urg-
ing the court to leave the
law in place.
The case comes to a
court that now has three
justices appointed by
President Donald Trump:
Neil Gorsuch, Brett Ka-
vanaugh and Amy Coney
Barrett, who joined the
court late last month fol-
lowing her hurried nom-
ination and confirmation
to replace the late Justice
Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
The three Trump ap-
pointees have never ruled
on the substance of the
health care law. Barrett,
though, has been critical
of the court’s earlier ma-
jor health care decisions
sustaining the law, both
written by Chief Justice
John Roberts.
The Supreme Court
could have heard the case
before the election, but
set arguments for a week
after. The timing could
add a wrinkle to the case
since President-elect Joe
Biden strongly supports
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2020 3A

Several leadership roles Forrest County voters

narrowly approve keeping
shuffled in Mississippi Senate Confederate statue in place
Next legislative session set to begin in January chairman of the Judiciary B Com-
Non-binding measure designed
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the second year of a four-year term. Republican Sen. Jenifer Branning
of Philadelphia replaces Fillingane
to give supervisors guidance on
Among them:
JACKSON — Several members
of the Mississippi Senate are re-
Republican Sen. Brice Wiggins as chairman of the Transportation
where their constituents stand
of Pascagoula is the new chairman
ceiving new leadership roles, weeks Republican Sen. Jeff Tate of Me- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
of the Judiciary A Committee. That
ahead of the next legislative session ridian replaces Branning as chair-
chairmanship had been held by Re- HAT TIESBURG — Voters have narrowly de-
that begins in January. man of the Elections Committee.
Republican Lt. Gov. Delbert Hose- publican Sen. Sally Doty of Brookha- cided in favor of keeping a Confederate monu-
Tate had been vice chairman of the
mann announced some new com- ven. She resigned in mid-July after committee. That role goes to Dem- ment outside the Forrest County courthouse in
mittee chairmen and vice chairmen the governor nominated her as di- ocratic Sen. Hob Bryan of Amory. southern Mississippi in place.
last week. The changes are being rector of the state Public Utilities Democratic Sen. Derrick Sim- A referendum on the monument was placed on
made after one senator resigned to Staff, which analyzes proposals and mons of Greenville is the new chair- the Nov. 3 ballot after the Forrest County Board
take another job and another one re- provides advice to the Public Ser- man of the Municipalities Commit- of Supervisors couldn’t agree on what to do with
signed because of health concerns. vice Commission’s three elected tee. The role was previously held the monument in June, The Hattiesburg Ameri-
Committee leaders have influ- members. by Republican Sen. Gary Jackson can reports. The Forrest County Circuit Clerk’s
ence over which bills live or die. Republican Sen. Joey Fillingane of French Camp, who resigned be- Office’s unofficial tally Thursday indicated 51
The changes are being made before of Sumrall replaces Wiggins as cause of his health. percent of voters elected to leave the monument
where it is.
The non-binding measure was designed to
give the Forrest County supervisors guidance on

Maben man dead in Highway 82 wreck

where their constituents stand after some resi-
dents called for its removal from public view.
Hattiesburg Mayor Toby Barker and city coun-
cil members were among those who voiced their
MHP: No charges against other driver p.m., Hunt said. Johnson
was alone in his car, and
and Adaton/Self Creek —
responded to the crash, as opposition to the monument remaining down-
DISPATCH STAFF REPORT confirmed to The Dis- no one in the other vehicle well as the Starkville Fire town. However, they have no authority to move
patch this morning. was injured. Department and the Mis- the monument; the final decision is up to the For-
A Maben man died Robert Johnson, 77, In addition to paramed- sissippi Highway Patrol. rest County Supervisors.
Monday after a two-ve- was injured in a T-bone ics from OCH Regional The other driver faces The monument question on the ballot read:
hicle wreck outside his collision Monday morning Medical Center, three Ok- no charges for the colli- “Please vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on whether the Confed-
home on westbound High- and died at the Universi- tibbeha County volunteer sion, MHP Public Informa- erate monument should be moved to a more suit-
way 82, Oktibbeha Coun- ty of Mississippi Medical fire departments — Ma- tion Officer Derrick Beck- able location.”
ty Coroner Michael Hunt Center in Jackson at 5:39 ben, Central Oktibbeha om told The Dispatch. The statue was donated to the county in 1910
by the United Daughters of the Confederacy and
is engraved with “to the men and women of the

Continued from Page 1A
ly upon hearing com- Auditor to investigate the “Using state resources bond, which covered Bag-
plaints about Baggett. allegations. At that point, for your personal benefit is gett’s employment at the
“When the Town of all available information illegal and wrong, regard- water department.
Caledonia became aware was turned over to the less of the size of the loss,” Hemphill said the de-
of certain facts regarding State Auditor for investiga- White said. “I’m thankful mand letter will require
alleged actions of Baggett, tion and the Town had no for the work of our inves- Baggett to reimburse the
many of which are reflect- further involvement in the tigators and look forward town for the improper in-
ed in the indictment, the investigation other than to a speedy prosecution in voice that had been paid
Town took immediate answering inquiries from this case.” through the surety bond.
steps to bring those alle- the assigned investigator.” Baggett surrendered to The town hired Brad
gations to the attention The investigation be- special agents at the Lown- Box, former manager of
of the Office of the State gan when a construction des County Courthouse in the Caledonia Gas Dis-
Auditor,” Hemphill wrote. contractor reported receiv- Columbus. trict, in November 2019 as
“Baggett was terminated ing a strange invoice from If convicted, Baggett the town’s water depart-
from his employment with Baggett. Investigators also faces up to 20 years in pris- ment manager.
the Town on September 10, identified a construction on and $5,000 in fines. Baggett was released
2019. On that same date, site where they believe The town of Caledonia on a $5,000 bond Monday
the Board of Alderpersons Baggett was preparing to is protected from liability afternoon. He is set to go
voted to request the State continue his scheme. through a $50,000 surety to trial on Feb. 24.

Continued from Page 1A
late 2000s, he said. gled the most, and the will approve some form maining and feeling safe.
Economic downturns long-term impact could be of financial relief, though Starkville will not reap
usually affect either sup- “elevated unemployment she said $600 per week the economic benefits
ply or demand, but the for these workers for some was “extremely gener- of a Mississippi State
pandemic has had an time,” Erickson said. ous.” University football game
adverse impact on both, As a Southeastern “I think somewhere in this weekend as original-
Erickson said. Employers Conference college town, there, there’s a happy me- ly planned. A COVID-19
have reduced their labor Starkville’s hospitality dium, and outbreak on the team
supply to minimize ex- industry is crucial to its it would be forced MSU on Monday
posure to the virus, and economy. The city’s over- extremely to reschedule Saturday’s
consumers have reduced all sales tax revenue has beneficial if home game against Au-
their consumption and bounced back from the (Congress) burn until Dec. 12.
driven demand down for hit it took early in the would pass Spruill said there
the same reason. pandemic, Mayor Lynn another might be a silver lining to
Many states and munic- Spruill told The Dispatch, C A R E S this change if it holds up.
ipalities throughout the but its food-beverage and Act that … Spruill “Hopefully in Decem-
U.S. placed restrictions hotel/motel sales tax rev- still allows ber it will make up for
on business and social ac- enue is still struggling. people to have some sup- (this weekend) because
tivity in the early months The city has not yet re- plemental income during it will be Christmas shop-
of the pandemic, creating ceived the tax data from a time when things are ping time,” she said.
spikes in unemployment August, the first month tight — particularly in
and drops in revenue. that people who have been the hospitality industry,
“Obviously lockdowns unemployed due to the which depends on tips
and imposing restrictions pandemic did not receive and the kinds of things
on businesses … have a $600 per week from the that occur only when
very negative economic federal Coronavirus Aid, people come to their busi-
impact, but the evidence Relief, and Economic Se- nesses,” Spruill said.
is pretty strong there’s curity Act (CARES Act). The city has required
a positive impact, that it The act expired July 31 protective face coverings
does help to stop the coro- and Congress has yet to and social distancing
navirus spread,” Erickson pass an extension, which inside businesses since
said. Erickson said is a mis- July, and Spruill said this
The hospitality and take. hopefully encourages the
service sectors of the Spruill said she is still public to contribute to the
workforce initially strug- hopeful that Congress local economy while re-

Continued from Page 1A
cer Joe Dillon said. E-911 knew each a Black man driving the
dispatchers also gave in- other since jeep who fled the scene
vestigators a description the vic- heading north on 22nd
of the jeep. tim freely Street. He asked anyone
“We believe the jeep walked up with information on the
driver shot the victim to the jeep.” case to call Columbus
while they were in the Shelton Police Department at 662-
street,” Shelton said in the p r ev ious l y 244-3500 or Golden Tri-
press release. “We believe told The Shelton angle Crime Stoppers at
the victim and the suspect Dispatch the suspect is 800-530-7151. SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Tues. Wed.
Major 8:34p 9:25p
Minor 2:43a 3:49a
Major 8:59a 9:50a
Minor 4:04p 4:38p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

■ A Dispatch headline in Monday’s paper incorrectly characterized two cases
of COVID-19 among staff at Partnership Middle School in Starkville. An outbreak
requires three or more cases, according to Mississippi State Department of Health.
The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Only two staff members have tested positive for COVID-19. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi. Phone: 662-328-2424
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to: Website:
The Commercial Dispatch strives to report the news accurately. When we print an The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Report a news tip: news@cdispatch.
error, we will correct it. To report an error, call the newsroom at 662-328-2424, or Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., com
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Asking the better question
hen it nation. The elec- The questions Kennedy and Revolutionary War (“We must, minds, we must recognize a
became tion held a week Reagan asked were appro- indeed, hang together or, most stalemate when we see one.
clear ago today may have priate to the context of their assuredly, we shall all hang We are not simply divided but
that Joe Biden decided a Presi- time, or appeared to be, at separately,” noted Benjamin almost equally divided. If we
would become the dent, but it did little least. Franklin) to the Civil War go to war with each other, it
next President of to settle the deep Kennedy strode into office (“With malice toward none; will be a war of attrition. No
the United States, grievances Amer- at the zenith of American con- with charity for all; with one will win, though some
I found myself icans hold against fidence, a time of prosperity firmness in the right ... let us may survive.
spending the better each other. Almost and optimism even under the strive on to finish the work we The proper path, I believe,
part of the week- 76 million people growing shadows of the Cold are in; to bind up the nation’s lies in understanding the es-
end pondering two cast their votes for War. wounds…” said Lincoln) to the sential question before us.
questions posed Biden while almost Reagan’s ascension came Great Depression (“In every It is the question Kennedy
long ago and about Slim Smith 71 million voted for at a time when America was dark hour of our national life urged us to ask almost 60
20 years apart. Trump. struggling through an oil a leadership of frankness and years ago, one that places
On Jan. 20, 1961, In light of this, I crisis that wrecked finances vigor has met with that under- common interest over self-in-
in his inaugural address John started thinking about those and shook our confidence. standing and support of the terest — no small matter
F. Kennedy urged Americans two questions: When you’re worried about people themselves which is during a pandemic.
to ask the right question: Who asked the better ques- how you’re going to feed your essential to victory,’ said FDR) If we take care of all Amer-
“Ask not what your country tion: Kennedy or Reagan? family, self-interest is not a — we succeed through unity. icans, we take care of each
can do for you: Ask what you Kennedy’s was an appeal character flaw. In its finest moments, our American.
can do for your country.” to unselfish service, a plea for But I wonder, even in nation has never been inclined Then, four years from now,
In October 1980, Ronald empathy and understanding, Reagan’s time, if Kennedy’s toward “every man for him- perhaps we can ask another
Reagan, during his debate for something bigger than was not the superior ques- self.” In its worst moments, it question:
with Jimmy Carter, asked ourselves. tion, especially if success for always has. Ask not, am I better off
Americans a different ques- Reagan’s was a more per- one comes at the expense of So here we are. than I was four years ago?
tion: sonal question: What’s in your another. Whatever grievances we Ask, am I a better person?
“Are you better off than you wallet? — as a popular cred- I wonder, in fact, if Kenne- may hold in these days when Slim Smith is a columnist
were four years ago?” it-card advertisement states dy’s is not always the better the euphoria or bitterness and feature writer for The
Today, and for some time it. It was, no doubt about it, an question. over the outcome of the elec- Dispatch. His email address is
now, we are a bitterly divided appeal to self-interest. In every crisis - from the tion remains so fresh in our


Renaming Lowndes County
Divisiveness has reared it’s ugly
head in our country for far too long.
Some people lay the blame at Obama’s
feet and others at Trump’s. The who,
what, why, when and how is not really
significant. What is important is the fact
that the progress that had been made
has been set back prior to the time
Martin Luther King emboldened the
citizens of this country to be unified as
one nationality. There should never be
a box to check to classify any American
by their race or ethnicity.
As I watch the riots and damage done
to monuments and statues that tell the
visual story of the growing pains of our
country I am stunned. How can people
think that removing historical markers
will somehow erase the past? If we don’t
learn from the past we will be destined
to repeat it.
Since COVID-19 has given me
months of never ending weekends, I
have used this time to educate myself
on many different subjects that are
relevant today.
When you look at our state it’s easy
to surmise that many of our counties
are named after Native American
words. The history behind the names of
many of our counties are seeped in rich
historical facts and stories.
My curiosity was piqued about
the county in which I live. I thought
it might be interesting, like Possum
Town being the nickname of Columbus.
To my surprise it is a black eye to our THE NATION
state to have been named after William
Jones Lowndes. He was well educat-
ed and politically minded. Like many
men during this time period his father
Trumpism deflates into history
owned plantations that he farmed using hen Pennsylva- for money. “Contribute the public with electric shocks of
enslaved labor. Like his father, William nia was called, ANY AMOUNT IMME- outrageous claims whenever minds
owned several plantations along South the world DIATELY to stand with wandered elsewhere.
Carolina’s Atlantic coast which used heard a quick boom, your favorite President Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric have
enslaved labor. While he was a Leg- followed by the pffffffffft and to DEFEND the in- none of that flair. As much as the
islator he helped negotiate the Mis- of a deflating presidency. tegrity of our Election.” Trump fandom tried to weave fanta-
souri Compromise of 1820 which gave Suddenly, the angry, Send $5. Send $20. The sies of a Trump family dynasty, the
Missouri statehood while letting the paranoiac tweets that grift goes on. kids are quite ordinary.
state continue to use enslaved people. used to scare so many Think there’s not a The big parade float that was
Congress had the right to limit slavery because, after all, Don- personality cult here? Donald Trump cannot be reinflated
in the territories. Many feel this was ald Trump was presi- My favorite email pur- in four years. For one thing, he’s
his most important contribution in his dent, lost their menace. portedly came from Eric now a loser. Whereas others can
political career. William Lowndes was The air was escaping Froma Harrop Trump. “My father wants overcome loss, Trump has crafted
elected to Congress in 1811. even before Joe Biden to see a list of Official his whole mythology around some
In this climate of political correct- was declared winner. Election Defense Fund magical power to win. And in the
ness the logical action to take would be Come Thursday evening, ABC, donors TODAY,” he wrote. “Will he cognitive department, he hasn’t
to distance ourselves from this Con- CBS and NBC felt free to cut away see YOUR NAME?” been aging well.
gressman. He and his father used en- from Trump’s rant about voter fraud Imagine the glory of having the Trump will soon have to deal
slaved people to work the fields of their “stealing” his reelection. The Trum- great man acknowledge your puny with his troubled real estate em-
plantations. Every time I list my county pian power to dominate coverage existence. pire. He owes over $400 million,
on different forms I will be reminded was clearly fading. And what is the fate of Trump- which comes due soon, and several
how he used enslaved people for his Just weeks ago, the pro-Trump ism? Can someone else lasso the properties are failing. The only
own personal gain. Since we’ve adopted New York Post was peddling a populist passions Trump ignited business he made serious money
the new Magnolia Flag to help heal and crazy story about incriminating and run with them for political in was show business, and his TV
unify our state I think it only fitting to emails on a laptop allegedly owned gain? Certainly not anyone we can phenomenon, “The Apprentice,” is
rename Lowndes County to Magnolia by Biden’s son Hunter and left at identify today. The cultural re- done with.
County. a computer repair shop. The shop sentments — not all lacking some Then there are his legal prob-
As far as I can ascertain William owner later said he was legally basis — will endure. But not every lems, notably investigations into
Jones Lowndes never set foot in the blind and not quite sure that the ambitious politician can whip up possible tax fraud of major-league
state of Mississippi. man who left the mystery laptop the public the way Trump could. As dimensions. And wait till his former
Candi Vezina was actually Hunter Biden. One of Republican pollster Frank Luntz advisers turn themselves loose with
Columbus the writers who composed the Post points out, Trumpism was built their memoirs. Suffice it to say,
story refused to put his name on it. around a person, not a philosophy. Trump will have distractions in the
A letter to the editor is an excellent As soon as Trump lost, the Trump actively helping other Re- months and years to come.
way to participate in your community. We tabloid dropped him faster than a publican candidates seems unlikely. Face it: This one-man show is
request the tone of your letters be con- boring headline. It published an He’s not one to do things for others. about to close. If, as they say, jour-
structive and respectful and the length be editorial urging Trump to “stop the Trump did have a genuine talent nalism is the first draft of history,
limited to 450 words. We reserve the right ‘stolen election’ rhetoric.” The Post for oratory, for entertaining in the it’s time for the second draft. Histo-
to edit letters for clarity, grammar and no longer had use for him. Sayo- keep-repeating-the-line Vegas style. rians, take it away.
length. We welcome all letters emailed to nara. It sometimes sounded funny even Froma Harrop, a syndicated or mailed to The Despite it being over, Trump when it wasn’t. He was a genius columnist, writes for the Providence
Dispatch, Attn: Letters to the Editor, PO family members continue to send at making himself the center of (Rhode Island) Journal. Her e-mail
Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511. out several email appeals a day national conversation, prodding address is
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2020 5A

Attorneys defend Mississippi Pfizer: COVID-19 vaccine is

looking 90 percent effective
marijuana initiative process BY LAURAN NEERGA ARD AND LINDA A. JOHNSON
AP Medical Writers

Approved by 74 percent of Mississippi residents sponsors had gathered enough sig-

natures from each of the five old
Pfizer Inc. said Monday that its COVID-19
vaccine may be a remarkable 90 percent effec-
who voted last week, Initiative 65 requires the districts. They ultimately gathered
about twice as many as the total of
tive, based on early and incomplete test results
that nevertheless brought a big burst of opti-
state Health Department to create a medical 106,190 signatures required state- mism to a world desperate for the means to fi-
nally bring the catastrophic outbreak under
marijuana program by mid-2021 Butler and Madison, however, ar- control.
The announcement came less than a week
gue that the initiative process is out-
BY EMILY WAGSTER PETTUS filed a lawsuit days before the Nov. dated because the constitution spec- after an election seen as a referendum on Pres-
The Associated Press 3 election, arguing that the signa- ifies that no more than one-fifth of ident Donald Trump’s handling of the scourge,
ture-gathering on petitions for Ini- the signatures may come from any which has killed more than 1.2 million people
JACKSON — Mississippi’s top tiative 65 failed to meet state stan- worldwide, including almost a quarter-million in
legal officer says the state Supreme congressional district, and that cre-
dards. ates a mathematical impossibility the United States alone.
Court should dismiss a mayor’s “We’re in a position potentially to be able to
The Mississippi Constitution re- with four districts.
“woefully untimely” lawsuit ques- offer some hope,” Dr. Bill Gruber, Pfizer’s senior
quires that the certified signatures “Even if their interpretative ar-
tioning the legitimacy of the med- vice president of clinical development, told The
required for an initiative come in gument is correct, petitioners’ ac-
ical marijuana initiative that state Associated Press. “We’re very encouraged.”
voters approved by a wide margin equal number from the five con- tion is woefully untimely,” Attorney
gressional districts the state had Pfizer, which is developing the vaccine with
last week. General Lynn Fitch’s office wrote in
when this requirement was written its German partner BioNTech, now is on track
The initiative’s sponsors are papers filed with the state Supreme
in the 1990s. Mississippi lost a seat to apply later this month for emergency-use ap-
making the same argument, saying Court on Friday. “They could have
proval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administra-
that Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins after the 2000 Census, but the con- asserted their so-called ‘procedural’ tion, once it has the necessary safety informa-
Butler, an opponent of legalizing stitutional requirement has not been challenge years ago.” tion in hand.
marijuana, is misinterpreting the updated. Initiative 65 will allow patients to Even if all goes well, authorities have stressed
signature-gathering requirements The state attorney general’s of- use medical marijuana to treat de- it is unlikely any vaccine will arrive much before
for getting an initiative onto the bal- fice issued a legal opinion in 2009 bilitating conditions, as certified by the end of the year, and the limited initial sup-
lot. saying that sponsors of initiatives physicians. plies will be rationed.
Approved by 74 percent of Mis- should gather signatures from the Legislators put an alternative Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S. government’s
sissippi residents who voted last five districts used in the 1990s. And medical marijuana proposal, 65A, top infectious-disease expert, said the results
week, Initiative 65 requires the state in September 2019, then-Secretary on the ballot but voters rejected it in suggesting 90 percent effectiveness are “just
Health Department to create a medi- of State Delbert Hosemann said the favor of 65. Supporters of 65 said the extraordinary,” adding: “Not very many people
cal marijuana program by mid-2021. medical marijuana initiative quali- alternative was intended to confuse expected it would be as high as that.”
Butler and the city of Madison fied for the ballot because petition voters.

Joyce Moon Mrs. Gosa was born Roger Porter
OBITUARY POLICY Jan. 22, 1936, in Cedar
Obituaries with basic informa- STARKVILLE — COLUMBUS — Rog-
tion including visitation and Joyce Wanda Moon, 75, Bluff, Iowa, to the late er Porter, 67, died Nov.
service times, are provided died Nov. 3, 2020. J.D. Lerch and Hazel 9, 2020, at Baptist Me-
free of charge. Extended obit- A private graveside Herbst. She was for- morial Hospital-Golden
uaries with a photograph, de- service will be at 2 merly employed with
tailed biographical information
p.m. Nov. 21, 2020, in Clifford Industries,
Arrangements are
and other details families may
Pincecrest Cemetery of McCoy Manufactur-
wish to include, are available incomplete and will be
Tchula. Welch Funeral ing, and as owner and
for a fee. Obituaries must be announced by Memori-
Home of Starkville is operator of Eva’s Thrift
submitted through funeral al Gunter Peel Funeral
homes unless the deceased’s in charge of arrange- Shop. She was a mem-
ber of Beaverton Free- Home and Crematory,
body has been donated to ments. Second Avenue North
science. If the deceased’s Mrs. Moon was born will Baptist Church.
body was donated to science, In addition to her location.
Oct. 15, 1945, to the
the family must provide official
late Thomas Warren parents, she was
proof of death. Please submit
all obituaries on the form and Jessie Edna Davis. preceded in death by Marcia Foster
She was a graduate of her husband, Thomas COLUMBUS — Mar-
provided by The Commercial
Dispatch. Free notices must Tchula High School. “Tom” Edison Gosa; cia Wicks Foster, 66,
be submitted to the newspa- In addition to her and son, Don Gosa. died Oct.
per no later than 3 p.m. the parents, she was She is survived by 31, 2020.
day prior for publication Tues-
preceded in death by her children, Tom E. A
day through Friday; no later
her husband, Charles Gosa Jr., Rebecca Guy- memorial
than 4 p.m. Saturday for the
Robert Johnson; and ton and Kathy Lawlay; service
Sunday edition; and no later
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday siblings, James T. Da- brother, Junior Lerch; will be at
edition. Incomplete notices vis, Raymond L. Davis, 11 grandchildren; 11 a.m.
must be received no later than Willis W. Davis, Susie great-grandchildren; Wednes-
7:30 a.m. for the Monday M. Davis and Stella L. and great-great-grand- day, in
through Friday editions. Paid
Davis. children. Wicks Me-
notices must be finalized by 3
She is survived by morial Cemetery. Lee-
p.m. for inclusion the next day
Monday through Thursday; and her children, Donald Charles Buchanan Sykes Funeral Home of
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday A. Johnson of Florence, WEST POINT — Columbus is in charge
and Monday publication. For Robert D. Johnson, Charles Lester “Char- of arrangements.
more information, call 662- Sheryl A. Kinard both lie” Buchanan, 42, Mrs. Foster was
328-2471. of Starkville and James died Oct. 23, 2020, in born April 27, 1954, in
R. Johnson of Pearl; sib- Pascagoula. Starkville, to the late
Mary Barnes lings, Joseph C. Davis Services will be held Odis Wicks Sr. and Au-
SULLIGENT, Ala. — of Round Rock, Texas, at a later date. Calvert rilla E. Hollimon Wicks.
Mary “Evelyn” Barnes, Juanita D. McLain of Funeral Home of West She attended Oktib-
89, died Nov. 6, 2020, Georgetown, Texas, Point is in charge of beha Webster Schools
at The Meadows of Barbara A. McBride arrangements. and was a graduate of

Peggy Barksdale
Fulton. of Pear and Debra L. Mr. Buchanan was Starkville High School
Graveside services Thornton of Brandon; born may 16, 1978, in and the University of
were at 3 p.m. Monday, 12 grandchildren; and West Point, to Patricia Southern Mississippi.
in Fairview Cemetery, seven great-grandchil- Yarbrough Bensend She was formerly em- Peggy Whitten Barksdale, 80, of Columbus,
with Edward Puckett dren. and the late John Mi- ployed as a teacher and MS passed away Sunday, November 8, 2020, at
officiating. Visitation chael Buchanan Sr. He was a member of New her residence.
was an hour prior to William Atkins was formerly employed Zion M.B. Church. Visitation will be Tuesday, November 10,
services. Otts Funeral MILLPORT, Ala. — as a carpenter and In addition to her 2020, from 10:00 AM- 11:00 AM at Beersheba
Home of Sulligent was William Gary Atkins, was a member of The parents, she was pre- Cumberland Presbyterian Church. A graveside
in charge of arrange- 55, died Nov. 8, 2020, at Church of Christ. ceded in death by her service will follow at 11:00 AM at Beersheba
ments. her residence. In addition to his brother, Odis Wicks III. Cemetery with Rev. Tim Lee officiating and
Mrs. Barnes was Graveside services mother, he is sur- She is survived by Lowndes Funeral Home Columbus, MS directing.
born Oct. 6, 1931, in La- are at 2 p.m. today, in vived by his children, her former husband, Mrs. Barksdale was born on May 14, 1940,
mar County, Alabama, Pleasant Grove Ceme- Michael Buchanan Troy Foster. in Ethelsville, AL to the late Catherine Kemp
to the late Paul McLem- tery. Dowdle Funeral and Amee Buchanan; Whitten and Troy Whitten. She attended
ore and Mary Jewel Home of Millport is step-father, Marvin Beersheba Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
Garrison. She attended in charge of arrange- Bensend Jr.; and sib- Mrs. Barksdale enjoyed dancing, going to
Sulligent schools and ments. lings, John M. Buchan- the junction, and spending time with her
was previously em- He was preceded an Jr., Marvin Bensend grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
ployed with McCoy in death by his father, III, David Bensend and In addition to her parents, Mrs. Barksdale is
Manufacturing. Lowell Atkins; and Danny Bensend. preceded in death by her husband, Billy Wayne
In addition to her brother, Ricky Atkins. Barksdale.
parents, she was He is survived by his Jaqueline Brumley Mrs. Barksdale is survived by her daughters,
preceded in death by mother, Jewel Atkins; COLUMBUS — Theresa (Rodney) Moore of Columbus, MS and
her husbands, Gaynor children, Gabe Knight Jaqueline Wheeler Karen (Rhett) Dozier of Columbus, MS; son, Tim
South, Shorty Egger and Kayla Flye; brother, Brumley, 93, died Nov. (Dixie) Barksdale from Soso, MS; grandchildren,
and Claudie Barnes; Jeff Atkins; and two 9, 2020, at The Windsor Amanda (Richard) Barton, Stephanie (Roy)
children, Kathy Welch, grandchildren. Place. McAlister, Brandon (Carrie) Dozier, Jay Moore,
Eugene South, Larry Graveside services Jaqueline Brumley Macy (Josh) Cox, Brayden Barksdale and Landry
South and Marvin Eva Gosa will be at 2 p.m. Sat- Visitation:
Saturday, Nov. 14 • 1:15-2 PM
Barksdale; great-grandchildren, Haley (Robert)
South; and siblings, VERNON, Ala. — urday, in Memorial Reed, Dylan Barton, Brody Barton, Alyssa
Memorial Gardens
Buster McLemore, Al- Eva Lou Gose, 84, died Gardens. Visitation will Graveside Services: McAlister, Carter Moore, Quinn McAlister,
ton McLemore, Frankie Nov. 7, 2020, at her be from 1:30-2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 14 • 2 PM Madison Dozier and Mackenzie Dozier; brothers,
Memorial Gardens
McLemore and Pauline residence. prior to services in the Burial Troy (Sue) Whitten and Terry (Sharon) Whitten;
Ross. Funeral services will cemetery. Memorial Memorial Gardens and sister, Patsy Allen.
2nd Ave. N. Location Pallbearers will be Butch Edmonson, Gentry
She is survived by be at 10 a.m. Wednes- Gunter Peel Funeral
her children, Doris day, at Otts Funeral Home and Crematory Sanford, Chris Buster, Willie Mack Johnson,
Rucker, Nancy Evans Home, with Jerry Pear- Second Avenue North Roger Porter Shan Higdon and Donnie Sanders.
and Debbie Collum; son officiating. Burial location is in charge of 2nd Ave. N. Location
Honorary pallbearers will be former employees
siblings, Butch Mc- will follow in Love Joy arrangements. of Eka Chemical and New Hope Elementary and
Lemore, Eva Valentyne, Cemetery. Visitation Memorials may be High School.
Jewelie Bohn and Sher- is from 6-8 p.m. today, made to Oliver Creek Memorials may be made to Crossroads of
ry Craig; five grandchil- at the funeral home. Church of Christ, Columbus P.O. Box 2831 Columbus, MS 39704.
dren; 11 great-grand- Otts Funeral Home of Attn: Shepherd Gide-
children; and five Sulligent, Alabama is on Knight Fund, 8313 Compliments of
great-great-grandchil- in charge of arrange- Hwy 70, Arlington, TN, Lowndes Funeral Home
dren. ments. 38002.
6A TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2020 The Dispatch •

n Choose healthy oils: Unfortunately, highly processed seed and vegetable oils have become a household staple over
the past few decades. Examples include soybean, cottonseed, sunflower and canola oils. These oils are highly processed
and high in omega-6 fatty acids, but deficient in omega-3s. A high omega-6 to omega-3 ratio can lead to inflammation
and has been linked to chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis and autoimmune diseases. Swap
these unhealthy oils for healthier alternatives, such as extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil or coconut oil.

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

The flu vaccine doesn’t raise for COVID-19. COVID-19, your brain (turns out you use orange vegetables such as
Although it isn’t the steps both sides for such tasks). summer squash, pumpkin,
your risk for COVID-19 clear why there you’re taking Avoid sneezing with your eyes broccoli, carrots and tomatoes
“One Flu Over the Cuckoo’s is this associa- right now to open or they’ll pop out! And (cook ‘em to make their lutein
Nest”: That could be the title tion, there may reduce the listening to classical music more bioavailable!) and leafy
of a short documentary on be a biological transmission makes babies smarter. Howev- greens like kale and spinach.
peculiar ideas floating around mechanism at of COVID-19, er, the notion that you can eat If you’re at risk for or have
about the flu vaccine. (Psst! play that makes such as wear- your way to healthier eyes and age-related macular degener-
Did you hear the old one about the vaccine ing masks, brain isn’t a myth. ation or cataracts, talk to your
the influenza vaccine actually cross-protective washing your Research in Nutrition Re- doctor about taking a lutein
causing the flu? Not a chance!) in some way hands fre- views suggests that consuming supplement. But there’s a lot
Well, now folks are worried — plus folks quently and fruits and vegetables that con- more lutein in food than is
that getting their flu shot may who get those Drs. Oz and Roizen tain a compound known as lu- usually given in supplements:
make them more vulnerable vaccines may social distanc- tein does the trick, because the There’s 44 mg in a cup of
to catching COVID-19. This be more careful ing, can also antioxidant-rich phytochemical cooked kale, 26 mg in a cup of
couldn’t be further from the about their overall health and significantly help lower your is absorbed into eye and brain cooked spinach — and taking
truth. Research out of the anti-COVID habits. risk for the flu. tissue. There, it reduces your in the nutrient along with other
Marshfield Clinic Research In any case, it’s not too late risk for cataracts and age-relat- phytochemicals in veggies may
Institute indicates the flu vac- to get your flu shot — and it’s ed macular degeneration, and be the most beneficial.
cine does not raise your risk for recommended for everyone 6 There’s nothing highfalutin it tamps down inflammation Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of
other respiratory viruses. months or older. It’s free for about lutein and potentially damaging free “The Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike
Also, interestingly, a 2019 most of you and takes about There are many myths radicals in the brain. In short, Roizen, M.D. is Chief Wellness
study by the Cleveland Clinic two weeks for the antibodies to about how to keep your eyes higher levels of lutein are relat- Officer and Chair of Wellness
of nearly 12,000 Americans reach a protective level in your and brain healthy: Don’t ed to better visual health and Institute at Cleveland Clinic.
found those who had the flu body. cross your eyes or they’ll stay cognitive performance. To live your healthiest, tune
and pneumonia shot last year Bonus: Although the flu vac- that way. Being creative will To boost your lutein intake, into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit
were less likely to test positive cine does not protect against strengthen the right side of opt for bright red, yellow and

Baptist Golden any forward momentum hab program. than half capacity at 43 patient’s repeated read- along with a patient’s vital
they had made from their The department was patients per day. That mission to the hospital signs. Each patient is also
Triangle’s Cardiac in person classes, ac- closed to patients for gives more time between and months of prolonged monitored for depression,
Rehab helping the cording to Kayla Pruitt, about six weeks during the six daily, one-hour recuperation. which is common after
beat go on for heart director of the hospital’s
cardiology services. But,
the height of the pan-
demic, with no patients
classes so the staff can
deep clean equipment be-
An individualized pro-
gram is developed for
certain cardiac events
patients she added, it was impera- allowed in the depart- tween classes and allows each patient with a goal
such as bypass surgery
and the patient is referred
COLUMBUS — When tive to get these patients ment. Before it re-opened more space between pa- to improve his or her
Baptist Memorial Hospi- to counseling if needed,
back into the live classes mid-May, Pruitt said her tients. functional capacity by 15 Pruitt said. The program
tal-Golden temporarily as soon as possible, while team initiated stringent “We consistently main- percent by the time they
paused its cardiac rehab also provides nutrition
keeping their safety as cleaning and decontam- tain social distancing finish the program. The
program at the begin- and tobacco cessation
the top priority. ination guidelines that and follow masking and average patient attends
ning of the COVID-19 counseling for those who
“They are a vulnera- are currently still in place enhanced cleaning guide- 36 classes over a 12-week
pandemic in late March ble population. We want along with strict social lines,” Pruitt explained. period, Pruitt explained. can benefit from those
2020, patients in the pro- to protect them from the distancing. Cardiac rehab is often In 2019, 98 percent of pa- services.
gram, who were all recov- risk of COVID-19, but Under normal opera- the difference between tients graduated the pro- For more information,
ering from some type of it was important to get tions, the program can a cardiac patient fully gram having reached at call 662-244-1219, visit
heart-related event, were them back into rehab as accommodate 12 pa- recovering from a cardi- least 15 percent of their ht t p://goldent r ia ngle.
encouraged to continue quickly as possible,” said tients per class or 72 pa- ac event such as a heart functional capacity goal, or fol-
their exercises at home. Dr. Julius Kato, invasive tients per day. But, due to attack, bypass or valve Pruitt said. low us on Facebook at
Most of the patients cardiologist and medical COVID-19, it is currently replacement surgery or Functional capacity is
complied and did not lose director of the cardiac re- operating at slightly more stent placement and a monitored consistently tistgoldentriangle.

Continued from Page 1A
through the sale of mer- logo, something the old In addition to the new cause the transition will
chandise featuring the logo didn’t provide. Falcons logo, Harper de- occur over time, the old
new logo. Harper said the old signed logos for the dis- logo won’t disappear
“That’s how we’re logo was a knock-off of trict and each of the city’s from public view any time
going to the Atlanta Falcons’ logo, schools. Some transitions soon.
start,” she which meant the district can be made with little “We’re doing this a
said. “If could not earn revenue cost and implemented little bit at a time,” Labat
ever ybody from merchandise bear- quickly, such as letter- said. “Until then, we sort
accepts the ing the image. heads and small signage. of see the old Falcon as a
new brand “The Atlanta Falcons Other transitions, in- vintage logo.”
and pur- logo is still the Atlanta cluding sports uniforms, The district’s rebrand-
chases mer- Falcons logo no matter replacing the logo at cen- ing campaign is part of
c h a n d i s e Labat what color you change it ter court at school gyms,
a celebration of two im-
with the to,” Harper said. and larger signage will
portant milestones in the
logo, we’ll be able to use Spears said the district require time and money.
it as a fundraiser.” will approach retail stores “I don’t expect to have district’s history. On Oct.
Jay Harper, a graphic that carry the school’s new uniforms until may- 7, the school celebrated
designer with the Missis- merchandise to notify Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff
be next year,” said boys the 155th anniversary
The new Falcon logo is registered with the state and of Union Academy, the
sippi School Boards Asso- them of the change in lo- replaces the old Falcons logo copied from the Atlan- basketball coach Phillip
ciation the district hired gos. Morris. “Even if we want- city’s first public school
ta Falcons. Designer Jay Harper said the new Falcon
to create a new design, “The plan is to go to ed to do it now, it usually for Black children. In
provides exclusive marketing rights for the district,
said creating an original Walgreens or Walmart, something the old logo did not enjoy. takes about eight weeks February, the district will
logo that could be regis- places where we know to get uniforms after you celebrate the bicentenni-
tered with the state gives our school merchandise fully, strike some kind of would produce revenue order them, so I don’t al of Franklin Academy,
the district exclusive mar- is sold, and ask them to an agreement with them and allow us to make think that’s going to hap- the first public school es-
keting rights on all mer- take the old merchandise for merchandise with the some kind of headway in pen.” tablished in the state of
chandise bearing the new off the shelves and, hope- new logo,” he said. “That the transition.” Labat said that be- Mississippi.
662-241-5000 B

A quiet start to empty week at Augusta National for Masters

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS spots along the fairway ready and seeing lots of demic that shut down Under those towering that’s on TV, the pa-
to show the few people people,” Francesco Mo- golf for three months Georgia pines is a mix- trons who comes to the
AUGUSTA, Ga. — allowed at the Masters linari said. “So it looks forced a reconfigured ture of pine straw and grounds or the players
Take away a few white where they can stand. different already. I don’t major championship fallen leaves. — it’s an incredible ex-
scoreboards in their Instead of Augus- know. We’ll have to see schedule unlike any Mostly, however, it’s perience.
usual places behind the ta National members how everyone adapts to other, particularly at the lack of patrons that “So we’ll be missing
greens, and the green and their the differing conditions. the Masters. The annu- makes it look — and one element. But it’s a
television stands be- guests, the It’s hard not to have the al rite of spring is now sound — so different. huge element to the ex-
hind the 12th tee and a course was fans around, but it’s a strange passage into “There’s no doubt the perience of playing the
few other strategic lo- filled Mon- amazing to have the autumn. missing gallery is going Masters.”
cations, and this is what day with Ti- opportunity to be back The 1,600 azalea to be the biggest differ- Late in the afternoon,
Augusta National looks ger Woods here for us as players.” bushes on the 13th hole ence,” Adam Scott said. three women were
like in November. and Justin It was a lost opportu- have no blooms. Neither “The things that will be strolling along toward
It looks bigger be- Thomas, nity for Sergio Garcia do the pink dogwoods the same is it still means the edge of Amen Cor-
cause hardly anyone is Bubba Wat- Woods and Joaquin Niemann, down the right side of the same to us all, and ner with a drink called
there. son and both of whom tested the second fairway. It’s maybe even more so “Azalea” and not a care
The grandstands are Jordan Spi- positive for the corona- not without color, of because we return to in the world. Their hus-
gone. The ropes are eth, all of them playing virus and had to with- course. The Firethorn Augusta National every bands were in the field,
missing, replaced by a practice round on a draw, another reminder berries on the 15th were year. Everything that but they weren’t sure if
painted lines — dark course that only looked why the Masters moved bursting with color, as the club does to make they were playing at the
green, of course — the same. to November date in the they are prone to do in this a special event for moment. It was a nice
around the tee boxes “We’re used to com- first place. late summer and early everybody who gets day. It was easy to get
and greens and marking ing here on Monday al- The COVID-19 pan- fall. to watch it — whether See MASTERS, 3B


No. 1 ranking
‘even more
Mississippi State-Auburn game postponed due
this year’
to COVID-19 positive tests and contact tracing
It’s easier than ever
for Alabama coach Nick
Saban to dismiss a mid-
season No. 1 ranking.
The Crimson Tide
(6 -0) vaulted to the
top after an open date
when No. 2 Notre Dame
knocked off Clemson,
which was playing with-
out quarterback Trevor
Lawrence. Even though
Alabama’s remaining
regular season sched-
ule doesn’t seem partic-
ularly daunting, it’s still
the season of COVID-19
with top teams like No.
3 Ohio State just getting
And teams never
know when a key player
— like Lawrence — or
coach will test positive
or have to be quaran-
tined for close contact
with someone who has
tested positive. Staffs
don’t even know when
games will have to be


CF Lewis
win Rookie
of the Year

Much like one of

his lofty leaps at the Kentucky Athletics
wall, Kyle Lewis soared Mississippi State’s weekend contest with Auburn scheduled for Saturday has been postponed due to positive tests and contact tracing, the
above the field. Southeastern Conference announced. MSU will host the Tigers on Dec. 12.
The center fielder for BY BEN PORTNOY disappointed that Saturday’s is, in large part, due to contact fore, 1) it was impossible to
the Seattle Mariners game has been postponed, tracing. find a test, 2) they’re unre-
won the AL Rookie of
the Year award Monday our priority is the health, safe- “The contact tracers add up, liable, 3) they’re kind of ex-
STARKVILLE — Missis- ty and well-being of our stu- too,” Leach said. “I think that’s pensive so I didn’t get tested.
night, and Milwaukee sippi State will have to wait an-
Brewers reliever Devin dent-athletes and staff.” one of the biggest hits. We’ve I did have pretty much all the
other month to play Auburn. Under SEC guidelines, got several guys that aren’t symptoms. If I were to bet, I
Williams took home the Monday, the Southeastern
NL honor. teams are required to have 53 even positive that have to sit at would definitely bet that I had
Conference announced the scholarship players available, home and play video games be- it then.”
The 25-year-old Lew-
game between the Tigers and including one quarterback, cause they were next to some- As MSU’s schedule now
is received all 30 first-
Bulldogs initially scheduled seven offensive linemen -- in- body (that got COVID-19).” stands, it will mark the first
place votes in balloting
for Saturday will now be post- cluding one center -- and four Leach added that no one on time since 1998 that the Bull-
by the Baseball Writers’
poned to Dec. 12 following defensive linemen. his coaching staff had been af- dogs will play two games after
Association of America.
He is the 12th unani- COVID-19 positive tests and Last week against Vander- fected by the current outbreak the Egg Bowl. That year, MSU
mous winner of the AL subsequent contract tracing bilt, MSU was reportedly close but that, “So far any coaches closed its season with Ole
award, joining a presti- with the MSU football team. to the 53-player threshold, as that have gotten it got it way Miss before playing in the SEC
gious list that includes MSU’s next contest will only eight offensive linemen earlier.” He also said Monday Championship Game against
Carlton Fisk, Derek now be Nov. 21 at No. 12 Geor- dressed for the contest. Leach he believes he dealt with his Tennessee and in the Cotton
Jeter, Mike Trout and gia. confirmed this in his Monday own bout with COVID-19 in Bowl against Texas.
Aaron Judge. “Based on positive tests press conference, revealing March after he spoke at the This year will also be just
“It’s just a great first and those considered as close the Bulldogs were just one MIT Sloan Sports Analytics the second time and first since
step for me and being in contacts, along with non- player above the threshold Conference, though also clari- 1936 the Bulldogs will play two
that category, it’s just COVID injuries, we do not when facing the Commodores fied he was never tested. regular season games after
really special,” Lewis have the minimum number of and that number had obvious- “I was on a plane full of Bos- the Egg Bowl. During the 1936
said. scholarship student-athletes ly dipped below the require- ton people coming and going season, the Bulldogs closed
Williams made his available for Saturday’s game ments following that Mon- and then went to spring break, with wins over Ole Miss, Mer-
own history, becoming against Auburn,” MSU Athlet- day’s round of testing. and about a day and a half after cer and Florida before falling
the first pitcher to win ic Director John Cohen said in The first-year head coach I got back, I got sick,” Leach to Duquesne in the Orange
See ROY, 3B a news release. “While we are also noted the postponement said. “But that was back be- Bowl.
2B TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2020 The Dispatch •

Column: NASCAR closes stabilized, and energized by Elliott

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS young stars in the spot- title, 44 races and fans is the tie to the tradition- NASCAR President Sheldon Creed is 23; Xfin-
light. Dale Earnhardt voted “Awesome Bill from al NASCAR fan. It’s the Steve Phelps called 2020 ity Series winner Austin
AVONDALE, Ariz. — Jr. was a 12-time winner Dawsonville” the most only shot they’ve got with “the single most difficult Cindric is 22.
Drivers, finally, stop your of the fan-selected most popular driver a record 16 the traditional NASCAR year that we’ve faced as a In Elliott, NASCAR’s
engines. popular driver award but times. fan. His dad, the history sport,” but a year in which most popular driver is
NASCAR has waved never won a champion- He would have kept and heritage of the sport, the industry unified to also the champion for the
the checkered flag on its ship. Elliott took the reins winning the award, too, there isn’t anybody else in keep cars on the track. first time since Bill El-
frenetic 2020 season, a in 2018 after Earnhardt but Bill Elliott in 2001 re- the lineup that I can think Next year’s season-open- liott’s 1988 title. He’s far
whirlwind of rescheduled retired and rewarded his moved his name from the of.” ing Daytona 500 is still on
and relocated races, some from charismatic but has
loyalists in just his fifth ballot and encouraged He’s won now. And at schedule for Feb. 14 and
held with lots of fans, a Southern charm with
full season at NASCAR’s fans to honor his late ri- the same time, NASCAR plans now include specta-
some fans and no fans at top level. val, Dale Earnhardt Sr. seems to have stabilized. tors in the stands. all his “heck,” “dang” and
all. The effort to complete He has faced quixotic Chase Elliott, who The series for at least Uncertainty hangs “shoot” exclamations that
all 38 races during the expectations since he was turns 25 later this a decade has been adjust- over everything, but resonates with the sport.
pandemic was rewarded 14 — that’s when Rick month and is NASCAR’s ing to an ever-changing Phelps said NASCAR is The Cup solidifies his
with a new champion, Hendrick gave him a driv- third-youngest champi- economic landscape, an in good shape. spot as the new face of
who just happens to be er development contract on, is very much like his aging fan base, declining “Will everyone’s bot- NASCAR, of Hendrick
NASCAR’s reigning most — from peers who saw dad: soft-spoken outside television ratings and at- tom line look more chal- Motorsports and of Chev-
popular driver. his heritage as a means to of the car, calm and cal- tendance, and a dearth lenged? The answer rolet. But Elliott is hum-
Chase Elliott won three re-energizing a sport that culated behind the wheel. of star power. When the is yes. Do I believe we ble, just like his dad, and
of the final five races, in- saw its biggest stars trick- The family has never left pandemic put NASCAR as a sport are going to not interested in labels.
cluding Sunday’s winner- le out of the driver’s seat its Georgia hometown of on a 10-week pause in shut down? We are not,” “I don’t know that
take-all finale at Phoenix the last five years. Jeff Dawnsonville — a small March, the series could Phelps said. “Are we fi- that’s really for me to say
Raceway, to claim the Gordon, Tony Stewart, town of less than 3,000 have collapsed. nancially viable to move who is or isn’t the face of
first Cup of his career. Carl Edwards and Earn- people an hour outside of Instead, NASCAR was forward? We are. We are something,” he said. “But
His late-season surge hardt have all retired, Atlanta — and they still one of the first sports to going to persevere and from where I sit, it’s the
upstaged Kevin Harvick and seven-time champion sound the siren at the lo- resume competition, first we are going to continue
performance industry,
and Denny Hamlin, the Jimmie Johnson joined cal pool hall whenever an to get fans back into the to put on races, bring that
two most dominant driv- right? It’s entertainment
the group Sunday. Elliott wins. stands and first to com- great racing to the fan
ers this year, and elevat- Elliott’s instant popu- When Harvick was plete its entire sched- base.” from the outside looking
ed the second-generation larity was ordained not asked in 2017 what NA- ule. A new car originally Two of NASCAR’s in, but what makes my liv-
NASCAR star alongside for what he did in his SCAR needed to re-ener- scheduled for 2021 was three championships at ing is performing or not.
his Hall of Fame father as Chevrolet, but because gize its base, he pointed postponed a year, but Phoenix were won in dra- “I think me perform-
NASCAR champions. of his family tree, which directly to Elliott. expectations of the car matic late shootouts and ing at a high level is going
It was a promising dates to a NASCAR some “NASCAR needs improving the business of the three new champi- to take me a lot further in
close for NASCAR, which fans still yearn for. Bill Chase Elliott to win,” Har- model has ignited interest ons, Elliott is the oldest. life than being the face of
very much needs its Elliott won the 1988 Cup vick said. “Chase Elliott among new team owners. Truck Series champion something.”

Loaded Pac-12 eyeing multiple bids to NCAA Tournament

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS “A year ago, overall we a mix of veterans, transfers returns four starters. The for Colorado with McKin- aging 19.1 points per game
had one of our best seasons and another strong recruit- Cardinal also pulled off a ley Wright IV. last season and is one of
The Pac-12 expected as a conference,” Arizona ing class. recruiting coup by landing Washington has plenty the nation’s most dynamic
to get six, maybe even a coach Sean Miller said. Oregon is ranked No. Ziaire Williams, one of the of experience, but a cou- guards.
record-tying seven teams, “This year, I think it might 20 in The Associated Press nation’s top recruits. ple of big holes to fill with Utah got a similar lift
into last season’s NCAA be the strongest year in my preseason poll. Miller has reloaded his Isaiah Stewart and Jaden when Allen, who averaged
Tournament. 12 years in the Pac-12 be- No. 22 UCLA made a roster with six talented for- McDaniels gone after one 17.3 points and 7.2 re-
The conference’s hopes, cause from top to bottom, push for a surprise NCAA eign players to replace the season. bounds last season, decid-
like those of leagues and it’s so strong and we have Tournament berth in its three talented freshmen It should be a wild, com- ed to return.
teams across the country, so much returning experi- first season under Mick who left for the NBA after petitive season in the Pac- Wright seems like he’s
were dashed when March ence.” Cronin and has most of that last season. 12 and, possibly, end with been at Colorado for 10
Madness was canceled Oregon has been the team back. Freshman Evan Mob- another big batch of NCAA years and continues to be
due to the coronavirus pan- Pac-12’s gold standard, Arizona State is the con- ley should help Southern Tournament-worthy teams. one of the league’s best all-
demic. winning four regular-sea- ference’s highest-ranked California overcome the around guards.
As the pandemic-de- son and three conference team in the AP preseason loss of Onyeka Okongwu Top returners California was one of
layed 2020-21 season is set tournament titles the past poll at No. 18, gets Remy to the NBA and could lead Arizona State got a huge the nation’s worst offen-
to start, the Pac-12 is again five years. The Ducks lost Martin back and has argu- the Trojans into the NCAA boost when Martin opt- sive teams last season, but
in position to have one of Pac-12 player of the year ably the best recruiting Tournament. ed to return to the desert guard Matt Bradley was
the toughest, deepest con- Payton Pritchard, but Dana class in program history. Utah has one of the con- instead of leaving for the one of the Pac-12’s best
ferences in college basket- Altman may field an even Stanford lost Tyrell Ter- ference’s best players in NBA. He’s the Pac-12’s top scorers, averaging 17.4
ball. better team this year with ry to the NBA draft, but Timmy Allen. Same thing returning scorer after aver- points.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2020 3B

No. 1 Zags: Gonzaga begins season atop Top 25 for first time
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Luka Garza, its highest preseason only lost one starter in big man
ranking in school history. Freddie Gillespie. But coach Scott
Just about the only thing Gonzaga Then came a wave of bluebloods Drew could have the nation’s best
has left to accomplish under Mark with Kansas, Wisconsin, Illinois, backcourt in Jared Butler, Davion
Few is win a national championship. Duke and Kentucky completing the Mitchell and MaCio Teague, the
The ‘Zags scratched another first top 10. best defender in Mark Vital and
off the list Monday: They will open The Bulldogs spent four weeks at depth behind top-100 recruit L.J.
the season at No. 1. No. 1 last season before finishing sec- Cryer and transfer Adam Flagler.
Despite losing West Coast Con- ond to the Jayhawks in the final poll, The Bears also built a brutal
ference player of the year Filip Petru- which was taken when the NCAA schedule, playing Illinois and po-
sev, the Bulldogs received 28 first- Tournament was canceled by the tentially Villanova in the Empire
place votes and 1,541 points from a COVID-19 pandemic. Classic along with Gonzaga.
64-member national media panel. Petrusev’s choice to play profes- “I think it starts with experi-
That was just enough to edge Baylor sionally in Serbia and then enter the ence,” Drew said. “Whenever you
(24 first-place vote) by a single point draft was a blow, but the Bulldogs return a lot of players that were
for the top spot in the preseason As-
still have the pieces to win it all. Co- successful, in a season that got YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
sociated Press Top 25 heading to- rey Kispert and Joel Ayayi provide moved back and a short summer,
ward the delayed Nov. 25 start of the scoring punch and the arrival of you’re definitely benefited from
season. potential one-and-done guard Jalen having guys that have college expe- Sudoku
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
“It’s a great honor to be selected Suggs should steady their backcourt. rience.” Sudoku 2 7 4 3 8 9 6 1 5
a 9x9 gridis witha several
No. 1,” Few said. “We understand The ‘Zags certainly scheduled The Wildcats, who matched ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 5 9 3 6 4 1 2 7 8

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

that it is more a reflection of what our like title contenders. They open Nov. their highest preseason ranking based onthe a 9x9
is to place numbers 1 8 6 5 7 2 4 9 3
program has accomplished over the 26 against Kansas at the Fort Myers at No. 3 in 1995-96, harbored hope grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 6 3 7 8 2 4 1 5 9
years and hope to play up to that stan- Tip-Off, where they also will play Au- that Saddiq Bey would return for an- given
dard as we start our season.” burn, and face Baylor in Indianapolis other season. But despite losing the so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 8 5 2 9 1 6 7 3 4
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
Villanova received 11 first-place and Iowa in Sioux Falls, South Dako- versatile forward to the NBA, coach numbers 4 1 9 7 3 5 8 2 6
votes and was third, followed by Vir- ta. Jay Wright still has standout guard contains the1same to 9 number
3 6 1 4 5 7 9 8 2
the empty spaces so
ginia with the remaining first-place The Bears, who also have their Collin Gillespie, double-double ma- only once. The difficulty 7 4 5 2 9 8 3 6 1
that each row, each
vote. Iowa was picked fifth behind na- highest preseason ranking, spent chine Jeremiah Robinson-Earl and level increases from
column and each 9 2 8 1 6 3 5 4 7
tional player of the year front-runner five weeks at No. 1 last season and solid starter Jermaine Samuels. Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 11/09

the same number only once. The difficulty level

increases from Monday to Sunday.

Continued from Page 1B
around. It was peaceful. ident on the slopes and back 20, 25 yards short Westwood is used to see-
This is the Augusta collection areas off the of the green,” Spieth ing a wall of people down
National hardly anyone greens. said. “Right now, it’s the right side of the 11th
gets to see. That will have a small only going to go 5 or 10, fairway, jammed in be-
And it won’t change effect on chipping. making the next shot a hind the 12th tee, and
much over the next six “I’m anxious to see bit easier. It will be in-
then up the right side of
days, except for the fore- over the next couple of teresting to see how that
cast. Rain was expected days how tight some of changes because that the 13th fairway.
at least for the next two the run-off areas get changed a lot from this On this day, it was a
practice rounds, and because the grass has weekend to today.” walk in the park. Or it
possibly throughout the been a little thicker and Spieth was around felt like one, anyway.
week. longer than we see in on the weekend after “It takes some get-
The course already April,” Spieth said. missing the cut in the ting used to,” Westwood
is softer than it usually He played the front Houston Open. Ditto for said.
is in April because the nine on Monday, and players like Phil Mickel- What hasn’t changed
rye grass planted over when he finished his son and Lee Westwood. is the objective.
the dead Bermuda has round with former No one likes a weekend “We’re playing the
only had a month or so champion Zach Johnson off. When it means go-
same golf course and
to take root. It’s still and newcomer J.T. Pos- ing to Augusta National
pristine, and it will look ton, he noticed a huge to get ready for the Mas- trying to shoot the low
that way on TV. Even so, difference in how the ters — April, Novem- score and beat the same
the weather has been so ball responds if it comes ber, doesn’t matter — it players that we have to
warm that splotches of up short. takes the sting off. try and do every single
Bermuda grass are ev- “Sometimes it rolls Even in practice, year,” Spieth said.

Continued from Page 1B

canceled or postponed. able to determine that.” season, winning 46 -41. against complacency or
Saban said being No. Alabama visits L SU Now, the Tigers will overconfidence. This
1 in November is “even (2-3), the struggling be looking to play the is familiar territory for
more meaningless this defending national spoiler if they take the Alabama; the ascent to
year than ever before.” champs, on Saturday. field. No. 1 Sunday marked
“It means nothing at The four remaining op- And the Tide will be the record 13th consec-
all right now,” Saban ponents are a combined looking to stay on task,
utive year that the Tide
said Monday. “And I 11-12, and only No. 24 No. 1 ranking or not.
think especially in this Auburn (4-2) has a win- “It’s great to be con- has spent at least one
week atop the poll. ACROSS
year, because it’s very, ning record. sidered the top team, 1 Early carmaker
very difficult even at L SU is dealing with but none of it matters,” “I’ve always said this
5 Holds tight
this point in the season, a COVID outbreak and quarterback Mac Jones ... complacency creates
10 Looks for
to know who is really won’t be at full-strength said. “It doesn’t matter a blatant disregard for
12 Bizarre
established as the most — if the game is even if you’re ranked 25th or doing what’s right,” Sa-
dangerous teams in the played. Coach Ed Org- first, you have to go out
13 Amount of
ban said. “So you know,
country on a consistent eron said the situation there and control your appreciation,
that’s something that maybe
basis. has made it difficult own destiny by winning our players are going
“We have confer- to know who won’t be every game. 15 “Do — say!”
to have to show matu- 16 North Pole
ences that have played available for the game “If we can just try to
rity and understanding worker
one game, conferences or whether it might win every game we’ll
that have played three need to be postponed, continue to go through- that it’s not where you 17 French article
games, conferences like Auburn-Mississippi out the season and get are right now. It’s where 18 Remember
that have played more State was on Monday. a chance to play more you finish that counts.” 20 Ascend
games than we’ve L SU snapped an games.” Making it to the fin- 21 Pens for
played. So I think it’s eight-game losing And Saban, as al- ish this season counts tablets
very, very difficult to be streak to Alabama last ways, remains on guard as much as anything. 22 Has dinner

23 South African DOWN 24 Events
coins 1 Film prize 25 Blush
25 Quite uncom- 2 Rent agree- 26 Opposed (to)
Continued from Page 1B mon ments 27 Lax
28 Campaign 3 Show 29 Rio Grande
Rookie of the Year with- on Sept. 14. He is the could be a formidable ers’ bullpen. He allowed goal 4 Enjoy the city
out recording a save or first player to win the young outfield in Seat- one earned run in 22 31 Nights before slopes 30 Continuing
making a start during award for Seattle since tle. Jarred Kelenic, who appearances — a home 32 Supermarket 5 Course activity story
his award-winning sea- Ichiro Suzuki in 2001. was acquired in a trade run by Pittsburgh’s Col- sections 6 Floor cover 33 Boxer Liston
son — reflecting the San Diego Padres with the New York Mets, in Moran on July 27. 34 Rep.’s rival 7 Roma’s nation 35 Smooch
increased importance second baseman Jake and Julio Rodriguez are Featuring a devas- 35 Reunion 8 Mass leader 38 Horse healer
of the bullpen in today’s Cronenworth and Phila- ranked among base- tating changeup and group 9 Taste and 39 Mai tai base
game. He is the first delphia Phillies infield- ball’s top prospects. a four-seam fastball 36 Debate side smell
Rookie of the Year for er Alec Bohm tied for “I think we got a that gets into the up- 37 Downpour 11 “Streetcar”
Milwaukee since Ryan second in NL balloting great chance to build per 90s, Williams was 40 Road curves
by the Baseball Writers’ a really strong core of practically unhittable.
Braun in 2007.
41 Writer Sontag 14 Futile
“I don’t really think Association of America. guys, and those are two The 26 -year-old right-
42 Bird abodes 19 Actor Lew
that saves are the end- Chicago White Sox cen- guys that are super tal- hander went 4-1 with a
all be-all,” Williams ter fielder Luis Robert ented. Top of the scale microscopic 0.33 ER A,
43 “Holy —!” 20 Work breaks
said on a conference finished second in the when you’re talking striking out 53 in just 27
call during a vacation in AL race, followed by about talent,” Lewis innings.
Jamaica. “If I come up in Houston Astros right- said. “I think we really The last reliever to
the seventh inning and I hander Cristian Javier. do have a great chance take home the honor in
go through one through Lewis and Robert to turn into one of those either league was Craig
five, I think that that had similar seasons, rebuilding teams that Kimbrel for Atlanta in
can be pretty valuable with fast starts followed ends up having a great 2011.
as well.” by slow finishes. Lewis group of guys move up Williams missed
The 25 -year-old Lew- batted just .147 in Sep- together and progress Milwaukee’s loss to
is was one of baseball’s tember, and Robert hit together.” the champion Dodgers
breakout stars during .136 with 32 strikeouts Williams, a St. Louis in the first round of
the pandemic-short- in 23 games in the final native, was selected by the playoffs because of
ened season, batting month. Milwaukee in the sec- shoulder soreness.
.262 with 11 homers and Lewis was selected ond round of the 2013 “I’m doing a little bit
28 RBIs in 58 games. He by Seattle with the No. draft. He had Tommy of rehab still, but it’s
led big league rookies 11 overall pick in the John surgery while he feeling good,” Williams
with 37 runs, 90 total 2016 amateur draft out was in the minors and said.
bases and a .364 on- of Mercer University. made his big league de- The Managers of the
base percentage. He broke into the ma- but last year. Year will be announced
Lewis also made a jors last year, appearing This season, Wil- by the BBWA A on Tues-
couple of memorable in 18 September games liams teamed with clos- day night, followed by
plays in center, robbing with the Mariners. er Josh Hader to form a the Cy Young Awards
Oakland’s Ramón Lau- The Georgia native is shutdown tandem at the on Wednesday and the
reano of a grand slam the beginning of what back end of the Brew- MVPs on Thursday.
4B TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2020 The Dispatch •

On Football: Be prepared or be ready for an unexpected test

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS when the quarterback was standable. After all, the behind 31-0, even putting second half of the sched- Pete Carroll said. “It’s just
sandwiched by two Cow- Steelers were coming off his young daughter who ule, they should look at such an out-of-character
Be prepared, or be ready boys pass rushers, slowing one emotional victory after was at the game to sleep. Sunday as a cautionary game across the board that
for an unexpected chal- but not stopping him. And a another, against long-time That Pittsburgh over- tale. It surely was that I don’t even recognize us.”
lenge. pair of missed extra points rival (and, apparently, play- came it’s own languor and for the Buccaneers, who But it happens to virtu-
That’s an NFL mantra — even though Chris Bo- off pretender) Cleveland, the Cowboys’ most spirit- looked lethargic and con- ally ever club some time
that seems to always be swell made a 59-yard field unbeaten Tennessee and ed performance all season fused in only their biggest during a 17-week schedule.
in play. Perfect proof was goal. archrival Baltimore. They is a tribute to the Steelers’ test so far this season. During 2020, with all of the
provided Sunday in Big D, Still, these Steelers are were facing the most under- resourcefulness. And guts. Same for Seattle, which pandemic-related issues, it
where the unbeaten Steel- the only squad in franchise achieving, albeit banged- Roethlisberger easily could had a difficult chore in is even more difficult to
ers nearly had a Big Deba- history to go 8-0, though up, squad in pro football, have sat out the second traveling cross-country to remain on an even keel.
cle against the woeful Cow- they weren’t kidding them- with journeyman quarter- half, his eye on further priz- Buffalo and then having Being stoked in every situ-
boys. selves about how they got back Garrett Gilbert in his es. He’s not built that way, an early kickoff. But the ation? No way.
Sure, the resilient and there. first NFL start, and on a and neither is his team. Bills, who have struggled So when the Steelers
versatile Steelers came “We’re humbled and three-game slide. And he believes the a bit the last month, blew line up against the Ben-
back after trailing all day honored to be in that Certainly it was more un- Steelers will learn from away the Seahawks in the gals (2-5-1) next week, and
to win 24-19 against an group,” coach Mike Tomlin derstandable than what the struggling like they did first half, toying with a de- the Packers (6-2) face the
opponent they should said. “It’s not without its tri- Buccaneers came up with Sunday. fense that was practically Jaguars (1-7), they should
have shoved aside without als today, obviously. Some against their top division “I hope so. It’s the NFL. invisible for the first half keep Week 9 in mind. Dit-
breaking a sweat. Instead, of it was created by us. We and possibly conference There are no easy games,” of a 44-34 Buffalo win. to for the Buccaneers (6-
because they were as flat as can’t keep having these foe, the Saints, on Sunday he said. “We’re the Pitts- “What I will tell you is I 3) against the Panthers
the turf in Jerry Jones’ pal- conversations every week night. That motivation and burgh Steelers. We know don’t recognize that game. (3-6), and the Ravens
ace, they had to sweat out because one of these weeks undivided attention should everybody is coming for We haven’t seen us look (6-2) against the Patriots
everything. Such as a bum- we’ll be doing it with an ‘L’ if have been a no-brainer. Yet us.” like that, and it’s a game (2-5 heading into Monday
bling beginning. A knee in- we’re not careful.” Tampa Bay played a pretty As the Steelers and ev- that I don’t have any place night’s game at the Jets).
jury for Ben Roethlisberger Perhaps it was under- brainless first half, falling eryone else move into the in my brain for it,” coach

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: selves right now. and doesn’t want a relationship.
My husband The HOA board When we broke up shortly
and I own a was fulfilling its after, he said he wanted to be
condo in a building obligation to the friends. But he still called and
with 22 units. community by invited me over for sex regularly
Because of COVID, posting health for the next six weeks. I was
one of the HOA and safety signs. very hurt, but I finally cut ties
board members They are meant to because emotionally I couldn’t
has posted signs educate not only handle it. He still wants to be
stating “rules” homeowners but friends but I cannot. He still will
throughout the also visitors to the do anything for me and wants
building. The rules building, but too the benefits of being together
ZITS are typical for often they tend without the labels.
these trying times, to become like It has been more than two
but the number of “wallpaper” and months and I’m heartbroken. If
signs is obses- are ignored. You I call him, he answers and talks
sive. Many of the are not caught in like we are the best of friends,
residents dislike Dear Abby the middle. Your and it kills me. How do I get over
the signs, but my husband owes him? Is it worth trying to see if
husband was the one who wrote that woman an apology for get- we will work out? — BROKEN IN
a nasty letter to the HOA about ting snarky. But it probably won’t UTAH
how many are posted. happen unless you insist upon DEAR BROKEN: This “gen-
The board member who it. (If it doesn’t, you can always tleman” made clear that his
was responsible for posting do it “for” him the next time you feelings for you are not as strong
the signs was a friend of mine. all meet for happy hour.) as those you have for him. You
Her feelings were hurt, and she DEAR ABBY: I met a wonder- are involved with someone who
has made some snide remarks ful man who was 14 years older is honest about wanting nothing
GARFIELD about the letter. A group of
women meet weekly for happy
who treated me like I have never
been treated before. He opened
more than the status quo. If
you’re willing to settle for being
hour, and she and I are both doors for me, took me on actual only FWB — which, I suspect, you
part of that group. I feel caught dates, paid for things, met all have too much intelligence and
in the middle. My husband has my friends and family, and took self-esteem to do — go along
had a hard time getting over me on my first vacation at 39 with what he’s offering (which is
being mad about the signs, and years old. He was very cuddly very little). But if you do, know
I know the HOA member is angry and such a gentleman. He even full well that it won’t “work out.”
at him. I just want to go to happy introduced himself as my “boy- Dear Abby is written by
hour and drink and gossip. Why friend” to some of my friends. Abigail Van Buren, also known
can’t we all just get along? — IN Seven months ago, we had as Jeanne Phillips, and was
THE MIDDLE our first argument and he asked founded by her mother, Pauline
DEAR IN THE MIDDLE: We me how I felt about him. I said Phillips. Contact Dear Abby
are living in trying times, and I loved him and he returned at or P.O.
many people — your husband with, “I like you a lot.” He said Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
included — aren’t their better he didn’t feel as strongly as I did 90069.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Nov. like only you can, and with an trate on the day’s tasks. Even
10). A magnificent calm takes impressive level of commitment. so, shoving is not advised. Give
hold in which you feel powerfully TAURUS (April 20-May 20). it a quick sort, fold and tuck.
clear about what you want. While it seems like most people Compartmentalize if needed.
Whether you’re speaking words are investing for financial profit, LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
of love or laying down a financial you are the rebel who will invest To take advantage of all your
deal, you speak directly and for a different kind of profit — current scene has to offer, avoid
get quick responses. Some improvement and benefits for gazing at the supposedly green-
relationships take longer to the many, not just the few. er grass on the other side of the
synchronize. Once they do, they GEMINI (May 21-June 21). fence and stay focused on your
BABY BLUES become alternately practical You, like most people, don’t like own backyard.
and magical. Leo and Virgo to be wrong. Therefore, you’ll VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
adore you. Your lucky numbers usually pause before you decide You’ll add skills, meet people
are: 3, 22, 14, 4 and 17. what to lock into. Today is dif- and refine your game. One spe-
ARIES (March 21-April ferent. You’re sure immediately. cial alliance will help you do all
19). You won’t do the job to You go without hesitation. that and more. A light, friendly
perfection, but only because CANCER (June 22-July 22). approach is what’s needed. Let
that would be both boring and There are thoughts you’d like to whimsy be your guide.
impossible. You will do the job, shove back so you can concen- LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
Your life is growing in dimen-
sion, and you’re taking on more.
It’s not just your slice of life
that’s growing either. You’re
seeing more to life in general.
Here comes an element of the
BEETLE BAILEY bizarre and fantastic.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). You used to think that you
knew your limits and abilities,
but now you realize that you
have no idea what is possible
until you get in there and make
things happen — or not. You’ve
the guts to find out.
21). You know what people
want you to say, but a rebellious
surge disallows it. Anyway,
you’re confident and creative
enough to serve them up more
MALLARD FILLMORE than what they want, that is to
say, what they need.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Advice may sound like criti-
cism, but there’s still something
valuable in it if you can get past
the tone. The smaller you make
your ego, the bigger you can
make your brain.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). It’s easy to be influenced
by an overly excited and worried
world. Take a deep breath and
count your exhale as “one.”
Keep repeating, and by 10,
FAMILY CIRCUS you’ll be calmer and more
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You deserve the opportu-
nity to grow and develop in your
own way. Once you mentally
separate yourself from a culture
that bosses you around and
boxes you into a role, you’ll start
to see a unique path.

Circle of friends
attach to his bid, a copy of

his/her resident state’s cur-
rent laws pertaining to such
state’s treatment of non-resid-
ent contractors. Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
Each Bidder must deposit with
his proposal, a Bid Bond or
Certified Check in an amount
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
equal to five percent (5%) of
$50,000.00, payable to the
Columbus Light and Water De-
To place ads starting at only $12,
partment, as bid security. The
successful bidder will be re-
call 662-328-2424 or visit
quired to furnish a Payment
Bond and Performance Bond
each in the amount of THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2020 n 5B
$50,000.00, or as otherwise
stipulated in the bidder’s pro-
Legal Notices Legal Notices Apts For Rent: South


Bid documents are being made
available via original paper Large 2−bedrm apartment. Real Estate Vehicles Need a new
Call us: 662-328-2424
copy. Plan holders are re-
quired to register for an ac-
count at www.neel-schaffer-
Recently renovated, very
nice, includes washer /
Ads starting at $25 Ads starting at $12
Dodge Grand Caravan for sale to view and order dryer, lots of closets, great
Dodge Charger for sale Bid Documents. All plan hold- location. Must see inside.
Legal Notices ers are required to have a val- $850. 662−364−1610 Houses For Sale: Southside Autos For Sale
MISSISSIPPI UNIVERSITY FOR id email address for registra-
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI WOMEN tion. Bid documents are non-re-
COLUMBUS, MS 39701 fundable and must be pur- Apts For Rent: West 1512 WASHINGTON AVE 2006 FORD Ranger FX4
OKTIBBEHA COUNTY 3BR/1.5BA, living room w/ ext. cab, 4.0 L Eng. with
chased through the website.

Sealed bids will be received at For questions regarding web- gas log−heat, dining room, only 208K miles. Has
the Office of Purchasing. The site registration and online or- front/back porch, natural camper shell, bed rug,
ders, please contact Plan gas heat, window units− brush guard with light bar,

SLURRY SEAL SELLERS ROAD bid opening will be held in the
AND BLUE DRIVE Office of Purchasing, Whitfield House Printing at (662) 407- cooling, storage bldg & new tires in Sept, cold air
OKTIBBEHA COUNTY, MISSIS- Hall, Columbus, MS 39701 at 0193. carport. 1,230 sq ft. intake, new water pump in
SIPPI 2:00 p.m. December 2, 2020 Call 662−425−9451. Oct, and new A/C in 2019.
at which time they will be pub- The Columbus Light and Water Apartments & Houses Has 3 coats of ceramic
Sealed or electronic bids will licly opened and read. Specific- Department hereby notifies all Lots & Acreage
1 Bedrooms
Bidders that it will affirmatively coating. Looks & runs
be received by the Board of Su- ations may be obtained from:
insure that in any contract good. Only $8500.
pervisors of Oktibbeha County,
Mississippi at the Oktibbeha Office of Purchasing entered into pursuant to this 2 Bedroooms 1.75 ACRE LOTS Good/ 501−545−7750 in

When looking
Whitfield Hall advertisement, disadvantaged Bad Credit Options. Good Columbus.
3 Bedrooms
County Office of the Chancery
Clerk, 101 East Main Street 1100 College Street MUW and women’s business enter- credit as low as 20% down,
Starkville, Mississippi 39759 1628 prises will be afforded the full $499/mo. Eaton Land,
Columbus, MS 39701 opportunity to submit bids in Furnished & Unfurnished
for a new pet,
until 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, 662−361−7711.
December 2nd, 2020 for con-
struction of Slurry Seal of
Sellers Road and Blue Drive at
Telephone (662) 329-7126
response to this invitation and
will not be discriminated
against on the grounds of race, 1, 2, & 3 Baths For Sale: 17+/− acres, Community
Lease, Deposit
which time they will be publicly
opened and read aloud.
Mississippi University for Wo-
men reserves the right to re-
ject any or all bids.
color, or national origin in con-
sideration for an award.
& Credit Check
3442 Nashville Ferry Rd.
Has 2 trailer spots on
property. Partially wooded.
Ads starting at $12 adoption is
always a
The Engineer is Neel-Schaffer, $25,500. 662−327−8712.
Items of work include slurry
PUBLISH: 11/3 & Inc., P. O. Box 2100, (2310 Good Things To Eat
seal and traffic striping on ap-
proximately 0.91 miles of exist- 11/10/2020 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive),
Columbus, Mississippi, 39704,

Merchandise good option.

ing roadway(s).
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS (39705) Phone No. (662)328-
Proposals shall be good for a 4460, Fax No. (662)328-8552.
period of 120 days from date
Apts For Rent: Other
of signing. The Columbus Light and Water
Department reserves the right Ads starting at $12
Plans and specifications are ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR WA- to reject any and all bids and to
being made available via pa- TER AND SEWER SYSTEM RE- waive any informalities or irreg- Antiques
per or digital copy. Plan Hold- PAIR WORK ularities therein.
ers are required to log-in or re-
gister for an account to view or
order bid documents at
Todd Gale, General Manager
Magnolia Antique Mall Five Questions:
www.pritchardengineeringplans. Columbus Light and Water De- Sat., Nov. 21, 2020
com. Bid documents are non- PART B – CURED IN PLACE partment 10AM−5PM
refundable and must be pur- 302 Alabama St.
1 David
chased through the website. DATES OF PUBLICATION: Columbus
Questions regarding website re- PART C – SEWER SYSTEM RE- November 3, 2020
gistration and online orders November 10, 2020

PAIR WORK Bargain Column
please contact Plan House at
662-407-0193. For questions PART D – MANHOLE REHABILIT-
related to the contract docu- CELL PHONE SANITIZER

ments contact the office of NEW BLACK CELL PHONE
Pritchard Engineering, Inc at COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI SANITIZER $20 firm.

2 Drone
(662) 324-2205, 100 Miley Columbus.
Road, Starkville, Mississippi Sealed bids will be received by 662−352−1407
39759. No partial sets of draw- the Columbus Light and Water Call us: 662-328-2424
ings of project manuals will be Department, Columbus, Missis- Firewood / Fuel
issued. sippi in the second floor confer- General Help Wanted
ence room at the Columbus

3 Martina
Proposal shall be submitted on Light and Water Department, FIREWOOD FOR SALE.
Bid Forms provided with the 420 4th Avenue South, Colum- JOB OPPORTUNITIES: Various lengths.
specifications. Bids may be bus, MS 39703, until 10:00 SECRETARY will provide 662−295−2274.

submitted in person, or for A.M., Local Time, on Decem- general clerical & office
those interested, bids can be
electronically submitted at
ber 3, 2020, for supplying all
labor and materials (as spe-
support. Clerical duties will
include but not limited to
COLEMAN Furniture
It’s a classified
rule-of-thumb: 4 Morocco
www.pritchardengineeringplans. cified) necessary for the Annu- answering the phone, re- RENTALS Moving Sale, West Point:
com under the project page. No al Contract for Water and Sew- TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS
cord keeping, file mainten- All good cond. BR suite, 2
oral, telegraphic, telephonic, or er System Repair Work, Part A
e-mail proposals will be con- – Water System Repair Work, ance, editing employee
Queen mattresses, washer
($500) & dryer, DR set,
We tell readers
time, Accounts Payable &
sidered. For sealed bids, the Part B –Cured In Place Pipe
current Certificate of Respons- (CIPP) Installation, Part C – Receivable, basic com- 2 BEDROOMS lamps, TV stand, desk, what they need
to know to buy 5 “Paw
ibility Number of the bidder puter skills including Mi- bookshelf, pictures, area
shall appear on the outside of
Sewer System Repair Work and
Part D –Manhole Rehabilita- crosoft Word, Excel, etc.
3 BEDROOMS rugs, dressers, night stand,
each sealed envelope contain- tion. end tables. Call anytime,
what they need.
Must be able to function in
© The Dispatch

ing a proposal, said envelope 662−275−7679.

being plainly marked Bid for high volume setting & pos-
Slurry Seal Sellers Road and
The above general outline of
features of the work does not sess great communication DEPOSIT
Sporting Goods
Blue Drive. If submitting elec- in any way limit the responsibil- and interpersonal skills. AND
tronically, please include this ity of the Contractor to perform SITE LEAD SUPERVISOR
information on a cover page all work and furnish all labor, will be responsible for su- CREDIT CHECK Crawford Army Surplus
with your bid submission. equipment and materials re- pervision of employees on on Main in Crawford.
Each Bid must be accompan-
ied by a bid bond/security de-
quired by the specifications
and/or the drawings referred to
the job site. Interested
candidates should mail
662-329-2323 Now for sale: Metal Ammo
cans 30&50 cal, $10;
therein. .155mm Howitzer treated
resume to: Blind Box 678
posit or certified check in an
amount equal to 5% of the bid, CERTIFICATE OF RESPONSIBIL- c/o Commercial Dispatch
2411 HWY 45 N wood ammo boxes,
$5&10; Army steel
payable to Oktibbeha County ITY: Each contractor submit- PO Box 511 COLUMBUS, MS bunkbeds, $125; Field
as bid security. In the event ting a bid in excess of Columbus, MS 39703 Artillery camo nets with

Place an ad safely
that an electronic bid is submit- $50,000.00 must show on his
ted, a copy of the bid bond bid and on the face of the en- Houses For Rent: North spreader poles, $225;
must be included with the sub- velope (or the first page of an Unissued camo (BDU/

mission. If submitting electron- electronic bid submittal) con- ACU/ABU) military 6−

from home with

ically, a hard copy of all bid taining the bid, his Certificate pocket fatigues, $35 & M−
documents must be provided of Responsibility Number, as
1.5BA. $600 mo. $400
dep. 662−574−6188. 65 field coats & fire−
within 3 business days if re- required by Section 31-3-21 retardant coveralls, $50;
quested after the bid opening. and 21-3-15, Mississippi Code Ads starting at $25 polypro col weather under

the Classifieds.
of 1972. If the bid does not ex- Mobile Homes for Rent garment, $18;
John Montgomery, President ceed $50,000.00, a notation
Oktibbeha County Board of Su- so stating must appear on the Business Opportunity OCP T−shirts, $5.
pervisors face of the envelope (or the 3BR/2BA MH in New Hope. Call 662.769.1889
first page of an electronic bid FIRST PENTECOSTAL $650 dep + $650/mo. No
Publish Dates: submittal). CHURCH is accepting BIDS pets, quiet area. Leave full ED SANDERS GUNSMITH
November 2, 2020 for the following: Exterior name & message, Open for season!
November 9, 2020 EVIDENCE: No bid will be 205−712−6697.
walls w/ 8" metal stud Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12
opened, considered or accep-
ted unless the above informa- framing, EIFS on east & Over 50 years experience!
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF tion is given as specified. south walls & Porte− Repairs, cleaning, refin−
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- cochere, wood blocking & ishing, scopes mounted &
SIPPI Sealed envelope proposals metal parapet cap, alum− zeroed, handmade knives.
shall be deposited with the inum framed windows & Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- Columbus Light and Water De-
TATE OF RICHARD J. COREY, doors, install stone veneer of West Point, turn right on
partment prior to the hour and on 7 columns, exterior Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
SR., DECEASED date herein before designated. metal door & frame 1 door, Have a rental property? left on Darracott Rd, will
Electronic bids shall be accep-
RICHARD J. COREY, JR, AND ted, if received prior to the bid
Porte−cochere metal stud List it here for fast results. see sign, 2.5mi ahead
RENEE BOBITT PETITIONER date and time. framing, Interior walls 3 5/ shop on left.
8 metal stud framing per 662−494−6218.
CAUSE NO. 2020-0197DE No bidder may withdraw his bid plans. 662−245−1098.

Service Directory
within ninety (90) days after
NOTICE TO CREDITORS the actual date of the opening Stocks & Bonds
Letters Testamentary having
been granted and issued to the The award of this contract will DIGITAL ENTREPRENEURS
undersigned upon the Estate of be contingent upon the Bidder NEEDED!!
Richard J. Corey, Sr., de- satisfying that a goal of 25% Whether you want to design
ceased, by the Chancery Court minority business participation a life or make EXTRA
of Lowndes County, Missis-
sippi on the 21st day of Octo-
has been considered in his/her
Bidder’s Proposal with evid-
*Profit in first 48−72 hours
Promote your small business starting at only $25
ber, 2020. This is to give no- ence provided.
tice to all persons having *All from your Painting & Papering
SMARTPHONE or Building & Remodeling General Services General Services
claims against said estate to Awarding public contracts to
probate and register same with non-resident Bidders will be on COMPUTER
the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes *Work whenever you want SUGGS CONSTRUCTION A & T TREE SERVICES SULLIVAN’S PAINT
the same basis as the non-res- CO. Building, roofing, Bucket truck & stump SERVICE
County, Mississippi within 90 ident bidder’s state awards *More time freedom
days from the date of the first contracts to Mississippi Con- For more information, text remodeling, & home repair. removal. Free est. Special Prices.
publication of this notice. A fail- tractors bidding under similar Licensed & Bonded. Serving Columbus Interior & Exterior Painting.
ure to probate and register this the word "Freedom" to
circumstances. In order to en- 601.850.1528. 662−242−3471. since 1987. Senior 662−435−6528
claim will forever bar the same. sure that Mississippi’s Golden citizen disc. Call Alvin @
All 50 states Carpet & Flooring
Rule is followed, state law re- 242−0324/241−4447 Painting & Papering
This the 23rd day of October, quires a non-resident bidder to
2020. "We’ll go out on a limb for
attach to his bid, a copy of you!" QUALITY PAINTING.
his/her resident state’s cur-
rent laws pertaining to such
Read local. Ext/Int Painting.
RICHARD J. COREY, JR., Co-Ex- state’s treatment of non-resid- DUMP TRUCK HAULING.
Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
ecutor ent contractors. Repair. Pressure Washing.
Slag − $400 Free Estimates. Ask for
/s/ RENEE BOBITT Each Bidder must deposit with Clay Gravel − $250 specials! Larry Webber,
RENEE BOBITT, Co-Executor Available for hauling any
his proposal, a Bid Bond or 662−242−4932.
Certified Check in an amount materials. Filling in
PUBLISH: 10/27, 11/3 & equal to five percent (5%) of swimming pools.
11/10/2020 Plumbing
$50,000.00, payable to the Columbus. Call Walter,
Columbus Light and Water De-
partment, as bid security. The
Ads starting at $25 Fall Special: 4 Rms $99 662−251−8664.
1 Room − $50 ACME, INC.
successful bidder will be re- 2 Room − $70 Lawn Care / Landscaping
quired to furnish a Payment Apts For Rent: South Stan McCown
All notices must be Bond and Performance Bond 3 Rooms − $90
& Bonded. Carpentry, minor JESSE & BEVERLY’S
"We fix leaks."
each in the amount of Carpet−Rugs−Tile−Cars Natural gas & water.
emailed to $50,000.00, or as otherwise
Downtown Loft: Very nice 1 DAVID’S CARPET & electrical, minor plumbing, LAWN SERVICE 662−386−2915
bdrm loft, wood floors, tall insulation, painting, demo− Mowing, cleanup, tree
classifieds@ stipulated in the bidder’s pro-
posal. ceilings, above a downtown
CLEANING lition, gutters cleaned, cutting, landscaping, business. Great location. Call for more info! pressure washing, land− sodding & bush hogging.
Are you a painter?
Call before 9:00 p.m. 662−722−1758 scaping, cleanup work. 662−356−6525
Bid documents are being made $650. 662−364−1610 662−242−3608. Advertise here!
available via original paper
copy. Plan holders are re-

Buy. Sell. Discover.

quired to register for an ac-
count at www.neel-schaffer- to view and order
Bid Documents. All plan hold-
ers are required to have a val-
id email address for registra-
tion. Bid documents are non-re-
fundable and must be pur-
chased through the website.
For questions regarding web-
site registration and online or-
ders, please contact Plan
House Printing at (662) 407-

The Columbus Light and Water

Department hereby notifies all
Bidders that it will affirmatively
insure that in any contract In the Classifieds section.
On the web: • Or call: 662-328-2424
entered into pursuant to this
advertisement, disadvantaged
and women’s business enter-
prises will be afforded the full
opportunity to submit bids in
response to this invitation and
will not be discriminated
6B TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2020 The Dispatch •

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