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System Management

This section explains the adjustment of DROC application system.


SECTION E SYSTEM MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................... 1

OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................................. 2
SYSTEM STATUS BAR...................................................................................................................................... 3
STATION INFORMATION .................................................................................................................................. 5
MANAGE USER ACCOUNTS ............................................................................................................................. 5
EDIT EMERGENCY SETTING ............................................................................................................................. 9
VIEW STATISTICAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................... 10
CALIBRATE THE DETECTOR ............................................................................................................................ 12
DROC CONFIGURATION............................................................................................................................... 16

Statistical Information


From System Menu, you can perform advanced operation concerning station information user
management, emergency setting, statistic, detector calibration and DROC configuration.

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System Status Bar

The system status bar located on the bottom of the console screen. It can be configured according
to your system hardware configurations.

These 3 icons can be turned

on/off in the configure tool

Figure 1: System Status Bar

The DICOM network status could be provided in the following two icons. The first icon means one
of the DICOM nodes lost connection, while the 2nd icon means all DICOM nodes are connected.

Figure 2: DICOM Network Status

Double click on the grey icon to see detailed warning messages as below example:

Figure 3: Warning Message Example

Disk Space Status contains 5 levels as below. The red one means there is no more disk space is

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available for the current system usage. At this moment, it is strong recommend contacting
Administrator to free some disk space by transferring images to a dedicated PACS or exporting
images to DVDs and then delete local copies.

Figure 4: PPACS Image Storage Disc Space Status

Figure 5: Error and Warning Information Status

The first two icons are used to indicate system errors and last two icons are used for indicate system
warning messages. The icon with the grey background means no error/warning message, while the
icon with the yellow background means some error/warning happens. Double click on these icons
can see its detailed error or warning messages.

The following three statuses could be turned on/off in the config tool.

If the x-ray generator is battery powered, its battery power status could be provided with 3 levels,
low, medium, and high, as below.

Figure 6: Generator Battery Indicators

If the image detector supports the wireless mode, its wireless signal status could be provided with 3
levels (low, medium, and high) as below.

Figure 7: Detector Wi-Fi Signal Indicators

If the image detector is chargeable, its battery status could be provided with 3 levels, low, medium,
and high, as below.

Figure 8: The Detector Battery Indicators

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Station Information

You can see the manufacture name and software version number in Station Information
message window. You can choose the System Menu located in the Menu Bar.

Figure 9: Station Information window

Manage User Accounts

From System menu (located in the Menu Bar), click User Management menu to open the User
Management window, shown below. When you login with the manager privilege account, all
users are listed. Otherwise, only your own account is listed.

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Figure 10: User Management window

In this window, you can create a new account, edit the existing user or delete an existing user.

NOTE: You cannot delete your own account.

To create a new account

1. Click New button located in the bottom of the window. The New User window is showed as

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Figure 11: New user window

2. Input the new user’s information and choose a user level you want to create
3. Click OK button to accept the new account, and the New User window closes. Then the new
account information displays in the User list on the User Management window.

Click Clear button to empty all of new user information, and reenter the information in New
User window.

Click Cancel button to discard the entry of the new user.

To delete an existing user

In the User Management window, choose the user you want to delete and click Delete button.

To edit user information

1. Choose the specific user you want to edit.

2. Click Edit button located at the bottom of User Management window. The Edit User window
is showed as below.

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Figure 12: Edit User window

3. Edit field(s) according to the description before each field.

NOTE: Passwords are case sensitive. That asterisk (*) characters displays for each entered character
to protect the privacy of the password. That requires verifying that you are typing the new
password correctly, since you cannot see what characters you are typing.

4. Click OK button to save the change.

Click Reset button to empty the fields and then reentered information.

Click Cancel button to discard the editing user information operation.

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Edit Emergency Setting

From the System menu, you can obtain the access to Emergency Setting. The Emergency Setting
window is showed below:

Figure 13: Emergency setting window

To choose/create a prefix

For emergency registration, the patient’s default name is prefix + date + sequence number.
This prefix can indicate it is a patient of emergency or the patient’s corporation for physical
examination. You can choose, add or delete the prefix.

To add a prefix: input text in the field under prefix label, and then click New button, this prefix
is added to the Patient ID Prefix list.

To delete a prefix: select one item from Patient ID Prefix list and then click the Delete button,
you will see this prefix is deleted.

To set the default procedure

Choose the default procedure on the lower half of Emergency Setting window.

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View Statistical Information

Statistics of Operators

Statistic window displays as following figure:

Figure 14: Statistic window

On current page, the users’ name and the respective amount of accepted images and rejected
images are listed.

Statistics of Rejected Reasons

In the Rejected Detail page on the Statistic window, set the query criteria including date range
and Body Part/Reject Reason, then click Query button. The information about the rejected
images matching the criteria will be listed.

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Figure 15: Statistic window- Rejected Detail page

Statistics of Dose

In the X-Ray Book page on the Statistic window, set the query criteria, then click Query button.
The x-ray information of matching images will be listed.

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Figure 16: Statistic window X-Ray Book Info page

Export Statistic results

Click Export button to save the current statistic information page as an excel file to PC.

Calibrate the Detector

To ensure image quality, it is recommended to do detector calibration every two weeks.

NOTE: Calibration must be performed at least half an hour after system startup or power u p from
the sleep mode.

1. Ensure everyone is out of the X-ray room.

2. Close exam, ensure that no study is in processing;

3. From System Menu select Detector Calibration item;

4. Calibration window displays as the following figure:

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Figure 17: Calibration window

5. The panel displays instructions for how to set the technique settings and take
exposures for the calibration. Click the Begin Calibration button, to start calibration sequence.

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Figure 18: Perform Calibration

6. Change the technique settings, follow the recommended value in your calibration panel.

NOTES: You should reject an image if it exhibits any edge cut-off due to collimation or
misalignment or if there is any artifact from debris or obstructions. Due to the diverse
characteristic of detector, it is necessary for your system to acquire calibration images
in different doses: high, medium, low. And for each dose, accumulate several images
to gain an approximately normal value. You should follow the instruction strictly
during the entire calibration procedure.

7. Take an exposure. The Calibration window with the flat field image displays.

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Figure 19: Calibration window with captured image

8. Compare the average pixel value of the image with the recommended one, click the
Accept button if they are close, and otherwise click the Reject button.

If you accept the image, calibration runs. The calibration panel displays the instruction for
next exposure, Go to step 7.

If you reject the image, the calibration panel displays. Correct the problem and return to
step 6.

9. Repeat steps 6 through 8 until you complete the calibration sequence.

10. Once you finish the calibration sequence, a dialogue box will prompt you whether to
accept this calibration sequence, Click Save Calibration button to save this calibration result.

If you want to discard the accumulated calibrations, click Abort Calibration button.

Click Close button on the right bottom of the window to quit the calibration.

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DROC Configuration

Click DROC Configuration to configure DROC system.

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