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Version C (Test 2) - ERD/Access Instructions (to receive credit, you must submit work by 2:50PM)!

InvoiceNum InvoiceDate ItemName Ordered ItemPrice Item Manufacturer ItemNum
IN200 4/2/2012 Tofu 3 $10.00 Mayumi's N-12
IN200 4/2/2012 Cajun Seasoning 3 $4.00 Mayumi's N-52
IN200 4/2/2012 Maple Syrup 5 $25.00 Exotic Liquids N-31
IN201 4/2/2012 Maple Syrup 2 $25.00 Exotic Liquids N-31
IN201 4/2/2012 Cranberry Sauce 10 $8.00 Kelly's Homestead N-30
IN202 4/3/2012 Tofu 7 $10.00 Mayumi's N-12
IN202 4/3/2012 Dried Pears 2 $12.00 Pavlova N-45
IN203 4/4/2012 Chocolate Biscuits 3 $10.00 Pavlova N-39
IN204 4/4/2012 Cranberry Sauce 8 $8.00 Kelly's Homestead N-30
IN204 4/4/2012 Chocolate Biscuits 5 $10.00 Pavlova N-39
IN204 4/4/2012 Tofu 2 $10.00 Mayumi's N-12

1) Draw the ERD to normalize the data into relational tables. The data relate to invoices for different items. Use the data provided to
logically figure out the relationships and draw the ERD. Assign all attributes to correctly labeled tables and clearly specify the
relationship between each table. Resolve any M:M relationships as needed. You MUST clearly show any/all primary and foreign
key attributes associated with each table. If you do not believe that an appropriate PK is provided in the data you are given above,
you can make one up.

2) Implement the ERD in Access and enter ALL data in the appropriate table. Save your database as “your first name + your last
name”. The default file extension for an Access database is .aacdb. The file you submit to me should have the .aacdb extension. I
will be grading the Access database file, not a picture of the relationships.

3) Submit a picture of your ERD and your Access database file to me for grading. You MUST do this within the scheduled test period. I will
not accept submissions that are more than a couple of minutes late (a couple means two or three), and non-submitted work will receive a
zero. Once you have completed your Access database, please submit it to me using the UVM file transfer service
( My email is If you are using a MAC, you will need to open the file transfer service
in Virtual Box (this way you can find your Access file). You can just take a picture of the ERD on your phone and email it directly to me.

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