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Barker 1

Catholic Healthcare Ministries Reflection

The first thing that I noticed while reading the selections provided prior to the lecture was

that the CHM spoke heavily about caring for the whole patient; not just focusing on what was

physically wrong with them. I also noticed how they spoke heavily about respecting the patient’s

values and beliefs. It really showed how they promote respect for not only the Catholic religion,

but all other social and religious factors as well. My initial thoughts evolved while listening to

Dr. Setliff because I developed a higher respect for the Bon Secours system because they have a

strict set of directives that are expected to be followed such as: not promoting abortion, but the

staff are to show sympathy and respect to those who have, and not promoting physician assisted

suicide. I really liked the fact that they promote these directives based off the expectations of the

Bible; that we are here to serve and not play God.

The themes of CHM were promoted by the Sisters because they set out to set an example;

to go out and serve their communities no matter the social or religious statuses all while

incorporating their duties to the Lord. They took to heart that we are all children of God and that

certain values, beliefs, or statuses should not stand in our way to serving God or how we see

other people. I believe they set a wonderful example by doing this because so many people get

caught up on money and power that they forget how to think of those that are in need. One way

that nurses today could practice these themes would be to volunteer for mission trips. Going to

underdeveloped countries to offer help is a wonderful way to learn diverse cultures and religions

and to spread one’s nursing abilities to those that are in need. Nurses could also aid in their own

communities by volunteering their time to free clinics, homeless shelters and so forth. Setting up

clinics where they can offer vaccines or other minor medical treatments in communities that

otherwise don’t have access too.

Barker 2

The theme that spoke to me the most was the life and dignity of the human person. I

chose this theme because I think that it is important to look at the person and respect that

person’s values and beliefs whether you agree or disagree with them. As we did small group

discussion and individually picked a theme, I chose this one because, for example, I do not

believe in abortion but, just because someone has an abortion doesn’t give me the right to judge

them. You should not judge a person solely on their actions; you don’t know their story, their

situation or who they are but, it is important to respect them and their decisions. I believe, as a

nurse, it is important to think with an open mind and set aside your beliefs and values for the

sake of delivering high quality nursing care. I can link my chosen theme to the professional-

patient relationship because in the executive summary it clearly states that the dignity of the

patient is respected regardless of their health problems and social statuses.

I feel that the phrase “Call to Serve” means, to me, that nursing is to be something that

you are passionate about. Not something to pursue for a good paycheck. In my mind, practicing

nursing is something that you should want to do rather than must do. I think that it is important to

get to know you patient for who they are; everyone has a different story to tell and the beautiful

thing about nursing is that you see a diverse number of patients; you don’t always see the same

patients every day. One thing that I learned while working as a phlebotomist is that the patient

knows their body better than anyone and it is important to listen to them. I really felt an

increased awareness that respect is the number one value that a nurse should possess. To me, to

express all the other values (compassion, justice, integrity, quality, innovation, stewardship, and

growth) that Bon Secours incorporates, you must show the highest respect for your patients;

because without respect you cannot express the other values.

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