Fabiha Noor ID-1812151642 Course-ENG102 Section-15

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Fabiha Noor




Part A:
1.Suitable title: My lovely Goldie
2. topic sentence and controlling idea: Goldie is (special) from another cat because of his gesture.
3.Concluding sentence: Goldie lives up to her name with being the most fluffy and adorable cat.

Part B:
My most favorite
I have many toys in my childhood but my most favorite one is my barbie doll. My brother gifted
her to me on my seventh birthday. He bought her from a general store. My brother also bought a
makeup set, dollhouse, dress, etc to play with her. I gave her a nickname, Alexa. I named her
Alexa, after my favorite cartoon character. She is very beautiful and attractive in her style. She is
fair in color and has long burgundy hair. She has blue eyes and a very cute smile. My doll Alexa
has many beautiful dresses and matching shoes too. I enjoy dressing up her. In my leisure time, I
spent most of the time with her. She had this amazing feature while putting her on my bed she
had close her eyes and when getting picked up she had reopened them. So we both slept together
and woke up together. I always took great good care of her like washing and combing her hair. I
took her everywhere I went. I even wrote my name on her legs as a thought of never losing her.
She always brought a genuine smile on my face. Alexa was like a best friend to me. I loved her
and she meant a lot to me. Along with many dolls, she was my favorite and she’ll always be.
Though now I have many babies doll she is still my favorite

Devastated Neighbourhood

There are many reasons why Hatirjheel, the construction site near my home is the worst. The
roads and houses that have been demolished for this project remain in its place giving an overall
effect of ruins and causing environmental pollution. Due to construction in progress, in the night
time, there are several reports of hijacks and other criminal activities. The state police are less
vigilant about the site. There is a large lake, which is unprotected as well. Recently, there have
been suicide reports which left the neighborhood alarmed. The police have marked the place as a
red zone and have started to discourage people to visit that site unless the construction is
completed. Overall, the construction site is now a site of fear and anti-harmony for us due to
environmental pollution, hijacks, criminal activities, and less coverage by law enforcement.

Most Terrible Experience Inside MY House During A Party

The sudden break out of that fire at the party in my house made me cautious. A few years back, my
parents hosted a party at our house. It was my birthday party and my father’s promotion party. Two
celebrations in one day so a lot of guests were invited to our place on that beautiful evening. It is was an
event that I would like to avoid. It made me realize the uncertainty of life. About 40 people came
including my grandparents, uncles-aunts, cousins, friends, father’s close colleagues, and neighbors.
Mom had cooked mouth-watering foods, with different beverages. Next, everything was perfect,
everyone was laughing, cracking jokes, talking. Shortly afterward, the ceremony of cake-cutting started.
So, my mother lit up the cake sparklers and did not notice there was a curtain and something
unexpected happened with these. Because people never expect the unexpected. Out of nowhere, The
fire from the sparks of the cake sparkles spread onto the curtains. Suddenly my aunt saw that he
shouted and called every one, everyone gathered. Hearing the screaming I rushed into the spot to
witness the furniture burning, I tried to keeps the kids safe. While my father and uncle tried to put out
the fire. It took about 10-15 minutes to quench the fire. My brother’s hands caught fire and were slightly
bruised. The fire left the wall burned. Sudden fire at my place was an unwanted situation, Which I’d
always want to avoid With proper precautions.

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