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Name : Arbiya Sultana

ID : 1811070642

Section: 15

Course: PHI104

Date : 1/10/2020

Course Title: Introduction to Ethics

Course Teacher: Nasrin Sultana (Nst)

Answer To The Question No: ( a)

Virtue Ethics: Central to all forms of virtue ethics is - virtue and practical
wisdom. Virtue ethics allows people to maintain personal and interpersonal
connections important for the good life. Virtue ethics does not fall victim to moral
schizophrenia, which is one advantage it has over most other moral theories. It is
thе quеst to undеrstand and livе a lifе of moral charactеr.This character-based
approach to morality assumеs that wе attain virtuе through practicе. By
practicing to be honеst, bravе, gеnеrous, just and so on, a pеrson dеvеlops an
honourablе and. It is thе quеst to undеrstand and livе a lifе of moral
charactеr.This character-based approach to morality assumеs that wе attain
virtuе through practicе. By practicing to be honеst, bravе, gеnеrous, just and so
on, a pеrson dеvеlops an honourablе and moral charactеr.
• Central to all forms of virtue ethics - virtue and practical wisdom.
• Pure final goods – constitutive goods and unconditional. External goods,
instrumental goods.
• Consists in the proper functioning of human soul - happiness.
• Intellectual virtue - ability to choose with deliberation and judgment.
The moral virtues are attitudes, and good habits that govern one's actions,
passions, and conduct according to reason; and are acquired by human effort.The
cardinal virtues are prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance
Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics:
• A human soul has two faculties: rational and irrational.
•Intellectual virtue arises and grows from teaching.
•Moral virtue results from habit and practice.
• Intermediate state between extreme and deficiency which exist at the end of a
straight line – virtue.

Answer To The Question No:(c)

The Pro-life argument states that an abortion can never be justified because the
act of killing a life can never be justified. Life is precious, and the life of the
unborn baby should have the same rights as the mother. Pro-life argues that life
begins at conception. So, genetic evolution is initiated and established once.
Therefore, it also triggers the formation of a practical human being. No matter
what the stage of development the fetus is in, killing it will never be accepted.
Pro-choice supporters, on the other hand, value a woman’s right over her body. A
woman has the right to have an abortion without any restriction. Regardless of
whether it is illegal or not, a woman has every right over her body, including
reproduction. Therefore, the pro-choice supporters believe that a life only begins
after it has been born, so the baby inside the mother’s womb has no right,and
therefore, no moral consideration of its own. Thus, it is unjust to prohibit a
woman from abortion because it is her own body and her own choice to make.
Here are some of the arguments presented in favor of the right to abortion.
● It is a moral right for women to be able to choose what to do with their bodies.
● It is essential for gender equality.
● It is essential for women to realize their full potential.
● It is essential to minimize the procedures done by illegal abortionists.
● It should be a part of a portfolio of pregnancy rights that enables women to
freely choose
whether to terminate the pregnancy or not.Our verdict follows the same as Pro-
Choice. We believe a woman should indeed have the right to make her own
decisions. There can be many scenarios where pregnancy may hamper her life. If
the pregnancy is unwanted or if she projects future difficulties in raising the baby,
she has the right to make her decision on whether to abort or not.

Answer To The Question No: (d)
Abortion has always been present in our society. It is a process of ending a
pregnancy via medicine or surgery to remove the fetus and placenta from the
uterus before birth. The problem of the morality of abortion is one among the
foremost complex and controversial within the entire field of applied ethics and it
is I can say wrong without any hesitation.
Many people in our society consider the right to control one's own body as a
moral right. They think that, if women are not allowed to abort an undesirable
fetus they will be deprived of the rights. In favour of abortion, a woman has the
right to consider what she can do with her body and what can't. The fetus
remains inside a woman's body and she has the right to decide whether the fetus
stays in her body. So a woman who is pregnant has the right to abort the fetus.
Also, every human being has the right to own their own body and a fetus is part of
a woman's body. So a woman has the right to abort a fetus which is they are
bearing. But I completely disagree with women's rights of abortion and there are
many practical solutions to the causes that drive women to abortion. There are
many people who raise arguments that are specifically related to women's rights
such as. According to Judith Thomas, even though if we grant a fetus has the right
to life but it doesn’t mean that it has the right to use the pregnant women’s body.
The main point is it’s her choice, we can’t force for abortion. Sometimes we see in
our society a woman forced by her husband or family to abort the child and which
is not admissible. Two years ago, one of our neighbours who was forced by her
husband and family to abort her child. The reason was that the child was a girl.
But that woman never listened and she gave birth to that child. So, we can’t force
anybody to abort a child because it’s wrong. Once the explore for a
straightforward solution is abandoned, we shall see that it's relatively easy to
supply some justification for the commonsense developmental view, and in doing
so, to undermine the appeal of the acute positions which have hitherto held the
sphere. I shall here be able to offer no over a sketch of how such a justification
might go, but I hope that this sketch are going to be enough to suggest that
progress may be made. Before turning to the main business of the paper,
therefore, it's appropriate to ask whether abortion could anyway be justified.
Answer To The Question No: (e)

Euthanasia is the act of deliberately ending a person's life to relieve suffering. The
person has made an active and voluntary request to end his life. It is thought that
they have sufficient mental capacity to make an informed decision regarding their
care. It is agreed that the person is suffering unbearably and there is no prospect
for an improvement in his condition. Capacity is the ability to use and understand
information to make a decision. Read more about the capacity to consent to
treatment. Depending on the circumstances, voluntary and non-voluntary
euthanasia could be regarded as either voluntary manslaughter (where someone
kills another person, but circumstances can partly justify their actions) or murder.
Involuntary euthanasia is almost always regarded as murder. There are arguments
used by both supporters and opponents of euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Euthanasia can also be classified as:
● voluntary euthanasia – where a person makes the conscious decision to end his
life and asks for help to do this
● non-voluntary euthanasia – where a person is not able to give their consent (as
in, they being in a coma or suffering brain damaged) and another person gives the
decision on their behalf, mostly because the ill person previously expressed a wish
for their life to be ended in such circumstances
● involuntary euthanasia – where a person is killed against their expressed
When these three criteria are met euthanasia can be legalized:
1. The person has made an active and voluntary request to end his life.
2. It is thought that they have sufficient mental capacity to make an informed
decision regarding their care.
3. It is agreed that the person is suffering unbearably and there is no prospect for
an improvement in his condition.

Q. Discuss the pro-life argument against abortion. Do you think
that an embryo or a fetus has the full moral rights just as a
human being, who has been born, has?
Answer To The Question No: 01
As for abortion, there are multiple reasons for women to have it. woefully some
pregnancies result from rape, incest, and women who are suffering from a life or
death in an emergency medical situation. Women who are victims of theses
assaults or fallen circumstances mostly seek abortions. Abortion has been the
subject of much ethical thought from both pro-life and pro-choice perspectives.
The central philosophical question concerns the moral status of the embryo and
fetus. If the fetus is a person, with the same right to life as any human being who
has been born, it would seem that very few, if any, abortions could be justified,
because it is not morally permissible to kill children because they are unwanted or
illegitimate or disabled.
Pro-choice argue that none is allowed to take possession of mother’s body unless
she allows it, though she actually allows it before aborting. There this argument is
invalid with the exception of forced case. Again, they question about beginning of
life- supporting that life begins after giving birth to it, denying all the scientific and
philosophical aspects. Further they rise quest- freedom of aborting what is a part
of her, though a fetus is never a part of the mother unless for the incubation
period, when it goes through physical change and will express itself soon. The
liberalists believe that at least in some case like rape females should have right to
abort the baby. Furthermore, they claim that males don’t go through such long
period of trauma of the period of nine months to give birth to a baby- so females
should be given their right to do or don’t. Overall, they deny the fact that- if a
person is allowed to abort then gender will be victimized- female fetus will be
aborted more often. As female’s brain is 8% to 13% smaller, in one occasion they
will claim to get rid of all inferior beings and establish male supremacy by wiping
out female kind. So, for gender equality and conserving diversity we must disallow
abortion as well as prenatal testing. Therefore, we should ignore such groundless
arguments for aborting babies by enacting fetus/child protection act

accompanied by conservation act of gender. Abortion has been the subject of
much ethical thought from both pro-life and pro-choice perspectives. The central
philosophical question concerns the moral status of the embryo and fetus. If the
fetus is a person, with the same right to life as any human being who has been
born, it would seem that very few, if any, abortions could be justified, because it
is not morally permissible to kill children because they are unwanted or
illegitimate or disabled.
Yes, I think that an embryo or a fetus has the full moral rights just as a human
being. There is a conception in our society that preborn are not people because
they cannot feel pain. They say that if the fetus cannot feel pain then it is okay to
do an abortion. But the value of human life should never be based on whether or
not that human being has the capacity to feel pain. Unfortunately, in the debate
over abortion, many abortion supporters argue that preborn children don’t feel
pain until 24 weeks, and possibly even later — which, to them, means that there
should be no real moral qualms with ending those lives (or any man lives, for that
matter) in the womb. I completely disagree with the idea of preborn are not
people. Since the preborn has human parents, she has to be human. And from the
moment of conception, the being that begins as a single cell is biologically
different from her mother. She is a unique combination of her mother and her
father who has never existed before. She is alive, and birth does not change the
essence of what the preborn was before or will be after.Some will even say that
it’s human. And yes, it’s alive, but it’s not a person. Which is not true also. From
the very first moment of fertilization, the new being is neither the father nor the
mother. She has her very own DNA, from the first moment of her creation. So,
she has to be a person also.
According to Marquis without rare exceptions, abortion is completely immoral.
He claims that “abortion kills an identifiable subject who otherwise would have
had a good chance of enjoying a future like ours”. Warren supports this claim by
pointing out that human skin cells (like most human cells) have the potential to
develop into fully grown persons.
But still, some may question whether fetuses have the right to life. All humans,
whatever their race, gender, religion, or age, have the right to life, and everyone
will agree that fetuses are human. So, they have as much right as us to live.

Throughout history, we’ve fought to protect the innocent because we know that
nobody deserves to be killed. And we’re especially repulsed by stories of specific
groups of people being targeted and killed. If we agree that the preborn are
people, and we know that killing innocent people is wrong, then abortion is
clearly wrong. As someone who believes all humans deserve equal rights, I believe
that abortion is a grave injustice. A couple of years ago a neighbor of mine faced
an unwanted pregnancy so her family suggested her to do abortion as the fetus
cannot feel pain but she didn’t agree because according to her the fetus is a
human and it has every right to live. accommodates an argument for the view
that, except in unusual circumstances, abortion is seriously wrong likewise killing.
People feel expressly substantial while disputing about abortion because there is
no way of getting any judgment about the issue from the inherent 'victim' - the
fetus. While considering euthanasia, the creature has a say regarding the
termination of his or her life. But in the case of Abortion, the fetus can
undoubtedly be represented as the innocent and defenseless being,who has no
way of stating its wish or defend himself. The woman has her rights, her own
choice, not to let the developing embryo use her body. But philosophy also says,
you can protect your right, but you have no right to violate other’s rights. We
need to value the innocent lives and take reasonable measures to generate as few
obstacles as possible. Abortion should not be caused due to a financial crisis or
other difficulties since the fetus is also alive.
Overall, I believe abortion is unethical. In exceptional cases, it is better to give a
child for adoption as it gives greater happiness to a greater number of people,
instead of deciding to end an innocent life.



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