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ShaTavia Crawford

Face to Face Staff Development

Frit 7739

Dr. Downs
Identification of Learning Problem

After visiting and observing the operations of the Jean Childs Young Middle School (JCYMS)

and Media Center I observed that there was a need for a technology based staff development. A

needs assessment (Appendix A) was created in order to determine the topic of the staff

development. The needs assessment was distributed school wide via email multiple times

receiving 45 total responses. Based on the results of the needs assessment it was determined that

the faculty and staff needed a staff development on the web 2.0 tool Nearpod. Administration

purchased a full subscription to the Nearpod application however, faculty and staff do not have

any background knowledge on how to use the application and implement the tool within the

classroom. Nearpod is an interactive web 2.0 tool that can be used to engage students

academically and increase student success.

Learner Analysis

The participants of this staff development are the faculty and staff of Jean Childs Young Middle

School. Participants included are 6th, 7th, and 8th grade teachers, resource and enrichment

teachers, support staff, and administration. The faculty and staff are made up of a wide age range

as well as a wide range of experience. At JCYMS faculty and staff are only provided access to

district wide mandated professional development sessions which only take place 2-3 a school

year. Many of the faculty and staff lack the knowledge to be able to use Nearpod effectively.

Instructional Goals/Objectives
1. Teachers can create a Nearpod and incorporate some of the different lesson activities:

time to climb, draw it, quiz, and collaboration.

2. Teachers can upload PowerPoints into Nearpod

3. Teachers can find pre-created lesson in the Nearpod library

Task Analysis

I, ShaTavia Crawford will be the Subject Matter Expert (SME) for this unit. My experience with

implementing Nearpod across my grade level at my own school Continental Colony Elementary

School has provided me with the necessary experience to call myself an expert when it comes to

Nearpod. As I have used Nearpod consistently to create and implement lessons I am qualified to

plan, design, develop, and implement a staff development on the Nearpod Application. Using the

Morrison, Ross, and Kemp Model as the unit design, I created a procedural analysis that outlines

the steps for implementing the Nearpod Staff development.

Prerequisites for the Nearpod staff development include being able to log on to a computer,

search the internet, access websites, access email, open, download, and save files, and

understand how essential technology is in increasing student engagement and success. Faculty

and staff at Jean Childs Young Middle School are required to use technology and computers

daily so it is presumed that the prerequisites have already been mastered.

Task Analysis Outline

Procedural Analysis

1. Log onto your computer

2. Open a web browser

a. Google Chrome

b. Safari

3. Go to

4. Click login

a. Logging in

i. Enter email address (

ii. Enter password

iii. Click Login

b. Forgot password

i. Click Forgot your password

ii. Enter your email address (

iii. Check the box I am not a robot

iv. Click Submit

v. Access your APS email

vi. Find and Open the Password Recovery email from Nearpod

vii. Click the Reset Link

viii. Enter a new password

ix. Confirm the new password

x. Click Submit
xi. Return to and follow the logging on instructions

5. Create a lesson

a. Click the plus sign in the top right hand corner

b. Select lesson in Nearpod

c. Click add slide

d. Click Add content

i. Click add slide

ii. Create a slide

iii. Click save and exit

iv. Repeat to create more slides

e. Click add activity

i. Time to climb

1. Enter your question or statement

2. Enter your answer options

3. Select which answer option is correct by clicking the check mark

to the left of the answer choice and it will turn green indicating the

answer you selected as correct

4. Click add answer if you wish to have more answer choices

5. Click add question if you wish to have more than one question and

repeat steps 1-4

6. Set a timer by clicking the stop watch time in the right hand corner

7. Click Save

ii. Quiz
1. Enter your question or statement

2. Enter your answer options

3. Select which answer option is correct by clicking the check mark

to the left of the answer choice and it will turn green indicating the

answer you selected as correct

4. Click add answer if you wish to have more answer choices

5. Click add question if you wish to have more than one question and

repeat steps 1-4

6. Set a timer by clicking the stop watch time in the right hand corner

7. Click Save

iii. Draw it

1. Enter the directions or instructions

2. Click add a timer button with a clock in the right hand corner and

set a timer

3. Click save

iv. Collaboration

1. Enter a topic

2. Enter a description

a. Enter a description or instructions of the assignment

3. Choose a style

4. Click Save

f. Continue to follow letters c, d, and e until you have successfully created a

Nearpod lesson.
6. Uploading Resources into a lesson

a. Hover over the lesson you want to edit

b. Click the edit button in the bottom left hand corner

c. Click upload files

i. Select Local files

1. Select files from your computer

2. Click Open

ii. Select Google Drive

1. Sign in to your Google account

2. Click allow

3. Select the file you wish to upload

4. Click select

5. Click Individual files

d. Click save and exit

e. Complete the lesson details

i. Title

ii. Description

iii. Grade

iv. subject

f. Click save

7. Implement a Lesson

a. Hover over the lesson you wish to implement

b. Select live lesson

c. Have participants enter the code

d. Guide participants through the lesson

8. Reports

a. Select Reports button with the bar graph on the left hand side

b. Select the lesson which you would like to review the report for

c. Select the session which you would like to review the report for

d. Use the tabs across the top to see the data for the different activities within the


i. Share the Report

1. Select the share button (sideways v) at the top of the report

2. Enter the email address of the person you would like to share the

report with

3. Click send

ii. Download the Report

1. Select the downloads button (down arrow) at the top of the report

2. Select the version you would like to download

a. PDF (Session View)

b. CSV (Session View)

c. PDF (Student View)

d. CSV (Student View)

3. Select location for saving

a. Local Drive (Computer)

b. Google Drive
i. Login to your google account

ii. Select folder to save your file

iii. Click select

iv. Click Got it

9. Nearpod Library

a. Click the Nearpod Lesson Library button with magnifying glass

b. Search for lesson using the search bar

c. Search for lesson using the filters on the left side

i. Standards/State

1. Subject

2. Grade

3. Strands

4. Price

5. Resource Type

ii. Price

iii. Subject

iv. Grade

v. Resource Type


In order for this staff development to be successful three assessments were implemented: a needs

assessment (Appendix A), a staff development exit ticket (Appendix B), and an effectiveness

survey (Appendix C). The staff development needs assessment received a total of 45 responses
from the JCYMS faculty and staff and revealed that there was need for a staff development on

the web 2.0 tool Nearpod. The Nearpod staff development exit ticket received a total of 13

responses and data revealed that the Nearpod staff development was successful in meeting the

learning outcomes. The Nearpod staff development effectiveness survey received a total of 11

responses and data showed that instruction was effective. All assessment data will be taken into

consideration when planning to re-implement the staff development.

Instructional Design Summary

Instruction for the Nearpod staff development will be delivered face-to-face during the

mandatory planning time for faculty and staff which takes place after school. The staff

development is best implemented as a hands on staff development allowing participants to fully

experience using the Nearpod application. The introduction will be given orally by the SME

while participants logon to their computers, open a web browser, and access The

SME will guide participants through logging on to Nearpod, recovering their passwords and

accounts, creating a lesson, adding slides, adding activities, and uploading a PowerPoint. The

instructor will then have faculty and staff participate in a live Nearpod lesson, completing the

activities within the lesson. After participating in the lesson, the SME will guide participants in

how to recover reports for data, and find lessons in the Nearpod library. The instructor will

answer questions throughout the staff development and provide one-on-one assistance when

necessary. At the end of the staff development the participants will complete and Nearpod staff

development exit ticket (Appendix B) and a Nearpod staff development effectiveness survey

(Appendix C). The Instructor will take any final questions and close the lesson.
Program Evaluation

The staff development will be evaluated using the data from the staff development exit ticket

(Appendix B) and the staff development effectiveness survey (Appendix C). Data from both will

be analyzed to determine improvements for the staff development, as well as the delivery and

implementation of the staff development.


Appendix A

Staff Development Needs Assessment Survey

Appendix B

Nearpod Staff Development Exit Ticket

Appendix C

Nearpod Staff Development Effectiveness Survey

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