ECG of The Month: Journal of The American Veterinary Medical Association March 2016

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ECG of the month

Article  in  Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association · March 2016


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2 authors, including:

Joshua Aaron Stern

University of California, Davis


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ECG of the Month

A 5-year-old 30-kg (66-lb) spayed female Labrador Re-

triever was referred to the emergency service at a
veterinary teaching hospital because of a 2-week history
abnormalities including high phosphorus concentration (5.7
mg/dL; reference interval, 2.6 to 5.2 mg/dL) and low concen-
trations of sodium (138 mmol/L; reference interval, 143 to
of progressive lethargy and hyporexia. On initial evalu- 151 mmol/L), chloride (102 mmol/L; reference interval, 108
ation, the dog was quiet but responsive, with a rectal to 116 mmol/L),calcium (9.4 mg/dL;reference interval,9.6 to
temperature of 40°C (104°F) and a respiratory rate of 45 11.2 mg/dL), and bicarbonate (13 mmol/L; reference interval,
breaths/min. The mucous membranes were pale pink, 20 to 29 mmol/L). Plasma cardiac troponin I concentration
and the dog’s capillary refill time was 2 seconds. Muffled was high (0.23 ng/mL; reference interval, 0.09 to 0.17 ng/
heart sounds were ausculted bilaterally, and there was mL).The dog was negative for circulating antibodies against
bilateral jugular venous distension. There was no perti- Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Borrelia burgdorferi,
nent previous medical history, and the dog was not cur- Ehrlichia canis, and Dirofilaria immitis.
rently receiving any medications. A brief echocardiographic examination revealed
Results of a CBC indicated mild normocytic normochro- moderate-volume pericardial effusion (PE) with cardiac
mic nonregenerative anemia (Hct, 28%; reference interval, tamponade.There was focal pericardial thickening with
40% to 55%) and marked leukocytosis (29,300 WBCs/mL; an associated hyperechoic region of epicardium on the
reference interval, 6,000 to 13,000 WBCs/mL) characterized left ventricular free wall. The cardiac base and right au-
by neutrophilia (21,000 neutrophils/mL; reference interval, ricle appeared normal, and there was no evidence of
3,000 to 10,500 neutrophils/mL) and monocytosis (4,185 cardiac neoplasia. Once the dog was sedated, pericar-
monocytes/µL; reference interval, 150 to 1,200 monocytes/ diocentesis was performed. Approximately 625 mL of
µL). Serum biochemical analysis revealed metabolic acidosis blood-tinged opaque effusion was evacuated. The dog
with high anion gap (27 mmol/L; reference interval, 12 to 20 was monitored by ECG during the pericardiocentesis
mmol/L), low albumin concentration (1.7 g/dL; reference in- (Figure 1).
terval, 3.4 to 4.3 g/dL), high globulin concentration (4.0 g/
dL; reference interval, 1.7 to 3.1 g/dL), and minor electrolyte ECG Interpretation
This report was submitted by Minu Im, DVM, and Joshua A. Stern, DVM, The 3-lead ECG recording obtained during pericar-
PhD; from the Department of Medicine & Epidemiology, School of Vet- diocentesis revealed a regular sinus rhythm with a mean
erinary Medicine, University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616. heart rate of 140 beats/min and a normal mean electrical
Address correspondence to Dr. Stern ( axis of +60°. In lead II, the amplitude of the R wave was

Figure 1—Three-lead ECG recording obtained from a dog that was evaluated because of a 2-week history of progressive lethargy and
hyporexia. The dog was subsequently found to have pericardial effusion. This recording was obtained during pericardiocentesis while
the dog was in right lateral recumbency.There is predominantly a sinus rhythm with a mean heart rate of 140 beats/min. Notice the ST-
segment elevation, notched QRS morphology, greater-than-normal T-wave amplitude, and a couplet of ventricular premature complexes
with right bundle branch block morphology followed by a compensatory pause. Paper speed = 50 mm/s; 1 cm = 1 mV.

JAVMA • Vol 248 • No. 5 • March 1, 2016 497

1.0 mV; there was a step in the ascending limb of the R occurred as a couplet of left-sided origin or right bun-
wave that may have been notching of the QRS complex. dle branch block morphology and were followed by a
The ST segment (J-point) was greater than baseline (ie, compensatory pause.
relative to the TP segment) by 0.3 mV, and the T waves The decreased R-wave amplitude in the initial
were prominent, comprising 70% to 80% of the QRS com- ECG recording and subsequent increase after peri-
plex amplitude. All findings were consistent with PE and cardiocentesis were likely a direct consequence of
possible myocardial ischemia or infarction. incomplete diastolic filling associated with cardiac
After pericardiocentesis, a full echocardiographic tamponade. There are several physiologic explana-
examination was performed, and a well-circumscribed tions for the small QRS complexes observed. The
mass lesion measuring 4 X 2.5 cm was identified within Brody effect describes the impact that a larger vol-
the left side of the pericardium.This lesion compressed ume of highly conductive, intracardiac blood has on
the underlying epicardium adjacent to the hyperechoic the surface ECG tracings. Smaller intracardiac vol-
epicardial region previously observed, and relative dys- umes, such as those expected with PE, result in di-
kinesia (compared with interventricular septal motion) minutive QRS complexes on surface ECG tracings.1
was noted in this region of the left ventricular free wall. This effect is minor and does not entirely explain
A second ECG recording was obtained 7 minutes after the voltage change observed on the surface ECG
completion of pericardiocentesis (Figure 2).The dog’s recording in dogs with PE.2 The area of transmural
initial relative tachycardia, compared with subsequent left ventricular activation is smaller than normal
findings, was likely attributable to cardiac tamponade, in instances of cardiac tamponade because of the
in which reduced aortic pressure stimulated the baro- changes in heart size, which directly further reduc-
receptor reflex to subsequently increase heart rate and es the QRS complex voltage. Moreover, the composi-
improve cardiac output. This second recording pro- tion of PE has an important impact on its conductiv-
vided evidence of successful resolution of cardiac tam- ity, and effusions of higher or lower conductance
ponade. The mean heart rate had slowed to 100 beats/ than a dog’s blood reduce QRS complex voltages
min. Additionally, the R-wave amplitude in the lead II as measured by surface ECG.2 The effusion in the
tracing increased by 50% to 1.5 mV. The ST-segment el- dog of this report, although somewhat hemorrhagic
evation, notching of the QRS complex, and abnormally in appearance, was indeed different from blood and
high T-wave amplitude (60% to 80% of the QRS com- ultimately classified as a septic exudate on the basis
plex amplitude) remained. Although the QRS complex of cytologic examination findings. Interestingly, the
amplitude varied slightly during the acquisition of the P and T waves and ST segment are generally spared
second tracing, notably absent from this tracing was from the aforementioned complex-diminishing phe-
the presence of distinct electrical alternans, which is nomenon.1 This sparing of the P and T waves as well
frequently associated with PE. Perhaps this finding was as the ST segment is secondary to differences in
absent because the moderate-volume PE was not suf- cancellation potentials, but is not well documented
ficient to facilitate a rocking motion of the heart within for dogs. These cancellation potential differences
the fluid. Two ventricular premature complexes were are secondary to a difference in the degree to which
present on the initial recording tracing (Figure 1); they the dipole theory applies to these ECG segments

Figure 2—Three-lead ECG recording obtained from the dog in Figure 1 at 7 minutes after pericardiocentesis. This recording
was obtained while the dog remained in right lateral recumbency. At this time, there is a sinus rhythm with a mean heart rate of
100 beats/min. Notice the persistent ST-segment elevation, notched QRS complex morphology, and greater-than-normal T-wave
amplitude. Paper speed = 50 mm/s; 1 cm = 1 mV.

498 JAVMA • Vol 248 • No. 5 • March 1, 2016

or possibly occur because the center of electrical troponin I concentration in dogs that can clearly es-
activity differs for these complexes.3 tablish a definitive diagnosis of hemangiosarcoma over
In both ECG recordings for the dog of this report, other causes of myocardial ischemia or necrosis.
there was a small step in the ascending limb of the R Although ECG is not a sensitive test for PE, ECG
wave that is referred to as notching of the QRS com- monitoring during pericardiocentesis is paramount.
plex. This was suggestive of considerable myocardial Early detection of potentially life-threatening arrhyth-
ischemia.4–6 Other ECG findings that further supported mias as a result of myocardial irritation or even inadver-
the presence of myocardial ischemia included greater- tent puncture of the myocardium allows for immedi-
than-normal T-wave amplitude and ST-segment eleva- ate administration of antiarrhythmic agents or careful
tion,7 as seen in the lead II, III, and V3 tracings (Figures repositioning of the pericardial catheter.16 Another use
1 and 2). Although ST-segment elevation is usually at- of ECG monitoring during pericardiocentesis is assess-
tributed to myocardial (and epicardial) ischemia, it can ment of QRS complex morphology. Because PE is re-
also be associated with epicarditis and pericarditis.8 duced after pericardiocentesis, an increase in R-wave
The observed ventricular ectopy in the dog’s initial amplitude (taller QRS complexes) and a decrease in
ECG recording may have been the result of direct irrita- heart rate (longer R-R intervals) would be expected.17
tion of the epicardium by the pericardial catheter. However, These changes were evident in the dog of this report
some ectopy was observed prior to pericardiocentesis, and (Figures 1 and 2).
the complexes appeared to be of left ventricular origin, de- For the dog of the present report, multiple ECG
spite a right thoracic approach for pericardiocentesis. It is changes supported the diagnosis of myocardial ischemia,
possible that the pericardial mass observed to be in direct including ST-segment elevation, notched R waves, and
contact with the left ventricular epicardium after pericar- greater-than-normal T-wave amplitude. Myocardial isch-
diocentesis was contributing to generation of this ectopy. emia with PE and cardiac tamponade is often a direct
Ultimately, an ECG diagnosis of myocardial ischemia and result of increased intrapericardial pressure that prevents
possible pericarditis was made for the dog of this report effective diastole and oxygenation of the epicardium. Ad-
on the basis of ST-segment elevation, notching of the QRS ditionally, dogs with cardiac tamponade are often tachy-
complex, and greater-than-normal T-wave amplitude. cardic to compensate for decreased cardiac output, which
further decreases the duration of diastole and increases
Discussion myocardial oxygen demand because of an increased heart
Cardiac tamponade refers to a state of impaired Elevation of the ST segment can also be associated
ventricular filling and low cardiac output resulting from with acute pericarditis or epicarditis, but it is often dif-
increased intrapericardial pressure associated with PE. ficult to differentiate ST-segment elevation induced by
In a dog with PE and cardiac tamponade, pericardiocen- acute pericarditis or epicarditis from that induced by
tesis is typically performed, often in conjunction with myocardial ischemia.18 Recent research in humans has
rapid IV infusion of fluids to improve cardiac output shown that changes in QRS complex duration and QT
in the face of cardiogenic shock.9 Unfortunately, results intervals may help differentiate the 2 etiologies, but
of cytologic analysis of PE samples seldom identifiy the many of these changes may be difficult to detect via
cause of PE (with the exception of exudative effusions) conventional ECG and there is still much more research
because hemangiosarcoma often does not exfoliate and to be done in this area for companion animals. In the
both benign and malignant effusions have similar cel- case described in the present report, the contribution
lular characteristics.10,11 Although relief of cardiac tam- of subepicardial ischemia to J-point elevation was sup-
ponade is immediately lifesaving, the most common ported by the dyskinesia of the left ventricular free wall
cause of PE with cardiac tamponade in dogs is heman- and the constellation of ECG findings. However, the
giosarcoma, which has a grave prognosis and an antici- modest increase in plasma cardiac troponin I concen-
pated survival time of days to weeks.12 Other neoplas- tration and normal QT interval were more supportive
tic causes of PE are chemodectoma, lymphoma, ectopic of a nonischemic cause for the J-point elevation. There
thyroid carcinoma, and mesothelioma.13 The second was no doubt that pericarditis and likely epicarditis
most common form of PE is idiopathic.14 In most cases were present in the dog of the present report. Ultimate-
of hemangiosarcoma, a mass lesion is visible via echo- ly, the distinction of whether this dog’s ECG findings
cardiography, usually around the right atrium or right represented ischemic or nonischemic effects (or some
auricle; however, an absence of an obvious mass cannot combination thereof) cannot be discerned.
rule out cardiac neoplasia. The proposed ischemic mechanism of ST-segment el-
Recently, plasma or serum cardiac troponin I con- evation can be explained by the current of injury theory,
centration has become a valuable biomarker in dogs which suggests that a region of ischemic myocardium has
for myocardial ischemia and necrosis. Dogs with cardi- sufficient blood flow to prevent death and fibrosis of car-
ac hemangiosarcoma have significantly higher plasma diomyocytes, but insufficient blood flow to promote effec-
or serum concentrations of cardiac troponin I, com- tive, synchronous repolarization of the ventricular cardio-
pared with findings in dogs with idiopathic PE, and myocytes.19 This injured region of ventricular myocardium
marked increases in plasma or serum cardiac troponin may continue to conduct negative impulses, even after
I concentration may be helpful in determining wheth- the surrounding ventricular cardiomyocytes have fully re-
er a cardiac mass is present but not easily detected.15 polarized.20 Because this site of injury conducts negative
Unfortunately, to the authors’ knowledge, there is no current, the perceived ECG baseline becomes more nega-
current published value for plasma or serum cardiac tive, creating a depression of the TP segment.This shift in

JAVMA • Vol 248 • No. 5 • March 1, 2016 499

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500 JAVMA • Vol 248 • No. 5 • March 1, 2016

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