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Rock Creek Free Press Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom
of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Vol. 5, No. 2 February 2011 A FIERCELY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Washington, D.C.

Fallujah: America’s US Special Ops:

WMD Atrocity Christian Crusaders
Changing Mosques into Cathedrals, Ooh-Rah!
Seymour Hersh: Many within Joint Special
For years, I have been writing about the
Operations Command are, “Members of, or at
American use of chemical weapons in the savage
least supporters of, Knights of Malta.”
assault on the Iraqi city of Fallujah in late 2004.
The results of this deployment of WMD began
emerging a few months later. The clear evidence SEYMOUR HERSH VIA FOREIGN POLICY
of chemical weapons damage to the civilians of
the city — uncovered by Iraqi doctors working for “What I’m really talking about is how eight
the American-backed government — was scorned or nine neoconservative whackos, if you will,
and dismissed at that time, including by many overthrew the American government. Took it
stalwart anti-war voices, apparently frightened over,” Hersh said in a speech given in Doha,
that such “extremist” charges would somehow Qatar on January 17. “It’s not only that the
detract from their own “reasonable” opposition neocons took it over but how easily they did it
— perhaps even cost them their perches in the — how Congress disappeared, how the press
mainstream media. became part of it, how the public acquiesced.”
(Oddly enough, my own pieces on the matter Hersh then brought up the widespread
were also appearing in the mainstream media looting that took place in Baghdad after the
— the pages of The Moscow Times, the decidedly fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003. “In the Cheney
centrist, pro-business, English-language
newspaper in the Russian capital, which
Malcolm X: Evidence of US Another MLK Day is Safely Past shop, the attitude was, ‘What’s this? What are
they all worried about, the politicians and the
supported my column from all attacks, including
heavy hints from the American embassy that it
Intelligence Assassination Now that he is safely dead let us praise him,
press, they’re all worried about some looting? …
Don’t they get it? We’re gonna change mosques
should be dropped.) build monuments to his glory, into cathedrals. And when we get all the oil,
BY JOHN POTASH sing hosannas to his name. nobody’s gonna give a damn.’”
In any case, the evidence of American WMD
With February celebrated as Black History Month, the life and death Dead men make such convenient heroes. “That’s the attitude,” he continued. “We’re
in Fallujah kept mounting, year after year, They cannot rise to challenge the images
until finally, in mid-2010, even the BBC’s most of black leader Malcolm X, aka El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, deserves a we would fashion from their lives. See CRUSADERS p. 7
respected voices were reporting on the effects new examination. Malcolm X died from assassins’ bullets on February And besides,
of the chemical weaponry — primarily on the 21, 1965, at the age of 39. By that time, Malcolm X had started a non-
UN Report on Hariri
it is easier to build monuments
children of Fallujah, some of whom were not yet religious activist group that worked with Martin Luther King, Jr. than to make a better world.,”
born when the attack was launched. and collaborated with African presidents. His legacy inspired many
— Carl Wendell Hines
Even without the WMD, the attack itself activist organizations. US Intelligence used tactics and personnel to
was one of the most horrific events of the still- target Malcolm similar to those they used against MLK and the Black BY GARY KOHLS
unfolding act of aggression in Iraq. Presented in Panthers.
Closer scrutiny of Malcolm X’s life leading up to his murder supports “Now That He Is Safely Dead” is the poignant poem that was written Final report, cooked up by players in
the US press as an old-fashioned, gung-ho, WWII-
the conclusion that US Intelligence orchestrated his assassination. An by black poet/musician Carl Wendell Hines soon after Malcolm X’s
style “battle,” it was in fact a mass slaughter,
assassination in 1965. The poem has been appropriately associated
New York, fixes blame on Hezbollah
largely of trapped civilians; almost all of the FBI memorandum of March 4, 1968, among other documents, confirm
that US Intelligence considered Malcolm X the top threat to the with the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. and his legacy of nonviolent
“terrorists” and “insurgents” in the city had long
struggle for black liberation, freedom, equality, economic justice and BY WAYNE MADSEN REPORT
escaped during the months-long, oddly public
See MALCOLM X p. 5 See KING p. 5
build-up to the assault. It seemed clear that On January 12, eleven ministers from the
the intent was not to quash an insurgent nest, Hezbollah-Aoun bloc resigned from the
as stated, but to perpetrate an act of condign,

Sick Gulf Residents Beg Officials for Help

Lebanese government. Prime Minister Saad
collective punishment — primarily against Hariri cut short his trip to the United States
and flew home from Washington via Paris.
See FALLUJAH p. 4 The Hezbollah-Aoun bloc is calling for new
BY DAHR JAMAIL / GLOBAL RESEARCH Ethylbenzene is a form of benzene present of the National Resources Defence Council,
in the body when it begins to break down. It is vowed to convey her concerns to the White elections. There is a feeling among the bloc that
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana, Jan 14, 2011 Hariri was cutting a side deal in New York with
Sorcha Faal: (IPS) - In an emotionally charged meeting this
week sponsored by the National Commission
also present in BP’s crude oil.
“I have seen small children with lesions
“We hear what you are saying,” said Clinton, Sarkozy, the Saudis, and the UN to
accept the Special Tribunal findings assigning
all over their bodies,” continued Foytlin, Beinecke. “We will take these health issues
Russian Source or on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill,
fishermen, Gulf residents and community
co-founder of Gulf Change, a community and concerns back to the President.” blame on the Rafik Hariri assassination on
organization based in Grand Isle, Louisiana. The commission, appointed by President
Disinformation? leaders vented their increasingly grave
concerns about the widespread health issues
“We are very, very ill. And dead is dead.
So it really doesn’t matter if the media comes
Barack Obama, released its final report
January 11, after a six-month investigation
WMR has learned that the final report of
the UN’s Special Tribunal on Lebanon was
brought on by the three-month-long disaster. made known to leaders from the United States,
How to tell the difference “Today I’m talking to you about my life,”
back… or the president hears us, or… if the oil into the nation’s worst-ever oil disaster.
France, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Lebanon in
workers and the fishermen and the crabbers The report recommended a massive
Cherri Foytlin told the two commissioners get to feed their babies and maybe have a good overhaul of the oil industry’s failed safety New York with an agreement by most parties
BY PHIL BRENNAN present at the January 12 meeting. “My Christmas next year… Dead is dead…I know practices in the Gulf, as well as the creation of that blame will be fixed for all of Lebanon’s
ethylbenzene levels are 2.5 times the 95th your job is probably already done, but I’d like a new independent agency to monitor offshore recent assassinations, most of them signature
With certain people within my circle of contacts
percentile, and there’s a very good chance now to hire you if you don’t mind. And God knows drilling activity. Mossad remotely-controlled car bombings,
being suckered by Sorcha Faal / EU Times
that I won’t get to see my grandbabies…What I can’t pay you. But I need your heart. And I However, most of the 250 people at the on Lebanese Hezbollah. Hezbollah, aware of
articles, I feel it is time to deal with the whole
I’m asking you to do now, if possible, is to need your voice.” meeting here focused on the health crisis that the secret deals in New York, has announced
messy subject of intelligence sources.
amend [your report]. Because we have got to Commissioner Frances Beinecke, president that it will pull out of the Lebanese coalition
Before I go into this subject in any great See OIL SPILL p. 2
get some health care.” government led by Prime Minister Saad Hariri,
depth, I would first like to deal with Sorcha
son of slain ex-Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik

Turkish Intel Chief Exposes CIA Operations Via

Faal, otherwise known as David Booth of the
Hariri, a victim of one of the Mossad-CIA
CIA. David Booth works within the Central
car bombs, thus bringing down the Lebanese
Intelligence Agency in ongoing COINTELPRO
operations. Other western intelligence agencies
known for using COINTELPRO methods include
MI5, MI6, GCHQ, and the think-tank, DEMOS.
Islamic Group in Central Asia Saudi King Abdullah, in New York for
surgery on a herniated disc, met with Secretary
“In the 1990s Gülen’s Madrasas sheltered 130 CIA agents” in Kyrgyzstan & Uzbekistan. of State Hillary Clinton and spoke by phone
To be quite blunt, all intelligence agencies have
with President Obama on the forthcoming UN
their own COINTELPRO departments. BY SIBEL EDMONDS / BOILINGFROGSPOST who are first-timers here or not that familiar Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan alone. tribunal report on Hezbollah. A key member
Sorcha Faal does not exist. There is no with my case, this is an opportunity for a bit Now, as I’ve done before, I am going to
On January 5 The Washington Post’s Jeff Stein in the talks was Assistant Secretary of State
“spokesperson” within the Russian military of background and to learn a few important praise Jeff Stein, whom I know and like, for
published a very interesting but incomplete for Near East Affairs Jeffrey Feltman, who
intelligence (GRU) named Sorcha Faal. points and facts that you won’t be getting his solid journalistic talent and background
story regarding a recently published memoir is as close to the government of Israeli Prime
Intelligence agencies rarely make public from the ‘half-picture’ presented by The and give him a few credits for actually
by former Turkish Intelligence Chief Osman Minister Binyamin Netanyahu as he is to
statements, and when they do, it is always Washington Post. covering this story (it is one of those ‘thou
Nuri Gundes. Here is the title of his post: his own government. Feltman, a former US
through either someone in the highest echelons In his memoir Gundes claims that shall not cover’ areas in an agreement
of the organization or a government minister “Islamic group is CIA front, ex-Turkish Intel Fethullah Gülen’s worldwide Islamic between the US mainstream media and the See HARIRI p. 7
with the correct clearances, and never a mere chief says”. For those of you familiar with movement based in Pennsylvania has been US government). Before I bash the piece, its

“spokesperson”. my case and what I’ve been covering here at providing cover for the CIA since the mid- half-ass coverage, incomplete background, and
Do leaks ever happen through lesser agents? Boiling Frogs Post, this exposé is ‘old news’ 1990s, and that in the 90s, the movement its incredibly lenient treatment of a shady-
Yes, but those agents if caught are dealt with but nonetheless a vindication. As for those “sheltered 130 CIA agents” at its schools in
very strictly, usually with “Holy Orders” to keep
page 2
See DISINFO p. 7
Sunstein Decries “Conspiracy Theories” but Says Some CDC Adjusts Fluoride
Conspiracies (Torture and Spying) Should Go Unpunished Level Downward
Bethesda, MD 20814
5512 Huntington Parkway
Rock Creek Free Press

BY GEORGE WASHINGTON programs.” In 2008, while at Harvard Law Government make secret payments to so-called

Cass Sunstein was the main adviser to the

School, Sunstein co-wrote a truly pernicious “independent” credible voices to bolster the Statins in the
paper proposing that the US Government Government’s messaging (on the grounds that
$25/yr to subscribe. Visit our website:

Obama White House advocating against employ teams of covert agents and pseudo- those who don’t believe government sources
or send payment to address above.

prosecuting Bush administration officials for ”independent” advocates to “cognitively will be more inclined to listen to those

torture, illegal spying, and other crimes. And infiltrate” online groups and websites who appear independent while secretly You want statins with those fries?
Sunstein is also the guy who proposed that — as well as other activist groups — which acting on behalf of the Government). This

the government use its power to suppress advocate views that Sunstein deems “false program would target those advocating false
“conspiracy theories.” conspiracy theories” about the Government. “conspiracy theories,” which they define to
As Glenn Greenwald wrote in January: This would be designed to increase citizens’ mean: “an attempt to explain an event or
Cass Sunstein has long been one of faith in government officials and undermine practice by reference to the machinations
Barack Obama’s closest confidants. Sunstein the credibility of conspiracists. of powerful people, who have also managed to
is currently Obama’s head of the Office of Sunstein advocates that the Government’s conceal their role.” Health p. 2
Information and Regulatory Affairs where,
among other things, he is responsible for
stealth infiltration should be accomplished
by sending covert agents into “chat rooms,
So Sunstein is really saying the
government should use its power to protect
Paul Craig Roberts p. 3
“overseeing policies relating to privacy,
information quality, and statistical
online social networks, or even real-
space groups.” He also proposes that the
powerful people. Webster Tarpley p. 3

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Pg. 2 February 2011 Rock Creek Free Press

CDC Recommends Lower Fluoride Levels for Sick Gulf Residents Beg Officials for Help
America’s Water Supply
OIL SPILL from p. 1
has exploded in the wake of the April
2010 disaster, leaving former BP clean-up
A startling report issued by the US workers and Gulf residents alike suffering
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) from ailments they attribute to chemicals
admits that two in five children in in BP’s oil and the toxic dispersants used
America show signs of fluoride poisoning to sink it.
(streaking, spotting or pitting of teeth Dr. Rodney Soto, a medical doctor
due to dental fluorosis). Based on the in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, has been
January 7 report, the US Department testing and treating patients with high
of Health and Human Services (HHS) levels of oil-related chemicals in their
concluded that fluoride levels need to bloodstream.
be lowered in municipal water supplies, These are commonly referred to as
reducing fluoride to 0.7 milligrams per volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
liter (the previous recommended upper Tooth damage from fluoride Anthropogenic VOCs from BP’s oil
limit was 1.2 milligrams per liter). disaster are toxic and have negative
website that highlights stories from Gulf of the Alliance Institute, a non-profit that
This ends over five decades of the fluoride, actually: To bring in repeat in New York City on January 18th that chronic health effects.
Coast communities about justice and provides community organizing support
US government recommending up to 1.2 business to dental offices around the would eliminate water fluoridation Dr. Soto is finding disconcertingly
sustainability. She told IPS that “the in the Gulf South, worries that the Gulf
milligrams of fluoride in every liter of country. It’s the same scam as mercury throughout the city. We intend to consistent and high levels of toxic
unmet health issues are the biggest issue, Coast Claims Facility is not accepting
water. But even the new lower levels are fillings which crack teeth and result in garner grassroots support for that bill chemicals in every one of the patients he
along with residents turned advocates health claims, thus leaving sick residents
still more than enough to cause serious a steady stream of repeat business to and, thereby, eliminate toxic fluoride is testing.
going to meetings of the commission or unable to work and without any income to
harm to children, and when mothers repair the damage. Over half of today’s from the New York City water supply. “I’m regularly finding between five
with [BP oil spill fund administrator pay their medical bills.
make infant formula using fluoridated practicing dentists have already stopped After all, don’t New York City and seven VOCs in my patients,” Dr. Soto
Kenneth] Feinberg to tell people about “There is bruising and skin lesions,
tap water, they inadvertently poison using mercury fillings (“silver fillings”) citizens deserve clean water? Doesn’t told IPS. “These patients include people
their health problems.” not just with clean-up workers. These
their infants with hundreds of times the due to the toxicity of mercury. America? Doesn’t the entire world? not directly involved in the oil clean-up, as
“People who can afford the $300 are residents not involved in the clean-
level of fluoride that would normally be Both mercury and fluoride are Interestingly, with today’s report, well as residents that do not live right on
blood tests have found alarming rates up,” Bradberry told IPS. “Just yesterday
found in healthy human breast milk. founded in the corrupt dental industry the CDC has decided that “too much” the coast. These are clearly related to the
of chemicals in their bodies, and these I learned of five people on Grand Isle
Fluoride is still a poison which has, for over a hundred years, fluoride is bad for you, but “a smaller oil disaster.”
people are concerned and doing what they who passed away…people who did not
It’s so rare to find any agency of poisoned the American people in order amount of fluoride poison” is just fine for Nevertheless, US government agencies
can to speak out,” she said. “But they feel have health problems prior to this.
the federal government actually doing to protect its business model of harming your health. As I said, it’s a step in the like the Environmental Protection Agency,
they can’t wait for Congress or Obama to Nevertheless, there has not been any talk
anything even resembling a good decision people in order to generate repeat right direction, and the CDC deserves Food and Drug Administration, and
address this, because they need doctors of monitoring of these communities.”
these days that the CDC’s decision business. The dental industry operates some credit for this decision, but until the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
and support now in the communities.” Bradberry, who also attended the
deserves some level of kudos. Even in almost precisely the same way as the all the fluoride poison is removed from Administration, along with President
LaTosha Brown, director of the Gulf forum on Wednesday, also said, “We need
though it doesn’t end the destructive pharmaceutical industry: If you keep ALL the water in America, children Obama himself, have declared the Gulf of
Coast Fund for Community Renewal and a separate health task force that can
practice of poisoning the water supply people sick, they’ll keep coming back for are still being harmed by fluoride. Mexico, its waters, beaches, and seafood,
Ecological Health, which works with 250 focus solely on testing, monitoring, and
with fluoride, it’s a step in the right more “treatments.” The CDC has a moral and regulatory safe and open to the public.
community groups, agreed that “the key studying the long-term health issues from
direction. But it doesn’t go nearly far Fluoride is dangerous to your responsibility to ban fluoride from being Gulf residents at the meeting
concern expressed by the community in exposure to crude and dispersants. And
enough, say industry watchdogs. health dumped into municipal water supplies. on January 12 made sure the two
response to the report is the overwhelming this needs to happen now.”
“It’s a good start that they’ve finally Even though the CDC’s decision Let us hope this agency will soon commissioners were aware of the health
need for access to health care.”
recognized that after 65 years they needed still supports water fluoridation, it rise to this moral standard and take crisis they are facing. Dahr Jamail, an independent journalist and
“Over and over, people exposed to frequent contributor to Global Research.
to lower the ‘optimal’ level of fluoride,” nevertheless sends a powerful message action to protect the health of the Tom Costanza of Catholic Charities
crude and dispersants from the drilling Jamail is the author of The Will to Resist:
Professor Paul Connett told NaturalNews. across the country that too much American people rather than protecting in the New Orleans area stated that the
disaster told stories of serious health Soldiers Who Refuse to Fight in Iraq and
He’s the executive director of the Fluoride fluoride is dangerous for your health. the financial interests of the morally region is in the middle of a social service
issues — from high levels of ethylbenzyne Afghanistan, and Beyond the Green Zone:
Action Network (, This should slap shut the mouths repugnant (and highly corrupt) industry crisis and faces a claims process he said is Dispatches From an Unembedded Journalist
in their blood, to respiratory ailments and
which is spearheading the fight against of at least some of the fluoride-pimping of conventional dentistry. fraught with problems. in Occupied Iraq. Jamail reported from
internal bleeding — and expressed an
water fluoridation in the United States. dentists and doctors who have been “People call me crying and dying,” he occupied Iraq for nine months as well as from
Mike Adams is a natural health researcher, urgent need for access to doctors who have Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Turkey over the
“It should have happened years ago.” advocating this mass poisoning of our author and award-winning journalist with said. “They need medical attention and
experience treating chemical exposure,” last five years.
Connett goes on to explain why the nation for the last several decades. But a mission to teach personal and planetary support to get through this.”
she said.
CDC’s decision doesn’t go nearly far there’s much more to this story that’s health to the public. Ada McMahon works with Bridge
Stephen Bradberry, Executive Director
enough: not being reported anywhere else. the Gulf Project, a citizen journalism
“The bad news is that the CDC and For one thing, do you know where
the American Dental Association (ADA) fluoride comes from? It turns out that
are still trying to maintain that the so-called “fluoride” is really fluorosilicic
only issue of concern is dental fluorosis,
[while] they are trying to ignore all the
acid, a toxic waste byproduct of the
phosphate mining industry. If it wasn’t Statin Condiments: at include
people experiencing memory loss, or
been deliberately underplayed by the
drug companies funding the research.
other health concerns. If they were really
serious about reducing dental fluorosis,
being dumped into the water supplies
of major cities, it would have to be
Would You Like Statins with that Burger? an inability to concentrate as well,
and feel that they are developing
The researchers warn that, ‘Statins
should only be prescribed to those with
they would stop fluoridated water disposed of as a hazardous toxic waste Alzheimer’s disease when taking statin heart disease, or who have suffered the
altogether. But short of that, if they were chemical under EPA rules. drugs. This memory loss may be so condition in the past. Researchers warn
really serious, then the next best thing When the phosphate mining extreme as to be amnesia that lasts for that unless a patient is at high risk
would be to warn parents in fluoridated industry used to release fluoride 6 to 12 hours. These types of problems of suffering a heart attack or stroke,
communities not to use fluoridated tap byproducts directly into the atmosphere are known as cognitive defects. Other statins may cause more harm than
water to make baby formula. That’s the (from the fumes of the acidic slurry used people claim to experience mood swings good.’”
most practical thing to do.” to process phosphate rock), it caused the and other behavioral changes when Dr. Francis and his colleagues
It is unknown how many children widespread death of cattle and crops. taking statins. These differences in continue; “We envisage a future in
in America and around the world have In order to protect local livestock from behavior are not just subjective feelings which fast food restaurants encourage
been poisoned by infant formula made fluoride poisoning, wet scrubbers were on the part of the individual but tend a holistic approach to healthy living.
with fluoridated tap water, but that installed at the phosphate mining to be corroborated by family members. On ordering an unhealthy meal, the
number continues to grow each day water processing sites in order to collect the Fortunately, most people return to food will arrive labeled with a warning
fluoridation continues. toxic fluoride and prevent it from being BY ELAINE SULLIVAN/RCFP equipment, filters, seat belts). Likewise, normal after discontinuing the statin message similar to those found on
released into the atmosphere. some individuals eat unhealthily. drug. cigarette packets (“This meal increases
Is the announcement a PR We already have fluoride dumped
Fluorosilicic acid is derived from these Routine accessibility of statins in Although the investigators your risk for heart disease and
stunt? into our drinking water supposedly
wet scrubbers, then sold to cities and establishments providing unhealthy acknowledge some side effects, they death”), and on the tray, next to the
About the CDC’s motives for this to keep us from getting cavities. Now
towns to have it dumped into the water food might be a rational modern seem to feel that handing out packets of ketchup, will be a new and protective
announcement, Connett characterizes some doctors think we should have
supply. That’s one reason why so-called means to offset the cardiovascular a drug without a prescription and with packet, ‘MacStatin,’ which could be
it as a bit of a PR stunt: statin supplements handed out with
“fluoride” is so toxic: It’s not a naturally- risk. Fast food outlets already offer free possibly life-threatening side effects to sprinkled onto a Quarter Pounder or
“All that’s happening here is really a our cheeseburgers and fries to combat
occurring mineral! It’s actually a toxic condiments to supplement meals. A millions of people is okay. into a milkshake. This could easily be
PR exercise to make it look as if they are heart disease. According to a group
waste chemical that, if it were dumped free statin-containing accompaniment “The widespread clinical use provided at no extra charge, just as
addressing the public’s concerns without of medical researchers, that is exactly
into the water supply by a terrorist, would offer cardiovascular benefits, of statins has permitted extensive sugar and salt currently are (despite
really doing anything substantial. [They] what we should do. Emily A. Ferenczi,
would be called a Weapon of Mass opposite to the effects of equally review of their safety profile. Reports being harmful). To prevent individuals
give the message that they’re going to MRCP, Perviz Asaria, MPH, Alun
Destruction. The act of dumping it into available salt, sugar, and high-fat have concluded that statins have a from believing that the packet is a
choose a level which would allow the D. Hughes, PhD, Nishi Chaturvedi,
the water, from any rational perspective, condiments. Although no substitute favorable ‘benefit-to risk’ ratio, with ‘cure-all,’ it should be accompanied
water fluoridation program to continue. MD, and Darrel P. Francis, FRCP (It
must be considered an act of terrorism. for systematic lifestyle improvements, only rare adverse effects reported by a leaflet stating, “No tablet can
That’s a travesty of science and another should be noted that Dr. Francis is
For the CDC to limit this act of including healthy diet, regular exercise, in hepatic, renal, and muscle tissue counteract the full spectrum of harm
example where these Washington-

supported by a grant from the British weight loss, and smoking cessation, and no associated increase in non- that comes from eating unhealthily.
based agencies are more interested in terrorism to only 0.7 mg per liter rather
Heart Foundation, London, United complimentary statin packets would cardiovascular mortality. If statins Better ways to reduce your risk for
protecting a policy than in protecting the than 1.2 mg per liter isn’t exactly a
Kingdom) wrote up such a proposal in add, at little cost, one positive choice are to be made more readily available death from heart attack include eating
health of the American people.” huge victory. As Connett explains, it
their article, “Can a Statin Neutralize to a panoply of healthily, exercising, maintaining a
“They’ve completely ignored all the is actually an admission that the CDC
the Cardiovascular Risk of Unhealthy negative ones.” healthy weight, and not smoking.”
IQ studies and the notion that fluoride supports the mass poisoning of the
Dietary Choices?” (Am J Cardiol According to ....and on the tray, next to the ketchup, Mike Adams, in his August
damages the brain,” Connett explains. American people with a dangerous toxic
2010;106:587–592). This group of Mike Adams of 2010 article, “Doctor urges fast food
Connett isn’t the only one hoping to chemical. will be a new and protective packet,
investigators “…compared the increase NaturalNews, restaurants to hand out pharma
see the CDC ban fluoride outright. ABC Take action to oppose fluoride in relative risk for cardiovascular ‘MacStatin,’ which could be sprinkled onto
“What [the drugs like ketchup packets,” states,
News is reporting today that Dr. Griffin in New York City and San disease associated with the total fat
Cole, a dentist in Austin, Texas, said, “I Diego researchers] don’t a Quarter Pounder or into a milkshake.” “The very premise of this argument is
and trans fat content of fast foods mention is the extremely dangerous: That you can go
still don’t think it’s enough, honestly,” If you live in San Diego, you may be against the relative risk decrease disastrous side ahead and keep eating toxic fast food as
he said. “I don’t think there should be subjected to water fluoride poisoning provided by daily statin consumption...”
this year. Please use these new links effects of statin drugs: extreme muscle by fast food outlets, statin toxicity long as you ‘protect’ yourself by taking
fluoride in the water at all.” They concluded that “…statin therapy
that were just set up by the Fluoride pain and weakness, kidney failure, might become a greater concern, but dangerous chemical medications. That
“Ingesting fluoride in any form does can neutralize the cardiovascular risk
Action Network: the loss of CoQ10 (a vital nutrient for statins have been shown to be safe a doctor would actually recommend
nothing for your teeth,” he said. He also caused by harmful diet choices.” But
Residents of San Diego use this link: heart health), liver damage, erectile even at high doses. We can conclude giving out free statin drugs to fast
points out that dental fluorosis leads the researchers did not stop there. dysfunction, constipation and much that the documented safety record of food customers is yet more proof that
to costly dental work being needed to They went on to propose: statins is substantially better than
more.” conventional medical training is a total
restore the patient’s teeth. “When you Non-Residents of San Diego use this “Given the frequency of fast
link: The more serious side effects of that of fast foods, which carry not failure and that mainstream doctors
see a case of somebody coming in with food consumption and the adverse
Also, if you live or work in New York statins include myositis, which is only direct cardiovascular risks but continue to remain clueless about real
bad fluorosis, to restore those teeth you health consequences of the foodstuffs
City or even live in the state of New inflammation of the muscles. According other risks due to obesity. It cannot answers to health.”
either have to crown them completely or supplied, we propose that the fast food
York, please stay tuned to NaturalNews to, “the risk of muscle therefore be reasonably argued on ‘Mike Adams concludes: “I think
at least do a veneer. So it’s a very costly industry is well placed to offer advice
for upcoming action items on that front. injury increases when certain other safety grounds that individuals should the bottom line here is that too many
thing to fix.” and supplements to counteract the
A new bill is now slated to be introduced medications are coupled with statin use. be free to choose to eat lipid-rich food medical researchers are taking their
That’s sort of the whole point of cardiovascular harm arising from the Muscle pain, mild inflammation, and but not be free to supplement it with own drugs because one of the very


foods they purvey. These companies possibly weakness are also seen. This a statin. It would be no more sensible first side effects from taking daily
already have an infrastructure for condition, though uncommon, can take than allowing individuals to drive medications is a loss of cognitive
providing a variety of condiments,
That you have to live with a long time to resolve.” without training or a license but at function and impaired ability to reason.
including salt, tomato ketchup, and The most severe serious side effect the same time restricting access to And when that goes, there’s no telling
Cardiovascular Diseases - other sauces, none of which have any
health benefits but are made available
of statins is called rhabdomyolysis. seat belts and airbags. Despite this,
“Muscles all over the body become we would advocate that appropriate
what kind of whoppers these people

Diabetes - Poor Circulation, Etc.

will come up with.” I have to whole
free of charge. A generic statin could painful and weakened because of extreme studies be conducted to evaluate the heartedly agree.
be added to the panoply of items in
Listen to Dr. ProAgri-9 the self-service tray, at little marginal
muscle inflammation and damage. The potential risks of ‘unsupervised’ statin
kidneys can become overworked trying availability.”
Elaine Sullivan is the health editor for the
Rock Creek Free Press and a homeschooling
Prendergast tell The most comprehensive cost, in combination with other healthy
lifestyle suggestions.”
to eliminate a large amount of muscle But according to an article by Paul mom.

how to reverse human clinical study This is not a joke. The article
breakdown caused by statin use. The Joseph
Watson for Prison Planet, “…a
study published in the Cochrane
Diseases ever conducted on a justifies this mind boggling proposal
severely damaged muscles release
proteins into the blood that collect in the Library, which reviews drug trials,
Dr. Nate nutritional supplement with logic such as: “In other spheres kidneys, thereby causing damage. This examined data from 14 drugs trials
of human activity, individuals choosing can ultimately lead to kidney failure or involving 34,000 patients and found
risky pursuits (motorcycling, smoking, even death.” ( evidence of ‘short-term memory loss,
driving) are advised or compelled to use Other side effects of statins listed depression and mood swings,’ that had
measures to minimize the risk (safety
Rock Creek Free Press February 2011 Pg. 3

Rock Creek Free Press

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Managing Editor: Matt Sullivan
Spinning Unemployment in a Collapsing Empire Health Editor: Elaine Sullivan
Associate Editor: Louis Wolf
We had help this month from:
Joe Sutliff, Betsy Harmon, Joe
Azar, Greg Boyd, Jeff Long, Jill
BY PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS are likely to result in hyperinflation as the Federal Mann, Rich Amelang and Sue
Reserve will have to monetize the otherwise un-
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported January financeable deficits. Circulation: 15,000 (approximately
7 that the economy gained only 103,000 new jobs in The dollar is also in danger, its role as reserve 10,000 issues distributed in Washington, DC
December—not enough to keep up with population currency undermined by the Federal Reserve’s creation and the remainder distributed to every state
growth—but the rate of unemployment (U.3) fell from of more and more dollars. Temporarily, the dollar of the union and abroad.)
9.8% to 9.4%. If you are confused by the report, you are is buttressed by the grief that Wall Street’s sale of Contact us via e-mail at:
among the many. fraudulent derivative financial instruments to Europe
In truth, what fell was not the number of has caused the euro.
unemployed people but the number of unemployed The Republicans will try to destroy Social Security

Why Are We Still in Afghanistan?

people who are actively looking for work. Those who and Medicare in order to pay for wars and bailouts.
have become discouraged and have ceased looking for If Americans are capable of realizing that they are
work are not considered to be in the work force and are threatened on a much greater level by the Republicans’
not counted as unemployed in the U.3 measure. The
unemployment rate fell because discouraged workers
evisceration of the social safety net than they are by
terrorists, the Republican assault on what they call “the
How the Power of Myth Keeps Us Mired in War
increased, not because employment rose. welfare state” will fail.
The BLS counts short-term discouraged The fallback target will be private pensions, BY IRA CHERNUS in taking care of themselves and their Call it the myth of national security
workers (less than one year) in its U.6 measure of assuming any of them survive plunder by the Wall families, just like me. I’ll give my money — or, more accurately, national insecurity,
unemployment. That unemployment rate is 16.7%. Street investment banks. Pension funds could be January 20, 2011 “TomDispatch” — When to the government only to protect us from since it always tells us who and what to fear.
When statistician John Williams ( required to invest in Treasury debt or they could face a I try to figure out why we are still in strangers in distant lands who don’t believe It’s been a mighty (and mighty effective)
adds the long-term discouraged, the US unemployment levy. In the Clinton administration, Assistant Secretary Afghanistan, though every ounce of logic in the sacred rights of the individual and myth exactly because it lays out with such
rate as of December 2010 was 22.4%. of the Treasury Alicia Munnell proposed confiscating says we ought to get out, an unexpected aim to take my freedom and money away. clarity not just what Americans are against,
The question to ask yourself is: why does the media 15% of all pension assets on the grounds that they had conversation I had last year haunts me. What a story it is — a tale of mythic but also what we are for, what we want to
focus on the unemployment measure that does not accumulated tax free. Certainly Washington will steal Doing neighborhood political canvassing, I proportions! As an historian of religions, I keep safe and secure: the freedom of the
count any discouraged workers? The answer is that the Americans’ pensions, just as Washington has stolen knocked on the door of a cheerful man who was trained to appreciate, even marvel at individual, especially the freedom to make
U.3 measurement only counts 42% of the unemployed Americans’ civil liberties, in order to continue the was just about to tune in to his favorite the myths people tell to make sense out and keep money.
and makes the situation appear to be a lot better than empire’s wars of hegemony. radio show: Rush Limbaugh. He was kind of the chaos of their lives. So I can’t help The President Trapped in a Myth
it is. Increasingly, the rest of the world views America enough to let me stay and we talked. admiring the conservative myth: so simple and a War
Where are the 103,000 new jobs? As I have reported as the single source of its financial and political woes. Conservatives are often the nicest people yet all encompassing, offering clear and No politician who aspires to real
for years, the jobs are in non-tradable domestic While the superpower massacres Muslims in the Middle — that’s what I told him — the ones you’d easy-to-grasp answers that cut through the influence on the national level can afford
services: waitresses and bar tenders, health care and East and Central Asia, people in the rest of the world like to have as neighbors. Then I said: I bet everyday complexities besetting us all. to reject that myth or even express real
social assistance (primarily ambulatory health care have learned from WikiLeaks that the US government you’re always willing to help your neighbors Of course, the answers are far too doubts about it, at least in public, as Barack
services), and retail and wholesale trade. manipulates, bribes, threatens, and deceives other when they need it. Absolutely, he replied. simplistic, as stupid (in my opinion) as Obama surely knows. Not surprisingly,
Today the United States has only 11,670,000 governments in order to have those governments serve So why, I asked, don’t you to want to they are dangerous. But I was also trained President Obama has embraced the myth
manufacturing jobs, less than 9% of total jobs. Yet, the US government’s interest at the expense of the help out people across town who have the to be non-judgmental and to admire the in his most important speeches: The bad
despite America’s heavy dependence on foreign interests of their own peoples. same needs, even if they’re strangers? His power of a myth even when I find it morally guys are always out there. (“Scripture tells
manufactures and foreign creditors, the idiots in The American Imperial Empire rests on puppet answer came instantly: Because I know my abhorrent. And this one is impressive, with us that there is evil in the world.”) The good
Washington think that they are a superpower standing governments that are increasingly distrusted and hated neighbors work hard and do all they can to its classic good-guys-versus-bad-guys plot guys have no choice but to fight against
astride the world like a colossus. by the peoples under their rule. Like the Soviet Union’s take care of themselves. I don’t know about line turned into a stark political tale of the evildoers. (“Force may sometimes be
John Williams reports that “the level of payroll Eastern European Empire, the American Empire is those people across town. freedom versus slavery. necessary.”)
employment still stands below where it was a decade ruled not directly but through puppet states. He didn’t have to say more (though White Americans, going back to early Because every myth has variants,
ago, despite the US population growing by more than Puppet governments are caught between the he did). I knew the rest of the story: Why colonial times, generally assigned the though, politicians can still make choices.
10% in the same period. The structural impairments empire’s power and the power of the local population. should I give my hard-earned money to role of “bad guys” to “savages” lurking in In Obama’s version of the myth, the federal
to US economic activity continue to constrain normal To the extent that Europeans have a moral conscience, the government so they can hand it out to the wilderness beyond the borders of our government can be a force for good. So he
commercial activity, preventing any meaningful they will find America’s foreign policy increasingly strangers who, for all I know, are good-for- civilized land. Whether they were redskins, has a domestic fight on his hands every
recovery in business activity.” repugnant. To the extent that Muslim solidarity grows, nothing loafers and mooches? I want to be commies, terrorists, or the Taliban, the plot day against right-wingers who cast the
Another way of saying this is that American the Muslim puppet governments that support America’s free to decide what to do with my dough and has always remained the same.
corporations have taken American jobs offshore and and Israel’s massacres of Muslims will find themselves I’ll give it to responsible people who believe See MYTH p. 7
given them to the Chinese. So much for big business threatened from within.
The Hypocrisy of America’s Democracy
The American Empire is on the rocks, despite its
Williams also reports that, unless it is finagled, vast arsenal of nuclear weapons and its control over
next month’s BLS benchmark revision of payroll the foreign and domestic policies of its subservient
employment data will lower the level of previously puppet states in Western and Eastern Europe, the
reported employment by more than 500,000. United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, parts of Africa, “Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works
Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke used the Middle East, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, the Baltic against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable,
his testimony before the Senate Budget Committee states, Georgia, Kosovo, Mexico, Central America, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore
January 7 to warn that the US government must get Colombia, and, no doubt, others. and even deny anything that doesn’t fit in with the core belief.” - Frantz Fanon
its budget deficit under control or “the economic and A country that is the font of war and oppression, “Killing One Person Is MURDER—Killing 100,000 Is FOREIGN POLICY.” - Anonymous
financial effects would be severe.” Here Bernanke whose dominance rests on the weak reed of puppet
is acknowledging that the Federal Reserve cannot states, and whose economy is collapsing will not long
indefinitely print money in order to finance wars and remain dominant. BY LARRY PINKNEY / BLACKCOMMENTATOR.COM this nation and that of people around the actively pushed the people of this nation
bailouts of the mega-rich. globe. This is the corporate trough from and world backwards—once again, in the
But how is the government to get its budget under Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury The United States of America is, in reality, which the politicians of this nation drink name of “progress.”
control? The US government, regardless of political during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate a one-party corporatist state whose very and to which they are beholden. There can be no viable appeal to reason
party or president, is committed to American hegemony
Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous existence is, more than ever, perpetuated by With over 800 US military bases / when the obvious is so studiously ignored.
academic appointments, including the William E. Simon
over the world. The Congress has just passed the a conscious deliberate denial of reality, even installations throughout this planet—the Thus, the need to intensify in our efforts
Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies,
largest military budget in history, and there is no Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover in the face of the obvious. amoral symbiotic relationship between to educate, agitate, and organize with and
indication that any of America’s wars and military Institution, Stanford University. He was awarded the Legion This nation’s internal and external corporations and politicians in this among everyday Black, White, Brown, Red,
occupations are near an end. of Honor by French President Francois Mitterrand. He is political, economic, and military policies nation (including the judiciary and and Yellow people.
The financial crisis is not over, with more the author of Supply-Side Revolution: An Insider’s Account have nothing whatever to do with ever-compliant corporate-stream “news” This ‘American’ democracy is a terrible
foreclosures and more losses for the financial sector
of Policymaking in Washington; Alienation and the Soviet “democracy,” “justice,” or “human rights;” media) reeks with the stench of hypocrisy, hypocrisy and a bloody sham. Only by
Economy and Meltdown: Inside the Soviet Economy, and is the
that will result in more taxpayer bailouts for those “too and everything to do with exploitation, injustice, subterfuge, and death. As the consciously breaking away from the
co-author with Lawrence M. Stratton of The Tyranny of Good
big to fail.” John Williams says that the double-dip is Intentions How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the hegemony, deceit, and control of the many present robotic, black-faced, corporate / imagined comfort zone of mental stupor
already happening, just disguised by faulty statistics, Constitution in the Name of Justice. by the few. No amount of rationalization military, nominal head of the US empire that many people find themselves in can
and that the deficit implications are horrendous and can change or ameliorate this fact. shamelessly wages military wars abroad we collectively and uncompromisingly bring
Everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, while facilitating repression against about real systemic change. This struggle
and Yellow people in this actual one- political dissenters and against any for human rights and economic and political
party US corporatist state are the de facto possibility of having informed, honest, justice is a local, national, and international
cannon fodder of the corporate / military and real dialogue at home; the hypocrisy in scope. It is linked to the struggle of
WikiLeaks And Assange: Democratic and Republican Party foxes and
wolves respectively. Moreover, it is utterly
of ‘America’s’ so called democracy is self
evident whether or not people choose to see
everyday peoples around the world. And
comfortable people don’t make change.
Limited Hangouts In The Service Of The CIA absurd and delusionary to expect “hope”
to bring about much-needed systemic
the obvious.
Then of course there are the blatant
The mental-stupor comfort zone must be
shattered in order to step into reality and
“change.” The time is here for the people right-wingers who cling to their own form collectively change it.
A LETTER TO THE EDITOR FROM WEBSTER TARPLEY of this nation to dispense with myths, face of blind insanity and denial in search of Justice for the people of Haiti! Justice
reality, and change it. yesterday; followed closely by the “liberals” for the people of Tunisia! Justice for the
To the Editor: cables, we found out much derogatory gossip about such Corporations are in constant covert (and who stand for absolutely nothing other people of South Africa! Justice for the
It was with deep dismay that I saw that the Rock classic CIA targets as Russian prime minister Putin, often unabashed overt) control of the White than lofty rhetoric and the ultimate people of France, Germany, Greece, Iceland
Creek Free Press had chosen to name Julian Assange Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi, the Russian-Italian House, the congress, and the judiciary, continuation of this hypocrisy which and Spain! Justice for the everyday people
as its Man of the Year. The celebrity of Assange and strategic alliance, President Fernandez de Kirchner of even as this nation’s infrastructure they call democracy. For example, over of the United States of America! Justice
WikiLeaks represents a large CIA covert operation. Argentina, and President Karzai of Afghanistan, along deteriorates and living standards plummet two years ago, the rhetoric of “liberals” for students and workers! Justice for the
You do not debate a CIA covert operation or engage in a with jabs at supposed US allies who need to be kept off- along with decent living wages and loudly questioned the correctness of peoples of the world! Visualize a world
dialogue with it. You unmask it and try to shut it down. balance and dependent, including the Saudi Arabian opportunities for everyday people. The two George W. Bush’s wars in Iraq and free of corporate / military domination!
This goal is not served by making Assange Man of the royal family, French President Sarkozy, and others. Rs—Rhetoric and Repression—are what Afghanistan, etc.—but quickly turned a Visualize it and struggle to make it real.
Year. Further: your newspaper has deep roots in the old WikiLeaks thus directs the vast majority of its fire the masses of everyday people are the blind, complicitous eye to the widening of We must end this hypocrisy in ‘America,’
9/11 truth movement, and Assange is a self-declared against figures who are part of the CIA’s enemies list. daily recipients. Meanwhile, the corporate these very same bloody wars by Barack and in the words of Langston Hughes, “Let
enemy of 9/11 truth. As Assange told Belfast Telegraph elite of corporations including Honeywell, Obama. Once more, the hypocrisy is self America Be America Again!” Let it be the
No Equal Time for CIA Covert Operations
reporter Matthew Bell last July, “I’m constantly General Electric, Lockheed, Boeing, and evident. Both the blatant right-wing ‘America’ of and for everyday people in
Assange also provides a splendid pretext for
annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies so very many more— rake in billions upon and the so-called “liberals” have one very harmony with everyday people of the
draconian censorship and limitations on the freedom of
such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of billions of dollars in blood money as they important thing in common: They both world—of our Mother Earth, for she calls to
the internet. The totalitarian liberal Senator Feinstein
real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.” In develop and perfect ever more sinister and support the maintenance and perpetuation us and we must answer!
wants to bring back Woodrow Wilson’s infamous
other words, Assange argues that the truth about 9/11 devastatingly hideous devices and killing of the US corporate / military empire, only Onward my sisters and brothers!
Espionage Act of 1917 in honor of Assange. In this
is not nearly as radical as the various scandals which machines—to the scourge of humankind differing with one another in how this is to Onward!
sense Assange is a provocateur and provocateurs must
WikiLeaks claims to expose. and the entire planet. There is no war be done. Neither camp seriously questions
be exposed, denounced and discredited, not given equal Editorial Board
And what are Assange’s scandals? He started his (declared or undeclared) that the corporate or opposes, the validity of or right to, world
time to make their case. Member, Larry Pinkney, is a veteran of the
intensive deployment phase this year with video of a / military elite do not support—for whether hegemony by the US corporate / military
Assange must be seen not as an activist, not as Black Panther Party, the former Minister of
Class A US war crime in Iraq, which was very graphic any war itself is won or lost—this avaricious elite. Indeed, this nation continues to
a journalist, and not as an entertainer, but rather Interior of the Republic of New Africa, a former
but which dealt with an incident which was already corporate / military elite wins. They have a 21st century form of the ‘Manifest political prisoner and the only American to have
as a spook. John Young of Cryptome, according to
widely known. The second document dump focused smugly and arrogantly wrap themselves Destiny,’ which led to the brutal genocide successfully self-authored his civil/political rights
some reports, has denounced WikiLeaks, to which he
on Iraq, but now the targeting had shifted to Prime in apparent political expediency under the of the Indigenous Red peoples on this
case to the United Nations under the International
formerly belonged, as a CIA front. In a December 29
Minister Maliki, the Iranian asset whom the US by cover of grotesquely distorted patriotism— continent—all in the distorted name of
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. For more
RT interview, Young described the internet as “a very about Larry Pinkney see the book, Saying No to
some strange coincidence was trying to oust as leader sanctimoniously financially enriching God, patriotism, and “civilization.” Very
large-scale spying machine.” The internet is indeed Power: Autobiography of a 20th Century Activist
of Iraq in favor of the US puppet Allawi. With the third themselves—while bathing in the precious little of substance has changed today. In
a vast battlefield, where the intelligence agencies of and Thinker, by William Mandel [Introduction by
document dump, this time involving State Department irreplaceable blood of everyday people of fact the US corporate / military elite has Howard Zinn].
See HANGOUT p. 4
Pg. 4 February 2011 Rock Creek Free Press

Fallujah: America’s WMD Atrocity WikiLeaks and Assange:

Limited Hangouts in The Service of The CIA
FALLUJAH from p. 1 half of 2010, the number of monthly Aylwin-Foster, a British commander A LETTER TO THE EDITOR FROM WEBSTER TARPLEY
cases of serious abnormalities rose serving with the American forces in
civilians — in order to terrorize the rest
to unprecedented levels. In Fallujah Baghdad.
of Iraq into submission. As I noted at HANGOUT from p. 3 might be. The same goes for Anonymous sometimes more brownish, raising
general hospital, 15% of the 547 He added that the US commander
the time of the initial attack in 2004: and other flanking organizations of the question of whether his grooming
babies born in May had a chronic who ordered this devastating use the US-UK, China, Israel, Russia, and
“There are more and more dead WikiLeaks. But these considerations practices are a residue of his time
deformity, such as a neural tune of firepower did not consider it many others clash every hour of the
bodies on the streets and the stench are purely fantastic. Assange emerges with Hamilton-Byrne, whom he says
defect – which affects the brain and significant enough to mention it in day, with commercial spies, hackers,
is unbearable. Smoke is everywhere. today as the pampered darling and he does not remember.
lower limbs – cardiac, or skeletal his daily report to the US general in anarchists, cultists, mercenary trolls,
It’s hard to know how much people golden boy of The New York Times, Der With Assange, we thus have the
abnormalities, or cancers. command. Dr. Busby says that while he and psychotics all getting into the act as
outside Fallujah are aware of what is Spiegel. The Guardian, El Pais — in tragic spectacle of the emotionally
No other city in Iraq has anywhere cannot identify the type of armaments well. Intelligence agencies deliberately
going on here. There are dead women short, of the entire Anglo-American mutilated product of a CIA (or MI-6)
near the same levels of reported used by the Marines, the extent of feed real and doctored material to
and children lying on the streets. official media Wurlitzer. He reclines covert operation of 40 years ago, who
abnormalities. Fallujah sees at least genetic damage suffered by inhabitants various websites, sometimes using
People are getting weaker from hunger. today in baronial splendor in the has now been given a prominent role
11 times as many major defects in suggests the use of uranium in some their own disgruntled employees as
Many are dying from their injuries country house of a well-connected in a key counter-insurgency ploy of
newborns than world averages, the form. He said: “My guess is that they cutouts, conduits, and go-betweens.
because there is no medical help left retired British officer who should be the present time. Will the youth of
research has shown. used a new weapon against buildings This means among other things that
in the city whatsoever. Some families quizzed by the media about his ties to the world, already burned by their
The new report follows on the to break through walls and kill those Bradley Manning cannot be taken at
have started burying their dead in
harrowing findings reported by the BBC inside.” face value, although it is also clear British intelligence. The radical-chic recent fatuous obsession with Obama,
their gardens.
and The Independent (but strangely As I noted then, the effects of these that he like anyone else should not be world, from Bianca Jagger to Michael be duped again by such an impaired
“This was a voice from the depths of
omitted from the American media) in wonder-weapons were, to borrow Barack tortured. Moore, is at Assange’s feet. individual?
the inferno: Fadhil Badrani, reporter
mid-2010: Obama’s term for the Bush Regime’s Assange is now famous, it might be
for the BBC and Reuters, trapped in Cass Sunstein Present at the The Precedent: Pentagon
the iron encirclement along with tens Iraqi doctors in Fallujah have “surge” in Iraq, “an extraordinary argued. But the Wall Street controlled Creation of WikiLeaks Papers Whitewashed CIA,
of thousands of civilians. complained since 2005 of being achievement.” media can make anyone famous, from
WikiLeaks was apparently founded Blamed Army, Demonized
From The Independent: Lady Gaga to Justin Bieber to Snookie,
in 2006. Originally, the group was Kennedy
The study, entitled “Cancer, and this is what they have done with
Infant Mortality and Birth Sex-Ratio programmed to attack China, and its Assange’s revelations mainly involve
Assange. It is wrong to capitulate to
in Fallujah, Iraq 2005-2009”, is by board was heavily larded with fishy communications labeled Confidential or
the demagogic power of these media by
Dr. Busby, Malak Hamdan and Entesar Chinese dissidents and “democracy” Secret, and many which in reality would
making it appear that there might be
Ariabi, and concludes that anecdotal activists from the orbit of the Soros be over-classified if marked Official
some legitimate value to Assange. Up to
evidence of a sharp rise in cancer and foundations. Interestingly, the Use Only. In other words, Assange
now, the CIA has been organizing color
congenital birth defects is correct. first big publicity breakthrough for is in reality a purveyor of low level
revolutions using Twitter, Facebook,
Infant mortality was found to be 80 WikiLeaks in the mainstream US cable traffic, not of earth-shattering
YouTube, and so forth as vehicles.
per 1,000 births compared to 19 in media was provided by an infamous secrets. This reminds us of an earlier
Now they think they have a cult figure
Egypt, 17 in Jordan and 9.7 in Kuwait. totalitarian liberal today ensconced in CIA limited hangout operation, the one
whom they can sell to the youth bulge
The report says that the types of the Obama White House – none other known as the Pentagon Papers.
in the Arab world and other developing
cancer are “similar to that in the than Cass Sunstein. In Sunstein’s This was a carefully screened
countries, where most of the population
Hiroshima survivors who were exposed op-ed published in the Washington selection of historical documents,
is under 30. This is an operation which
to ionizing radiation from the bomb Post of February 24, 2007 under supplemented by outright forgeries,
must be exposed.
and uranium in the fallout”. the title “Brave new Wikiworld,” we relating to the Vietnam War and
Most recently, WikiLeaks has
Researchers found a 38-fold read: “, founded by compiled by Morton Halperin and Leslie
played a role in the CIA’s new “Jasmine
increase in leukemia, a ten-fold dissidents in China and other nations, Gelb, both of whom have gone on to
increase in female breast cancer and Revolution” in Tunisia by publishing
plans to post secret government glittering careers in the imperialist
significant increases in lymphoma and some State Department cables about
US Hum-Vees on the streets of occupied Fallujah documents and to protect them from foreign policy establishment. Gelb
brain tumors in adults. At Hiroshima, the sybaritic luxury and lavish lifestyle
censorship with coded software.” How became president of the Council on
survivors showed a 17-fold increase in of the Ben Ali clan, leading to the
“One of the first moves in this overwhelmed by the number of babies interesting that Sunstein was present Foreign Relations, while Halperin
leukemia, but in Fallujah, Dr. Busby downfall of that regime. The CIA is
‘magnificent feat’ was the destruction with serious birth defects, ranging at the creation of the new WikiLeaks serves today as chief political officer of
says, what is striking is not only now gloating that with the help of
and capture of medical centers. Twenty from a girl born with two heads to psywar operation! the Soros wolfpack of foundations. The
the greater prevalence of cancer but WikiLeaks it can now topple all the
doctors – and their patients, including paralysis of the lower limbs. They This is the same Sunstein who Papers were leaked by former RAND
the speed with which it was affecting Arab regimes at will, from Mubarak to
women and children – were killed in an said they were also seeing far more today heads Obama’s White House Corporation official Daniel Ellsberg,
airstrike on one major clinic, the UN cancers than they did before the people. Qaddafi to Bouteflika, and replace them
Office of Information and Regulatory who had been a murderous hawk in
Information Service reports, while the battle for Fallujah between US troops A city whose birth defect rate is 11 with new and more pliable puppets
Affairs. In his January 2008 Harvard Vietnam before a suspicious Damascus
city’s main hospital was seized in the and insurgents. times the world average. A city where eager to clash with Iran, Russia, and
Law School Working Paper entitled Road conversion to pacifism, and then
early hours of the ground assault. Their claims have been supported children are suffering from cancers China
“Conspiracy Theories,” Sunstein published in the US establishment press
Why? Because these places of healing by a survey showing a four-fold “similar to that in the Hiroshima If Assange ever launches his much-
infamously demanded that the United – similarly to Assange today. There was
could be used as “propaganda centers,” increase in all cancers and a 12-fold survivors” — indeed, where the increase touted doomsday machine against
States government deploy groups nothing in the Pentagon papers which
the Pentagon’s “information warfare” increase in childhood cancer in under- in leukemia is far greater than among the Bank of America or some other
of covert operatives and pseudo- a casual reader of LeMonde or Corriere
specialists told the New York Times. 14s. Infant mortality in the city is the first victims of American WMD. Oh financial institutions, we will be
independent agents of influence for della Sera did not already know. But,
“So while Americans saw stories more than four times higher than in where are our great American moralists, justified in asking that the Securities
the “cognitive infiltration of extremist as Mort Sahl later said, left liberals
of rugged “Marlboro Men” winning the neighboring Jordan and eight times who rant and rage at the exposure of a and Exchange Commission make
groups” – meaning organizations, have generally had very few heroes,
day against Satan, they were spared higher than in Kuwait. nipple or the thought of gay sex? Why public the extent of short interest in
activists and Internet websites who so they battened on to Ellsberg and
shots of engineers cutting off water Dr. Chris Busby, a visiting have they not seized on this terrible those stocks by certain hedge funds,
espouse beliefs which Sunstein lionized him – led by Noam Chomsky,
and electricity to the city — a crime “against the especially those controlled by George
chooses to classify as “false conspiracy Howard Zinn, and some others. (This
flagrant war crime under the Geneva children,” this horrible, Soros. And as far as Assange’s attacks
theories.” is a syndrome which we see again
Conventions, as CounterPunch notes, criminal overreach of on the Vatican are concerned, they fit
today: at the moment when Obama’s
but standard practice throughout “big government?” Oh neatly into four centuries of British WikiLeaks = Cass Sunstein’s
treacherous sellout on the Bush tax cuts
the occupation. Nor did pictures where are our great intelligence warfare against the Holy Program for Cognitive
was providing a final disillusionment for
of attack helicopters gunning down American progressives, See, going back to Guy Fawkes and Infiltration In Action
many gullible left libs, Assange arrived
civilians trying to escape across the who stood so tall Lord Robert Cecil’s Gunpowder Plot It should be clear that Assange and
on the scene as their new Savior. Not
Euphrates River — including a family and proud against of 1605 and beyond. Not much new or WikiLeaks are precisely the practical
by chance, Ellsberg has now designated
of five – make the TV news, despite the American war radical here. realization of Sunstein’s program for
Assange as his own reincarnation, and
the eyewitness account of an AP machine when it was “cognitive infiltration” shock troops
WikiLeaks: No Serious thus surely the new Messiah.)
journalist. Nor were tender American led by an embarrassing to counteract and overwhelm any real
Derogatory Information about The Pentagon Papers had been
sensibilities subjected to the sight vulgarian, but now mass understanding of oligarchical
US, UK, Israel carefully selected by the CIA itself to
of phosphorous shells bathing enemy occupy themselves domination in the modern world,
It is illuminating that none of cover up CIA war crimes in Vietnam,
fighters – and nearby civilians – with with handwringing and and any discussion of what kind of
Assange’s document dumps have blaming these on the US Army wherever
unquenchable chemical fire, literally bead-counting about economic policies are needed to secure
revealed any notable scandals involving possible, while also obscuring the CIA’s
melting their skin, as the Washington The Golden Mosque, Fallujah the political fortunes a recovery from the present world
Great Britain or Israel. No US public massive program of drug production
Post reports. Nor did they see the of his bloodstained depression.
figures have had to resign because of and narcotics smuggling. The Pentagon
fetus being blown out of the body of professor at the University of Ulster successor, now perpetrating his own Assange must also be seen as
anything WikiLeaks has done. No Papers systematically hid the salient
Artica Salim when her home was bombed and one of the authors of the survey mini-Fallujahs week after week against a deeply troubled individual and a
major ongoing covert operation or political fact of the entire Vietnam
during the “softening-up attacks” that of 4,800 individuals in Fallujah, defenseless villagers in Pakistan? possible psychopath. He has the
highly placed agent of influence has era, which is that President John F.
raged relentlessly – and unnoticed said it is difficult to pin down the I’m going to finish by repeating my ravaged emotional complexion that
been blown. Kennedy before he was assassinated
– in the closing days of George W. exact cause of the cancers and birth conclusion of the July 2010 piece. Hell, we might expect from an alumnus of
After all these months, there was preparing to end the de facto US
Bush’s presidential campaign, the defects. He added that “to produce I might just repeat it every six months one of the MK-Ultra operations. He
are still no US indictments against combat role in that country. Instead,
Scotland Sunday Herald reports.” an effect like this, some very major from now until kingdom come: reportedly spent several years in the
Assange, even though we know that Kennedy was systematically demonized
The wanton, unnecessary destruction mutagenic exposure must have occurred I have written about Fallujah over menticidal Anne Hamilton-Byrne
a US grand jury will readily indict and smeared, emerging as the villain of
of Fallujah is one of the central war in 2004 when the attacks happened”. and over for a long time. In many cult (also known as The Family
a ham sandwich if the US Attorney the piece. Needless to say, the Pentagon
stories of our time. Yet it is almost US Marines first besieged and respects, these stories are like the and Santiniketan) near Melbourne,
bombarded Fallujah, 30 miles west demands it. If the CIA had wanted Papers throw no light whatsoever on the
entirely forgotten, especially among ones I’ve written about the American- Australia. Here, little children
of Baghdad, in April 2004 after four to silence Assange, they could have CIA role in the Kennedy assassination
the people in whose name this vast abetted horrors in Somalia: no one were separated from their parents
employees of the American security subjected him to the classic kidnapping – in the same way that Assange’s
crime was committed. But the marks of gives a damn. Well, I don’t give a and made to ingest LSD, Anatensol,
company Blackwater were killed and aka rendition, meaning that he would various document dumps tell us nothing
this atrocity live on in its victims. Over damn that no gives a damn. I’m going Diazepam, Haloperidol, Largactil,
their bodies burned. After an eight- have been beaten, drugged, and carted of importance about 9/11, the Rabin
the holidays, while America’s high and to keep ringing this bell until my arm Mogadon, Serepax, Stelazine,
month stand-off, the Marines stormed off to wake up in a black site prison assassination, Iran-contra, the 1999
mighty were making merry, yet another falls off. We Americans have committed Tegretol, Tofranil, and other potent
the city in November using artillery in Egypt, Poland, or Guantanamo bombing of Serbia, the Kursk incident,
detailed study was released confirming and countenanced a great evil in Iraq. psychopharmaca. Dozens of children
and aerial bombing against rebel Bay. Otherwise, the CIA could have the various CIA color revolutions, or
a major spike in birth defects in I can’t change that and it’s obvious were told that Hamilton-Byrne was
positions. US forces later admitted had recourse to the usual extralegal many of the other truly big covert
Fallujah following the attack. The that I cannot prevent the “continuity” their real mother, and had their hair
that they had employed white phosphorus wetwork. operations of the past decades.
Guardian reports: of such hellish atrocities by the dyed blond. Anne Hamilton-Byrne
as well as other munitions. We must also assume that the The limited hangout is not new; it
A study examining the causes of a progressive Peace Laureate now in the reportedly regarded blond hair as a
dramatic spike in birth defects in the As I noted at that time: new US Cybercommand with its vast was described in a secret memorandum
White House, and by whatever similar sign of racial superiority. Careful
Iraqi city of Falluja has for the first The background here is good as far resources would have little trouble by Venetian intelligence chief Paolo
blood-soaked poltroon comes to lead observers will have noted that
time concluded that genetic damage as it goes, but it omits the salient shutting down the WikiLeaks mirror Sarpi to the Venetian Senate in 1620 as
the never-ending Terror War for Loot Assange’s hair is sometimes blond,
could have been caused by weaponry point of that mutilation of American sites, no matter how numerous they the art of “saying something good about
and Power after him. But by god I will
used in US assaults that took place mercenaries; it followed a series of somebody while pretending to be saying
not let it be said that I stood by and
six years ago. security shoot-em-ups that killed something bad.” That is the common
failed to bear witness to this raging
The findings, which will be a number of innocent civilians in denominator of the CIA’s limited
published in the International Fallujah. The attacks on the Blackwater hangout operations from Ellsberg to
From 2004:
Journal of Environmental Research and mercenaries were a violent reprisal Assange, with so many other “former”
“The inferno…is what is already Quality DVDs in bulk - Zietgeist, Ron Paul, Alex Jones and more - one dollar dvd project .com (817)776-5475
Public Health, come prior to a much- for murders committed by foreign CIA operatives turned “whistleblowers”
here, the inferno where we live every
anticipated World Health Organization agents in the midst of an illegal along the way.
day, that we form by being together.
study of Fallujah’s genetic health. act of military aggression. But, as There are two ways to escape suffering Webster G. Tarpley
The findings are likely to prompt always, the American revenge for the it. The first is easy for many: accept the Gaithersburg, MD
further speculation that the defects attacks was vastly disproportionate:
inferno and become such a part of it that Webster G. Tarpley is an economic historian,
were caused by depleted uranium an entire city destroyed, thousands
you can no longer see it. The second is radio host and author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror:
rounds, which were heavily used in two of people killed —and generations
risky and demands constant vigilance Made in USA, Obama, The Postmodern Coup
large battles in the city in April and of terrible suffering for innocent and Surviving The Cataclysm and many other
and apprehension: seek and learn to
November 2004. children — all to get “payback” for books.
recognize who and what, in the midst of
One case documented in the report is four mercenaries.
the inferno, are not inferno, then make
of a mother and her daughter who after The Independent reported in July: Homesteader Christianity
the 2004 battles both gave birth to In the assault, US commanders
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Rock Creek Free Press February 2011 Pg. 5

Malcolm X: Evidence of
resuscitation.” But Roberts revealed more, in
interviews decades later, which suggests that
his real role was to check Malcolm X’s vital
Another MLK Day is Safely Past
US Intelligence Assassination signs to confirm the assassination’s success.
Roberts described the actions of his wife,
KING from p. 1
the pursuit of happiness for all.
Joan Roberts, who was with him at the event.
When Malcolm X was shot, Malcolm’s wife Ignoring Dr. King’s first principle of confronting
African leaders helped fund Malcolm’s Betty Shabazz first tried to cover her daughters injustice with nonviolent struggle, America has
travels; and he started a new activist group in and screamed, “They’re killing my husband!” posthumously awarded him the monument of a
’64, which he named the Organization of Afro- When the shooting stopped, Shabazz, a nurse, national holiday with frequent references to the
American Unity (OAAU) in connection with the went to run to her husband, but Joan Roberts moving “I Have A Dream” speech. Officialdom
Organization of African Unity (OAU). African grabbed her. Shabazz struggled to get free, tolerates the retelling of the Dream, hoping that
presidents had invited Malcolm as the only threw Roberts into a wall and ran to Malcolm. the yearly event honoring this more “benign”
American in their OAU meetings because they Gene Roberts said he was there checking and less militant King suffices to quell the real
recognized him as the leader of black American Malcolm’s pulse. He turned to Shabazz and said demands for real freedom and equality.
interests. Malcolm was dead. And so another MLK Day has safely passed into
While Malcolm X maintained his position Roberts admission bore even more memory.
of militant self-defense, he also began directly importance due to its historical parallels. Martin Most peace and justice-seekers who have Dr. Martin King and family
collaborating with Martin Luther King’s group Luther King’s family attorney, William Pepper, read the above poem feel that Hines’ masterpiece
applies equally to the legacy of other assassinated he felt was his calling to speak out against the war,
and other civil rights movement leaders. For extensively documented revelations on the role
whistle-blowers and champions of the down- and eventually he realized that he had no choice
MalcolmX and family example, Malcolm mentored Revolutionary of undercover infiltrator, Military Intelligence
trodden, including Jesus of Nazareth, Mohandas but to do so.
Action Movement leader Maxwell Stamford. agent Marrell McCullough in Martin Luther
Gandhi, Malcolm X, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, He said: “As I have walked among the
MALCOLM X from p. 1 Malcolm also supported equality for women, King’s assassination. McCullough disclosed
Robert Kennedy and Paul Wellstone. desperate, rejected and angry young men, I have
saying that the non-equality of African women how he raced to and knelt over Martin Luther
wealthiest white power structure. It discussed Jesus, of course, was another one of those told them that Molotov cocktails and rifles would
in African organizations hindered the liberation King as he lay bleeding from the fatal shooting.
the “long range goals” including: “Prevent the whistle-blowing tellers of the truth who advocated not solve their problems. I have tried to offer
movement. Deviating from the chauvinist Pepper noted that McCollough was
rise of a ‘messiah’ who could unify, and electrify, and/or practiced active resistance to evil in them my deepest compassion while maintaining
stereotype of Muslims, Malcolm said he wanted “apparently checking him for life signs,”
the militant black nationalist movement. the nonviolent struggle for the relief of human my conviction that social change comes most
to practice equality and give women more of a making sure the assassination was successful
Malcolm X might have been such a ‘messiah’; suffering. His radical teachings of unconditional meaningfully through nonviolent action. But,
leadership roll in his OAAU. and signaling to Military Intelligence that “the
… Martin Luther King, Stokely Charmichael love thrived for only two or three centuries after they asked, what about Vietnam? They asked
Undercover police agent infiltrator Gene army snipers there as backup shooters [weren’t
and Elijah Muhammad all aspire to this… his death, and today, barely survives in a few if our own nation wasn’t using massive doses of
Roberts joined the OAAU at its inception and needed as]…the contract shooter [hadn’t]…
[particularly] King… should he abandon his remnants of the original form of Christianity. violence to solve its problems, to bring about the
rose to the leadership ranks of its Harlem-based failed to kill King.” They then communicated
supposed ‘obedience’ to ‘white liberal doctrines’ Dr. King was one of those remnants that changes it wanted. Their questions hit home, and
security force. Roberts worked for the New York to the Special Force Group snipers, who were
(nonviolence).” recognized the original voice of Jesus and had the I knew that I could never again raise my voice
Police department’s Bureau of Special Services waiting for their shooting orders, that they
Malcolm X’s radical activist evolution courage to preach those radical and dangerous against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos
(BOSS). The FBI directed BOSS actions as part could disengage.
started with his father, Earle Little. Working truths. Dr. King knew all about the power and without having first spoken clearly to the greatest
of its Counter Intelligence Program (Cointelpro) Police officials’ admissions and later events
as a preacher, Little led a Lansing, Michigan practicality of the Sermon on the Mount, the purveyor of violence in the world today – my own
against Malcolm X. In direct violation of the supported the malevolent roles of the Roberts.
chapter of Marcus Garvey’s Universal Negro Golden Rule and the love of enemies. And he knew government.”
National Security Act of 1947, CIA superiors Without Gene Roberts’ disclosure at a trial
Improvement Association (UNIA). The UNIA about the rapid reversal of those highly ethical King saw the connections between the financial,
supervised this entire domestic US Intelligence six years later, no one would have known
gained widespread appeal in the 1920s and teachings and the takeover of the church by the spiritual and psychological costs of participation
apparatus. he worked undercover for the BOSS police
’30s, reaching a million members amongst state starting about 300 CE. in the human slaughter of the innocents in
US Intelligence had made several attempts intelligence unit. New York’s Herald Tribune
northern US blacks. Vietnam and the racial and economic violence
on Malcolm’s life early in his development. also said a “high police official” confirmed Purging the prophets
Garvey originally started his UNIA with that was preventing poor blacks from attaining
In1958, New York detectives shot up Malcolm that several undercover BOSS agents were in But the voices of the prophets always get
its black pride activism in his birth country justice in America. King knew a nation couldn’t
X’s office, for which the city settled with Malcolm the Ballroom audience at the assassination of silenced in violent societies, and it isn’t by
of Kingston, Jamaica before re-starting it in simultaneously fund both “guns and butter”
in a $24 million lawsuit. FBI undercover agent, Malcolm X. accidents.
Harlem. Garvey’s life appeared to reflect the (the notion that a nation can pay for war and
John X Ali, who infiltrated the Nation Of Islam Police and media’s cover-up actions were Both ancient and modern powers-that-be
effect of government oppression of many black simultaneously provide for its people’s basic
(NOI), could provide the floor plan since he was extensive. For example, New York’s Herald recognize dangerous whistle-blowers when they
leaders and groups to come after him. He human needs). American politicians had already
living with Malcolm at the time. Tribune and The New York Times reported see them, and they usually don’t waste much time
first supported socialists and anti-colonialists made the choice. The funding was going to go to the
Agent John X Ali also reportedly played planning the “silencing”. Usually the prophets are
worldwide. He had a successful international guns and not the butter. Pouring scarce resources
a part in orchestrating the firebombing of initially ignored, Then, if that doesn’t succeed, they
shipping company that helped distribute his into war-making automatically sabotages socially
Malcolm’s house in 1965. Ali had risen to a are violently opposed. Finally (rarely, it seems
Negro World newspaper to the Caribbean and programs that benefit the poor.
national secretary assignment, one of the to me), the truth may be ultimately accepted as
Africa, where other UNIA chapters started. America lost President Johnson’s “war on
highest leadership positions in the NOI. NOI self-evident (idea stolen from German philosopher
When both British and US Intelligence officials poverty” because it fought Johnson’s and Nixon’s
leader Elijah Muhammad’s son, Wallace Schopenhaurer).
(including emerging FBI leader J. Edgar wars in Vietnam. Understanding the connections
Muhammad, said several FBI undercover In our more complicated era, Schopenhauer’s
Hoover) took action against him, he tried on between those realities is important, and Dr.
agents in the NOI national staff helped Ali dictim still holds, but now there are more
a more conservative, capitalist but nationalist King understood them. He knew that the war in
make that rise, as also attested to by FBI sophisticated ways to discredit: by rumors,
stance that he hoped would allow him to get Vietnam meant that freedom for the oppressed at
documents. infiltration of the prophet’s movement by agents
back into the US. In spite of this moderation home was going to be delayed — perhaps forever
Malcolm X believed that US Intelligence provocateur, death threats to the victim or family,
of his position, Garvey was shot, imprisoned, if the proponents of white racism had anything to
also set up his near-fatal poisoning in Cairo, “think tanks” to spread disinformation to the
deported and exiled for his activist work. say about it. And, as Dr. King often said: “justice
Egypt in late July of 1964. He said CIA agents media, harassment and even arranging murders
Malcolm X was born in 1925 and grew up delayed is justice denied.”
made their presence obvious to intimidate him that look like accidents or suicides or by some
in Lansing, MI. The town’s segregationist and Many historians believe that Dr. King’s “Beyond
as he traveled through Africa. They didn’t want “deranged” or planted patsy.
racist rules included banning blacks from East Vietnam” speech was equivalent to the signing of
him to present his planned United Nations And so it goes. Being a prophet is hazardous
Lansing after dark. When leaders, such as Earl his own death warrant. The war profiteers, pro-war
proposal, with African leaders, to declare that duty (“a vocation of agony” as King described it).
Little, tried to organize for change, racist whites politicians and assorted militarists in positions of
the US was violating American blacks’ human Whistle-blowers such as Dr. King know very
threatened them. For example, Lansing’s Ku power at the time absolutely could not tolerate his
rights. well that they are going to pay a heavy price for
Klux Klan, the Black Legion, threatened Little antiwar activism. King was working for justice
At a Cairo restaurant, Malcolm said their refusal to bow down to authority. They know
and then burned his house down in 1929. for all, which necessarily meant the defenseless
that just as he felt the poison in his food, he that they will have to endure character or physical
In 1931, when Malcolm was 6, his father Vietnamese women and children who were being
recognized the waiter as someone he had assassination if they don’t shut up.
was found dead with a crushed skull and his indiscriminately targeted, starved, maimed,
seen in New York. Rushed to the hospital, he Martin King and Malcolm X ”I Have a Dream” vs.” Beyond
body almost cut in half, reportedly due to being murdered, bombed and napalmed. The soil, water
was barely saved by a stomach pumping. The Vietnam”: A world of difference
laid on street car tracks and run over by a street and unborn children of Vietnam were being
attending doctor said there was poison in his that, just after the shooting of Malcolm, police Dr. King is mostly known for his “I Have a
car. Malcolm’s mother, Louise Little, paid for poisoned for generations to come by Agent Orange
food. Malcolm had been concerned about NOI detained two people who were grabbed by the Dream” speech and his courageous civil rights
the funeral through a small insurance policy. and other military toxins. King had no choice but to
death threats, but he knew they didn’t have a crowd. A later Herald Tribune edition said activism on behalf of poor and oppressed African-
A larger company wouldn’t pay on Little’s life object on the basis of his conscience.
global spy capacity. the crowd only grabbed one person, without Americans. The powers-that-be seem to be OK
insurance because they called it a suicide. Several other disclosures support Malcolm’s King endured daily, anonymous death
acknowledging their earlier account. with the sentiments in that speech, as long as the
Malcolm rose to a position of influence belief that this was a CIA attempt on his life. threats
The New York Times later edition dropped granting of full freedom and opportunity for blacks
within the Nation of Islam (NOI), becoming A high level African diplomat later said that King received, on a daily basis, during the
the second suspect from its subheading, but still and minorities continues to be slow AND the truth
the group’s national spokesman. From the late the French Counter-Espionage Department years leading up to that fateful day in Memphis,
quoted patrolman Thomas Hoy who said that, about King’s commitment to Christian nonviolence
’50s on, Malcolm X’s leadership of the New York reported that the CIA planned Malcolm’s dozens of cowardly death threats from the racist
while one subject was grabbed by Malcolm’s remains unacknowledged and unheard.
NOI mosque helped him meet with third world murder, and France barred Malcolm for the reactionaries who were afraid of black equality.
supporters, he grabbed a second suspect being It is important to realize that Dr. King’s
revolutionaries and African leaders in the New first time in fear of getting scapegoated for Oppressors naturally fear whatever long-
chased by some people. Hoy further said, “the commitment to his struggle for human rights
York-based United Nations. The FBI began the assassination. The FBI Director wrote a overdue reprisals (or indictments and prison terms)
crowd began beating me and the suspect” in for all came out of his understanding of the life,
their surveillance file on him early in the 1950s, confidential memo on Malcolm’s travel plans will occur when their oppressed victims gain their
the Ballroom. In the following days, no mention mission and gospel ethics of his mentor, Jesus of
but, by the start of the ’60s, US Intelligence through Britain and France. He sent it to the freedom, but they don’t seem to fear for their
was made of the second suspect in the mass of Nazareth. Dr. King’s belief in nonviolent societal
agents were writing as many as several reports CIA Director, the Army Intelligence (Intel) souls or the souls of the nation they were trying to
media’s accounts. transformation mirrored the politics and theology
a week on Malcolm X and his radical influence chief, the Naval Intel Director, and the Air dominate. In this regard, Dr. King had a warning
The media also largely ignored the of Jesus (as well as Gandhi, who was inspired
over blacks. Force Counterintel chief, as well as Intel chiefs for them.
circumstances around the death of Malcolm’s by the Sermon on the Mount), and it was the
The CIA grew concerned about Malcolm’s in London and Paris. One such memorandum In the Riverside Church speech he said: “A
close ally, Leon 4X Ameer. Mainstream media teachings of those two heroes of his that shaped the
influence with these leaders. African leaders on Malcolm and African leaders went directly nation that continues year after year to spend more
alleged that he died of an overdose of sleeping civil rights movement and his antiwar activism.
soon embraced Malcolm X and had him take to the CIA director of covert action, Richard money on military defense than on programs of
pills fewer than twenty days after Malcolm’s The success of King’s nonviolent tactics is proven
part in their political decisions. From the Helms, who had a key role in assassination social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”
assassination. This happened just after Leon by the fact that his enemies had to resort to killing
mid-1800s to the mid-1900s, European nations plots. In addition to pointing out the “guns and butter”
4X announced plans to produce tapes and him in order to stop the movement.
had invaded and forcibly taken Africa’s riches FBI and police action on the day of Malcolm fallacy, King accused those who waste precious
documents proving that the government was And it was Dr. King’s willingness to come out
of oil, diamonds and other minerals until X’s assassination, February 21, 1965, confirms resources on state-sponsored crimes against
responsible for Malcolm X’s assassination. against the dirty war in Vietnam in his powerful
independence movements drove the European their role in it. An FBI document mentions humanity of risking moral collapse.
Soon after Malcolm’s murder, a partially “Beyond Vietnam” speech that unleashed the
colonizers out. that [undercover agent] John Ali met with Harry Truman understood that reality, when he
deleted FBI memo noted the CIA’s desire to final assassination plot in an effort to silence him
After WWII devastated most European Talmadge Hayer (a.k.a. Thomas Hagan), one said, “All through history, it has been the nations
get rid of Malcolm. The memo also offered a permanently (or so his killers hoped) with a single
countries, the chances for African independence of the gunmen that shot Malcolm X, the night that have given the most to generals and the least
key motive. It said a Life Magazine reporter bullet to the head exactly one year later, April 4,
movements to gain control of their countries before the assassination. Hotel information on to the people that have been the first to fall.”
agreed with a source that the reporter should 1968.
were expedited and US corporations needed Ali’s stay in New York those days supports this. The elephant in the room that the power elite
“check out Washington and the CIA because
to gain control of African wealth through more At the Audubon Ballroom hall where Malcolm “The greatest purveyor of violence in hope we don’t see (just like their emperor’s lack
they wanted Malcolm out of the way because he
subtle means. Malcolm’s input about racism in X gave his last speech, uniformed police left the world today is my own government” of clothing) is the state-sponsored violence that
‘snafued’ African relations for the US”, risking
the US threatened to sabotage multinational the area. At every other speech by Malcolm, Dr. King had struggled for months with what Dr. King spoke out against continuously. It is the
deals worth vast amounts of money for top
corporations’ hundred million-dollar deals. uniformed officers were present inside and military spending that keeps justice from being
American corporations.
Malcolm X criticized America’s capitalist outside the halls. delivered. Reversing poverty and racism will be
system for exploiting people in general, but he Gene Roberts’ revealed his undercover
This article was adapted from a chapter of John Potash’s
impossible as long as America continues to spend
book: The FBI War on Tupac Shakur and Black Leaders:
believed that its historical racism kept people police agent status at a trial against the an unaffordable ($2 billion) every day on militarism.
US Intelligence’s Murderous Targeting of Tupac, MLK,
of color particularly disadvantaged. With a Black Panthers in 1971. Roberts had followed Malcolm, Panthers, Hendrix Marley Rappers and Every program of social uplift is made unaffordable
huge media presence, he expressed his ideas members of Malcolm X’s OAAU as they started Linked Ethnic Leftists. when military spending is the nation’s top priority.
to large forums. However, NOI leader Elijah the New York Panther chapter. Under cross- The spirits of Martin Luther King and Jesus
Muhammad disagreed with Malcolm’s leftist examination at the trial, Roberts said he was are not dead if only we will listen and take them
political activism. Muhammad restricted the first to arrive at Malcolm’s body and he seriously. Each one has been futilely trying to tell
Malcolm’s political activities, leading Malcolm “proceeded to give Malcolm X mouth-to-mouth us: “Put away the sword, for those who live by the
to split with the NOI in 1964. sword will perish by the sword.” America is doomed
if it doesn’t stop wasting so much money on guns.
Without serious attention to the willingness to kill,
Skylight Installation and Repair there will be no hope of achieving economic relief,
in the Washington DC Area sustainable jobs and an end to racism.
We can’t afford to put King’s message on hold for
yet another year.
Call for a free estimate Gary Kohls is a retired physician from Duluth, MN who
(301) 452-1280 writes about peace, justice, health and religious issues.
He is also a founding member of Every Church A Peace

Skylights Done Right
Pg. 6 February 2011 Rock Creek Free Press
UN Report History’s Lessons
Globalization and Its Impact on the
Full Enjoyment of All Human Rights My Lai, WikiLeaks and the Pacification of Perception
BY CARLA STEA “Britain’s coalition government “… The less information and experience that one has about their world … the smaller and more selective
survived the most serious challenge yet reality becomes. It can even cause unreality to exist in the mind. Unreality … leads to false beliefs and
The voting for United Nations Third to its austerity plans on Thursday when
Committee Resolution A/C.365/L.38 misperceptions about others and events and the world. It has also led to some of the most horrendous
Parliament narrowly approved a sharp
on November 16, 2010 was revealing. increase in college fees. But violent
atrocities, mass killings, and holocaust-like events throughout history. …”
Almost the entire developing world, student protests in Central London,
plus Qatar, China and Russia supported including an attack on a car carrying
the resolution. All the Western and BY DALLAS DARLING / MIDDLE EAST conflicts in Afghanistan and Yemen;
Prince Charles and his wife Camilla to the American public responded by
most Eastern European countries, ONLINE
the theatre, provided a stark measure saying: “Isn’t WikiLeaks a terrorist
(whose economies are tanking, and of growing public resistance…The WikiLeaks reports told of collateral organization? At least that is what I
whose citizens are rioting in outrage confrontation occurred when a group murders by US forces in Iraq, of hear.”; “WikiLeaks should be nuked!”;
as their capitals explode in increasingly of about 50 protesters, some in full- pregnant women and children being “Isn’t that Assange guy wanted for
violent demonstrations against failed face balaclavas broke through a cordon shot to death at checkpoints, and rape?”; “WikiLeaks is endangering our
and inhuman economic policies) of motorcycle police flanking the car of thousands of unlisted civilian troops who are doing a great job over
voted against the Resolution entitled: as it approached London’s theater casualties and deaths. there.”; “Wiki who?” and, “Who cares?
“Globalization and its impact on the full districts in slow-speed traffic. Some In My Lai, “The rampaging GI’s Nothing’s ever going to change. There’s
enjoyment of all human rights.” of the demonstrators shouted ‘Off with were not interested solely in killing, always going to be wars.” And like the
On December 2, the Human Security their heads,’ and others shouted ‘Tory although that seemed foremost in polling data after Lt. Calley was found
Report presented at the United Nations scum.’ Protesters beat on the side of their minds. Just outside the village guilty for murdering 109 innocent
noted: “The impact of the global the armored chauffeur-driven Rolls there was this big pile of bodies. This civilians, the majority of Americans
economic crisis on developing countries Royce with sticks and bottles, smashing really tiny kid — he had only a shirt believe WikiLeaks should be censored
risks generating political instability and a side window, denting a rear panel, on, nothing else — he came over to and suppressed.
increasing the risk of war.” etc. ...Other violence across the city this pile and held the hand of one What was/is really on trial was/is
On November 29, 2010, The New center continued into the night, with of the dead. One of the GI’s behind not only Lt. Calley for murdering
Yorker published their “Annals of demonstrators trying to smash their me dropped into a kneeling position innocent women and children, or
Economics,” “What Good is Wall way into the Treasury building at the thirty meters from this kid and killed My Lai, Viet Nam WikiLeaks and if it should have
Street,” concluding that “much of heart of the Whitehall government him with a single shot. A GI grabbed released evidence of what most of the
what investment bankers do is socially district with makeshift rams made from this girl and with the help of others for local development projects, the “The Battle Hymn of Lt. Calley”. world perceives as crimes against peace
worthless.” “Paul Woolley, a seventy steel crowd barriers, shouting ‘We want started stripping her. A soldier said, prerequisites and goals of pacification The less information and experience and humanity,but America’s perception
one year old Englishman who has set our money back.’ ‘Let’s see what she’s made of. VC boom- were always security and loyalty, or that one has about their world, (when and how it had/has been pacified.
up an institute at the London School At the height of the unrest, student boom.’ Another soldier was telling the allegiance to the United States and its one is uniformed and unaware of others Like My Lai, there is no need for the
of Economics called the Woolley protests have been a vehicle for wider thirteen-year-old girl that she was a military power. and their environment); the smaller US Government and US Military to
Center for the Study of Capital Market popular resistance to the 20 percent whore for the Vietcong. ‘I’m horny,’ When a member of Lieutenant and more selective reality becomes. conceal or cover-up its atrocities,
Dysfunctionality, wrote, ‘Why on earth across the board cuts in government said a third. As they were stripping the Calley’s platoon (Calley was the It can even cause unreality to exist because many Americans already hold
should finance be the biggest and most spending announced by the Cameron girl, with bodies and burning huts all officer in charge and one extremely selective perceptions and
highly paid industry when it’s just a government in October, with tens of around them, the girl’s mother tried to who ordered his men to have internalized misperceptions. Such
utility, like sewage or gas? It is like a thousands of young people angered by help her, scratching and clawing at the massacre innocent civilians misperceptions have been secured by
cancer that is growing to infinite size, a doubling or potentially even a tripling soldiers.” SPS Roberts (Time Magazine, at My Lai) appeared on CBS militarizing and policing and training
until it takes over the entire body.’” The of government regulated tuition fees. November 1969) BBC reported that: News with Walter Cronkite the mind. These strategically isolated
article concludes: The street clashes on Thursday raised “Soliders went berserk, gunning and explained that Charlie “mental hamlets” exist and thrive
“For a long time, economists and concerns that the protests could be the down unarmed men, women, children Company lined up hundreds and are reinforced through carefully
policymakers have accepted the templates for even wider disturbances and babies. Families which huddled of old men, women, children, crafted political, economic and
financial industry’s appraisal of its own in the future, as the spending cuts and together for safety in huts or bunkers and babies in a drainage social propaganda campaigns. When
worth, ignoring the market failures and expected job losses begin to bite.” were shown no mercy. Those who ditch and massacred them some citizens attempt to question
other pathologies that plague it. Even One could ask, why don’t these emerged with hands held high were with bayonets, bullets, and and pursue their own freedom to
after all that has happened there is a Western European capitalist countries murdered.” grenades, a not-so stunned think and to be sovereign, they are
tendency in Congress and the White cut their military budgets, instead of The testimonies from US soldiers of American public had this censored, imprisoned and tormented
House to defer to Wall Street because their social welfare programs, which the My Lai Massacre, that occurred on to say about the shocking by a non-perceptive system. This kind
what happens there, befuddling as it made possible a high level of education March 16, 1968, speak for themselves. report: “It was good. What do of psychological warfare and mental
may be to outsiders, is essential to the and health care and employment But instead of describing how a they give soldiers bullets for imprisonment are prerequisites and
country’s prosperity. Finally dissidents throughout these countries for so many company of soldiers went into the — to put in their pockets?”; goals for the pacification of perception.
like Paul Woolley are questioning this decades. The answer seems to be that hamlet of My Lai, in Quang Ngai It sounds terrible to say These goals always consist of security,
narrative. ‘There was a presumption many of these countries are NATO province and brutally raped and we ought to kill kids, but loyalty and allegiance to the State and
that financial innovation is socially members, and NATO requires a high murdered over five hundred Viet many of our boys being to its corporations and military forces.
valuable,’ Woolley said…’ The first level of military spending to reach Namese women, children and elderly killed over there are just Bertrand Russell, who was a British
thing I discovered was that it wasn’t standards necessary for admittance men, it might be more conducive at this kids, too.”; and, “I don’t social critic and philosopher and during
backed by any empirical evidence. to NATO, a defunct organization to point in the history of the American believe it actually happened. a mock trial [the 1967 International
There’s almost none.’” In other words, defend against a nonexistent enemy, Empire to discuss the “pacification The story was planted by War Crimes Tribunal composed of 25
the Emperor is naked. and a serious de facto provocation and of perception” in America, especially Vietcong sympathizers.” My Lai, Viet Nam members from 18 countries] found
On December 1, 2010, the United threat to Russia’s safety and security, in reference to WikiLeaks. It is well Meanwhile, newspapers the United States guilty of numerous
Nations Department of Economic despite NATO’s loud disclaimers to the known and documented that since the that publish the stories and in the mind. Unreality, or something war crimes in its quest to dominate
and Social Affairs released its “World contrary. end of World War II and during the photos are threatened with boycotts, that is not true and genuine but is Viet Nam, concluded that perception
Economic Situation and Prospects, In a fascinating denouement, Cold War, US national security and while others complain that the photos instead false and does not conform or was a scientific problem, or, rather,
2011 Global Outlook” which reports: the United Nations World Economic its interests have not only monopolized of the murdered Viet Namese women accept facts and certainties, leads to no longer philosophical. The My Lai
“Weaknesses in major developed Situation and Prospects 2011, states: news and information, but it has and children were obscene because the false beliefs and misperceptions about Massacre (and trials that followed)
economies continue to drag the global “Brazil, the engine of regional growth pacified perception. By perception, I dead victims were unclothed. others and events and the world. It has and WikiLeaks were/are in nature
recovery and pose risks for world continues with strong domestic demand mean the ability and opportunity to What is also troublesome is that also led to some of the most horrendous scientific. This is why they were/are
economic stability in the coming to boost export growth of neighboring acquire information and experience atrocities, mass killings, a threat and suppressed. Unlike
years. There will be no quick fix countries”!! In January 2011, leftist reality from surrounding environments and holocaust-like events America’s perception of itself and the
for the problems these economies President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva or a given situation. throughout history. Just as world, their facts cannot be falsified.
are still facing in the aftermath completed his eight year Presidency of The public’s perception, or how it bad, this kind of “pacification SPS Roberts stated: “Another Viet
of the financial crisis….Persistent Brazil, a period of such extraordinary observes, discerns, and then mentally of perception” destroys the Namese woman, afraid for her own
high levels of unemployment, with economic development and poverty interprets and judges certain events ability to reason and to safety, tried to stop the woman from
increasing numbers of workers that reduction that the Brazilian economy and their meaning, is really the core consider and evoke and live objecting. One soldier kicked the
have been without a job for prolonged has been cited as the envy of countries debate between WikiLeaks and the the principles of life, liberty, mother, and another slapped her up a
periods, are restraining private of the so-called ‘developed world.’ US Government. It is also the reason equality, happiness, and the bit. Ron Haeberle (the photographer)
consumption demand; they are also a Lula, eschewing pomp and protocol, a the US Government wants to extradite ability to further human and jumped in to take a picture of the
continued cause of increasing housing President of the most humble, working Julian Assange and to put him on civil rights and justice. The group of women. The picture shows
foreclosures, which are adding to the class background, has proved to be trial for releasing information about pacification of perception the thirteen-year-old girl hiding behind
fragility of the financial system….The Brazil’s greatest President, making the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and steals the humanity of others. her mother, trying to button the top of
longer term employment consequences the largest country in South America a other areas throughout the world. But Like one soldier exclaimed her pyjamas. When they noticed Ron,
of the present crisis are already formidable economic and political power. the rigid control and monopolization who participated in the rape they left off and turned away as if
becoming visible. Workers have been Rare among world leaders, Lula was over perception was the reason most and killing of women and everything was normal. Then a soldier
without a job for more time, and in never educated at elite New England Americans did not know that large children at My Lai, “We didn’t asked, ‘Well, what’ll we do with’em?’
some countries, youth unemployment colleges, has no Harvard or Stanford areas in South Viet Nam were declared think they were human.” ‘Kill’em.’ another answered. I heard an
has reached alarming heights. The degree, and despite, or perhaps because “free fire zones,” which meant that all This is what My Lai exposed M60 go off, a light machine-gun, and
share of the structurally or long-term of that, his leftist government and persons remaining within them — about America’s collective when we turned all of them and the
unemployed has increased significantly policies of social welfare led his huge civilians, old people, children — were perception, and it is what kids with them were dead.”
in most developed countries since 2007. nation into the stratosphere of major considered an enemy, and bombs WikiLeaks is revealing. From My Lai to WikiLeaks,
In the United States, for instance, world economies, as Brazil, Russia, were dropped at will. It was also why After the initial WikiLeaks America’s individualistic and
the share of workers who have been India and China (BRIC), have become Americans were unaware of the CIA’s reports that told of collateral nationalistic perceptions of the world
unemployed for 27 weeks or more has formidable economic dynamos. This “Operation Phoenix” that executed murders by US forces in and humanity has always been one
been rising at a disturbing pace since socialist man of poorest origins, without at least twenty thousand civilians in Iraq, of pregnant women of turning away, as if everything was
2010. Persistent high unemployment, prep school or Oxford credentials, Viet Nam suspected to be Communists. and children being shot to normal. But was/is it?
stagnant or declining real wages and proved a brilliant leader more skilled Still, it was the reason Americans My Lai, Viet Nam death at checkpoints, of
subdued output recovery can push the than any other currently, a global Dallas Darling is the author of Politics 501:
did not pay attention to “pacification thousands of unlisted civilian
economy into a vicious circle; the longer paragon outstripping the privileged
An A-Z Reading on Conscientious Political
programs.” when Lt. Calley was found guilty in casualties and deaths; and
this vicious circle lasts, the higher ‘elite’ who have led Europe and the
Thought and Action, Some Nations Above
Because of an extremely selective connection with the My Lai Massacre after WikiLeaks made known how God: 52 Weekly Reflections On Modern-Day
the risk of ‘cyclical’ unemployment United States into economic disaster. and internalized perception, no one and for murdering 109 civilians and the US formed assassination and Imperialism, Militarism, And Consumerism
becoming ‘structural.’ In Spain, the In the past decade, every country knew — at least in America — how was given a life sentence, 79 percent death squads, how it either ignored in the Context of John’s Apocalyptic
unemployment rate more than doubled in South and Central America had many hamlets in Viet Nam were of Americas disagreed with the verdict or supported torture and killed
Vision, and The Other Side Of Christianity:
to 20.5 percent. It also increased democratically elected socialist Reflections on Faith, Politics, Spirituality,
pacified and eradicated. (Since I served and sentence. Over 50 percent agreed journalists, how it instigated foreign
dramatically in Ireland, reaching governments and leaders, except
History, and Peace. He is a correspondent
with several Viet Nam veterans while with the idea that President Richard military coups leading to the death of
15.9 percent in 2010. Some countries Colombia, which hosts seven United
for You can read more
in the military, they told me that Nixon should free Lt. Calley. Indiana’s thousands, and how politicians and a of Darling’s writings at
in Europe will see even less growth, States military bases. Twenty years there were many My Lais.) In some governor asked all state flags to be president were lying about the ongoing and
especially where drastic fiscal austerity ago, when the Soviet Union collapsed cases, pacification meant the complete flown at half-staff on behalf of Lt.
and continued high unemployment without a shot being fired (at first), the security, or subjugation, of an area Calley. While several state legislatures
rates are draining domestic demand. capitalist powers gloated that socialism controlled and dominated by US forces requested clemency for Lt. Calley,
This is especially the case in Greece, had been proven a failure. Today, as and culture. This was implemented Alabama’s Governor George Wallace
Ireland, Portugal and Spain, which are bloody riots and conflagrations erupt in through either militarizing or policing visited him and declared President
entrapped in sovereign debt distress.” capitalist Athens, Madrid, Paris, Rome and training local male recruits in Nixon should grant him a full pardon.
Austerity measures being imposed and London, the failure of capitalism the countryside, or through political, After serving only three months in the
throughout capitalist Europe are to offer justice, equality and human economic and social propaganda stockade, President Richard Nixon
provoking raging social instability. On dignity to the majority of its subjects campaigns. It was also done through freed him and ordered him confined to
December 15, 2010, The Financial Times has become glaringly and inescapably moving and resettling them into quarters pending review of the case. In
reports: “The sense of a government obvious. what were called “strategic hamlets.” 1974, a federal court judge ruled that
under siege was reinforced by rioting
Carla Stea covers the UN for RCFP. She has When this failed, or when the Viet Calley was convicted unjustly, citing
in Rome, as demonstrations across Italy
written for Covert Action, and War and Peace Namese sought their own freedom and “prejudicial publicity.” Calley was
drew thousands of students and workers
Digest, and numerous other publications in sovereignty, psychological warfare and paroled for good behavior after serving
protesting against budget cuts and the the USA, also in Komsomolskaya Pravda in even starvation and terror were used. 40 months, most of them in the relative
austerity program.” On December 10, the Soviet Union, and in Rabochaya Tribuna Although some economic goods were comfort of his own quarters and was
2010, The New York Times reported: and Sovetskaya Rossia, in Russia, as well
supplied to the Viet Namese, along issued a pardon. In 1971, a song was
“Britain Approves Tuition Increases as in publications in England and Latin
with schools and infirmaries and funds penned in honor of Lt. Calley, called
as Violent Protests Erupt in London.” America. Stea also holds press accreditation
at the US Department of State.
Rock Creek Free Press February 2011 Pg. 7

Why Are We Still in Afghanistan?

US Special Ops: How the Power of Myth Keeps Us Mired in War
Christian Crusaders MYTH from p. 3 (in the case of the Afghan War) the American
people know. After all, more than 60% of them
government as an agent of darkness.
Changing Mosques into Cathedrals, Ooh-Rah! He’s not likely to stand a chance of winning
now tell pollsters that the war was a “mistake.”
Yet the war goes on and progressives remain
that battle if he tries to take on the myth of
the most marginal of players in the American
national security as well. Bill Clinton once put
political game because they don’t have a great
it all-too-accurately: “When people are insecure”
Hersh may have been referring to the myth to offer. In fact, they’ve hardly got any
— which is exactly when they rely most on their
Sovereign Order of Malta, a Roman Catholic good ones.
myths — “they’d rather have somebody [in the
organization commited to “defence of the Faith Political scientist David Ricci claims there’s
CRUSADERS from p. 1 pass among each other, which are crusader White House] who is strong and wrong than
and assistance to the poor and the suffering,” not much progressives can do about it, precisely
coins,” he continued. “They have insignia that someone who’s weak and right.”
gonna change mosques into cathedrals. That’s according to its website. because they already have one very successful
reflect the whole notion that this is a culture That’s a truth everyone in the room
an attitude that pervades, I’m here to say, a “Many of them are members of Opus Dei,” myth that prevents them — oh, the irony!
war. … Right now, there’s a tremendous, undoubtedly had in mind back in the fall of 2009
large percentage of the Joint Special Operations Hersh continued. “They do see what they’re — from taking the power of myths seriously.
tremendous amount of anti-Muslim feeling in when the top military field commanders came
Command (JSOC).” doing — and this is not an atypical attitude The progressive heritage, as he tells it, goes
the military community.” to the White House to talk about Afghanistan.
He then alleged that Gen. Stanley among some military — it’s a crusade, literally. back to the eighteenth century Enlightenment,
Where else, after all, could our military act
McChrystal, who headed JSOC before briefly They see themselves as the protectors of the Seymour Hersh is a United States Pulitzer Prize- when the radicals of the day decided that fact
out the drama of civilized America staving off
becoming the top US commander in Afghanistan, Christians. They’re protecting them from the winning investigative journalist and author based and logic were the source of all truth and the
the savages? And what better-cast candidates
and his successor, Vice Adm. William McRaven, Muslims [as in] the 13th century. And this is in Washington, D.C. He is a regular contributor to only path to peace and freedom.
for the role of savages could there be than the
as well as many within JSOC “are all members their function.”
The New Yorker magazine on military and security The Bible and all the other ancient tales
matters. Taliban and al Qaeda?
of, or at least supporters of, Knights of Malta.” “They have little insignias, these coins they bind us to the past, they argued. As a result,
The generals who run the war also had to
humanity was letting dead people lock us
confront another vital question: Could they still
into the injustices that bred endless war and
act out some contemporary version of the myth
suffering. It was time to let human reason open
UN Report on Hariri Assassination: of good against evil? They’ve given up on the
possibility of victory in Afghanistan, so there’s
no real chance to go for the classic version of the
up a better future.
If progressives believe they are myth-less,
though, they’re blind to the one mythic plot
myth in which the good guys totally vanquish
Final report, cooked up by players in New York, fixes blame on Hezbollah the bad guys.
they share with the rest of America: good
against evil. Progressives act out that myth on
But since the Cold War era, the myth has
blame for the Hariri assassination on Hezbollah, 2005 Hariri assassination. However, the Saudis the political battlefield every day, passionately
HARIRI from p. 1 demanded only that the good guys don’t lose
the Obama administration and France, Saudi helped scuttle the deal being worked out with fighting to defeat right-wing evildoers.
ambassador to Lebanon and a bitter enemy — that they merely “contain” the evildoers who
Arabia, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Syria. Hezbollah political ally, retired General The problem is (and forgive me for repeating
of Hezbollah, reportedly met with Hariri “hate our freedoms” (especially our freedom to
and Israel are poised to see Hezbollah blamed for Michel Aoun, leader of the Free Patriotic an old anti-left cliché of the 1960s, but it’s true
in New York prior to the Lebanese Prime make and keep money) and will swoop down to
several assassinations of Lebanese politicians. Movement of Lebanon, decried the Saudi double- here): the progressives’ political myth tells only
Minister’s trip to Washington to meet with destroy us if we give them the chance.
International criminal indictments have been cross and Qatar Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad what they’re against, not what they’re for.
Obama. French President Nicolas Sarkozy was These days the generals must sense that
issued against leading Hezbollah figures. The bin Jassem bin Jabr al-Thani, who helped work In fact, deep down, most progressives do
also in New York where he met King Abdullah even the containment version of the myth is in
tribunal report will result in a major political out the Arab-led peace deal for Lebanon, also have a dim sense of their deepest principles:
and Hariri. Sarkozy’s meetings with the Arab trouble. Their predecessors failed to enact it in
upheaval in Lebanon, which is to Israel’s expressed alarm that the Lebanese government the Enlightenment ideals of peace, freedom, and
leaders followed his meeting with Obama in Vietnam, and though the judgment of history
benefit. would collapse as a result of the deal between equality based on the Romantic ideal of what
Washington. Hariri also met with Hillary is still out on the Iraq War, it’s looking ever
The presence of Feltman, who is a virtual Washington, Paris, Riyadh, and Tel Aviv. Lakoff calls empathy, extended to all humanity
Clinton in New York. more dim, too. If the US loses in Afghanistan,
tool of the Israeli government, in the top Middle and the biosphere as well.
Although the Special Tribunal for Lebanon Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative the American public might abandon the myth
East policy position in the State Department has But progressives don’t wrap their policy
has proven to be a propaganda tool of the Israelis journalist, author and syndicated columnist. He is a that justifies the military establishment and its
largely led to the present debacle in America’s prescriptions in mythic language that says
and its lobby in the United States and recent
frequent political and national security commentator on gargantuan budget. As a result, the generals
Middle East policy. clearly, simply, and patriotically what they’re
Lebanese intelligence discoveries of Mossad
Television News and is a regular contributor to Russia prefer to fight on eternally.
A political deal was in the works for Lebanon Today. Madsen is the author of Jaded Tasks: Big Oil, for. As a result, they can’t compete with the
penetration of Lebanese telecommunications President Obama is trapped at this point.
that would have prevented the UN tribunal Black Ops & Brass Plates and Overthrow a Fascist myth of national insecurity. They’ve got
proves that Israel manufactured the cell phone He risks losing both a war and a presidency.
from indicting senior Hezbollah officials for the
Regime on $15 a Day. nothing to offer in its place, which is at least
and other telecommunication “evidence” pinning Yet if he tries to ease up on the war accelerator,
one reason why, despite growing opposition
he knows he’ll be pilloried by an alliance of
to the Afghan War, they can’t build a strong
military and right-wing forces as a “cut-and-
enough constituency to help — or force
run” weakling.
— Obama to end it.
of ammunition to argue his case for greater global If he’s ever tempted to forget that domestic
Sorcha Faal: Legit Source or Disinformation? food price and currency stability...” political reality, the mass media are always
All they can do is demand that he sacrifice
his domestic agenda and — no small matter for
So far, nothing about crushing food riots ready to remind him. Just glance at the 145,000
any politician — his second-term chances, on
in the USA with NATO troops. More like top Google hits on “Obama wimp.” Even his liberal
the altar of principle. As a result, they end up
level discussions on how to stop the speculative friends at The New York Times have asked in
in a political never-never-land, which might feel
commodities markets from pushing up food prices a prominent headline, “Is Obama a Wimp or a
good but isn’t going to save a single Afghan life.
to incendiary levels. Perfectly sensible. In fact, Warrior?”
No individual, much less a committee can
the only discussions on NATO mentioned in that Within the confines of the national insecurity
sit down and create a new myth. Myths grow
article pertain solely to continuing actions in the myth, of course, those are the only two options.
organically from the life of a community.
Middle East and Africa: If pressure is ever going to develop to get US
Progressives would find their myth emerging
“...The two leaders will also discuss a range troops out of Afghanistan, progressives will
spontaneously if they just spent a lot more time
of security issues such as the NATO-led war have to offer a new option that actually speaks
thinking and talking about their most basic
against the Taliban in Afghanistan, Iran’s nuclear to Americans.
worldview and values, the underlying premises
developments, the increasing terror threat from To Myth or Not to Myth that lead them to hold their political positions
Pakistan, and the ongoing post-election crisis in And there’s the problem. Myths are like with such passion.
Ivory Coast...” scientific theories. No mountain of facts and A strong progressive myth could make it
Where, pray tell, do food riots in America or logic, however convincing, can change believers’ safer for a president to change course and
Which is the REAL Sorcha Faal? Europe get a mention here? I cannot see it... minds — until a more convincing myth comes perhaps save his presidency. Failure to stave
On the left is the only photo of Sorcha Faal found on the internet, but it is not The second and third links go back to the first along. off the bad guys destroyed Lyndon Johnson and
Sorcha. Sorcha Faal is the alter-ego of disinfo agent David Booth (right). article, and I see no such dire warning within its A handful of progressive political thinkers gravely wounded George W. Bush. I suspect
text. I do see concerns, but no hint of impending is trying to persuade the American left to Obama would love to have a great progressive
the SVR is making that statement? As I have doom. This article certainly does not say what understand this truth and start offering new myth keep him from a similar fate. He won’t
DISINFO from p. 1
already said above, on the rare occasions that an he claims it says, but then, who actually bothers political myths (their technical term is “framing create it, but he’d probably be delighted to see it
their traps shut. By rights, if “Sorcha Faal” was intelligence agency makes a public statement, it to double check the linked sources on what they narratives”). George Lakoff is probably the best appear on the horizon.
really working within the GRU, she would have will either come through a named official in the read? known. His books are bestsellers. His articles on
been silenced by now. Permanently. Ira Chernus is Professor of Religious Studies at the
higher echelons of the intelligence organisation As for the fourth link, from Bloomberg Business websites invariably go to the top of “most read”
University of Colorado at Boulder and author of
It appears that David Booth is a major thorn in or a government minister with the correct brief Week, it primarily talks about food riots in poorer and “most emailed” lists. Yet, he can’t seem to Monsters To Destroy: The Neoconservative War on
the side of the Alternative Intelligence Community, and security clearance, and not through a mere, nations of the third world, and not the west. Are make much of a dent in the actual policies and Terror and Sin. To listen to Timothy MacBain’s latest
as well as the Patriot and Truth Movements. This unidentified “spokesperson.” those food riots going to be severe and see loss practices he’d like to change. superb TomCast audio interview in which Chernus
is a gross understatement. Over the past week or Notice how Sorcha Faal only links to the of life? Probably. But it is no “national security” Progressives still shower the public with discusses “us versus them” and “us with them”
two I have had to take aside many people and let Wikipedia entries to the DGSE and SVR, and not concern of the United States. So where does facts and arguments that are hard to refute, as myths, goto He can be reached at
them in on the whole Sorcha Faal thing. Sorcha Faal get the idea that both Obama and Copyright 2011 Ira Chernus.
their official sites. Why? Because if you followed
Known sites run by Sorcha Faal / David Booth: links to their actual sites you will find no such Sarkozy are going to be talking about Martial Law public statements from them. In fact, you will not in the USA due to food riots? From an unquoted
Known sites that Sorcha Faal / David Booth find any public statements from them at all. If I source in the SVR. Duh.
writes for: were to write about the Secret Intelligence Service, In other words, this is a disinformation piece to I would link to their official web site. If you go over set up a future straw-man argument to discredit
Quality DVDs in bulk - Zietgeist, Ron Paul, Alex Jones and more - one dollar dvd project .com (817)776-5475 there, you will find no public press statements legitmate intelligence posted in the future about from them at all on their web site. Why? Because food shortages in the west and possible food riots.
they never make any public statements unless Let me give a scenario:
So why does David Booth do what he does?
it is through their Commander in Chief or the A couple of months down the line we get good
To understand this you have to understand the
Secretary of State through the National Press. intelligence about food shortages in the west
nature of COINTELPRO, and how it relates to his
You can see an example of this in an article and start blogging about what information we
“work.” In order to do this I am going to have to
from The Guardian last year, in an article entitled have been getting. Then another disinformation
dissect one of Sorcha Faal’s articles, and show you
“MI5 warns Britain facing double terrorism agent who is aware of the Sorcha Faal article will
how it is used in COINTELPRO.
threat” dated the 24th September 2010: come on the message boards posting straw man
From “Obama Orders Military To Prepare
“...Today’s announcement by the home arguments like:
For Spring Food Riots” on,
secretary, Theresa May, means MI5 believes “...Where did you get that junk from? Sorcha
dated 13 January 2011:
the threat is at its highest for at least a decade. Faal? Har Har... Sorcha Faal is a nut — she’s
“...A grim report prepared by France’s General
Security officials are combating this threat, plus talking out of her arse — ergo, you’re a nut who is
Directorate for External Security (DGSE) obtained
by Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR)
states that presidents Obama and Sarkozy have
what is assessed to be the greater threat from
al Qaeda-inspired terrorists, who remain ‘highly
talking out of your arse...”
This is what Sorcha Faal / David Booth does — Subscribe Today
likely’ to stage an attack...” he sets up straw-man articles in order to discredit
“agreed in principle” to create a joint US-European
Notice how the statement from MI5 came any real information we do get. It does not
military force to deal exclusively with a global
through official channels, in this case, through our matter if all the sources from which we glean our
uprising expected this spring as our world runs
current Home Secretary, Theresa May. intelligence are sound, the Sorcha Faal straw-man
out of food.
This does not prove that the information is Article exists, and will be used by COINTELPRO
According to this report, Sarkozy, as head of
accurate or truthful, but it does prove the source. to discredit whatever real intelligence we get.
the G-20 group of developed Nations, called for
The intelligence services are known for giving out Of course, we all know about how the United
and received an emergency meeting with Obama
false information within the national press in States military have been training with foreign
at the White House, wherein he warned his
order to fulfil a political agenda. So just because troops for a Martial Law situation in the United
American counterpart that the shock rise in food
the source is officially verified, does not mean that States, and we know about all the Executive
prices occurring due to an unprecedented series The Rock Creek Free Press is a fiercely indepentent newspaper that’s not afraid to print the truth. We print
the information is accurate or truthful. Orders and Acts of Congress which allows them to
of disasters was threatening the stability of the the stories that the corporate media won’t touch: government corruption, corporate media deception, false-
Now going back to the Sorcha Faal article, do that, but what we do not know is how or when
entire World and could lead to the outbreak of flag terror, and violations of our constitutional rights.
you will note that she / he does link back to some such an event could be sparked off.
Total Global War. Don’t miss an issue; subscribe today. Get one year of the Creek, 12 monthly issues, delivered to your door.
mainstream news articles concerning the topic in So be aware of Sorcha Faal / David
Just last week French Prime Minister Francois
hand in order to make what he is saying more Booth and his agenda, and steer clear of his One Year - inside the US - $25 Get a complete set of back issues - $40
Fillon underlined that one of France’s top G-20
plausible. Now let us take a good look at what disinformation.
priorities was to find a collective response to One Year - Canada - $40 A bundle of 25 copies - $15
these articles actually say, because I bet most
“excessive volatility” in food prices now occurring, One Year - International - $50 A bundle of 100 copies - $25
readers will take “Sorcha Faal’s” article at face
a statement joined by Philippe Chalmin, a top Phil Brennan blogs at
value without double checking the links.
economic adviser to the French government, who Name:
From “Sarkozy and Obama to discuss soaring
warned the World may face social unrest including Address:
food prices” on (first article link): 5512 Huntington Parkway
food riots in April as grain prices increase to City, ST ZIP:
“...When French President Nicolas Sarkozy Bethesda, MD 20814
unprecedented highs...” e-mail or phone:
arrives in Washington Monday, he’ll have plenty
So the “SVR states that...”? Who within Subscribe online at: or call 301-452-0090
Pg. 8 February 2011 Rock Creek Free Press
CIA in 1987 — nearly 25 years ago
Sunstein Decries “Conspiracy
CIA Operates via Islamic — and I have absolutely no concrete
personal knowledge whatsoever about
Theories” While Government
Group in Central Asia
this. But my instincts tell me the claim
is highly improbable.”
Next, Jeff Stein very gently Conspiracies, Torture and Spying,
confronts Fuller with the fact that,
dubious charlatan, a major player
secular apparatus of state and establish
a theocratic state”. Mr. Gülen has not according to the memoir and related Go Unpunished
left the United States since. media coverage, Gülen obtained his
in this operation yet a major denier US residence permit with his (Fuller’s)
• The Netherlands has taken CONSPIRACIES from p. 1
when confronted by Stein, former CIA help, and Fuller denies it and says
executive Graham Fuller, I am going to major steps to cut funding to all Gülen- Greenwald continues:
associated organizations that’s ‘wrong,’:
“Sunstein’s closeness to the
and is investigating his “What I did do,” Fuller explained, President, as well as the highly
operations. The Turkish “was write a letter to the FBI in early influential position he occupies,
Fethullah Gülen movement 2006 …at a time when Gülen’s enemies merits an examination of the mentality
is really an Islamic were pressing for his extradition to behind what he wrote. This isn’t
fundamentalist group, claims Turkey from the US. In the post 9/11 an instance where some government
environment, they began spreading the Sibel Edmonds Obama advisor Cass Sunstein
Rotterdam council member official wrote a bizarre paper in
Anita Fähmel (Leefbaar word that he was a dangerous radical. college 30 years ago about matters are largely the province of fringe,
Rotterdam political party) on In my statement to the FBI, I offered unrelated to his official powers; this ignorant Internet masses and the
the basis of her own study of my views…that I did not believe he groups, and the page is titled “State was written 18 months ago, at a time Muslim world. That, he claims, is where
the Turkish movement. posed a security threat of any kind to Secrets Privilege Gallery.”… “The third when the ascendancy of Sunstein’s these conspiracy theories thrive most
The Russian the US. I still believe that today, as do a group includes people who all appear close friend to the Presidency
• vibrantly, and he focuses on various
government has banned large body of scholars on contemporary to work at think tanks—primarily looked likely, in exactly the area 9/11 theories — both domestically and
all Gülen schools and the Islam.” WINEP, the Washington Institute for he now oversees. Additionally, the in Muslim countries — as his prime
activities of the Nur sect First of all, there have been tens if Near East Policy”: Graham E. Fuller— government-controlled messaging that example.”
in Russia. Over 20 Turkish not hundreds of articles establishing RAND Corporation, David Makovsky— Sunstein desires has been a prominent “Who is it who relentlessly
followers of Gülen were Graham Fuller as one of Gülen’s official WINEP, Alan Makovsky—WINEP, feature of US Government actions spread “false conspiracy theories”
Fethullah Gülen references to the court for his residency. Yusuf Turani (president-in-exile, over the last decade, including some
deported from Russia in of Saddam-engineered anthrax attacks
2002-2004. This quote comes from Foreign Policy Turkestan), Professor Sabri Sayari recently revealed practices of the and Iraq-created mushroom clouds and
blame it on the unfortunate situation of • In 1999 Uzbekistan closed all Journal: (Georgetown, WINEP), and Mehmet current administration. The mindset a Ba’athist/al Qaeda alliance — the
‘having to sell your journalistic soul to Gülen’s Madrasas and shortly afterward “Fethullah Gülen became a green Eymur (former head of the Turkish in which it is grounded explains a most destructive conspiracy theories
earn your living.’ arrested eight journalists who were card holder, despite serious opposition intelligence agency MIT). great deal about our political class. of the last generation? And who is
Let’s start with Gülen. The only graduates of Gülen schools, and found from FBI and from Homeland Security I am going to leave you with the All of that makes Sunstein’s paper it who demonized as “conspiracy-
background provided on Gülen is the them guilty of setting up an illegal Department officials. Former CIA following excerpts from my interview worth examining in greater detail. mongers” people who warned that the US
following from Gülen’s marketing site: religious group and of involvement in an officers (formally and informally) such as with former CIA officer Phil Giraldi for (“Conspiracy Theories”, Sunstein, Government was illegally spying on its
“…an influential former Turkish extremist organization. Graham Fuller and Morton Abromovitz the American Conservative Magazine Cass R. and Adrian Vermeule; Harvard citizens, systematically torturing
imam by the name of Fethullah Gülen, • In Turkmenistan, government were some of the prominent references in 2009, on Gülen, CIA Central Asia Public Law, Working Paper No. 08-03, people, attempting to establish
has 600 schools and 4 million followers authorities have placed Gülen’s schools in Gülen’s green card application. operations & the use of Islam and January 15, 2008). permanent bases in the Middle East,
around the world. under close scrutiny and have ordered “Next is the question of why. Why, Mujahideen there between1997-2001: “Initially, note how similar or engineering massive bailout plans
“The imam left Turkey in 1998 and them to scrap the history of religion and in what capacity, has Fuller been GIRALDI: You also have Sunstein’s proposal is to multiple, to transfer extreme wealth to the
settled in Saylorsburg, PA, where the from curricula. this active, this supportive, of Gülen? I information on al Qaeda, specifically controversial stealth efforts by industries which own the Government?
movement is headquartered. According Now, back to the story and its other am talking about this voluntary ‘I wrote al Qaeda in Central Asia and Bosnia. the Bush administration to influence The most chronic and dangerous
to Intelligence Online, he obtained a major short coming: a letter to the FBI on Gülen’ line: You were privy to conversations that and shape our political debates purveyors of “conspiracy theory”
residence permit only in 2008 with the Apparently Mr. Stein was not able to ‘…was write a letter to the FBI suggested the CIA was supporting al secretly. The Bush Pentagon employed games are the very people Sunstein
help of Fuller and George Fidas, whom in early 2006 …at a time when teams of former generals to pose as

reach Gülen for comment, so he moved Qaeda in central Asia and the Balkans, thinks should be empowered to control
it described as head of the agency’s Gülen’s enemies were pressing for his training people to get money, get “independent analysts” in the media, our political debates through deceit
on to his CIA sources with ‘long ties to
outreach to universities.” extradition to Turkey from the US In weapons, and this contact continued while secretly coordinating their and government resources: namely, the
Central Asia.’ First he quotes his source,
There is no mention of Gülen’s the post-9/11 environment, they began until 9/11… talking points and messaging about Government itself and the Enlightened
decade-long ‘wanted’ status in Turkey EDMONDS: I don’t know if it was wars and detention policies with Elite like him.
(until recently), no mention of the ban CIA. There were certain forces in the the Pentagon. Bush officials secretly “It is this history of government
on Gülen and his Madrasas in several From Turkey, they were putting all these bin US government who worked with the paid supposedly “independent” voices, deceit and wrongdoing that renders
Central Asian countries, no mention Turkish paramilitary groups, including such as Armstrong Williams and Maggie Sunstein’s desire to use covert
Ladens on NATO planes. People and weapons Gallagher, to advocate pro-Bush
of various investigations of Gülen by Abdullah Çatli’s group, Fethullah propaganda to “undermine” anti-
other western countries, no mention went one way, drugs came back.” Gülen. policies while failing to disclose government speech so repugnant. The
of the unknown sources of his billions GIRALDI: Well, that could be either their contracts. In Iraq, the Bush reason conspiracy theories resonate
of dollars. As we all know, except for a Joint Special Operations Command or Pentagon hired a company, Lincoln so much is precisely that people have
very few, and by that I mean a number CIA. Park, which paid newspapers to plant learned — rationally — to distrust
Former CIA operative Robert Baer, spreading the word that he was a
in 100s if that, no one in this country has EDMONDS: Maybe, in a lot of cases pro-US articles while pretending they government actions and statements.
chief of the agency’s Central Asia and dangerous radical. In my statement to
ever heard of this guy with his billions, when they said State Department, they came from Iraqi citizens. In response Sunstein’s proposed covert propaganda
Caucasus operations from 1995 through the FBI, I offered my views…that I did
with his castle in Pennsylvania, his meant CIA? to all of this, Democrats typically scheme is a perfect illustration of why
1997, who called the allegations bogus. not believe he posed a security threat of
hundreds of Madrasas, now hundreds GIRALDI: When they said State accused the Bush administration of that is. In other words, people don’t
However, Mr. Baer added: “It’s possible any kind to the US. I still believe that
of US charter schools, his dubious Department, they probably meant CIA. engaging in government-sponsored trust the Government and “conspiracy
that the CIA turned around this ship today, as does a large body of scholars
businesses. Yet, for an article as serious EDMONDS: Okay. So these propaganda — and when it was done theories” are so pervasive precisely
after I left.” on contemporary Islam.’”
as this (Madrasas and mosques as CIA conversations, between 1997 and 2001, domestically, suggested this was because government is typically filled
I don’t have a problem with Baer’s And Stein let that slide?! I’d quickly illegal propaganda.”
operation centers in Central Asia), the had to do with a Central Asia operation with people like Cass Sunstein, who
response. Based on what I personally ask: “how often do you write to the FBI Greenwald notes:
central figure in the story has been that involved bin Laden. Not once did think that systematic deceit and
know, US Islamization Operations in on people you think have been unfairly “Indeed, there is a very strong
given one sentence; no history, no anybody use the word “al Qaeda.” It government-sponsored manipulation are
Central Asia via Gülen started in late targeted or treated by them?!” case to make that what Sunstein is
relevant facts. was always “mujahideen,” always “bin justified by their own Goodness and
1997, early 1998. That brings me to Last but not least on Graham advocating is itself illegal under
Below is a list of a few Gülen-related Laden” and, in fact, not “bin Laden” but Superior Wisdom.”
what truly set me off, Stein’s second Fuller is my own on-the-record, more long-standing statutes prohibiting
facts totally (mysteriously?) absent from “bin Ladens” plural. There were several Just to get a sense for what an
source and, actually, a character who is accurately on-the-album, naming of government “propaganda” within the
Washington Post piece: bin Ladens who were going on private extremist Cass Sunstein is (which
pointed to by the new memoir’s author individuals implicated (criminally) in US, aimed at American citizens:
• In 1999, Gülen defected to jets to Azerbaijan and Tajikistan. The itself is ironic, given that his paper
– Graham Fuller: my case, thus protected via invocation “As explained in a March 21, 2005
the US shortly before his scandalous Turkish ambassador in Azerbaijan calls for “cognitive infiltration of
Graham Fuller, a former CIA station of the State Secrets Privilege: report by the Congressional Research
speech, where he is heard calling on worked with them. extremist groups,” as the Abstract
chief in Kabul and author of The Future Coinciding with the publication of Service, “publicity or propaganda”
his supporters to “work patiently and There were bin Ladens, with the puts it), marvel at this paragraph:
of Political Islam, threw cold water on the first article in a series in Britain’s is defined by the US Government
to creep silently into the institutions “What can government do about
Gundes’s allegations about Kyrgyzstan Sunday Times covering some of her help of Pakistanis or Saudis, under
Accountability Office (GAO) to mean conspiracy theories? Among the things
in order to seize power in the state”, and Uzbekistan. allegations, former FBI translator Sibel our management. Marc Grossman was either (1) self-aggrandizement by it can do, what should it do? We can
became public. Turkish prosecutors “I think the story of 130 CIA agents Edmonds posts a gallery of 18 photos leading it, 100 percent, bringing people public officials, (2) purely partisan readily imagine a series of possible
demanded a ten-year sentence in Gülen schools in Central Asia is of people and three images of question from East Turkestan into Kyrgyzstan, activity, or (3) “covert propaganda”. responses. (1) Government might ban
for Gülen for having “founded an pretty wild,” Fuller said by e-mail. marks on her website, from Kyrgyzstan to Azerbaijan. From By covert propaganda, GAO means conspiracy theorizing. (2) Government
organization that sought to destroy the “I should hasten to add that I left The 21 images are divided into three Azerbaijan, some of them were being information which originates from the might impose some kind of tax, financial
channeled to Chechnya. Some of them government but is unattributed and or otherwise, on those who disseminate
were being channeled to Bosnia. From made to appear as though it came from such theories. (3) Government might
Turkey, they were putting all these bin a third, independent party. itself engage in counterspeech,
Ladens on NATO planes. People and “Sunstein’s response to these marshaling arguments to discredit
weapons went one way, drugs came criticisms is easy to find in what conspiracy theories. (4) Government
back. he writes, and is as telling as the might formally hire credible private
GIRALDI: Was the US government proposal itself. He acknowledges that parties to engage in counterspeech.
aware of this circular deal? some “conspiracy theories” previously (5) Government might engage in
EDMONDS: 100 percent. A lot of dismissed as insane and fringe have informal communication with such
the drugs were going to Belgium on turned out to be entirely true (his parties, encouraging them to help.
NATO planes. After that, they went to examples: the CIA really did secretly Each instrument has a distinctive
the UK, and a lot came to the US via administer LSD in “mind control” set of potential effects, or costs
military planes to distribution centers experiments; the DoD really did plot and benefits, and each will have a
in Chicago and Paterson, New Jersey. the commission of terrorist acts place under imaginable conditions.
Turkish diplomats who would never be inside the US with the intent to blame However, our main policy idea is that
searched were coming with suitcases of Castro; the Nixon White House really government should engage in cognitive
heroin. did bug the DNC headquarters). Given infiltration of the groups that produce
Sibel Edmonds is the founder and president that history, how could it possibly conspiracy theories, which involves a
of the National Security Whistleblowers be justified for the US Government to mix of (3), (4) and (5).”
Coalition (NSWBC), a nonprofit organization institute covert programs designed to So Sunstein isn’t calling right
dedicated to aiding national security undermine anti-government “conspiracy now for having the Government “ban
whistleblowers. She has appeared on national theories,” discredit government conspiracy theorizing” or “impose
radio and TV as a commentator on matters
critics, and increase faith and some kind of tax on those who do it”
related to whistleblowers, national security,
A New Film from Alex Jones and excessive secrecy & classification, and trust in government pronouncements? — but he says “each will have a place
has been featured on CBS 60 Minutes, CNN, Because, says Sunstein, such powers under imaginable conditions.” I’d love
MSNBC, NPR, and in the New York Times, are warranted only when wielded by to know the “conditions” under which
Washington Post, Vanity Fair, The American truly well-intentioned government the government-enforced banning of
Conservative, and others. Edmonds co- officials who want to spread The Truth conspiracy theories or the imposition
authored, Shooting the Messenger, with and Do Good.”
Professor William Weaver (Kansas University
of taxes on those who advocate them
Sunstein is also a fan of illegal will “have a place.” That would
Press, 2010).
spying and radical presidential powers, require, at a bare minimum, a repeal
and despises alternative media as being of the First Amendment. Anyone who
“anti-democratic”. believes this should, for that reason
Back to Greenwald: alone, be barred from any meaningful
“What is most odious and revealing government position.
about Sunstein’s worldview is his You can read more of George Washington’s
condescending, self-loving belief blogs at www.georgewashington.blogspot.
that “false conspiracy theories” com/

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