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Neurología. 2020;xxx:xxx—xxx



Manual therapy in adults with tension-type headache:

a systematic review夽
C. Cumplido-Trasmonte a , P. Fernández-González b,c,∗ , I.M. Alguacil-Diego b,c ,
F. Molina-Rueda b,c

Centro Ecobody, Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain
Departamento de Fisioterapia, Terapia Ocupacional, Rehabilitación y Medicina Física, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud,
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain
Laboratorio de Análisis del Movimiento, Biomecánica, Ergonomía y Control Motor (LAMBECOM), Universidad Rey Juan Carlos,
Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain

Received 26 September 2017; accepted 1 December 2017

Tension-type Introduction: Tension-type headache is the most common primary headache, with a high preva-
headache; lence and a considerable socioeconomic impact. Manual physical therapy techniques are widely
Physiotherapy; used in the clinical field to treat the symptoms associated with tension-type headache. This
Rehabilitation; systematic review aims to determine the effectiveness of manual and non-invasive therapies in
Manual therapy; the treatment of patients with tension-type headache.
Treatment Development: We conducted a systematic review of randomised controlled trials in the fol-
lowing databases: Brain, PubMed, Web of Science, PEDro, Scopus, CINAHL, and Science Direct.
Ten randomised controlled trials were included for analysis. According to these studies, man-
ual therapy improves symptoms, increasing patients’ well-being and improving the outcome
measures analysed.
Conclusions: Manual therapy has positive effects on pain intensity, pain frequency, disability,
overall impact, quality of life, and craniocervical range of motion in adults with tension-type
headache. None of the techniques was found to be superior to the others; combining different
techniques seems to be the most effective approach.
© 2018 Sociedad Española de Neurologı́a. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

夽 Please cite this article as: Cumplido-Trasmonte C, Fernández-González P, Alguacil-Diego IM, Molina-Rueda F. Terapia manual en adultos

con cefalea tensional: revisión sistemática. Neurología. 2019.

∗ Corresponding author.

E-mail address: (P. Fernández-González).

2173-5808/© 2018 Sociedad Española de Neurologı́a. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (

NRLENG-1173; No. of Pages 11

2 C. Cumplido-Trasmonte et al.

PALABRAS CLAVE Terapia manual en adultos con cefalea tensional: revisión sistemática
Cefalea tensional;
Fisioterapia; Resumen
Rehabilitación; Introducción: La cefalea tensional es la cefalea primaria más usual, con una prevalencia ele-
Terapia manual; vada y unas consecuencias socioeconómicas de gran impacto. Las técnicas de terapia manual,
Tratamiento desde la fisioterapia, son muy utilizadas en el abordaje del conjunto de síntomas que puede
provocar. El propósito fue realizar una revisión sistemática sobre la efectividad de las terapias
manuales y no invasivas en el tratamiento de pacientes que presentan cefalea tensional en sus
actuales formas.
Desarrollo: Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura en busca de ensayos con-
trolados y aleatorizados. Se emplearon las siguientes bases de datos: Brain, PubMed, Web of
Science, PEDro, Scopus, CINHAL y Science Direct. Se analizaron 10 estudios, todos ellos ensayos
controlados y aleatorizados. Según los estudios individuales, la intervención logra mejorar
la clínica, aportando bienestar al paciente y mejorando las distintas medidas de resultado
Conclusiones: La terapia manual logra efectos positivos sobre la intensidad y la frecuencia del
dolor, la discapacidad, el impacto, la calidad de vida y el rango de movimiento craneocervical
en adultos con cefalea tensional. No se encuentra superioridad entre una técnica con respecto
a otra, siendo más efectivo el tratamiento combinado de estas.
© 2018 Sociedad Española de Neurologı́a. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. Este es un
artı́culo Open Access bajo la licencia CC BY-NC-ND (

Introduction Development
Tension-type headache (TTH) is defined as oppressive,
holocranial pain with few accompanying symptoms. TTH is Inclusion and exclusion criteria
the most prevalent primary headache.1
Episodic TTH (ETTH) may become chronic as a conse- We included studies meeting the following criteria: ran-
quence of the central sensitisation caused by prolonged domised clinical trials (RCT) including participants aged
nociceptive stimulation in myofascial tissues.2—5 Some between 18 and 65 years and diagnosed with TTH according
authors believe that peripheral sensitisation is the main to the International Headache Society criteria.22,23
cause of ETTH, whereas chronic TTH (CTTH) may be caused We searched for trials comparing interventions
by central sensitisation.5,6 with joint mobilisations or physical therapy,8,14,24
The efficacy of manual therapy (MT) in TTH seems evi- vertebral manipulation,9,10,12,13,25 soft tissue
dent. Numerous studies have found it to be effective in techniques, cranial techniques,26 or neu-
reducing headache frequency, intensity, and duration, with rodynamic techniques15 to a control group. Regarding
a positive influence on quality of life, disability, and cervical outcome measures, we included studies assessing any
range of motion.7—15 of the following variables with their main assessment
To date, several reviews have been conducted on the use instruments: pain frequency with a headache diary8,12—15 ;
of MT for TTH, the most recent dating from 20166 ; however, pain intensity with the visual analogue scale,8,12—15,26
the most recent study included in this review is from 2012. In pressure algometry,8,15,24 the Headache Index,24,26 and the
another review from 2014, all trials included were published McGill Pain Questionnaire12 ; disability with the Headache
prior to 2011.16 Some studies also include subjects with Disability Index (HDI)8,10,13 ; quality of life with the Short
migraine and neck pain.17 Another review published in 2015 Form-36 Health Survey14 and the Short Form-12 Health
only included studies comparing MT with pharmacological Survey9,25 ; cervical range of motion with the Cervical Range
treatment; furthermore, it only considered pain intensity, of Motion Device8,12,13 and goniometric measurements24 ;
frequency, and duration as outcome measures.18 Another impact of headache on daily life with the Headache
review, published in 2010, studied other pathological enti- Impact Test (HIT-6)8,13,15 ; and such other outcome mea-
ties in addition to TTH, and therefore did not address in sures as presence of photophobia10 or phonophobia,10
detail specific questions on this condition.19 Finally, several self-perceived improvement,8 and psychological aspects of
reviews20,21 have exclusively focused on MT with vertebral pain (Multidimensional Headache Locus of Control).14
manipulation. Therefore, there is a need for an updated sys- Exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) TTH was associated
tematic review specifically addressing the effects of MT on with some mechanical disorder, such as neck or shoulder
TTH. pain; (2) patients with other types of headache (migraine,
The aim of this systematic review is to assess the effec- cervicogenic headache, etc.) were included; and (3) study
tiveness of non-invasive MT in the treatment of patients with assessed invasive physiotherapy and pharmacological treat-
different types of TTH. ment interventions.
Manual therapy in adults with tension-type headache 3

Number of articles identified by searching several databases

N = 84


n = 18 n = 13 n = 17 n =8 n = 14 n =7 Direct

No. articles after

keyword search
+ type of No. articles after No. articles after
physiotherapy + No. articles after keyword search No. articles after keyword search No. articles after No. articles after
languages + keyword search + type of clinical keyword search + filter by year + keyword search keyword search
type of clinical + type of clinical trial + filter by + type of clinical type of clinical + filter by + filter by year +
trial + term trial year trial trial clinical trial TTH
“TTH” + filter
by year

Number of articles after elimination

of duplicates from different databases
n = 46

Total number of studies

n = 22 were not RCT
n = 13 included
with conditions other
than TTH
n = 1 did not include

Full-text articles included in

this review
n = 10

Figure 1 Flow chart showing the article selection process.

MT: manual therapy; RCT: randomised clinical trial; TTH: tension-type headache; WoS: Web of Science.

Search strategy level of evidence and degree of recommendation. We used

the PRISMA guidelines30 to assess the quality of reviews.
The search was conducted from September to November
2016. We selected studies published in English or Spanish
between 2000 and 2016. We searched the Brain, PubMed,
Web of Science, PEDro, Scopus, CINAHL, and ScienceDi- Results
rect databases, using the following search strategy: (1)
‘‘tension-type headache’’; (2) ‘‘manual therapy’’; and (3) Description of studies
‘‘tension-type headache’’ AND ‘‘manual therapy.’’
Of the 84 studies identified, we excluded 38 duplicate stud-
ies and 36 studies that did not meet the inclusion criteria
Review methodology
(Fig. 1).2,16,17,31—41,42—62 Data were extracted from 10 articles
(Table 1):
Studies were selected on the basis of the title and abstracts
obtained in the electronic searches; full texts of potentially
relevant studies were reviewed by 2 reviewers. After identi- - Five studies (240 participants) compared suboccipital
fying the articles meeting our inclusion criteria, we assessed soft tissue inhibition with articulatory technique and
their methodological quality with the CASP guidelines27,28 occiput—atlas—axis global manipulation, the combination
for clinical trials; the Oxford scale29 was used to specify the of both techniques, and a control group.9,10,12,13,25

Table 1 Summary of the study results.
Article Type of intervention Treatment duration Outcome measures Experimental protocol Main results
Hanten et al.26 (2000) 3 groups: One session for each Headache Index G1: n = 20; G2: n = 20; G3: No significant differences between
G1: CV-4 group VAS n = 20 (no characteristic groups at the end of treatment. G1
G2: resting supine 10 min differences between presented a greater improvement
position groups) than G2 and G3 (P < .05).
G3: no treatment Assessment after treatment
(immediate effects)
No drop-outs reported
Demirturk et al.24 2 groups: 20 sessions, 4 weeks, Headache diary including G1: n = 18; G2: n = 17 Significant improvement in both

(2002) G1: superficial heat, 30 min frequency, intensity, and 100% women groups (P < .01) and in HI, CROM, and
connective tissue HI Assessment after treatment intensity (P > .05). No significant
manipulation Active CROM and at one month differences between groups.
G2: superficial heat, PPT 5 explained drop-outs (both
massage, and Cyriax’s groups with n = 15)
vertebral mobilisation
Van Ettekoven and 2 groups: Sessions: 20 min, 6 weeks Headache diary CG: n = 42; CT: n = 38 At 6 weeks of follow-up, the CTP
Lucas14 (2006) CG: conventional VAS Drop-out rate of 3.7% group showed a significant
physiotherapy SF-36 Assessment after treatment improvement in pain frequency
CTP: conventional MHLC Scale and at 6 months (P = .0001), intensity (P = .001), and
physiotherapy with duration (P = .01); and quality of life
craniocervical training (P < .001).
Castien et al.8 (2011) 2 groups: 9 sessions, 30 min Headache diary MT: n = 41 At 8 weeks:
MT: combination of VAS UC: n = 41 A 50% reduction in headache
mobilisations, exercises, HDI No significant differences frequency was observed in 87.5% of
and posture correction HIT-6 between groups patients in the MT group and 27.5% in
UC: usual care by CROM device Assessment at 8 and 26 the UC group. Favourable changes in
general practitioner Algometry weeks the remaining variables in the MT
Neck flexor muscle 7 participants were lost to group.
endurance follow-up (3 in the MT group

C. Cumplido-Trasmonte et al.
Self-perceived and 4 in the UC group) At 26 weeks:
improvement A 50% reduction in headache was
observed in 81.6% of the patients in
the MT group and 40.5% in the UC
group. Smaller but still positive
effects in the MT group.
Manual therapy in adults with tension-type headache

Table 1 (Continued)
Article Type of intervention Treatment duration Outcome measures Experimental protocol Main results
Espí-López and 4 groups: 4 sessions, 20 min, 4 CROM device G1: n = 20; G2: n = 22; G3: In the weekly record, G3 showed a
Gómez-Conesa12 G1: manual therapy: weeks McGill Pain n = 20; CG: n = 22 significant improvement in frequency
(2014) suboccipital soft tissue Questionnaire Assessment after treatment until the end of the study. Intensity
inhibition VAS and at one month. 4 was reduced in G2 and G3. Neck
G2: occiput—atlas—axis Headache diary drop-outs (2 in G2 and 2 in extension improved in G1 and G2, but
global manipulation CG) improvements did not persist at one
G3: combination of 1 and month of follow-up. Left lateral neck
2 flexion notably improved in G2; the
CG: no treatment improvement persisted at one month
of follow-up. All treatments
improved left and right rotation;

these improvements persisted at one
month of follow-up in G1 and G2.
Espí-López et al.13 4 groups: 4 sessions, 20 min, 4 HIT-6 G1: n = 20; G2: n = 22; G3: Short-term effects on HIT-6 scores in
(2014) G1: manual therapy: weeks HDI n = 20; CG: n = 22 G2, and in all treatment groups at
suboccipital soft tissue VAS Assessment after treatment one month.
inhibition CROM-device and at one month G2 and G3 showed the greatest
G2: occiput—atlas—axis Headache diary 4 drop-outs (2 in G2 and 2 in improvements in HDI score; all
global manipulation CG) groups, including the CG, showed
G3: combination of 1 and improvements during follow-up.
2 ROM improved in all 4 groups, but
CG: no treatment improvements only persisted in the
treatment groups.
Frequency and intensity showed
greater improvements in G2 and G3.
Espí-López et al.10 4 groups: 4 sessions, 20 min, 4 HDI G1: n = 19; G2: n = 19; G3: All 3 treatment groups showed
(2014) G1: manual therapy: weeks Photophobia n = 19; CG: n = 19 significant differences on the
suboccipital soft tissue Phonophobia Assessment after treatment emotional subscale; the greatest
inhibition Pericranial tension and at one month effect was observed in G3.
G2: occiput—atlas—axis No drop-outs reported G3 showed significant reductions in
global manipulation frequency of pericranial tension,
G3: combination of 1 and photophobia, and phonophobia; the
2 remaining groups did not show any of
CG: no treatment these improvements.
In all items of the HDI, G3 showed
greater improvements than G1 and
CG. The best results on the
functional scale were observed in G2.
In terms of severity, G2 showed
greater improvements than G1 and

Table 1 (Continued)

Article Type of intervention Treatment duration Outcome measures Experimental protocol Main results
Monzani et al. 4 groups: 4 sessions, 20 min, 4 4 items of the SF-12 G1: n = 20; G2: n = 20; G3: All treatments showed a great
(2016) G1: manual therapy: weeks n = 20; CG: n = 20 positive impact on the participants’
suboccipital soft tissue Assessment after treatment quality of work life.
inhibition and at one month Treatment with an inhibitory
G2: occiput—atlas—axis No drop-outs reported technique lead to higher reported
global manipulation quality of work life in participants
G3: combination of 1 and with low frequency of work
2 presenteeism; in contrast,
CG: no treatment manipulative treatment was more
effective in improving the quality of
work life when the frequency of work
presenteeism was high or very high.

Espí-López et al.9 4 groups: 4 sessions, 20 min, 4 SF-12 G1: n = 19; G2: n = 19; G3: No changes to quality of life were
(2016) G1: manual therapy: weeks n = 19; CG: n = 19 observed in any group but in G1,
suboccipital soft tissue Assessment after treatment which showed a medium-sized effect
inhibition and at one month during follow-up (0.51).
G2: occiput—atlas—axis No drop-outs reported All groups but CG showed
global manipulation improvements in bodily pain and
G3: combination of 1 and social functioning.
2 Vitality showed greater improvement
CG: no treatment in G3, with an effect size of 0.79.
All treatment groups showed
improvements in their emotional
Mental health was significantly
improved in G2 after treatment and
in G2 and G3 at one month of
follow-up. The frequency of feelings
of discouragement and depression
only improved in G3, in both
Ferragut-Garcías 4 groups: 6 sessions, 15 min, 4 PPT A: n = 25; B: n = 25; C: Intensity and frequency notably

C. Cumplido-Trasmonte et al.
et al.15 (2017) A: placebo superficial weeks Headache diary n = 25; D = 25 improved in all groups but group A
massage VAS Assessment after treatment (P < .001). Combined treatment
B: soft tissue techniques HIT-6 and at one month (group D) showed the greatest effect.
C: neurodynamics 3 unexplained drop-outs Group A showed lower values in all
D: combination of B and outcome measures (P < .001).
C HIT-6: decrease of 13.1%, 13.5%, and
16.3% vs baseline in groups B, C, and
D, respectively.
CG: control group; CROM: cervical range of movement; CV-4: compression of the fourth ventricle; G1: group 1; G2: group 2; G3: group 3; G4: group 4; HDI: Headache Disability Index;
HI: Headache Index; HIT-6: Headache Impact Test; MHLC: Multidimensional Headache Locus of Control; MT: manual therapy; PPT: pressure pain threshold; SF-12: Short Form-12 Health
Survey; SF-36: Short Form-36 Health Survey; VAS: visual analogue scale.
Manual therapy in adults with tension-type headache 7

- One study (97 participants) compared soft tissue tech- was observed in the group performing craniocervical exer-
niques with neuromobilisations, a combination of both, cises, posture retraining, and passive mobilisations based
and placebo superficial massage.15 on the Maitland® method.14 Quality of life in the profes-
- One study (35 participants) compared soft tissue tech- sional domain improved especially in the group undergoing
niques with Cyriax’s vertebral mobilisation.24 soft tissue techniques.
- One study (81 participants) compared craniocervical The HIT-6 was used in 3 trials, obtaining statistically sig-
flexion exercises with a latex band combined with con- nificant improvements over baseline values.8,13,15
ventional physiotherapy techniques including massage With regard to secondary outcome measures, one article
techniques with frictions; mobilisations based on the analysed the presence of photophobia and phonophobia,10
Maitland® method and cervical, dorsal, and lumbar-pelvic reporting improvements in the group receiving combined
posture retraining; and a control group undergoing con- therapy of soft tissue inhibition plus cervical manipulation.
ventional physiotherapy.14 Self-perceived improvement after treatment was assessed in
- One study (82 participants) compared MT techniques, one study; the MT group showed significant long- and short-
exercises, and posture retraining to usual care by the gen- term improvement.8 One study14 analysed the psychological
eral practitioner.8 aspects of pain using the Multidimensional Headache Locus
- One study (60 participants) compared the resting supine of Control scale.65,66
position to the CV-4 technique and a control group.26
Methodological quality
All studies included participants with TTH, 2 studies
included adults with CTTH only,8,24 and the remaining stud- We contacted Espí-López9,10,12,13,25 and Oliva-Pascual-Vaca15
ies included both patients with CTTH and patients with to clarify some issues related to the blinding of
ETTH.9,10,12—15,25,26 therapists12,13 and the participant selection process9,10,12,13
Intervention duration was 4 weeks in 7 in order to assess methodological quality. Only the first
studies,9,10,12,13,15,24,25 more than 6 weeks in 2,8,14 and author provided the requested information.
only one session in one study.26 Session duration ranged All studies scored between 8 and 10 in the CASP guide-
from 10 to 20 minutes in 8 studies,9,10,12—15,25,26 and lines (Table 2). The Oxford scale was used to assess both the
30 minutes in 2 studies.8,24 level of evidence and the degree of recommendation. All
A third assessment to observe long-term effects was only studies were classified with a level of evidence 2B, with the
conducted in 3 studies.8,14,15 exception of one, which was classified 1B.
Regarding drop-outs, 2 studies reported no drop-outs9,10
Synthesis of results and there were explained drop-outs in 312,13,24 and unex-
plained drop-outs in another 3 studies.8,14,15 Finally, no
mention was made of drop-outs in 2 studies.25,26
The most widely used outcome measures in the studies
reviewed were intensity8,12—15,26 and frequency8,12—15 of TTH.
All trials used a headache self-report or diary and the
visual analogue scale to measure these variables. Further- Discussion
more, several studies also used pressure algometry,8,15,24 the
Headache Index,24,26 and the McGill Pain Questionnaire.12 The aim of this systematic review was to assess the effec-
All the studies reported significant improvements after tiveness of MT in patients with TTH by gathering and
the intervention with regard to the control group. Com- critically analysing RCTs.
bined therapy with different MT techniques had a larger All the studies analysed show positive results in patients
effect.12,13,15 A study based on a craniocervical exercise receiving physiotherapy with MT. This review only includes
programme showed a significant, long-lasting reduction in patients diagnosed with TTH according to the International
frequency and intensity.14 Headache Society criteria.
Four studies analysed changes in craniocervical range All but one24 of the studies used an adequate sample size
of motion,8,12,13,24 with 3 using the CROM device8,12,13 ; (≥ 60 participants). However, methodological flaws were
results were better in the groups treated with manipulation present in several studies, justifying cautious interpreta-
techniques.12,13 tion of the results. Firstly, only 3 trials were considered
Three studies used the HDI. All treatment groups showed double-blind12,13,15 ; no blinding is mentioned or only par-
significant improvements in overall HDI scores. Total HDI ticipants were blinded in the remaining studies. Secondly,
score showed greater improvements with combined ther- only one study8 calculated confidence intervals to deter-
apy of manipulation techniques plus suboccipital soft tissue mine the precision of the effect on the clinical findings.
inhibition in 2 studies.10,13 In one study, improvements only Another important consideration was the similarity of the
persisted at 8 weeks in the group that received cervical groups at the beginning of the study: 2 trials did not describe
manipulation.13 the groups,25,26 which may have led to a confounding effect,
Three studies assessed participants’ quality of life using for instance sex differences: some authors have found that
the Short Form-36 Health Survey and its abbreviated ver- women present a better response to physiotherapy than do
sion, the Short Form-12 Health Survey (Spanish-language men, and that patients with CTTH respond better than those
version).63,64 One of these focused on quality of life with with ETTH.67
regard to professional life,25 using only 4 items from the In terms of outcome measures, most studies reported
Short Form-12 Health Survey. The greatest improvement improved scores on the visual analogue scale.8,12—15,26 All

Table 2 CASP scale.
Study (A) Are the (B) What were (C) Will the Total
results of the the results? results help me
study valid? in caring for my
Clearly Random All Blinding Similar Groups Effect Precision Applicability Clinically Justified
defined alloca- patients of groups at treated size of esti- to the relevant risks/costs
question tion consid- patients, start of equally mated local results and

ered asses- trial effect popula- benefit
sors, and tion
Hanten et al.26 (2000) 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 9/11
Demirturk et al.24 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 8/11
Van Ettekoven and 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 8/11
Lucas14 (2006)
Castien et al.8 (2011) 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10/11
Espí-López and 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 10/11
Espí-López et al.13 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 9/11
Espí-López et al.10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 10/11
Monzani et al.25 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 8/11
Espí-López et al.9 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 8/11

C. Cumplido-Trasmonte et al.
Ferragut-Garcías 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 10/11
et al.15 (2017)
0 = no; 1 = yes.
Manual therapy in adults with tension-type headache 9

studies assessing headache frequency reported significant Conflicts of interest

improvements. It should be noted that 3 studies analysing
the disability caused by TTH showed significant improve- The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
ments in the HDI, which has good psychometric properties in
the study of headache.68,69 The Spanish version of the tool70
was used in one study.13
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