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for Engineers 135 CHAPTER Iv WAVE MOTION Wave motion : types of w, /aves- andi motion-some definitions connected Sine and longitudinal wave i , a ‘ave motion-Expression for a plane progressive wave-Differential equation of wave ‘pl ess ”, Sor ; yelocity-Phase or wave velocity-Energy motion-Rarticle . , densit i wave-Energy current-intensity of a wave. ” of a plane progressive 4.1 Wave motion-types of waves momentum from one point in Space to another without the transport of matter. For example, water waves, sound waves, light waves md nudes medium is necessary, there is In the case of light and radi necessary. Thus wave motion no bulk motion of the intervening medium. | 0 waves, no intervening medium is at all may be divided into two broad categories, (i) Mechanical wave motion : This sort of wave motion is possible only in media (solid, liquid or gas) which possess intertia as well as elasticity. Water waves and sound waves are examples of A : | this type of wave motion and are, therefore, referred to as | mechanical waves. (ii) Electromagnetic (or non-mechanical) wave motion : No material medium is necessary for the propagation of this sort of wave motion. Light and radio waves which can travel through empty \ space, belong to this category and are, therefore, referred to as non- mechanical or electromagnetic waves. As sound waves are mechanical waves, ahly mechanical type of wave motion — to be referred simply as wave motion from now on, will be discussed in this chapter. | Production and propagation of wave motion The production and propagation of wave motion fa ene Which possesses elasticity and inertia will now be pee Hi No. eave of an elastic medium can be disturbed without Sa aa ae neighbour and, tending to recover its original position; it Hirst $$ 136 . d then converts it back into kine CO ng particle which has thus been disturbed if Oy Se aaeain so that each successive Particle repeats, a movements of its predecessor a little later than it and then nat the same on to its successor. This results In a transference ofa particle to particle all along the line. One complete Oscilatgy particle of the medium obviously produces one single wa Ve Ora. i i i Wi and its repeated periodic motion, a succession of waves or a Wavetriy A wave motion may thus be defined as.a dist condition that travels onwards through a medium due t periodic motion of its particles about their mean positions, each particle repeating the movements of it little later than it and handing it on to its successor, regular phase difference between one particle and th Urbance 4. 0 the repeny or equilibrng IS Predecessy, So that there; € next. It must be clearly understood {{ motion is only a state of motion of the wave motion hat what is propagated in a way '¢ matter — not the matter itself. Th is a form of dynamic Condition, arising out of the vibratix point to the other Point in the medium. Accordit to the laws of physics, any dynamic condition ii 4 is related to momentun and energy. Thus, in conclusion, it may be Said that in wave molisi momentum and energy are tr, cansfe a ferred or propagated. It is not a case Propagation of matter as a whole. The simplest type of urs, the simple harmon eae Motion performed by a particle is, f thenen ane simple harmonic motion. The cement ae therefore, called a simple harmoni Ponding wave mot the most general type © oF sinusoidal wave motion, This # of wave moti following discussion, on and will be dealt with in th It may be emphasized again that but. pie but for th ; i and inertia, it would not have been Pate “For erties of | eee produced in or propagated through 9 ware motion ee these two properties in fact ine the velocity gp Vil! be seen lates, t determi A wave may te, of propagation of the wave motion through the medium, mn : . 7 vel 7 " over fairly large distances. In order that the eo, pie qeoueh A eee fae 80 without a in its amplitude, a attenuation (ie., without any decrease y medium should * '@ third property medium. As is also necessary, viz., that the tould offer the ton se resistance S038 noo unduly damp the periodie oer! OF the prcttonal icles. for Engineers A wave motion which Progresses on with energy transferreg across ravelling or a pro 1 Motion js called a standing op Stationary Wave moti, onward movement of the *Ve motion thro: hence no transference of energy across an; 137 s: sect igh a medium, - ect i Bressive wave a Wards, throu it, is called a - h it from what ich there is no gh the medium and Y Section of jt, 4.2 Transverse and longitudinal Wave motion f wave Motion ; longitudinal, (i) Transverse wave Motion particles of the medium equilibrium position in a propagation of the wave therefore travels in the for an adjoining trough makin: waves make up a wavetrai There are two dist Nct types o (i) transverse ang (ii) In transverse Wave motion, the Oscillate up and down about their mean or direction at Tight angles to the direction of motion itself. This form of wave motion 'm of crests and troughs with one crest and & Up one wave (Fig. 4.1). A Succession of in. Fig. 4.1 , i lasticity motion is possible in media which Cece aaiee is Ys mmorpg Satine ata donot ave motion. ion is still possible in meee pierre transverse a eee i resisting them because they possess another aa i keeping their level). Gases "NY Vertical displacement of their particles do they resist any bias however, Possess neither rigidity porns lovels). A transverse way “isplacement of their particles (or ele medium. Motion ‘s, there fore, not possible in a gaseous 1s4 { GY 2RBV ong 2m vt—x) dt a Differentiating the above expression again with Tes 2, 2.2 ‘oy, giy eae VS a sin 2 (tex) he dt? 2 a sy a (1 Similarly, differentiating eqn. (4.2) with Fespect to, Rey of the displacement curve (also Teferred to as strain or compre sip, __2R, mn (vt=x) " dx x x Differentiating the above expression again wi i : ith Fespecty get the rate of change of compression with distance 7 2, 2 4 A Sy 4m a sin 2% (t-x) dt? 2 a (4.14) (4.5 Eqn. (4.15) is referred to as the differential equation of aps one-dimensional Progressive wave, The general differential equ wave moiion can be written as orv= JK i Pen dec Any equation of this form can unhesitatingly ty oft represent a plane, progressive harmonic wave, the ie. is given by the Square root of the co-efficient of dy jr bine 155 Py/dx? gives th ow d'y/dx’ gives the rate of change — ba ie., the curvature of the displace of compression with iste ‘ment curve. Hence, the geet equation as given by eqn. (4.15) may be interpreted to al mean ‘ _ 2 Particle acceleration at a point (2 }. : dt ayy? e (wavs velocity)’ [v"] x curvature of the displacement curve at , y the point [ nm 1 427 Particle velocity and wave velocity The equation of a harmonic plane progressive wave is given by «On =asin — (vt— y a tox) where y = displacement of a particle of the medium at a distance x from the origin and at an instant of time t. a= amplitude v = wave (or phase) velocity. Differentiating the above equation with respect to time, we have particle velocity, dy _2nav 2m u=2= cos *(vt-x dt rio a (ax) : , a 2na The maximum value of the particle velocity is Umax = ——— + V. h . 2na ; or, maximum particle velocity = a X (wave velocity) (4.16) The acceleration of the particle is given by de 2.2 - [: sin 2 (n-»)| 2 aye Sy in (ux) i i when The acceleration 1 maximum Vea nce the maximum acceleration Her v rm n indicates that the ACCEleratign «| The minus sig) on | towards its mean position. i Now differentiating eqn. (4.2) with respect to x, i | | | the slope of the displacement curve (also referre to . 4 compression). Ni dy 288 ogg 2% (yt peat (wx) . oI From eqns. (4.16) and (4.18), we get dy dy ee Hl can dx a Thus, particle velocity at a point = — (wave velocity) x displacement curve at that point Example 4.7 A train of simple harmonic waves is te: a gas along the positive direction of the x-axis, with ©: equal to 2 cm, velocity 300 metres/sec and frequency 400.6 the displacement, particle velocity and particle acoeent distance of 4 cm from the origin after an interval of 58 Soln. (i) displacement (y) ~neig 2h yea sin (vt x) zit Here a=2 em, v= 300 m/s = 3 x 10! exis, 2= 75 em, x= 4 em, 1= 5 see, aero 137 ‘ . 2a y=2sin 5 BX 10*x 5 ~ 4) paw ot =2 = x 14999 sin (= 6) =2 sin (27 x 1999.9) =2 sin (1999 x 2n +0.9 x 2n) = 2 sin (1.8n) sin (x + 0.8) =-2 sin (0.8n) = 22 sin (0.81 x 82 yo =~ 9 gin 144° X = —2 sin (180 - 144)° =-2sin36° | =-2 x 0.5878 =- Thus, the displacement of the particle at a distance of 4 cm fom the origin, after an interval of 5 seconds is — 1.1756 em. (ii) particle velocity (U) a an en (vt — x) dt ok dt As we have seen in (i) sin 2® (vt—x) = sin 36°. X Hence = (vt - x) = 36° 4 = 2nx3x10" ¥9 x 0,809 75 ‘ = 28x3x10" 59 x 0.809 75 = 4068 cm/sec = 40.68 m/sec. 1s4 { GY 2RBV ong 2m vt—x) dt a Differentiating the above expression again with Tes 2, 2.2 ‘oy, giy eae VS a sin 2 (tex) he dt? 2 a sy a (1 Similarly, differentiating eqn. (4.2) with Fespect to, Rey of the displacement curve (also Teferred to as strain or compre sip, __2R, mn (vt=x) " dx x x Differentiating the above expression again wi i : ith Fespecty get the rate of change of compression with distance 7 2, 2 4 A Sy 4m a sin 2% (t-x) dt? 2 a (4.14) (4.5 Eqn. (4.15) is referred to as the differential equation of aps one-dimensional Progressive wave, The general differential equ wave moiion can be written as orv= JK i Pen dec Any equation of this form can unhesitatingly ty oft represent a plane, progressive harmonic wave, the ie. is given by the Square root of the co-efficient of dy jr bine 155 Py/dx? gives th ow d'y/dx’ gives the rate of change — ba ie., the curvature of the displace of compression with iste ‘ment curve. Hence, the geet equation as given by eqn. (4.15) may be interpreted to al mean ‘ _ 2 Particle acceleration at a point (2 }. : dt ayy? e (wavs velocity)’ [v"] x curvature of the displacement curve at , y the point [ nm 1 427 Particle velocity and wave velocity The equation of a harmonic plane progressive wave is given by «On =asin — (vt— y a tox) where y = displacement of a particle of the medium at a distance x from the origin and at an instant of time t. a= amplitude v = wave (or phase) velocity. Differentiating the above equation with respect to time, we have particle velocity, dy _2nav 2m u=2= cos *(vt-x dt rio a (ax) : , a 2na The maximum value of the particle velocity is Umax = ——— + V. h . 2na ; or, maximum particle velocity = a X (wave velocity) (4.16) The acceleration of the particle is given by de 2.2 - [: sin 2 (n-»)| 2 aye Sy in (ux) i i when The acceleration 1 maximum Vea nce the maximum acceleration Her v rm n indicates that the ACCEleratign «| The minus sig) on | towards its mean position. i Now differentiating eqn. (4.2) with respect to x, i | | | the slope of the displacement curve (also referre to . 4 compression). Ni dy 288 ogg 2% (yt peat (wx) . oI From eqns. (4.16) and (4.18), we get dy dy ee Hl can dx a Thus, particle velocity at a point = — (wave velocity) x displacement curve at that point Example 4.7 A train of simple harmonic waves is te: a gas along the positive direction of the x-axis, with ©: equal to 2 cm, velocity 300 metres/sec and frequency 400.6 the displacement, particle velocity and particle acoeent distance of 4 cm from the origin after an interval of 58 Soln. (i) displacement (y) ~neig 2h yea sin (vt x) zit Here a=2 em, v= 300 m/s = 3 x 10! exis, 2= 75 em, x= 4 em, 1= 5 see, aero 137 ‘ . 2a y=2sin 5 BX 10*x 5 ~ 4) paw ot =2 = x 14999 sin (= 6) =2 sin (27 x 1999.9) =2 sin (1999 x 2n +0.9 x 2n) = 2 sin (1.8n) sin (x + 0.8) =-2 sin (0.8n) = 22 sin (0.81 x 82 yo =~ 9 gin 144° X = —2 sin (180 - 144)° =-2sin36° | =-2 x 0.5878 =- Thus, the displacement of the particle at a distance of 4 cm fom the origin, after an interval of 5 seconds is — 1.1756 em. (ii) particle velocity (U) a an en (vt — x) dt ok dt As we have seen in (i) sin 2® (vt—x) = sin 36°. X Hence = (vt - x) = 36° 4 = 2nx3x10" ¥9 x 0,809 75 ‘ = 28x3x10" 59 x 0.809 75 = 4068 cm/sec = 40.68 m/sec. 158 _ (dy ; (iii) particle acceleration a dt? x 4n2y? 22 @y __4nV" a sin 2% (vt x) 2 a (+ y = 1.1756) = 7.429 x 10° cm/sec”, Example 4.8. Which of the following are Solutions dimensional wave equation? (i) y =x? + v'P, (ii) y = Pov (x— vy’, (iy) y = 7x— 101, (v) y = 2 sin x cos vt and (vi) y = sind ! () yer sve Differentiating with respect to t, we get YY Loy dt : Differentiating again, oy =2y? It Now differentiating with respect to x, YY Loy dx a. Differentiating again, SY = 2, dx? Clearly, 2v? = v°.(2) 2, 2. oy_ ye dy dt K< or, 7 sions! which is the differential equation of a one-dimen frBnsinere 159 gxpression (i) is, therefore, a Solution of the one-dimensional ave equation, w di) ye v.82 differentiating with respect to t Ye ayy dt ay 2 —>=-2v’, and at differentiating with Tespect to x 2. Yoox ang 2Y dx dx? Now - 2v? # v?. (2) @y oy dy Hence —= 4 y?, SY dt? dt? Expression (ii) is, therefore, dimensional wave equation, (iii) y=(x- wt? not a solution of the one- =x -2xvtt ve differentiating with respect tot 9 ows ovat dt ae and 2Y'_ yz, dt? differentiating with respect to x dy = =2x- dx 2x 2vt 2 ang VY _ dx? . Now av? = v2.) nneaiatinmeananee sxpression wncenaton fin yo x 108 srrenetating with spect 4. toad #2 =0 dt dt ith respect (0 x 2 X27 and SY =0 differentiating ax" dx Now, 0= v?x (0) on Payee td * ae? dx? Expression (iv) is, therefore, a solution of one-dines wave equation. (vy =2sin x cos vt differentiating with respect to 4 4 = sin x. v.sin vt dt nd LY and Tz =72 sin x v?.cosvt = ~v2y differentiating with respect to x : dy 2 cos x cos ix X cos vi ~2sin x cos vt Y=Vcy) on ae expression (¥) is therefore, 2 solution uation cai vi) ¥ = sin 2x C08 vt differentiating with respect tot AY __ sin 2x. v,sin vt differentiating with respect to x 9¥ <2 cos 2x cos vt ax 2, and 2% =~4sin 2x cos vt dx? =—4-y Now-v.y#-4 “y o, PY yyy at? dx? Expression (vi) is therefore not a soluti equation, Fee eee ee Eee 48. Distribution of velocity and pressur ‘The general equation of a plane pri y= asin 2% (vt=x) and the particle velocity dy _ 2nav Qn U = it 688 (vt foe engines io dy yey of, cc. “dx? Expression (v) is therefore, a solution of one-dimensional wave equation. (vi) y=sin 2x cos vt differentiating with respect to t dy —=- sin 2x. v.sin vt dt 2. and Ge =sin 2x.v?,cosvt=—v4y. It differentiating with respect to x Sy > cos 2x cos vt " ' a 2 v z 2 g a and —> Expression (vi) is therefore not a solution of one dimensional wave equation, 48. Distribution of velocity and pressure in a plane progressive wave The general equation of a plane progressive wave is given by y=asin 2 (tx) (4.20) and the particle velocity dy _2nav ak Us cos 2 (vt-x) %y 2 «¢ of displacement with dist Mee ig te of chane' aie the som. If 2 is positive, i dium. If 5 #8 posits » We represents a. «strain inte ™ lax is negatives city of the me ives th a it is a region of compression dium is given by + The | rarefaction I Modulus of elast volume stress = Jolume strain change in pressure volume strain eae dyldx dy =-k|> or, dp (2) dy dp=K|-—. ce ( “) If dy/dx is negative, AP is +e, ie, it is a region of compression dyldx is positive, AP is negative, ie., itis a region of rarefaction. __ Differentiating the general equation of a plane. progressive ve with respect to distance dy_ 2a 2m Ra (vt-x) _2nKa 2m ED ry (vt-x) Fig: 4.4 shows the graphs for displacement, veloci i i i the grap| ispl: , vel ity and fh wwii pressure, In Fig, 4.4 (iii is the Nae 4.4 (il) dp represents the change in Press™" ai the propane bfessure which the medium cs in the at Pagation of the wave, Ca for Ens neers Ditection of Pr \. for Bnginee's a O'rection of Propagation a ‘Compression 163 we 1 A Physi rrent (intensity) of a i Plan 64 \ sity and energy gg snergy en progressiv wave , E ; in a progressive wave Motig, already be ie has alreaty Pom the * i assed on from particl «mission of energy across x to e term density of a plane progress ti jal) energy Per unit volume ar e wave iS passing: the sion for enerey density, let us st wave, which is ant wave me medium throu In order to with the equation ©! 2n = (vt-% in x ) res: ‘obtain an xP! 7 gressive fa plane pr y=asi where the symbols have their usual meanings. Then the velocity of the particle, (4.21) and the acceleration of the particle, anv. On : asin 7 (vt-x) Ly (4.22) kinetic energy per unit volume Let us consi i extremely thin Mihi ot be maton te medium in the form of the medium parallel to the wavefront. Now is bein density is ity is mass per uw i considered here, per unit volume and since unit volume 'S Mass of th e e element = p, the density of the medium. Again, since , since the layer is very thin, the veloci icles h relocity of all the are ty of PF wi in it may be asst sumed volume of the medhan be the same. Thus, the kinetic eners” , ic ener’ 1 7 (mass) (velocity)? 165 1 2 a> -p-U 2 1. f2mav (2m VP za X cos 7 »| 2,22 aly 2 | 2n 2 +P. 608 [2 (-} (4.23) potential energy per unit volume Now, the work done per unit volume for a small displacement dy ofthe layer = force x displacement. force = mass x acceleration dy =px Cardi [the minus sign in the expression. for d’y/dt? which merely indicates the direction of the force has been ignored]. Hence work done per unit volume for a small displacement dy of the layer, _ 4v'p or ydy Then, the total work done when the layer is displaced from 0 to y, ut y 4n2v2p 4n?v’p Y “ha ydy=— ah ydy in the medi 4 tbe stored up in Hum jn is work mus! nh thi th 166 ' obviously» tential enerey* of po! Hence, ay (PE) BO unit volume of the mediun | Potential enel ‘on | _2n2v'D 4? sin? [? (-x) (ay a | energy density P nit volume of the medj the total energy per unl” N° oa ium op dont of the plane progressive wave, E=KE.+Pp''% ene 2,22 Qn «2 2m on B= [eos (a=x)+sin ‘hi (n-») | 2,2 Ae (4.25) # v y 2 2| =2n*|—| .p.a on (3) iG = 2n'n’a’p (4.26) where n = v/2 is the frequency of the wave. It is interesting to note that although both kinetic and poten energies of the wave depend upon the values of x and {, its total eng or the energy density is quite independent of either. 4.10 Energy current — intensity of a wave ns (425 length nei In case the cross-section of the beam be unity, expressio and (4.26) give the total energy of the beam or the wave per mnil ___ If vis the velocity of the wave, then a new length v of the is set into motion every second; therefore, the energy transfert ad ald oa ed energy contained in length v. This rate ee peel area of cross-section of the wavefront 4° ol pa pi Propagation is called the energ current ( g ‘¢ wave and is obviously equal to E X v. roe Thus, the energy current of the energy flux ofa C= 22a’ py ergs/sec. cm?, Now the intensity of the waye ‘oy f I) is d it side eNET8) Per Uni area of th (I) is defined as the quantity of Wavefront per unit ti is game as the energy current or the energy flux ofthe ae ons the 167 Plane progressive wave, Hence 1=29n’a' py As can be seen from relation (4.27), proportional to the square of the amplitude of t] (4.28) intensity of a wave is he wave, i.e., | 00 a2, Since in a medium with little or no Jrictional resistance, a plane wave travels without attenuation, i.e., with its amplitude undiminished, the intensity of the wave remains the Same throughout, 411 Distribution of energy in a Plane progressive wave The manner in which the total energy of a plane progressive wave, ascalculated in Art. 4.4, is distributed over a complete wavelength will now be investigated. The average K. E, over a complete wavelength is given by 2.2, anv 2 cos? 2 (vt-x) dx vy 2,2,2 = Rata = eg. [sos (-»)] dx [vine =n] 2. Now feos 4 (vt—x) dx ° a 4 a [ie Fo-9f . An [si a (vw -a)=sin = a] al» al> vy wwe ae 168 A] (4m 4a Tae [x (# v4) sin - “| k =0 Therefore, the average K. E. of the wave Over a com, | y _ 2n?n2a2pn Pre vay ary \ =wna 2 (425 1 = = total energy. 2 By: Similarly, it can be shown that the avera Be PLE. of th complete wavelength Wave, =17n?a2p =} total energy. (43 | Thus, at any given instant, the energy of a plane progress harmonic wave is, on the average, half kinetic and half potential nj ee Example 4.9. A source of sound has am amplitude of 0.25 ne a frequency of 512 Hz. If the velocity of sound in air is 340 msaai density of air is 0.00129 gm/cm’, what is the rate of flow of ent square cm? Soln. Total energy per unit volume n=512Hz _ = energy density = 2n°n?a’p Rate of flow of energy per sq. cm. . = 34000 ems = Energy density x v nt 222 p = 0.00129 8! =2n'n’a’pv = (2) (3.14)? (512)? (0.25)? (0.00129) (34000) A neers gansiner 1 21.417 x 107 ergsiom?, 5 co 21.417 J/em’s. example 4.10. The excess pressure in a travelling sound wave is given By the equation p ~ 1.5 sin ({(25/} (x ~ 3300}. where x and A geil metres, 7 is in seconds, and p is in Pascals. (i)What is the velocity agtie wave? (ii) If A= 2m, what is the frequency of the wave? (iii) what js the maximum pressure (pressure amplitude)? (iv) What is the 1 pressure aX =~ = mand t= 0? Soln. The standard equation of a wave is y=asin [2nn (t- ~ v The given equation can be written in this form as 2-15 sin (2m (22) 30) (the minus sign is only a phase difference) Comparing the two equations, we get (i) v=330 mis. 330 (i) n= x = Ayo Na= 165 Ha. (iii) py = 1.5 Pa (pressure amplitude) I fo 330 at grits «| 9 330 | g_ (iv) p=- 1.5 sin| 27 2 330 nt = 15 sin = 0.75 Pa. a ers 153 = 0.00327 sin (72.1 x ~ 2.721) in which the numerical constants: are in SI units (0.00327 m, ai md and 2.72 rad/s). What are (i) the amplitude, (ii) ct (iii) period, (iv) wave number, (v) frequency, and (vi) ered of the wave? jr Bnd! ine y soln : The expression for a sinusoidal wave can also be written as y % 1) = Ym sin (kx — wt) where Ym is the amplitude of the wave. Comparison with the given equation gives (i) amplitude = 0.00327 m = 3,27 mm. Gi) k= 72.1 rad/m and w = 2.72 rad/s. Qn, _ 2m _Imrad k 72.1 rad/m = 0.0871 m= 8.71 cm. (iii) T (iv) wave nut 2 0.0871 m (&)"requency, n === | 20433 Be. T 231s ; 2.72 rad/s vi) Weldeity9 Trad! _ 9377 m/s WM) yee 72.1 rad/m =3.77 mls. 4.6 Differential equation of wave motion Differentiating the most general form of a simple harmonic wave y=asin 2 (wt=x) With respect to time, we get 152 Go =x)_ 6 Here n= 400, v = 480 m/s = 480 x 102 cm/sec, | 2x 400x(x, 480x107 = 10cm =0.1 m, (ii) Again, nthe phase angle at a point x from the origin aie in Fw —x) and the phase at the same point at time h 2a == (vb-x X (vb =x) phase or crenes at the point at times (t - t)) 8 T ae -x)-= = (vt x) 2av | © 7 (a= ti) = 2am (tb = ty) | Here t)~t, = 193 “. phase faeces: = 2x x 400 x 107 = 0.87 rad. = 144°, stl Jong Example 4, 6. described by , . veling a A sinusoidal wave traveling for Bneineers 1st = 0.2 cos 2n (6 x 2_ 120 60 ) = 0.2 cos 2x x 10 = 0.2 cm. Example 4.5. A plane progressive way cycles per second has a phase velocii apart are two points 30° difference between two disp sec apart? Soln. train of frequency 400 ity of 480 m/sec. (i) How far out of phase? (ii) What is the ‘phase lacements at a given point at times 10? The equation of a plane progressive wave is given by «20 =a sin — (vt-x) y a: G ) 2n F where ne (vt — x) is the phase angle of a point at a distance x from the origin at time t. i phase angle of a point at a distance x, from the origin at Fi 2n time t= — (vt- ime x (vt -x)) and phase angle of point at a distance x2 from the origin at time 2n ts Tt (vt = x2). Hence phase difference between the two points " Ft x) -F (tm) 2n _ 2av (x2-%) Tamm oy, (,-%) =2nn since % =n, the frequency of the wave. The phase difference between the two points 150 where 0 is the initial phase. my, = i t-— +6) = 0.2 sin 2x (6t~ = + 0) 360 — =6 60 ee where n= > (i) Nowy=Oatx=Oandt=0 0=0.2 sin 2x (0-0 + 6) or, 8=0. x = 0.2 sin 2x (6t -— y= O2sin 2x (6t-~ ) (ii) again y = 0.2 atx =0 andt=0 0.2 = 0.2 sin 2x (0-0 +6) or, O= Nia ¥=02 sin 2x (or Ls 42 = 0.2 cos 2n (or-* ) (b) when y = 0 atx =0 andt = 0, the equation of a progresiv wave is y=0.2 sin 2n(6t- * ) x Here t = 2 sec, x = 120 em, 2= 60 cm y= 0.2 sin 2x (6x2 ~ 120 ) 60 = 0.2 sin 2n x 10 =0 Again when y = 0.2 at x = 0 and 1 =0, the equation is Y= 0.2 cos 2n (6t-* y 60 gineers = 4 sin 2n | , (3) (ii) Comparing eqns. (i) and (ii), we get a=-4and2=100cm, Eni sorb 149 Att =2 sec. . 20 y=asin (t=). here a= ~—4 cm. A= 100 cm and t = 2 sec. Bry 33 y=-4 sin — = y sin 100 (30 x 2-x) = 1 On x =-4sin[— -2n| — 5 (s) : x.) 6x = 4 sin [2x | —|-—= sin [ (5) sal: Example 4.4 A plane progressive wave travelling along the + x-direction has the following characteristics : a = 0.2 cm, ¥ = 360 cm/sec and A = 60 cm. (gq Write down the equation for it (i) when displacement is zero’ at x= 0and t = 0 and (ii) when displacement is maximum at x = 0 and t = 0 (b) Obtain the displacement in either case at x = 120 em ane (= 2 sec. / Soln. (a) The general equation of a plane progressive wave t x =asi —-=4+0 . y=asin 2x (+ 7 ) x =asin 20 (u-¥s 0) or Engineers y=4sin2n (¢ Comparing eqns. ne a= —4 and X= 101 Ai t= 2 sec. asin 28% y asin Sut here a=—4em.h=1 ya A sin 100 =-4sint & 5 24 sin( 2" Example 444] 4x7 direction has tt 360 cm/sec an (a) Write down x= Oand! 2 and (ii (b) obtain the 1=2 Se Soln- a engineers 147 Frequency n= Soln. The equation of a simple harmonic wave can be written as 5 t = an{t y=asin x(t =sin 2n{t_X or y TR In the first case, y= +6, a= 8 and x= 10 oms, é- sin (4-28) @ In the second case, y=4,a=8 and x= 25 cms. 2: ; = sin 2n (+-2) (ii) From eqn. (i) 0.75 =sin2n( 4-10 75 = sin Qn | - 48.6n But sin] 2] = mr sn( faa } 0.75 t 10) 48.6 an{—-—|=—? TOR 180 ' Phy nt phase of .y js th the mie "inet on ald paar ang os rahe WAY 5 ‘en by dug, ra yi oe vocily ° . yantily> consta! we have Gy p(t ~ hy): 4 we (4.13) for a sing’: locity V- Thus, ity =v = MT=ok 2uT= wave vel = phase yeloct mt (in 1 metres) of a particle execulit: given by | cement stant of ime is 4 The dis} spl any ins ic motion a 1 sin 2x (3401 - 0-15)- particle (ii) the vibrating time perio® Exaple simple harmon (i) the amplitude of Caleulate vec (i) wavelength () frequency and (v) Soln. The i ; general equation of a simple harmonic wave is given by een 2h y=asin — (vt— Here y = A ea w@ y=0.1 sin 2n (340t — x : Comparin ) (id) 1g eqns. (i) and (ii) 4=0.1 metre 2= 1 metre wave vel ocity y = 340 mi sec, naive or 8 145 aii) The phase la A (iii) The pl & for a distance x : by Qn +X. Hence or gistanee A, the phase lag is on a a hing nultiple of A are in the same pha: As ich, i Qn which, in effect, is the same aral . ted by a distance 2 or an integral s zero. Thus particles sep se, tis increased by 8t an ihe value of y remains the same, This shor one point is Fepeated after atime dt at a point further amor rhe neans, in other Words, that the disturbance or the wave travels with jvelocity v without any attenuation, mie anaes (iv) If the time t is th 45 Phase (or wave) velocity The compressions and rarefactions of longitudinal wave or crest and trough of transverse wave advances through a medium with a constant velocity. In other words, advance of phase through a medium takes place with same velocity. This velocity of advance is know as phase velocity, The equation of a plane progressive wave, travelling in a medium along the direction of positive x-axis, is given by y=asin 2 (tx) (i) where v is referred to as the wave velocity and is equal to 2/7. Rearranging, eqn. (i) can be written in the form =asin ZRVE lhe a ay =a sin (2ant — kx) (ii) since V/A. = 1/T = n is the frequency of the wave and 21/2. = k is the Mopagation constant of the wave. " e Further, 2xn = @ is the angular frequency of the wave. Hence: “40. (ii) reduces to r iii y = asin (at - kx) Gi) maa ma or, y=asin (ot + kx) (49) ‘The phase or the wave velocity is also given by Qn 2n veENT=2/= (from @= @ do = ag TONG Ok 4.1 ow /Z =e (4.10) 2 (since k= = x It should be emphasized that in deducing the above expressions it has been assumed that at t= 0, the particle O just passes through its mean position in the positive direction, /¢., at t= 0, y = 0. If thi js not the case and the particle is said to have an initial phase 8, say, then the equation of the wave becomes ay | 2n =asin — (vt-x +) y=asi eS x +6) and y =asin (ot~kt +6) (4.12) where 0 is referred to as the initial phase or phase constant. If @ = 90°, we have y =a, atx =Oand t=0. The following points emerge from discussion of the wave motion | (i) For a constant value of x (ie, at a given point’ x) displacement y varies simple harmonically with time, completing one full cycle in time A/v. which, therefore, gives the periodic tine T of the wave. This also gives the frequency n of the wave sit frequency n= I/T = w/a. : __ (ii) For a constant value of t (ie., at a given instant 1), the displacement y varies simple harmonically with distance from the origin. For x = A, the displacement (y) i its origi” is ts 0 value, so that the wavelength = A. (y) is restored to ii 7? for neers (iiiy The phase lag for a gs 2n a as zero. Thus particles sep sistance %, the phase lag is a th aulkiple of are in the same ph (iv) If the time t is inerea: the value of y remains the sar im point is repeated after a tim orpans, in other words, that the velocity v without any atten 45 Phase (or wave) veloci The compressions and rar and trough of transverse wave constant velocity. In other y medium takes place with same know as phase velocity. The equation of a plan medium along the direction of on asin — (vt-x) y rn where v is referred to as the w Rearranging, eqn. (i) ean yea sin 2028 a x =a sin (2ant- kx Since v/A = 1/T = n is the fre Propagation constant of the ¥ gy Further 2nn = is the ‘4M. (ii) reduces to y =asin (at ~ ks) ow ae mae positions. The velocity of the macieinys di position and zero at the extreme posi ean (ii) There is a Phase difference be adiu. The particle ahead starts vibr; ile just preceeding it. tween the particles of the ating a little later than a 3 some definitions connected with wave motion 7) Wavelength : Since a wave or a pulse i . jime taken by a particle of the medium to ‘5 eee Ni ihe nee : a mplete on gscillation about its mean position, wavelength may be defined me ire distance travelled by the wave in the time in which the particle completes one vibration. It may also be defined as the distance rerween any two nearest particles of the medium which are in the yme phase. (i) Amplitude : It is the maximum displacement of the particle tom its mean position of rest. (iii) Time period (T) : It is the time taken by a particle to complete one vibration. (iv) Frequency (n) : The numb tya particle of the medium i.e., the one second is called the frequency of the wave er of complete oscillations made number of waves produced, in (or vibration). Suppose frequency Time taken to complete n vibrations = 1 second Time taken to complete | vibration = second By definition time taken to complete one vibration is the time Period (T). 1 T=—; on nT=1 n Freauency x Time period = 1 140 @ Angular srequency (@) + The rate of chan pime iS called the ‘angular frequency and is designates Ph one complete cycle, 4 phase change of 2n occurs ed by time period of the cycle), angular frequency Ing tin’ eee 2nn Tr t of radian per second, the s ame d @ (also see Art. 1.3) a uni angular also designate (vi) Angular wave number (k) : the angular w; defined as the rate of change of phase with distance Tum complete cycle, e change of 27 takes place with Si ee; (the wavelength), Ma diy, Wave number (k) : The wave number is he wave pattern and is give ied Nn y and has the velocity, a phast k= 2q/Ar. (ii) waves in a unit length of t goles a 20 (v) : Velocity of the wave is the distance Ie (viii) Velocity by the wave in one time period (T). wavelength _ % Velocity (v) = y(v) time period T or A=VT ney x time period = 1 But, freque: or fein ix) Paes The phase of a Vibrati 7 F the displacem il ing Particle j rat? tide of the w demate vibrating oricte ot ee se the amp! of the time rating particle (v/a). It abe action tpt “ interval that has elapsed oe ew the ss ee poe of rest in the Positive direct eerie equ 2 le Swept by the radius vecti PaincoteatE nee patile jast crossed its mean position of rest. Sr sinee the vibrating (x) Wave front : Accordin, x e to. origi i vibrating particle placed at a point ina homogeaea “medium, neous medium, tending in all directio i 5 oe nbouring particles’ The communicates its motion to all its neighdo neighbouring particl i been disturbed then perform, in turn fee les which have thus particle. Due to this periodic vibration Seriiey a Ge pea motion is produced which travel in every ‘diretion with equal velocity. The wave motion, therefore, reach all particles whi h a equal distances from the point simultaneously. The position ofall these particles can be represented by the surface of a sphere drawn with the position of the vibrating particle as the centre. With time the wave advances into spheres of gradually increasing radius. Such asphere is known as a wavefront. A wavefront at any instant of time may, therefore, be defined as the loci of all the neighbouring particles in the medium which are just being disturbed at that instant of time and are consequently in the same state of vibration. In a homogeneous medium, the wavefronts are always actually spherical. But if a wavefront is considered at a considerable distance from the source, then any small portion of the wavefront can be considered plane. 4.4 Expression for a plane progressive wave ave is one which travels onward through A plane progressive W re roug J hts tenuation i.€., with its the medium in a given direction without at amplitude constant. A progressive wave may either case, there exists a reg! successive particles of the me Fig. 4.3. Let a wave originating at O, travel axis. If we start counting the time at the momen! erse or longitudinal. In ular phase difference between any two ium. A typical waveform is shown in je iw J to the right along the x- tt when the particle at be either transv r a ioc pneineet> i y ition in the positive qj, 2x hits mean Pos! ditegg. = SE =2nn. Againn= just passes throug! of transverse a and foward in tig Now ©= 7 gain n wards in the tion of motion of this particle at Q j, & : pgitudial wave), the equat S obj) reaeneY of the particle or the way aixpce®™! —nggetag on © then becomes pe wasn 2% 1-2 a 2 . 2n or, y=asin SF (ot-x) on yzasink (vt-x) ny one of the expressions wave direction Scand such as those given belov Fig. 4.3 y=asin at where y is the displacement of the particle at time 1,0} amplitude and @ its angular velocity. Since the motion of 0 received and repeated. by the successive particles to the right of the phase lag goes on increasing as we proceed away fron| towards the right. Thus for a particle at P which is at a distana away from O, let this phase difference be . Hence the equation motion of the particle at P is y=asin (ot - 9). wee a difference in path of 2, i.e., one wavelength, the corresponds nce in phase is 2x. Hence for a distance x, the correspon phase difference is 2% | y j 2 . ee IS x he, b= + x. Substituting this val™" $ in the above expression for y, we get y=asin(ot— 2% ) A or y=asin (ot~ kx) 4.1) where k= 2 is referred angular wave number ¥ ‘0 as the propagation constant vBuation ofa plane progressive Wav Eqn. (4.2) can be written as =asin 2™{1-* y=asin Solty x asi jo y asin 2an( “| [since A= V5 OF) = asin 2™(1-* yrasin [toy (-n=1/T) t y=asin 20 (¢ - (since v= The expression most ¢ Similarly, if the wa Negative and we have Qn =asin— (t y=asin= Dros 38 ; ' ion : In this type of Wave rite to and fro about thei Mig} | ection of propagation of y, | odin’ about their mean positions librium pe therefore, travels in the ¢.% eats constant, the velosgns notin ts ve msations) and rarefactions i.e, \84) Mi rent positions. The veloct ma fessions (OF 62 h in | gigerem PO Y of the compres of the medium getting closer together and furthg, ,'*) “ean position and zero at the extreme ar nis possible . ternately. This type of Ne solids, rate in me (iii) There is @ phase difference possessing elasticity of volume, ie» halix oc se Is as wel | dium. The particle ahead starts y Bases, Waves produced in @ SPrinB en one end of] Meck just preceeding it aasterly compressed or pulled out and then released or sound wayg'| suddenly pes ofthis type of wave motion (Fig. 42). As inthe a mone compression and the adjoining rat transverse wave motio Se ae or pulse and a succession of them, & Wavetrain The velocity with wt and the velocity wth ea the particl th ry Fbrium position, al a The wave ™m 43. Some definitions connected wit et (Wavelength : Since a wave time taken by @ particle of the Wivillation about its mean postion, the distance travelled by the wave in Completes one vibration. It may al hetween any 1Wo nearest particles c same phase. (i) Amplitude : It is the maxin from its mean position of rest. con: Condensation Rarefaction Condensation LT lel LT WH 1 be (a) : am . Condensation Rarefaction Condensation * (iii) Time period (T) : It'is Wes wire ee complete one vibration. (iv) Frequency (n) : The num ee pg ES by a particle of the medium i.e. | one second is called the frequency Fig, 42 Suppose frequency =n Time taken to complete n vib Characteristics of wave motion Time taken to complete | vi Before proceeding further, the important characteristics of ¥*" motic eae ‘on, whether transverse or longitudinal, may be summarized belo: By definition time taken to i Fon i, q Periog el Wave motion isa disturbance produced in a medium oyte| POAT). rep nals iodic mation of the particles of the medium. It iso S =; on nT wave while the pa ich travels forward through the medium *" n particles of the medium vibrate about theit mes Frequency x Time pe Positions ~ they are not propagated through the medium. aor Bonet fol 2; _e 143 Now @ T 2nn, Again n= v 4 = 7 Tom v = nA) where n is the jouer’ of the particle or the Wave. Hence @ = 2nv | anon becomes ie a yoasin 2 1. 2m | _ Qe or, ye asin 5 (vt—x) (4.2) or, y= asink (wt x) (43) Any one of the expressions written above or any one of thei ich as those given below leqns. 4.4 - 4.7], is referred to as the a plane progressive wave motion in the Positive direction of x. vat aquation of Eqn. (4.2) can be written as asin sa 1-* y =a sin —]t-— : r : (4.4) y=asin 2a (: -*) (45) Vv or, WA =n} (4.6) (47) (since v = nh = NT) nly used is 8! els towards the le iven by equation (4.2) The expression most comme ee ea x becomes ___ Similarly, if the wave travi “sitive and we have (4.8) . i

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