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Ecological Economics 113 (2015) 106–113

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Transport transitions in Copenhagen: Comparing the cost of cars

and bicycles
Stefan Gössling a,b,c,⁎, Andy S. Choi c,d
School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University, 391 82 Kalmar, Sweden
Department of Service Management and Service Studies, Box 882, 25108 Helsingborg, Sweden
UQ Business School, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia
National Institute of Ecology, Seocheon, Choongnam 325-813, South Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In many cities of the world, bicycle infrastructure projects are implemented to foster more sustainable transpor-
Received 24 June 2014 tation systems. However, such projects have often raised questions regarding their public funding, as they entail
Received in revised form 24 November 2014 considerable costs. This paper reviews cost–benefit analysis (CBA) frameworks as these are presently used to as-
Accepted 10 March 2015
sess bicycle infrastructure projects. Specific focus is on the CBA framework developed in Copenhagen, Denmark, a
Available online 23 March 2015
self-declared “city of cyclists”. In this framework, costs and benefits of car and bicycle, the two major urban trans-
port modes, have been assessed and are compared across accidents, climate change, health, and travel time. The
Bicycles analysis reveals that each km travelled by car or bike incurs a cost to society, though the cost of car driving is more
Cars than six times higher (Euro 0.50/km) than cycling (Euro 0.08/km). Moreover, while the cost of car driving is likely
Copenhagen to increase in the future, the cost of cycling appears to be declining. The paper concludes with a discussion of the
Cost–benefit analysis applicability of the Copenhagen CBA framework to advance sustainable transport planning and to motivate and
Sustainable transport justify urban restructuring.
Urban transport transition © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction depend on more fundamental shifts in transport cultures (Aldred, 2013;

Heinen et al., 2010; Jones and Novo de Azevedo, 2013; Kenworthy, 2007).
Many cities in the world seek to change their transport systems in Recent research indicates that urban transport transformations, i.e.,
favour of buses, trams, trains, cycling, and walking, as a result of increas- profound changes in transport mode choices, ultimately require new
ing levels of local air pollution, emissions of greenhouse gases, acci- urban transport cultures favouring bicyclist identities (Aldred, 2013;
dents, and congestion (e.g., EC, 2011). Policy makers seem particularly Kåstrup, 2009). However, bicycle cultures only evolve where the con-
keen to increase the share of cyclists, as this transport mode incurs a cerns and expectations of cyclists regarding notions of safety, speed, and
wide range of benefits compared to vehicles with internal combustion comfort are taken into consideration (Aldred, 2013; Cycling Embassy of
engines, such as comparably high speeds, minimum area requirements Denmark, 2012). To improve traffic safety, and to provide better and
both with regard to tracks and parking, as well as no pollution, fewer ac- faster cycle conditions, a wide range of interventions in favour of cyclists
cidents, and considerable health benefits (Heinen et al., 2010; Horton have been implemented in cities, including measures as diverse as two-
et al., 2007; Pucher et al., 2010). While cities in Asia have seen a signif- way travel on one-way streets, separated or elevated exclusive bicycle
icant decline in cyclist numbers due to transport policies favouring cars tracks, shared bus/bike lanes, signed bicycle routes, coloured lanes,
(Zhang et al., 2014), bicycling has become a major component of visions bike boxes, bicycle phases/traffic signals, bicycle stations, or bike share
of sustainable urban transport systems in Europe, supported by market- programmes (for the whole spectrum of measures see e.g., Cycling
based instruments, command-and-control approaches, as well as soft pol- Embassy of Denmark, 2012; Pucher et al., 2010; Fishman et al., 2013).
icy measures (Heinen et al., 2010; Pucher et al., 2010). As outlined by Notably, the attractiveness of cycling is inversely linked to the at-
Pucher et al. (2010), any measure to support bicycling is likely to result tractiveness of car driving, and measures to re-designate car lanes
in some degree of transport mode change, but significant changes will and car parking are both psychologically important to support cy-
clist identities, and physically necessary to accommodate growing
⁎ Corresponding author at: Department of Service Management and Service Studies, cyclist populations (Aldred, 2010, 2013; Kåstrup, 2009; Pucher and
Box 882, 25108 Helsingborg, Sweden. Buehler, 2008). As a consequence, interventions require substantial
E-mail addresses: (S. Gössling),
urban re-design (Forsyth and Krizek, 2011; Larsen et al., 2013), and
(A.S. Choi).
URL's:, (S. Gössling), considerable planning and building efforts incurring costs (Hutton, (A.S. Choi). 2013).
0921-8009/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Gössling, A.S. Choi / Ecological Economics 113 (2015) 106–113 107

Many cities face considerable difficulties in implementing new result of various efforts to implement more sustainable transport systems
transport systems due to financial constraints (Hutton, 2013; Meschik, and growing concerns about the significance of externalities to society.
2012). Various authors have thus sought to understand costs and bene- For instance, the European Environment Agency (2003) estimated the ex-
fits associated with cycling and car driving, indicating that progress has ternal costs of transport to be in the order of 8% of GDP in the EU plus
been made in the assessment of the social and private costs of different Norway and Switzerland. More recently, CE Delft, Infras and Fraunhofer
transport systems (Becker et al., 2012; CE Delft et al., 2011; Hopkinson ISI (CE Delft et al., 2011) suggested that transport externalities amount
and Wardman, 1996; Ortuzar et al., 2000; Krizek, 2007; Meschik, to €500 billion in the EU27 plus Norway and Switzerland, or 4% of total
2012; Rabl and de Nazelle, 2012; Rank et al., 2001). In Copenhagen, GDP (value for 2008; CE Delft et al., 2011). The European Commission
the implementation of sustainable transport infrastructure is part of now uses a Handbook on the External Costs of Transport to assess exter-
the city's ambition to become a leading ‘eco-metropolis’ (City of nalities (EC, 2014). Irrespective of limitations, these assessments suggest
Copenhagen, 2008). To achieve this, environmental economics are in- that externalities, including accidents, noise, air pollution and climate
creasingly used in decision-making (City of Copenhagen, 2012a, change, are significant, deserving better integration in transport infra-
2012b), including the consideration of various externalities linked to structure planning, taxation and decision making frameworks (see EC,
the car and bicycle as the two major transport modes in Copenhagen. 2012).
For this purpose, a cost–benefit analysis (CBA) methodology was devel- While the European Union thus appears to regularly use CBA in
oped and subsequently refined to assess infrastructure projects with re- transport assessments, there is a notable absence of any discussion of
gard to transport costs, security, comfort, branding effects & tourism, the cost or benefit of cycling. Krizek (2007) identified 25 journal articles
transport times and health (City of Copenhagen, 2009a). The analysis and reports assessing bicycling from economic viewpoints, of which 7
revealed that cycling entails considerably lower costs to society than relate to urban contexts. In chronological order, Nelson (1995) discusses
car driving (COWI and Københavns Kommune, 2009), and is now the implementation of bicycle access ways, including the cost of air pol-
used for assessments and the implementation of infrastructural change lution, congestion, or noise. Sharples (1995) presents a framework for
in favour of the bike. the evaluation of bicycle facilities. Litman (1999) examines cost savings
In light of this, the paper has various objectives. First of all, it presents from non-motorized transport. Buis (2000) provides cost–benefit calcula-
the various CBA approaches developed internationally in the context of tions for cycling in Amsterdam, Bogotá, Delhi and Morogoro. Wittink
cycling, as far as these have been reported in the literature, as well as the (2001) investigates the effectiveness of non-motorized transport in rela-
CBA and its underlying methods as currently used in Copenhagen. Sec- tion to various parameters, such as economic growth, poverty reduction
ondly, it discusses whether the CBA used in Copenhagen is holistic, and and quality of urban life in the Netherlands. Saelensminde (2002) dis-
which implications its use has had for urban transport planning and pol- cusses CBAs for walking and cycle-track networks in Hokksund, Hamar
icy making in Copenhagen. The purpose of the paper is thus both the and Trondheim, Norway. Lindsey and Knaap (1999) examine a greenway
presentation of the CBA framework used in Copenhagen, as well as system in Indianapolis, Indiana, providing an account of the different
the discussion of the consequences of adopting complex CBA frame- values of greenways and techniques to measure their value. Where ratios
works in urban re-design, i.e., weighing different transport modes' so- of benefits to costs of bicycling are presented (Buis, 2000; Saelensminde,
cial and environmental costs in comparative assessment, rather than 2002), these conclude that the benefits of bicycling far outweigh the costs.
focusing on social benefits of new infrastructure alone, as is often the However, only two of the studies attempt to provide frameworks of
case in transport economics. aspects to be considered in CBA. Specifically, Litman (2004), in focusing
on walking, includes liveability, accessibility and transportation costs,
2. Cost–Benefit Analysis and Transport Policy Frameworks health, external costs, efficient land use, economic development, and
equity; while Lindsey (2003) suggests to include recreation, health/
The use of CBA in project assessments is widespread, guiding invest- fitness, transportation, ecological biodiversity and services, amenity vi-
ment decisions in most public spending contexts (e.g., Boardman et al., sual/aesthetic, and economic development. As Krizek (2007) concludes,
2010; Hanley and Spash, 1993). The use of CBA implicates that mone- methods and units are different in the studies, and considerable
tary value is assigned to the advantages and disadvantages of a project, improvements in data collection and methodology need to be achieved
which results in a net cost or benefit of the project to society. In practice, in order for such frameworks to guide sound policy decisions for in-
this is fraught with difficulties, as no market values may exist for many vestments in cycling, as well as to make these comparable. Such im-
of the aspects to be included in the analysis, and in some cases, dis- provements have been presented in various more recent papers (e.g.,
advantages may be incommensurable (Hanley and Spash, 1993). This Börjesson et al., 2012; Börjesson and Eliasson, 2012; Tilahun et al.,
has led to a widespread critique of CBA, both with regard to how 2007) and summarized in policy documents (e.g., CE Delft et al.,
economic value is derived in neoclassical economic frameworks, and 2011). Studies by Meschik (2012) or Rabl and de Nazelle (2012) have
specifically with regard to the valuation of the environment (for discus- used this data to present CBAs for the benefits incurred in switching
sion see e.g., Bithas, 2011; Hutton, 2013; Parks and Gowdy, 2013). A from car driving to bicycling (per individual or km cycled).
persistent problem of CBA is thus the difficulty to identify all project The purpose of the following sections is to present a comparison of
impacts, both current and future, and to assign monetary value to the social welfare associated with the use of cars and bicycles in Copen-
these, considering principles of fairness and value incommensurability. hagen (City of Copenhagen, 2009a). This includes a discussion of cycling
As outlined by Hanley and Spash (1993), inputs to CBA models often de- and city planning in Copenhagen, and the CBA framework used to guide
pict “likely”, rather than “actual” values. Yet, the use of CBA methodolo- urban transport planning and the restructuring of urban space to imple-
gies remains widespread. ment more sustainable transport systems.
Given the importance of CBA for transport projects (Annema et al.,
2007; Hutton, 2013; Knudsen and Rich, 2013), there is a specific body 3. Cycling and City Planning in Copenhagen
of literature dealing explicitly with transport CBA-methodology. For
instance, Grant-Muller et al. (2001) compare evaluation frameworks The bicycle has been, particularly throughout Europe, the most impor-
as used in different European countries, finding that there are consider- tant means of transport at the turn of the 20th century. In Copenhagen, it
able differences in the number of variables considered, as well as the became a means of mass transportation that remained important
economic values assigned to these variables. A number of European throughout the World War II and to the 1950s, due to the rationing of
countries were also found to complement CBA with multicriteria analysis oil, fuel and rubber in the post-war effort to rebuild European cities
(MCA), indicating that there are diverse approaches in use. In recent (Agervig Carstensen and Ebert, 2012; Gade Jeppesen, 2012). It was not
years, extended CBA processes have gained importance in Europe as a before the 1960s that cars became more important than bicycles, but
108 S. Gössling, A.S. Choi / Ecological Economics 113 (2015) 106–113

this phase of expansion lasted only for a short period of time. In the 1970s, 4.1. Profiles of Costs and Benefits
Copenhagen had to give up several car-focused modernization projects
due to the oil crisis and ensuing economic recession, stimulating mass- Table 1 provides an overview of the parameters included in the CBA
demonstrations for better cycling conditions in the 1980s, and resulting in Copenhagen, the methodologies used to quantify traffic effects, and
in the publication of Copenhagen municipality's first bicycle strategy in data requirements. Parameters include vehicle operating costs, time
2002, the ‘Cycle Policy 2002–2012’ (City of Copenhagen, 2002). costs, accident costs, pollution and externalities, recreational value,
The bicycle strategy provided the first comprehensive vision for a bi- health benefits, safety, and discomfort (Table 1). Methods to quantify
cycle city (City of Copenhagen, 2002), and was followed by various the effects of the various parameters include contingent valuation, he-
strategy documents, such as the Bicycle Track Priority Plan 2006–2016 donic pricing, travel cost method, avoided social costs, health costs,
(City of Copenhagen, 2009b), and the Bicycle Strategy 2011–2025 and shadow pricing (COWI and Transportministeriet, 2010). These are
(City of Copenhagen, 2011b). Progress is monitored in biannual ‘Bicycle calculated on the basis of cost reviews, traffic and accident counts, inter-
Accounts’ assessing key performance indicators such as accident risk views with cyclists/car drivers, and/or modelling in cases where there is
(e.g., City of Copenhagen, 2006, 2011a). In 2007, Copenhagen an- no data, insufficient data, or where other assumptions have to be made
nounced its ambition to become the ‘world's best city for cyclists’ (City (COWI and Københavns Kommune, 2009; COWI and
of Copenhagen, 2007). Specifically, this included the goal to achieve, Transportministeriet, 2010; Miljøstyrelsen, 2002; Modelcenter, 2007).
by 2015, at least 50% of Copenhageners to commute by bike to their Effects are measured in changes in the number of kilometres trav-
place of work or education, and a reduction of at least 50% of serious elled with bicycle or car, as well as changes in travel time or accident
traffic accidents involving cyclists. Furthermore, the policy document numbers.
included the objective to increase bicycle travel speed to improve com- The inclusion of parameters such as ‘pollution and other externali-
petitiveness with the car. ties’ (see further discussion below) indicates that there have been at-
According to the Bicycle Account 2012 (City of Copenhagen, 2012c) tempts to provide a holistic framework for assessment. Hutton (2013:
considerable progress was made to achieve growth in cycling. As report- 219) critically remarks that “[transport] sustainability does not, and
ed by the city, 1.27 million km were cycled in 2012, probably the highest cannot, have a commercial value”, an issue also raised in other, more
amount since the early 1960s. Satisfaction with Copenhagen as a cycling global contexts (e.g., Costanza et al., 1997, 2014). Yet, as the Copenhagen
city is now 95%, but only 76% of cyclists are satisfied with the amount of CBA framework shows, it is possible to consider a wide range of as-
cycle tracks. In particular, the width of cycle tracks is perceived as a pects related to the sustainability of the transport system, as long as
problem (50% approval), as the growing number of cyclists has led to political consensus can be reached regarding the parameters to be
congestion. In comparison, 76% of cyclists feel safe (goal: 80% by included and their quantification: The existence of such a political
2015), 61% are satisfied with the condition of cycle tracks (70% by consensus may consequently be seen as a specific and unique achieve-
2015), and 73% are satisfied with the bicycle culture's benefit to city ment in Copenhagen.
life (75% by 2020).
However, to achieve some of the goals outlined in Copenhagen's bi-
4.2. Quantification of Various Effects
cycle strategy 2011–2025, the share of the population cycling to work
would have to increase from 36% to 50% by 2015. As the City of
To calculate unit costs, the Ministry of Transport had to review
Copenhagen (2012c: 6) outlines, this would require a “dramatically in-
the existing literature on costs/benefits, and derive values deemed
creased municipal commitment.” Likewise, the goal to reduce the num-
adequate in the Copenhagen context, representing market costs
ber of seriously injured cyclists from 102 in 2012 to 56 in 2015 would
where feasible (all current values as depicted in Transportøkonomiske
require “increased municipal commitment”. Notably, several goals,
Enhedspriser 1.4; Trafikministeriet, 2003; Transportministeriet, 2013).
such as the reduction in seriously injured cyclists or the expansion of
Note that all values represent a cost of bicycling/car driving and unit
the fast track network with three lanes, have even more ambitious targets
prices are characterised as either being positive (+) for costs or
towards 2025. To achieve these, additional infrastructure development ef-
negative (−) for benefits. Quantification is based on market values,
forts are needed. In 2013 alone, Euro 33.61 million were invested in the
and complemented with values derived from contingent valuation,
improvement of cycling conditions in Copenhagen, and further funds
hedonic pricing, travel cost method, and shadow pricing. Note that
will be needed in consecutive years (City of Copenhagen, 2012c). To jus-
values presented refer to the most recent year for which values are
tify such investments, and to allocate them to the projects with the
available. As unit costs are seen to change over time, also reflecting
greatest social welfare effects, a CBA manual was developed by the Minis-
an evolving knowledge base, for instance with regard to pollutants
try of Transport (Trafikministeriet, 2003; Transportministeriet, 2013),
and their health implications, as well as changing social preferences,
outlining procedures for the assessment of cycle projects and the compar-
the definition, calculation and allocation of unit costs are seen as
ison of the cost of different transport modes, i.e., specifically bicycle and
a process. This process began in 2003 with the publication of a na-
car. Bicycle-focused projects are now essential parts of the city's goal to
tional economics manual summarising methods used worldwide to
better integrate environmental issues in city planning and economic eval-
calculate the costs and benefits of transport projects, with the ex-
uation (City of Copenhagen, 2011a).
plicit goal to be used as a basis for the Copenhagen CBA approach
(Trafikministeriet, 2003). Unit costs are annually updated, and con-
sider developments in costs (e.g., fuels and energy costs) and GDP,
4. Cost–Benefit Analysis in Copenhagen
net price indices, discounting, and taxes/fees, as well as new insights
regarding externalities. This allows for extrapolation, and values are
To better understand the economic impact of cycle projects, the
available up to the year 2090. Parameters are compared in Euro per
Ministry of Transport developed a CBA manual, which is annually
km cycled or driven.1
updated (Trafikministeriet, 2003). CBA frameworks as used in
As outlined by the Ministry of Transport (Transportministeriet,
Copenhagen need to consider three key aspects: a) a decision on the
2013), social costs are generally depending on geography (i.e.,
parameters to be included in calculations, b) agreement on unit costs,
where these occur), the time of the day (rush-hour/mid-day/
and c) an assessment of traffic effects (i.e., changes in the number of
kilometres cycled, transport time changes, and other indirect chang- 1
All values in the original documents are calculated in Danish Crowns. For this paper,
es in the traffic system resulting out of the project). The following they have been transferred to Euro at an exchange rate of DKK 1 to Euro 0.134 to make
sections outline how these dimensions are assessed and considered the values accessible for a broader readership. The Danish crown is bound to the Euro,
in Copenhagen. and the exchange value is thus constant over time.
S. Gössling, A.S. Choi / Ecological Economics 113 (2015) 106–113 109

Table 1
Parameters used in Copenhagen's transport CBA.
Source: COWI and Københavns Kommune (2009).

CBA parameter Methodology to quantify effect Data requirement

Vehicle operating costs Change in vehicle kilometre by mode, i.e., for different motorized Traffic counts and/or modelling.
vehicles, public transportation and bicycles.
Time costs Change in transport time by transport mode. Traffic counts and/or modelling.
Accident costs Change in the number of accidents with and without bicycles involved. Accident registrations, traffic counts and/or modelling.
Pollution and related externalities Change in vehicle kilometres for each mode of transportation. Traffic counts and/or modelling.
Recreational valuea Change in cycle kilometres and cyclists' statements. Interviews and traffic counts and/or modelling.
Health benefits Change in cycle kilometres. Traffic counts and/or modelling.
Safetya Change in the number of accidents, cyclist statements and change Accident registrations, interviews and traffic counts
in cycle kilometres. and/or modelling.
Discomforta Change in cycle kilometres. Traffic counts and/or modelling.
Branding, tourism, and open land valuea Not considered to be traffic effects –
Not included/measured in the CBA.

night), and the environmental performance of the car in question. and Euro 0.106/km for cycling (COWI and Køpenhavns Kommune,
Costs are thus highly situation specific. The Ministry reports to 2009; Transportministeriet, 2010). Even though accidents involving
have had a starting point for the quantification of social costs in a re- cyclists entail lower material damage costs, overall costs are higher, as
view of current European studies on externalities (External Costs of cyclists are more exposed and hence affected by accidents. As outlined
Transport, 1st Report; Transportministeriet, 2004a), which have since by Transportministeriet (2013), there remains considerable uncertainty
then been updated in various reports (COWI and Københavns regarding average accident costs for cyclists.
Kommune, 2009; COWI and Transportministeriet, 2010; Miljøstyrelsen,
2002; Modelcenter, 2007), though uncertainties persist. For this rea- 4.2.4. Air Pollution
son, ‘low’ and ‘high’ assumptions are made, and average values cal- Air pollution comprises particulate matter (PM2.5), nitrogen oxides
culated. These are presented below in shortened form. (NOx), sulphur oxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons
(HC), which affect human health, agriculture and forestry, as well as
4.2.1. Vehicle Operating Costs buildings (Transportministeriet, 2004a, 2004b). In calculations, which
Vehicle operating costs comprise the cost of driving a car, including are based on health costs related to increased mortality as identified
fuel and engine oil, tires, repair and maintenance, taxes, and deprecia- by the World Health Organisation (1999), only human health effects
tion. Costs are calculated as market prices per km driven, considering as the most significant component of air pollution are included. Air pol-
the Danish car fleet and current market prices (Table 2). Private and lution also implies ecological impacts, but these are difficult to quantify
business car use is distinguished. Table 2 also shows that significant and excluded; thus constituting an underestimation of true costs. Factor
car taxes are charged in Denmark. costs for health are calculated on the basis of an Impact Pathway Meth-
In comparison, bicycle operating costs are comparably lower, even odology, which assesses traffic volumes, associated emissions of pollut-
though updates on calculations are on-going. Currently, the Ministry ants, the exposure of the population to these pollutants, and resulting
of Transport (Transportministeriet, 2013) only provides average market damages and social costs (Transportministeriet, 2004b). Health costs
values for 2013, i.e., Euro 0.039/km (excluding taxes) or Euro 0.048/km are based on assessments originally published by the World Health
(including taxes), as operating costs of cycling. Organisation (1999) and include asthma medicines, coughing, breathing
problems, acute asthma, hospitalization, ‘symptom’ days, days with limit-
4.2.2. Time Cost ed activity levels, chronic bronchitis and coughing related to PM, SO2, SO4,
Time is the highest cycling-related cost, due to the lower speed of NO3, O3, and CO, as far as these interrelationships are understood
this transport mode, and is considered in CBA assessments at Euro (Transportministeriet, 2010). While bicycles do not contribute to air
0.672/km. This value is derived from the population's willingness to pollution, costs from cars are measured on the basis of averaged (city/
pay for time, based on the Danish Value of Time Study (DTF, 2007). countryside) emission factors, i.e., the amount of pollutant emitted per
The study measures the value of changes in length in travel time for km, and the health cost of each pollutant. These are, for urban traffic in
both private and work related travel time. People's willingness to pay 2009, Euro 0.205 per kg of PM2.5, Euro 6.298 per kg of NOx, Euro 28.274
typically increases with increasing prosperity (De Hartog et al., 2010), per kg of SO2, Euro 0.003 per kg of CO and Euro 0.348 per kg of HC emitted
and the value assigned to time would consequently be different in (Transportministeriet, 2010). The weighted average amounts to Euro
other societies. In the Danish context, public transport, car travel and cy- 0.004/km. Overall, air pollution is thus a significant factor in car-related
cling are distinguished. Average speeds are calculated at 16 km/h for cy- costs, but uncertainties remain, for instance with regard to fine particles
clists, and 50 km/h for cars. For cars, driving time is considered to imply or cancer-inducing substances (Transportministeriet, 2010). The estimate
an average cost of Euro 15.19 per hour and delays of Euro 22.86 per of air pollution effects is consequently conservative.
hour, while for cyclists, the average cost is somewhat lower at Euro
12.10 per hour and Euro 18.28 per hour, respectively (2008 values;
Table 2
2013 values very similar). Time costs can be translated into per km Vehicle operating costs, 2010.
costs as a function of distances travelled per hour, i.e., including the Source: Transportministeriet (2013).
cost of travel time and delays.
Average excluding taxes Average including taxes
(Euro per km) (Euro per km)
4.2.3. Accident Cost
Fuel 0.045 0.103
Accident costs are founded in market values, and comprise public
Engine oil 0.003 0.004
services (police, rescue and treatment), the loss of net productivity, Tires 0.005 0.006
premature deaths, minor and major injuries, and the cost of material Repair and maintenance 0.050 0.064
damage. Costs are calculated in comparison to number of accidents Owner tax – 0.028
related to cars/bicycles, and interpolated by the number of km Depreciation 0.053 0.133
Total 0.157 0.339
driven/cycled. Accidents entail a cost of Euro 0.022/km for driving
110 S. Gössling, A.S. Choi / Ecological Economics 113 (2015) 106–113

4.2.5. Climate Change 0.025 years per year of cycling, corresponding to 2592 km per year or
Climate change is a result of a wide range of greenhouse gases, 3 h of cycling per week (COWI and Københavns Kommune, 2009). Life
which are usually compared on the basis of CO2-equivalents (‘basket expectancy and health benefits are calculated on the basis of avoided
of six’ long-lived greenhouse gases; cf. IPCC 2013). In road transport, costs as a result of physical exercise, i.e., in juxtaposition to the costs
emissions other than CO 2 are assumed to be negligible of physical inactivity (based on Statens Institut for Folkesundhed,
(Transportministeriet, 2004a), and focus is on CO2 emissions 2006). The latter include, for the whole of Denmark in 2008, the cost
alone. Unit costs for this gas are calculated based on the market of treatment (Euro 453.9 million), premature deaths (Euro 20.5 million)
value of the trade in CO2 within the European Union emission trad- and avoided future costs as a result of premature deaths (Euro −53.5
ing scheme (EU ETS) (Transportministeriet, 2010). As the price of million); as well as the costs of sick leave (Euro 451.6 million), prema-
CO2 in the carbon market is based on EU-wide climate policy, the as- ture pensions (Euro 476.4 million) and premature deaths (Euro 241.2
signment of quota to the largest businesses, and willingness-to-pay million) (COWI and Københavns Kommune, 2009). Integrated with
by business in light of expected future climate policy, the cost of car- the number of km cycled, society yields benefits from improved health
bon (Euro 9.00 per ton CO2 in 2009; Transportministeriet, 2010) is in the order of Euro − 0.242/km, though there is also a small cost in-
not a correct representation of the social cost of climate change, at curred in greater life expectancy (Euro 0.008/km) due to prolonged
Euro 0.001/km. This value is based on a weighted average fuel use pension payments. Cyclists gain in terms of life expectancy (Euro
in the 2010 Copenhagen car mix of petrol cars (7.3 L/100 km), diesel − 0.358/km) and better health (Euro − 0.149/km). Overall, cycling
cars (4.6 L/100 km); and electric cars (13.8 kWh/100 km), and a yields a benefit of Euro − 0.741/km (COWI and Københavns
modal split of 67.2% petrol cars, 32.8% diesel and 0.02% electric Kommune, 2009).
(Transportministeriet, 2013). As outlined, average carbon costs per
km are calculated as a function of emissions and carbon price, i.e., 4.2.10. Perceived Safety & Discomfort
about 0.170 kg CO 2 per km, at a carbon cost of Euro 0.009 per kg Cycling is believed to incur a cost for the feeling of being at risk
CO2. Cycling does not incur a climate change cost, according to this in traffic, but this cost has not as yet been quantified (COWI and
assessment. Københavns Kommune, 2009). Also, cycling is associated with discom-
fort, for instance in connection to air pollution (smell) or other factors.
4.2.6. Noise The basis for including these costs is not as yet developed, and thus
Noise incurs both nuisance/discomfort and health costs. Discomfort not included in the analysis (COWI and Københavns Kommune, 2009).
is calculated based on an investigation of house prices in comparison to
noise exposure, and including various methods, i.e., both contingent
valuation and hedonic pricing (updated by Transportministeriet 4.2.11. Branding & Tourism
(2004a), based on Miljøstyrelsen, 2003a). The analysis finds exponen- There is evidence that Copenhagen's bicycle strategy generates a
tial growth in discomfort in relation to noise levels, with a decline in branding value for the city, as well as having positive effects for tourism.
house prices by 1.2% per dB in excess of 55 dB (Transportministeriet, COWI and Københavns Kommune (2009) outline, for instance, how
2010). Health issues related to traffic noise are based on national health Copenhagen is mentioned in lifestyle magazines and the Wall Street
assessments (Miljøstyrelsen, 2003b), and include the cost of health ser- Journal, and refer to a study by VisitDenmark that suggests that some
vices, sick days, and cases of premature death, estimated at Euro 10.5 14% of all guest nights spent in Denmark are related to cycling; it is ac-
million per year (treatment cost), Euro 0.9 million (sick leave), and knowledged, however, that it is unclear how many tourists would not
Euro 223 million (premature death) (Miljøstyrelsen, 2002). Integrated choose Denmark as a destination if good opportunities for cycling did
with the number of km driven by cars per year in Copenhagen, these re- not exist. COWI and Københavns Kommune (2009) estimate that the
sult in costs of noise in the order of Euro 0.007/km for cars. Bicycles are 2008 branding and tourism value of being a bicycle country is Euro 7.2
not entailing noise-related costs (Transportministeriet, 2013). million per year, representing 450,000 of a total of 22.5 million guest
nights of international visitors, at a value of Euro 32 per night. These
4.2.7. Congestion benefits are compared to a study of the cost of tourism-related invest-
Congestion is defined as the discomfort mutually caused by traffic ments yielding the same branding and tourism effects, based on the as-
participants through reduced movement, and measured as the cost of sumption that one million Euro is needed to increase tourism turnover
the delay to drive an additional km for other traffic participants in com- by Euro 15 million. Based on this assumption, the value of cycling for
parison to a situation of free traffic flow. Congestion costs are consequent- tourism in Denmark is Euro 2.7 million. Integrated with the number of
ly time and location specific, and calculated on the basis of the cost of km cycled, branding and tourism effects are assumed to constitute a
delays per hour, as outlined in Section 4.2.2 (Transportministeriet, benefit of Euro − 0.003/km.
2010). Averaged congestion costs are in the order of Euro 0.062/km driv-
en by cars, while cycling does not incur congestion costs due to the lower 5. Overview and Discussion of CBA for 2008
amount of space used by cyclists (Transportministeriet, 2013).
Table 3 summarizes unit prices as used in calculations by the City of
4.2.8. Road Deterioration Copenhagen, in an overview by COWI and Københavns Kommune
The cost of road deterioration is based on infrastructure lifetimes (2009) for 2008. It is evident that not all parameters of Table 1 have
and the cost of renewal and repairs, infrastructure use fees, and distribu- been included in the CBA, which for instance excludes recreational
tion and sales costs. Costs are calculated as averages, but are largely de- value or the value of open urban spaces, both assumed to constitute
pending on the specific projects carried out, as they are based on the benefits. Transport costs are based on the assumption of average speeds
amount of money paid for service contracts (Transportministeriet, of 16 km/h for cyclists and 50 km/h for motorists, and both private and
2010). Road deterioration amounts to Euro 0.001/km for cars, and social costs are considered. Private costs refer to the individual's trans-
does not incur costs for cycling (Transportministeriet, 2013). port mode choice. Social costs represent the costs of the individual's
choice for society as a whole. As the table indicates, private costs include
4.2.9. Life Expectancy & Health value of time, vehicle attrition, fuel for cars, and health, while social
Cycling improves health and life expectancy. Benefits to society in- costs include expenses to society related to traffic accidents, hospital
clude reduced costs for medical treatments and fewer days of sick costs, environmental impacts, or congestion. Where social costs are neg-
leave, while the cyclist profits from better health and longer life expec- ative, these represent a benefit to society, as in the case of branding
tancy (Table 3). Cycling is calculated to increase life expectancy by effects.
S. Gössling, A.S. Choi / Ecological Economics 113 (2015) 106–113 111

Table 3
Average cost per kilometre for cycling/car, summary for 2008 (Euro).
Source: COWI and Københavns Kommune (2009).

Cycling (16 km/h) Car (50 km/h)

Private Social Total Private Social Duties Total

Time costs (travel time) 0.672 0 0.672 0.215 0 0 0.215

Vehicle operating costs 0.044 0 0.044 0.296 0 −0.159 0.137
Prolonged life −0.358 0.008 −0.348 0 0 0 0
Health −0.149 −0.242 −0.391 0 0 0 0
Accidents 0.034 0.073 0.105 0 0.030 0 0.030
Perceived safety + (?) 0 + (?) ? ? 0 ?
Discomfort ? 0 + (?) ? ? 0 ?
Branding/tourism 0 −0.003 −0.003 ? ? 0 ?
Air pollution 0 0 0 0 0.004 0 0.004
Climate change 0 0 0 0 0.005 0 0.005
Noise 0 0 0 0 0.048 0 0.048
Road deterioration 0 0 0 0 0.001 0 0.001
Congestion 0 0 0 0 0.062 0 0.062
Total 0.243 −0.164 0.081 0.511 0.152 −0.159 0.503

Note: Car occupancy is 1.54 persons per car (DTU Transport and COWI, 2010); external values for cars are reported for gasoline cars in the city during off-peak hours. Cycling's health ben-
efits are split into private and social benefits, it is assumed that 50% of the gain is own consumption and thus internalized. The rest is taxes, etc. In cases where unit prices cannot be es-
timated as yet, the table contains question marks (?). Plusses indicate where these are expected to entail a cost.

Table 3 also shows that there is a general difference in the distribu- comprehensive (externality-focused) CBA assessments have been
tion of private and social costs with regard to air pollution, climate used to guide and implement policy.
change, noise, road deterioration and congestion, all of which represent CBA as used for transport infrastructure planning in Copenhagen
costs of car driving. In contrast, health benefits and a prolonged life are shows that it is possible to use such comparative frameworks for policy
only relevant for cyclists as mostly private benefits. When all aspects are making in the context of urban transport planning, even though it is
included, the cost of a km cycled is Euro 0.08, while a km driven by car is necessary to simplify, limit, and to include a number of assumptions.
Euro 0.50. Considering only social costs, each bicycle km is a gain to so- Yet, as the understanding of the costs and benefits involved in bicycle
ciety (Euro 0.16), while each car km represents a cost (Euro 0.15). The systems have constantly improved in recent years, CBA analyses are
analysis (COWI and Københavns Kommune, 2009) also outlines, how- becoming increasingly accurate. This is also the case in Copenhagen,
ever, that there are limitations to the calculation of perceived safety where unit costs are constantly adjusted to reflect the latest develop-
and discomfort of cyclists, recreational values and more open space, ments in economic assessments, based on recommendations by eco-
and the negative effects of car driving on branding and tourism. More- nomic review committees. Even though CBA can realistically never be
over, results are averaged, and may be fundamentally different for spe- truly holistic, given issues of incommensurability, the case of Copenhagen
cific sections of transport infrastructure and during different times of shows that where political consensus can be reached regarding the CBA
the day. For instance, during peak hours, car externalities are estimated framework, unit costs, and the acceptance of results, these can
to be considerably higher (Euro 0.89/km) (COWI and Københavns guide decision-making and investments, with far-reaching conse-
Kommune, 2009). The most significant costs of cycling are time (travel) quences for urban development. In the future, the Copenhagen
and accident costs, both of which are higher than for car driving. Other CBA may be improved; for instance, multi-criteria analysis may be
major costs include operational costs that are larger for car driving. helpful to supplement CBA, both to identify preferences among
CBA parameters and to evaluate effects not as yet estimated by
CBA. CBA may then also be used to assess the costs and benefits of
6. Discussion road construction as compared to bicycle lanes.
The case of Copenhagen also suggests that where CBA frameworks
While CBA is used frequently to assess transport projects (Annema are used, the high cost of car driving in comparison to the cost of cycling
et al., 2007; Knudsen and Rich, 2013), there is limited evidence of a con- becomes more obvious, a result that also needs to be seen in the light of
sideration of bicycling in such assessments (Börjesson and Eliasson, the fact that many assumptions in the Copenhagen CBA appear to favour
2012; Meschik, 2012; Saelensminde, 2004). To the contrary, sustainable cars. For instance, spillover externalities (e.g., Jansson, 1994) are impor-
traffic infrastructure development is often contested and not prioritized tant in the comparison of cars and bicycles, and it may be argued that
by politicians, while any investment decisions favouring cycle tracks or since cars cause most cycling accidents, their cost should be attributable
other bicycle-related infrastructure appear to be in need of careful justi- to cars rather than bicycling, as is currently the case. In other words, as
fication. Against this background, this paper investigates recent devel- bicyclists engender less risk on other street users than cars, while
opments in Copenhagen, where a constantly improved and updated accident risks are in no small part related to traffic density and crowding
CBA framework has been developed over the past decade to compare effects mostly attributable to cars, the Copenhagen CBA may be biased
the costs and benefits of cycling with car driving, and to justify infra- in favour of cars. This is of particular importance as accident costs are
structure development and re-allocation of urban space throughout significant, and without these, cycling costs would be negative. Similar
the city. This is a fundamentally new approach to urban planning, as arguments could also be put forward with regard to other aspects: for
the importance of CBA for justifying urban restructuring has neither instance, while better health due to cycling is considered, the impact
received much attention in the scientific literature on cycling (Horton of car driving on disease as a result of for instance reduced physical ac-
et al., 2007; Pucher and Buehler, 2012); nor has cycling been considered tivity may also be added as a cost. Where bicycling removes cars from
in European/urban transport CBA (Annema et al., 2007; CE Delft et al., roads, car speeds will tend to increase, another benefit that would be at-
2011; Knudsen and Rich, 2013). Notable exceptions remain Rabl and tributable to bicycling, while this would in all likelihood also improve
de Nazelle (2012), focusing on health impacts of cycling in comparison pedestrian conditions.
to car driving, and Meschik (2012), who provides an overview of exter- With regard to carbon costs, it would seem more appropriate to base
nalities and their cost in Vienna, Austria. However, Copenhagen appears estimates on the social cost of carbon, rather than European ETS prices
to remain the only example of a city where comparative, that fluctuate considerably over time. Road deterioration is considered
112 S. Gössling, A.S. Choi / Ecological Economics 113 (2015) 106–113

in the Copenhagen CBA, but not the cost of road construction, which is those surviving a person killed in traffic. Yet, as the example of Copenha-
likely to be significantly lower for bicycling. All of these aspects are gen shows, CBA can be a useful methodology to investigate advantages
not as yet included in the Copenhagen CBA, which may be improved and disadvantages of bicycle projects, which are essential to foster bicycle
in this regard in the future. Yet, findings help argue for an expansion cultures, i.e., lasting and significant changes in transport cultures (Aldred,
of cycling systems, even though it needs to be noted that economically 2013; Forsyth and Krizek, 2011; Garrad et al., 2008).
motivated decisions need to be embedded in soft policy campaigns to Overall, there is evidence that economic advantages of cycling
prepare for change even culturally (Aldred, 2013; for the specific situa- far outweigh car travel, and despite limitations, CBA can thus be an
tion in Copenhagen see Gössling, 2013; Kåstrup, 2009). important tool to provide an economic justification for investments,
Experiences with CBA in Copenhagen convincingly show that invest- complementing technology-supported approaches to identifying key
ments in bicycle infrastructure, safety and policies favouring bicycling priorities to restructuring (e.g., Larsen et al., 2013; Snizek et al., 2013).
are economically justified, yielding a high rate of return. Currently, As the example of Copenhagen shows, a key factor in the success of
societal benefits of cycling in Copenhagen are calculated to be in the CBA is to reach political consensus on the parameters to be included
order of Euro 228 million per year (City of Copenhagen, 2011b). Rates as well as their unit costs. Where this has been achieved, with a consid-
of return may even increase over time, as costs of fuel as well as exter- erable body of literature now providing a basis for assessments, CBA is
nalities (e.g., air pollution, climate change, accidents, noise) continue likely to provide a powerful argument for the restructuring of transport
to increase, while cycling becomes faster due to continued infrastruc- systems: in the case of Copenhagen, the cost of a km driven by car is
ture expansion and in particular “bicycle highways”, reducing the cost more than six times higher than the cost of a km cycled. Notably, the
of time for travel. This is of importance, as the two major externalities Copenhagen CBA as well as the CBA frameworks used in other studies
for bicycling are travel time and accidents. However, 56% of cyclists (CE Delft et al., 2011; Meschik, 2012) identify travel time as the largest
state that the bicycle is faster than other transport modes, while cycling cost component for cycling, which can be significantly reduced through
is also increasingly safe: the average number of cyclist deaths in trans- infrastructure development and urban restructuring in favour of bicy-
port accidents has been declining from 5.8 per one million residents per clists. Further research into so far less established costs of CBA parame-
year in the period 2007–2012 to 3.3 per year in the period 2009–2012 ters, and the expansion of CBA use for transport infrastructure decisions
(City of Copenhagen, 2012b). Furthermore, externalities not currently is thus supported by the results of this paper.
included in the Copenhagen CBA (e.g., perceived safety, discomfort)
may be incorporated in the future. For instance, if noise can be measured Acknowledgements
by non-market valuation techniques (e.g., hedonic pricing or contingent
valuation), it should also be possible to quantify the discomfort effect We are grateful for the insightful comments provided by three anon-
from ‘exposure to smell’ (diesel combustion fumes). As demonstrated ymous reviewers on earlier versions of this paper.
by TEEB (2010), various forms of externalities such as ecosystem services
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