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Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKVHEValue in Health1098-30152004 ISPORJuly/August 200474433441Original ArticleCost–Benefit of Corporate Influenza VaccinationMorales et al.

Volume 7 • Number 4 • 2004


Costs and Benefits of Influenza Vaccination and Work

Productivity in a Colombian Company from the Employer’s

Alvaro Morales, MD,1 Maria M. Martinez,2 Anne Tasset-Tisseau, PharmD, PDipHE,3 Elena Rey, MD,4
Florence Baron-Papillon, PharmD, MA,5 Alain Follet, MSc5
Fundacion Santafe de Bogota, Colombia; 2Banco Santander, Bogota, Colombia; 3Aventis Pasteur, Lyon, France; 4Aventis Pasteur, Bogota,
Colombia; 5Mapi Values, Lyon, France


Objectives: This study was designed to evaluate the reported ILI). Absence rates because of ILI were simi-
effects of an employee influenza vaccination campaign, lar in the two groups (2.59%-2.69%). Assuming
measured in terms of health and economic benefits. that employees with ILI who continue to work have
Methods: Colombian bank employees volunteered to reduced effectiveness (30%-70% of normal) the
take part in this prospective observational study involving employer can save US$6.4 to US$25.8 per vaccinated
two groups: vaccinated and nonvaccinated. Socioeco- employee based on labor costs alone. This saving
nomic and health status information, including influenza- increases to US$89.3 to US$237.8 when operating
like symptoms, sick leave, and postvaccination adverse income is also considered. Sensitivity analyses indicate
events, were collected via questionnaires. Cost–benefit that the vaccination program will be cost saving for
analyses were performed to determine whether the vaccination coverage above 20% and ILI rates above
employer would save money overall by paying for the 10%.
vaccination program. Conclusions: Among the studied volunteers, ILI has sig-
Results: Between October 2000 and May 2001, 424 nificant impact on work productivity in terms of indirect
vaccinated subjects and 335 nonvaccinated subjects costs. Implementing an influenza vaccination program
volunteered to join the study. Cumulative incidence of would reduce the burden of ILI and save substantial
influenza-like illness (ILI) was lower among vaccinated amounts of money for the company.
(14.6%) than nonvaccinated subjects (39.4%). Fever Keywords: cost–benefit, influenza, occupational health,
was the most common ILI symptom (93% of all vaccination.

Introduction nosuppression are at risk of influenza with a high

risk of potential complications including heart fail-
Influenza is an acute, febrile illness that primarily
ure, pneumonia, respiratory insufficiency, and even
affects the respiratory tract. The disease is charac-
death. An estimated 20,000 to 50,000 people died
terized by fever (38–40∞C), headaches, myalgia,
perepidemic year as a result of influenza in the
sore throat, and inflammation [1]. It is a seasonal
United States according to surveys performed from
disease, affecting northern, temperate zones during
1972 to 1973 through 1980 to 1981 [2].
winter and the tropics during the rainy season [1].
The potential benefits of vaccination against
Influenza is commonly misconceived to be an
influenza have been documented extensively since
inconvenient infection rather than a potentially
the 1940s [1]. The Advisory Committee on Immu-
lethal hazard. Nevertheless, the elderly and patients
nization Practices (ACIP) recommends vaccination
with underlying chronic medical conditions such as
against influenza in numerous countries worldwide
chronic pulmonary or cardiovascular disorders,
metabolic disorders, hemoglobinopathies, or immu-
Influenza causes a dramatic increase in work
absenteeism and disease burden among otherwise
Address correspondence to: Anne Tasset-Tisseau, Aventis healthy adults during peak levels of influenza and
Pasteur International, 2 Avenue Pont Pasteur, F-69367 Lyon influenza-infected individuals who attend work are
Cedex 07, France. E-mail: often less productive than normal [4–9]. For exam-

© ISPOR 1098-3015/04/$15.00/433 433–441 433

434 Morales et al.

ple, in the United States, between 1971 and 1978, to indicate the pricing of a novel, nasal delivery sys-
approximately US$764 million per year was lost tem for an influenza vaccine, to enable programs
because of absenteeism resulting from influenza epi- using this system to break even financially [16].
demics [6]. These losses are not caused by severe The majority of these published studies have
illness in people from high-risk groups, but by measured the effects of vaccination in northern,
uncomplicated illness in otherwise healthy, produc- temperate climates. Few studies have been imple-
tive adults. Almost half of reported losses resulted mented in tropical countries such as Colombia
from illness in workers aged 25 to 44 years [6,10]. where influenza circulation is perceived to be mod-
Annual influenza vaccination campaigns for the erate. It is important to evaluate the potential health
workforce at the start of an influenza season might and economic benefits of vaccination against influ-
reduce the financial losses that result from influ- enza in these countries.
enza, but the campaigns themselves have costs that The study described here evaluates the economic
need to be met. For example, an employer imple- impact of an influenza vaccination program in a
menting such a campaign would need to purchase Colombian banking company. The primary objec-
the vaccine, employ health-care staff to run the tive of this study was to determine whether vacci-
campaign, and then accept lost productivity while nation against influenza decreases the rate of
the workforce was being vaccinated and during influenza-like illness (ILI) and levels of absenteeism
any subsequent absence caused by vaccine-related and how vaccination affects the financial losses
adverse events. Thus, the economic costs of uncon- associated with ILI in healthy adults in an occupa-
trolled influenza in the workforce must be com- tional setting. The secondary objective was to deter-
pared with the costs of implementing influenza mine whether the indirect financial benefits of the
vaccination programs. vaccination program outweigh the overall costs.
Several studies of the costs and benefits of annual
influenza vaccination programs have demonstrated
their economic benefits to profit-driven companies.
A recent review of 11 health economic studies This nonrandomized, prospective, and observa-
between 1979 and 2000 revealed that eight showed tional study was conducted among the workforce of
clear benefits of vaccinating the workforce [11]. a bank in Bogota, Colombia between October 2000
Failure to show any benefit was linked to high vac- and May 2001. The study was designed to evaluate
cination costs, low levels of influenza, or short dura- the economic benefits of vaccination from the point
tion of sick leave. In reviewed studies where cost of view of the employer exclusively.
benefits were found they mostly resulted from indi- The bank’s entire workforce (N = 2598) was
rect cost savings (CS) such as losses arising from asked to participate in the study via the company’s
absenteeism or low levels of production while at internal information services—Internet, fax, notice
work [11]. In fact, such indirect costs are the most boards, and newspapers. To be eligible, employees
important considerations for the benefits of such had to be in full-time employment, aged 18 to 64,
vaccination programs [11,12]. Other health eco- not be at high risk of complications as a result of
nomic analyses have shown benefits of vaccination influenza, not to have been diagnosed with influ-
programs where influenza rates among the work- enza in the previous 3 months nor already vacci-
force are as low as 2% and that vaccination of the nated against influenza during winter 2000. A total
healthy working population aged 18 to 50 years of 834 employees were eligible and willing to par-
against influenza in a variety of settings is cost- ticipate to the study. Questionnaires were com-
effective during most influenza seasons [13,14]. pleted by 827 but 68 had to be excluded, resulting
These findings have been confirmed in randomized, in a final sample size of 759.
double blind, and placebo-controlled trials of influ- Completed questionnaires provided demo-
enza vaccination of healthy working adults [4,11]. graphic data, medical history, and employment-
Vaccination against influenza has also been shown specific data, including the number of people,
to reduce absenteeism significantly [15]. The Amer- including children, living in each household and the
ican Center for Disease Control and Prevention employee’s education, level of responsibility within
(CDC) has shown that the benefits of vaccination of the workplace, and any underlying chronic medical
healthy people less than 65 years old are optimized conditions considered to be at-risk factors for influ-
if a vaccine strain is chosen that matches the strain enza. Preliminary data were collected at the
responsible for disease outbreaks in that year [3]. appointment during which vaccine was adminis-
Elsewhere, health economic modeling has been used tered (vaccinated group) or by mail (nonvaccinated
Cost–Benefit of Corporate Influenza Vaccination 435

group). These data included an analysis of the Health economic analysis and statistics. The perc-
employees’ own perception of their health status, entage (%) effectiveness of vaccination was calcu-
obtained using an analog scale, 0 to 10, where 0 is lated using the equation:
worst possible health and 10 is normal. Subjects
% effectiveness = [(%ILI in nonvaccinated group) -
estimated their ability to perform their usual activ-
(% ILI in vaccinated group)]/(% ILI in the
ities using a similar scale, with 0 corresponding to
nonvaccinated group).
an inability to perform their usual activities and 10
corresponding to an unhindered ability to perform Qualitative and quantitative data from the two
usual activities. groups were compared using analysis of variance
An annual vaccination program was estab- (ANOVA) or nonparametric tests (Mann–Whitney
lished with vaccination occurring during the first Wilcoxon for the comparison of two data sets or
week of October: vaccinated subjects received one Kruskal–Wallis for comparison of more than two
dose of an inactivated, split influenza vaccine data sets) if ANOVA conditions could not be applied.
(IMOVAX®, Aventis Pasteur, Lyon, France) as an Qualitative variables were compared using chi-
intramuscular injection in the leg or upper arm. square tests or Fisher exact tests if conditions for
The program was organized and implemented chi-square tests could not be respected. Cochran–
internally, involving occupational nurses employed Mantel–Haenszel tests were used for comparisons
in the occupational health department. Thus, the with adjustments for defined factors. Association
timeframe of intervention was 1 week whereas the between two quantitative variables was estimated
analytical horizon—follow-up and measurement by using the Pearson linear correlation coefficient or
of vaccination’s costs and benefits—was from Spearman when Pearson’s condition could not be
October to May. applied.
The vaccinated group reported any adverse The cost–benefit evaluation of the vaccination
events within 7 days postvaccination, including program was performed from the perspective of the
associated treatments or sick leave. During the employer, focusing on the direct vaccination pro-
entire study period—8 months—all subjects com- gram costs including the costs of vaccines, materi-
pleted monthly questionnaires administered by tel- als, and cost of administration, indirect costs of the
ephone. Occurrence of ILI was noted, defined as the vaccination program including the cost of time for
occurrence of a febrile illness of at least 2 days’ the employees to get the vaccine and the indirect
duration having at least one systemic symptom— cost of adverse events in terms of productivity, indi-
fever, chills, and myalgia—and at least one respira- rect costs of ILI including sick leave, either with or
tory-tract symptom—rhinorrhoea, sore throat, without temporary replacement of the employee,
cough, and hoarseness. Adverse events—fever, and the cost of productivity lost in case of employ-
tiredness, muscle aches, headache, and allergic reac- ees working while sick (Table 1). The financial costs
tion; and pain, redness, itchiness, and swelling at of these outcomes to the employer were estimated
the vaccination site—were recorded during the by considering salaries as well as the loss of income
7 days after vaccination. caused by the employee’s absence or illness. Both

Table 1 Sources and calculations for economic evaluation data

Economic evaluation items Economic calculation (including operating income)
Direct vaccination program costs
Costs of vaccines and materials Purchasing prices
Costs of administration of vaccines by occupational health nurse Time ¥ hourly labor costs
Indirect vaccination program costs
Cost of average time lost by vaccinated employees during Time (20 min) ¥ (hourly labor costs + individual hourly operating income)
Cost of working days lost due to adverse events Time ¥ (daily labor costs + daily individual operating income)
Indirect ILI costs
Cost of sick leaves due to ILI when the employees are not Number of days ¥ (daily labor costs + daily individual operating income)
Cost of decreased productivity due to ILI episodes Number of days ¥ % of reduced effectiveness ¥ (daily labor costs + daily
individual operating income)
Indirect vaccination program benefits (not vaccinated vs. vaccinated)
Avoided cost of sick leaves due to ILI when the employees are Number of days ¥ (daily labor costs + daily individual operating income)
not replaced
Avoided cost of decreased productivity due to ILI episodes Number of days ¥ % of reduced effectiveness ¥ (daily labor costs + daily
individual operating income)
436 Morales et al.

the employer and contracted Health Maintenance absence below 20 consecutive days in this bank,
Organizations (HMOs) are responsible for meeting which did not happen in the study.
the labor costs for absent employees. In this case,
the employer pays 100% of the costs for the first
3 days of absence and for each subsequent day the
company pays 33% and the contracted HMO pays This health economic study of the benefits to the
67% of the costs. Nevertheless, the employer ulti- employer of an influenza-vaccination program was
mately bears these costs through the annual con- performed using staff of a Colombian bank which
tract with the HMO, so full salary costs were at the time of the study had a total workforce of
included in these calculations. 2598 employees, 827 of whom volunteered to take
Two scenarios have been considered: part in the study. Of these, 92% (759/827) com-
pleted the full follow-up period, 424 of whom were
• The base case that includes salaries plus operat-
vaccinated (56%) and 335 were not vaccinated
ing income (OI); and
(44%). During the entire follow-up period ques-
• The low case scenario that considers salaries
tionnaire completion was always greater than 96%
in the vaccinated group and greater than 99% in the
The net financial benefit of the vaccination pro- nonvaccinated group.
gram, in the form of the CS was calculated using The two groups were similar in terms of sex and
formula: marital status (Table 2). Nevertheless, there were
significant differences between the two groups. The
CS = (cost of ILI in nonvaccinated employees) -
mean age of the nonvaccinated group was signifi-
(cost of ILI in vaccinated employees + cost of
cantly lower than that of the vaccinated group
vaccination program)
(P = 0.001). This difference was unlikely to be of
The net benefit per vaccinated employee is calcu- clinical significance and was only detectable because
lated by dividing the overall net benefit by the of the large sample size increasing the sensitivity of
number of vaccinated employees. the ANOVA test. Vaccinated subjects tended to live in
Employees with ILI who attend work are likely more populous households (P < 0.0001) with more
to be less efficient. Cost–benefit analyses were per- children than did the nonvaccinated group
formed taking into account three levels of such (P < 0.01) and their levels of education and work-
reduced efficiency—70% (H1), 50% (H2), and place responsibility tended to be lower than those of
30% (H3) [12,13]. Finally, replacement costs were the nonvaccinated group (P < 0.001). These data
not applied because no replacement occurs for were confirmed by multivariate analyses of the two

Table 2 Comparisons of baseline information about the two study groups

Vaccinated Nonvaccinated P value
Age, mean (±SD) 33.3 (±7.6) 31.7 (±6.0) 0.001
Sex, F/M 52%/48% 48%/52% NS
Marital status, married/single or divorced 54%/46% 50%/50% NS
Number of people living in the household, mean (± SD) 4.0 (±2.1) 3.4 (±1.2) <0.0001
Households with children 35% 23% <0.01
Highest education level <0.001
Secondary 14% 3%
University 72% 86%
Other 14% 11%
Main workplace responsibility <0.0001
Operations 55% 32%
Middle management 10% 11%
Support 29% 49%
Executive management 6% 8%
Smoking status
Currently 25% 25% NS
In past 14% 11%
Sick leaves in the past 6 months 29% 16% <0.0001
Chronic medical conditions
Any disease 14% 10% <0.05
Asthma 3.5% 4.1% NS
Bronchitis 3.08% 3.8% NS
Heart disease 2.38% 1.2% NS
Previous influenza vaccination in the past 74% 38% <0.0001
Cost–Benefit of Corporate Influenza Vaccination 437

Table 3 Multivariate analysis showed differences between the two groups

Vaccinated profile Nonvaccinated profile
Age 40–45 years 30–35 years
Responsibility level Operations or support responsibilities Support responsibilities
Salary level (SMLV) Less than 4 times SMLV 4–10 times SMLV
Education level Secondary University

SMLV, Annual Legal Minimum Salary Value decided by the National Government yearly. In 2002, SMLV = 309.000 Colombian Pesos.

groups (Table 3). Subjects in the vaccinated group Table 4 Occurrence of ILI episodes among vaccinated and
had taken significantly more sick leave in the nonvaccinated groups
6 months preceding the study than had the nonvac- Vaccinated Nonvaccinated Total
cinated group (P < 0.0001) and were more likely to n ILI attacks n (%) n (%) N (%)
have a chronic medical condition (P < 0.05). Signif- 0 363 (85.6) 203 (60.6) 565 (74.4)
icantly more people choosing to be vaccinated in 1 59 (13.9) 107 (31.9) 167 (22.0)
2 2 (0.5) 24 (7.2) 26 (3.4)
this study had previously been vaccinated compared 3 0 (0.0) 1 (0.3) 1 (0.1)
to those choosing not to be vaccinated (P < 0.0001). Total 424 (100) 335 (100) 759 (100)
At the start of the study all participants consid-
ered themselves to have good health. Overall, the
health status of the vaccinated group measured 8.8 group and 47.16% in the nonvaccinated group.
(± 1.1) compared to 9.0 (± 0.6) in the nonvacci- From these data, effectiveness rates for the vaccina-
nated group. It is noteworthy that the vaccinated tion program were 68.5% based on the attack rates
group generally considered themselves to have and 63% based on the cumulative incidence.
slightly but significantly lower health status Information about ILI symptoms was available
(P < 0.05) than the nonvaccinated group immedi- for 216 of the 221 episodes. ILI symptoms were
ately before vaccination. Both the vaccinated [9.3 generally comparable in the two groups although
(± 0.8)] and nonvaccinated [9.1 (± 0.7)] groups con- fever, the most reported symptom, occurred less
sidered themselves able to perform their usual activ- often among the vaccinated group (85%) than
ities without difficulty. among the unvaccinated group (95%) (Table 5).
Postvaccination adverse events were recorded for Figure 1 shows incidence of ILI episodes during
7 days after vaccination. Of the 424 vaccinated the 32-week follow-up period and demonstrates
employees, 2.6% (11/424) reported local or sys- four distinct periods:
temic adverse events, the most frequent being sore 1. Weeks 1 to 8: the number of ILI episodes was
throat, fever, chills, cough, and muscle aches. Pain similar between the two groups.
was declared only three times. 2. Weeks 8 to 13: there were approximately 10
times more ILI episodes in the nonvaccinated
ILI Frequency
group than in the vaccinated group.
In the following analyses the data for one vacci- 3. Weeks 13 to 23: ILI was scarce.
nated employee reporting an ILI episode were 4. Weeks 23 to 32: 89.8% (53/59) of reported ILI
excluded. This employee was absent for 26 days occurred in the nonvaccinated group.
and the illness was subsequently identified as
pneumonia. A similar pattern was observed for ILI-related
One hundred and ninety-three subjects reported fever (data not shown).
a total of 221 ILI episodes. In the vaccinated group
a total of 63 episodes were reported by 61 people Table 5 Distribution of reported ILI symptoms
and in the nonvaccinated group a total of 158 epi-
Vaccinated Nonvaccinated Total
sodes were reported by 132 people. Overall, the Symptoms n (%) n (%) N (%)
cumulative incidence of ILI was 14.6% in the vac-
All ILI episodes 61 (100) 155 (100) 216 (100)
cinated group and 39.4% in the nonvaccinated Fever 52 (85) 144 (95) 200 (93)
group. Thus, vaccination significantly reduced ILI Chills 54 (88) 148 (95) 202 (94)
(P < 0.0001). More unvaccinated subjects (20.45%, Muscle aches 59 (97) 151 (97) 210 (97)
Runny nose 59 (97) 151 (97) 210 (97)
27/132) than vaccinated subjects (3.27%, 2/61) Sore throat 59 (97) 151 (97) 210 (97)
reported two or more ILI episodes (Table 4). Cough 59 (97) 139 (90) 198 (92)
Hoarse voice 59 (97) 136 (88) 195 (90)
ILI attack rates were 15.09% in the vaccinated
438 Morales et al.

Not Vaccinated Vaccinated Total
Number of ILI episodes

20 Figure 1 Occurrence of ILI episodes during

the study period. The numbers of ILI episodes
per week are shown for the nonvaccinated
10 (n = 335) and vaccinated (n = 423) groups and
for the whole study population. Clear reduc-
5 tions in the incidence of ILI are seen between
weeks 8 and 13 and between weeks 23 and
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
32. Overall, most cases of ILI occurred in the
Week nonvaccinated group.

Because of the differences between the two study provided by the bank, the average individual daily
groups shown in Table 2, logistic regression was OI was US$387 per employee per day and the aver-
performed to adjust for factors—smoking status, age daily salary was estimated to be US$58 per day.
number of people in the household, presence of chil- The total cost of the vaccine program including the
dren in the household, absenteeism during the past cost of vaccines and administration costs—materi-
6 months—that may have affected the risk of ILI als and nurses hired to perform vaccination—was
in either group. Chi-square (Cochran–Mantel– US$2624 (i.e., US$6.2 per employee) and the total
Haenszel) tests were all significant thereby proving cost of employees’ time away from work to receive
that reduced incidence of ILI among vaccinated vaccination was estimated to be US$513 based on
subjects is genuinely related to vaccination status salaries and US$3422 taking into account individ-
despite differences between other characteristics of ual OI losses. The overall cost of postvaccination
the two groups (data not shown). adverse events was approximately US$3932 includ-
ing loss of productivity because of both absenteeism
Absenteeism/Sick Leave and temporary inefficiency at work. In addition to
During the study period 19 employees took sick these costs, the effects of reduced productivity in
leave because of ILI, 10 vaccinated and 9 nonvac- both vaccinated and unvaccinated groups because
cinated. In total, 19 working days were lost among of ILI was calculated based on three levels of pro-
vaccinated and 17 among nonvaccinated employ- ductivity—70% (H1), 50% (H2), and 30% (H3) of
ees. Overall, the absence rate because of ILI symp- normal. The results of these calculations are shown
toms was 2.59% in the vaccinated group and in Tables 6 and 7. When labor costs alone are con-
2.69% in the nonvaccinated group. sidered, vaccinating employees against influenza
A total of 327 days were occupied with ILI saves US$6 to US$25 per vaccinated employee
and recovery in the vaccinated group (mean: (Table 6). Nevertheless, absent employees or
5.64 ± 3.7 days per ILI episode) and 519 days in the employees operating below their usual level of per-
unvaccinated group (mean: 3.48 ± 1.5 days per ILI formance will contribute less OI to the company
episode). The number of absentee employees who and when these income losses are considered vacci-
were replaced during sick leave was negligible. nation against influenza will save between US$89
Presenteeism was calculated based on the total and US$237 per vaccinated employee.
number of days before each group felt better while Sensitivity analyses were performed to determine
attending work—282 days in the vaccinated group
and 502 days in the nonvaccinated group. The
number of days used to calculate reduced produc- Table 6 Vaccination program costs and savings per
tivity during presenteeism was obtained by sub- employee arising from vaccination—labor costs only
tracting the total number of sick leave days from the Total cost of absenteeism,
total number of days with ILI. presenteeism and vaccination—labor
costs only
Economic Evaluation H1* H2† H3‡

The cost–benefit evaluation, performed from the Vaccinated (n = 424) 9604.53 12,882.50 16,160.47
Nonvaccinated (n = 335) 9740.91 15,576.16 21,411.41
company’s perspective, focused on direct business Cost saving per employee 6.43 16.11 25.80
costs—direct medical costs were not borne by the
*H1: productivity rate with ILI symptoms = 70%.
company—and indirect benefits of the influenza †
H2: productivity rate with ILI symptoms = 50%.
vaccination program. Based on the financial data ‡
H3: productivity rate with ILI symptoms = 30%.
Cost–Benefit of Corporate Influenza Vaccination 439

Table 7 Vaccination program costs and savings per Postvaccination adverse effects were reported by
employee arising from vaccination—labor costs plus operating just 2.6% of the vaccinated group, which is low
compared to published data (6.2% to 63.8%)
Total cost of absenteeism, presenteeism [4,6,19]. Nevertheless, Wilde et al. [7] reported
and vaccination—labor costs plus
operating income
no absences resulting from vaccine-related adverse
H1* H2† H3‡ events and apart from mild pain and swelling, no
significant adverse events were related to the influ-
Vaccinated (n = 424) 56,656.22 81,787.50 106,918.78
Nonvaccinated (n = 335) 74,680.88 119,418.12 164,155.36 enza vaccine. Therefore, although the low incidence
Cost saving per employee 89.30 163.58 237.85 of vaccine-related adverse events could be due to
*H1: productivity rate with ILI symptoms = 70%.
under-reporting by subjects this could be a genu-

H2: productivity rate with ILI symptoms = 50%. inely low rate of adverse events.

H3: productivity rate with ILI symptoms = 30%.
This pragmatic observational study involved vol-
unteer subjects because a randomized, controlled
the effects of vaccination coverage or levels of ILI in trial was inappropriate for an analysis of general
the unvaccinated workforce on the CS (Fig. 2). use of the vaccine. Nevertheless, statistical adjust-
These sensitivity analyses were performed for each ment to account for possible exposure factors was
of the three levels of productivity described above. essential to ensure that the two cohorts were statis-
Depending on productivity, vaccination is cost tically comparable. The only factor associated with
effective when 1 to 2 employees out of 10 are vac- different ILI rates between the two groups was vac-
cinated, i.e., 10% to 20% coverage (Fig. 2a). Anal- cination status.
ysis of the sensitivity of savings to levels of ILI
showed that vaccination has financial benefits when
ILI rates among unvaccinated employees exceed (a)
0.1, i.e., 10% (Fig. 2b). 300

Cost-savings per vaccinated

employee (US$)

The value of influenza vaccination in groups at risk -100

of severe complications from influenza infection, -200

the elderly and those with underlying chronic med- -300

ical conditions, is widely acknowledged and vacci- -400

H1 H2 H3

nation also reduces morbidity caused by influenza -500

in healthy adults [4,6,7,14,17–21]. Nevertheless, 0.025 0.05 0.1 0.125 0.15 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

the economic benefits of vaccination are generally Vaccination coverage rate

not recognized in areas of moderate influenza cir- (b)

culation such as tropical regions. The present study 350
was performed to determine whether an employee 300
H1 H2 H3
Cost-savings per vaccinated

vaccination program is an attractive option for 250

employers seeking to reduce the financial losses
employee (US$)

associated with absenteeism and decreased work 150
productivity during the influenza season. The study 100
monitored rates of ILI and absenteeism in vacci- 50
nated and nonvaccinated people employed in a 0
Colombian bank. -50
ILI episodes had significant impact on work pro- 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6

ductivity even when the number of occasions of sick ILI incidence rate among nonvaccinated employees

leave remained low. ILI rates were lower in the vac- Figure 2 Impact of vaccination coverage rate (a) or rate of ILI among
cinated group (cumulative incidence of 14.6%) than nonvaccinated employees (b) on annual total cost-savings. Total sav-
in the nonvaccinated group (cumulative incidence ings resulting from an employee vaccination program were calculated
of 39.4%). Nonvaccinated employees were three based on (a) vaccination coverage (up to 9 out of 10 employees vac-
cinated) or (b) ILI occurring in up to 6 out of 10 nonvaccinated
times more likely than vaccinated employees to
employees. These calculations were performed taking into account
experience at least one ILI episode. This study dem- the reduced productivity resulting from people being at work when ill.
onstrates that an employee vaccination program is Three productivity rates were considered: 70% (H1), 50% (H2), and
effective—effectiveness rate of 68%—and safe. 30% (H3) of normal.
440 Morales et al.

In this study, very low absenteeism rates were vaccination program especially when the study
reported. Only one case of long-term sick leave— conditions are taken into account—not all bank
26 days—was reported and this individual was sub- employees were involved in the study, there was
sequently confirmed to be suffering from pneumo- only a mild outbreak of influenza during the study
nia. Also, the bank operated a “no replacement period, optimistic hypotheses of lost productivity
policy” for sick leave of less than 20 days duration. were considered; effectiveness at work could be
The probable effect of this policy would be to considered much lower when ill. Additionally, the
underestimate the impact of ILI among sick employ- sensitivity analysis showed that possible expansion
ees who continued working—so-called presentee- of influenza vaccination to most of the company
ism. Also, the presence of sick colleagues in the would lead to substantial cost savings for the
workplace would increase levels of ILI contagious- employer, even with conservative assumptions.
ness and increase ILI attack rates in the study Knowing the impact that vaccination coverage rate
population. Despite these circumstances, the vacci- has on the return on investment, substantial effort
nation demonstrated a high level of effectiveness should be made to communicate and persuade
(68%). employees to be vaccinated to maximize both the
The influenza season in South America is differ- health and financial benefits of the program.
ent from that in North America so different strains
of influenza virus might be involved in these geo- This study was supported by a grant from Aventis Pasteur.
graphically distinct regions and most effective Publication of the findings was not contingent on the
vaccination might require vaccines with different Sponsor’s approval of the article.
viral strains [17]. Nevertheless, Brazilian Grupo
Regional de Obseração da Grippe (GROG) and References
unpublished epidemiological surveys of the São
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