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Семінар 4 з Теорії інформації.

Теорія. Принципи і максими кооперації Г.П. Грайса. Дискурсивні і

конвенційні імплікатури.

Практика. Проаналізувати фрагменти з точки зору теорії Грайса.

1. “I pray that we can find and build the government that we deserve. And
the ones that live in this country, who are part of the latest generation of
immigrants in this country, I just pray that they can be treated with the same
dignity and respect of the ones who came before and built this incredible
immigrant nation” (Alejandro González Iñárritu 2015).

2. A: You believe me, don’t you? B: I want to, naturally [Bellow 1970: 54-55].

3. A: What makes you think I intend to have a lifelong af air with you? I want
some action. B: But Mady – you know how I feel …

4. A: You agree with her? B: How can I? I scarcely know you

2. Проаналізувати з точки зору конвенційної імплікатури і мовленнєвих


1. You are not ready for the lesson again.

2. At least today, do not talk nonsense
3. I promise to help you this time
4. I advise you to be properly prepared for the exam to get good grades.
5. I was forced to accept his proposition.
6. What you need is supervised rest

3. Проаналізувати з точки зору дискурсивної імплікатури і мовленнєвих


5. Your father said last night that he'd be more than willing to pay for it if
you'd go away someplace by yourself and think things. You could take a
lovely cruise… [Salinger)/
6. Muriel, I'm only going to ask you once more--are you really all right?

7. If we don’t succeed in addressing these fundamental problems and in

restoring basic values, any attempt to fix what’s broken will fail

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