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Amid unprecedented industry hype,

the unique combination of technologies
known as blockchain has emerged as a
possible antidote to one of today’s most
vexing online business challenges — how
to create greater trust, transparency
and accountability for all who wish to
transact and interact online.
Despite the fact that the technology isn’t
quite ready for prime time, blockchain is
consuming strategic planning cycles of
decision makers across industries.
At its essence, blockchain is a decentralized software
mechanism that enables a public distributed ledger
system. It allows the tracking and recording of assets
and transactions without the presence of a central trust
authority such as a bank. Importantly, it relies on public
key encryption, or cryptography which makes it difficult
for hackers and other cyber criminals to change or steal
data. It enables peer-to-peer exchange of data, assets
and currencies through rules-based smart contracts in a
more efficient, transparent and cost-effective manner.


Block 3 Block 2 Block 1 cryptographic proof that ensures

that the nodes stay true. The
cryptographic proof algorithm
varies by blockchain framework,
the choice of which is determined
by the positioning of the frame-
work’s network security model
(public, private, etc.).
The blocks are strung together
into a chain and broadcast
across the network to various
nodes. Each node independently
validates the blocks and comes
to a consensus about the block’s
Think of blockchain as a series Each block is securely hashed validity before the block is added
of data blocks, each containing — meaning it is rendered into a to the decentralized ledger. This
information about events that digital representation and the makes it difficult for hackers and
have recently occurred. This hash is stored in the next block fraudsters to introduce fraud-
data can cover any online activ- which makes it nearly tamper ulent transactions (as long as
ity, such as a product purchase, proof. a majority of nodes are true),
an ownership transfer, a prop- thus ensuring trust and integrity
Each data block typically con-
erty sale, or a royalty payment. without the need for a central
tains four pieces of information:
Blockchain data verification authority (e.g., a bank).
a reference to the previous block,
and validation is carried out by
the list of included transactions
“miners,” individuals who use
including the transaction sum-
cryptographic software and the
mary which is created by hashing
processing power of their com-
all the transactions in the block,
puters to confirm the activity.
a time stamp, and optionally a

We believe that through targeted approaches, many of which are being piloted today, banks can explore
blockchain’s potential and grab some quick wins using smart contracts in document exchange, record-
keeping, multi-signature and digital asset transfer.

Banking and Finance 45 financial firms.1 The “Open Focal points include:
Banks and financial Ledger Project” launched in
December 2015 by tech and • Enhanced security through
institutions are among cryptography and a tamper-
the first to sense the potential finance majors such as IBM, Intel,
resistant design, while
of blockchain. R3, a blockchain JP Morgan and the London Stock
eliminating the risk of a single
technology company devoted to Exchange “aims to build block-
point of failure. If a breach
research blockchain’s use in the chain technology that can bring
does occur, its location can
financial sector, leads a consor- a new level of automation and
be determined and isolated,
tium that already includes transparency to a wide range of
precisely and quickly without
services in the business world,
impacting the rest of the
including stock exchanges and
other financial markets.” 2
• Simplification and cost
We believe that through targeted reduction, by removing the
approaches, many of which are need for intermediaries and
being piloted today, banks can automating process elements
explore blockchain’s potential and through smart contracts. The
grab some quick wins using smart shared infrastructure can help
contracts in document exchange, reduce costs within the bank
record-keeping, multi-signature and with other parties across
and digital asset transfer. In this the value chain.
way, blockchain can be applied
to help solve today’s efficiency • Transparency. With access
problems and also create new to blockchains, authorities
opportunities and business can see the specifics of
models. 3 transactions for themselves
instead of relying on the
veracity of banks’ reporting.

A smart insurance contract would pay out against the insurable event without the policyholder having
to a make a claim or the insurer having to administer the claim. This will essentially remove the cost
of claims processing and minimize fraud.

Securities Easier access to transactional

Brokerage: information for regulators could
Trade Settlement reduce the cost of regulatory
Trade settlement processes typ- reporting for market participants.
ically require two to three days
for payments and securities to Insurance
change hands.4 A decentralized Having trusted
trade settlement platform could blockchain ledgers of
eliminate or change the role various events and
of intermediaries, resulting in identities could eliminate the
reduced commissions and other need for human triggers. For
costs. Ideally, trades could be example, a travel insurance policy
settled instantaneously. could be “activated” at the time
Such a model will allow seamless of purchase of a cruise ticket,
trade globally by keeping securi- “de-activated” when the cruise
ties positions on a decentralized ship docks at its final destination,
ledger, allowing trades beyond and trigger a claim if the cruise
existing regional systems, such as ship could not depart due to a
Target 2 Securities (T2S) for the weather event.5 Peer-to-peer insurance, or a could be sourced to a third party
Eurozone. A smart insurance contract would crowdfunded model, is another that via blockchain could connect
pay out against the insurable potential play for blockchain related ledgers to verify and
Decentralizing the clearing event without the policyholder in insurance. Smart contracts settle a personal property claim.
process will eliminate the con- having to a make a claim or the will ensure payments that com- This process would be activated
siderable amount of risk in the insurer having to administer the ply with terms agreed to by all and completed by machines,
trading of over-the-counter (OTC) claim. This will essentially remove parties. Blockchain will make automatically, thus saving time
products such as swaps, raising the cost of claims processing and administration and execution and money.7
trust levels. By executing transac- minimize fraud.6 simpler, almost fully automated,
tions in real-time, a decentralized transparent and inexpensive. For
platform could reduce coun- instance, claims management
terparty risk and improve the
regulation of speculative trading.

Industry experts and blockchain evangelists Don and Alex Tapscott reference the tracking of immutable
records, such as property ownership in India and the trading/tracking of carbon emissions to address
global warming, as two potential ripe vines where blockchain can democratize information, protect
civil rights and help solve global challenges. Other examples abound.
Blockchain holds tre- transparency to the art market, Blockchain is poised
mendous potential for tracking the sale of art work and to disrupt the man-
industries such as the the payment of resale royalties.8 ufacturing sector.
entertainment indus- Manufacturing value
Creative projects that are cre-
try. It can transform everything chains are complex, multi-tiered
ated on blockchain technology
from proof of creation to owner- combinations of various types of
could be recorded upon creation.
ship, transfers of digital assets, organizations providing design,
Smart contracts can be embed-
rights management, micropay- sourcing, manufacturing, delivery
ded with licensing terms and
ments and creative collaboration. and service across multiple geog-
when consumers purchase music,
It can eliminate or reduce the raphies. Even a single component
for example, the royalties can
need for centralized registries of of a single product may involve
flow immediately to each of the
intellectual property. It can bring myriad possible transactions
participating parties. Blockchain
requiring a number of financial
can make the creation of proj-
and regulatory intermediaries,
ects such as a screenplay truly
each requiring its own contract
collaborative by logging each
and trust relationship among the
parties. Blockchain quickly and
In their book, Blockchain inexpensively provides trust in
Revolution: How the Technology the identity and legitimacy of
Behind Bitcoin Is Changing any partner in any financial or
Money, Business and the World, trading relationship. This reduces
Don and Alex Tapscott refer- manufacturing cost and time to
ence the tracking of immutable reconcile transactions. It could
records, such as property own- also help to establish new busi-
ership in India and the trading/ ness relationships. For example,
tracking of carbon emissions since trust is built into a smart
to address global warming, as contract, new partner possi-
two potential ripe vines where bilities can flourish, fortifying
blockchain can democratize innovation and revealing new
information, protect civil rights business opportunities.
and help solve global challenges.
Other examples abound.
With the IoT, blockchains in manufacturing will automatically monitor prices, delivery times and other
conditions, and automatically negotiate and complete transactions in real time.

With the Internet of

Things (IoT), block-
chains in manufacturing
will automatically
monitor prices, delivery times
and other conditions, and auto-
matically negotiate and complete
transactions in real time.
Blockchain can be used not only
for transactions, but as a registry
and inventory system for any
asset ranging from raw materials
to intellectual property.
For manufacturers, and their
suppliers or logistic partners, an the partners in the value chain In healthcare, block- of the National Coordinator for
individual block might contain without the cost, expense and chains could address Health Information Technology
bills of lading for raw materials delay of negotiating formal con- interoperability chal- (ONC), the Personalized Medicine
or finished goods, proof of the tracts, getting letters of credit lenges in clinical, research as well Initiative (PMI) and Patient
origin, quality or operations per- from a bank or a bond for a as administrative areas. Digital Centered Outcomes Research
formed on a part, or instructions transportation provider.9 transaction ledgers could be (PCORI) objectives as well as
for the place and time of deliv- securely shared among a wide the industry’s need to cut costs,
This system of distributed trust
ery of a shipment. In each case, group of stakeholders, who could improve quality and shift to
allows lower transaction costs in
the information could be stored, directly exchange data using value-based, patient-centric care
the short term. In the long run
trusted, shared and changed by a virtually impenetrable and while maintaining the security
it will enable more agile value
immutable ledger. and privacy of personal health
chains, closer cooperation with
information (PHI).
business partners and faster Electronic health records (EHR) is
insights from the IoT. a critical area of interoperability
where blockchain would offer
an array of benefits and capa-
bilities that align with the Office
Things to know about blockchain before proceeding.

With blockchain sitting outside the There are enduring concerns tied to Automated execution, and
corporate firewall and managed by many the volatility of bitcoin and everything the potential to simplify
different and unconnected parties, the connected to it.12 B2B payments13 and resolve
cyber criminal no longer has a single issues surrounding cross-
target to attack. Potentially, blockchain is border payments can also
immune to all of the conventional cyber mean a ceding of control by organiza-
threats that corporations worry about.10 tions. For example, a policyholder does
However, software bugs, not have to rely on the insurer’s decision
colluding attacks by verifying to cover damages. The insurer will pay
nodes, etc. can crash before claims managers even know
blockchains permanently.11 about the claim.

Putting software “on a blockchain” is an Blockchain is not a guarantor of There will likely be
inconvenience, justified only in cases authenticity. “When people talk about a cultural resistance —
involving a global public ledger.14 single source of truth, they should really to machine-to-machine
be talking about a single, mutually transactions in
agreed, version of record, but being manufacturing,
careful that this is for example.
not over-sold as
“truth” or “fact”.”15

Blockchain is still a work in progress, It has the potential to cause Working with legacy systems during
making it hard to predict its course, significant economic upheaval the transition will be a challenge.
potential roadblocks, snags, etc. resulting from the disintermedia- Organizations will need test and deploy
tion of banks and other financial blockchain technology that coexists
institutions, and the with existing systems —
transformation of how rip-and-replace isn’t
business is conducted an option. Systems
across industries. The integration
potential ramifications of challenges will
disintermediation could naturally be quite
be extensive. formidable.

As is typical with disruptive technologies, we recommend first executing proofs of concept to
understand its potential and limitations, rather than measuring early deployments on their return on

We expect the next 12 to 18 communities. They must consider

months to be extremely import- crowdsourcing innovation rather
ant for companies looking to than trying to do everything
develop their blockchain strate- in-house. Both imperatives will
gies. As is typical with disruptive not come easy to traditional con-
technologies, we recommend servative insurers.
first executing proofs of concept
Your organization doesn’t need
to understand its potential and
to wait for interoperability with
limitations, rather than measur-
the outside world to reap block-
ing early deployments on their
chain rewards (e.g., streamlining
return on investment.
costly internal processes). Banks
Take manufacturing for example. for example can start by identify-
We recommend that manufac- ing opportunities for innovation;
turing companies implement determine feasibility and impact
blockchain technology evaluation on existing systems; test proofs
and selective proofs of concept, of concept; understand the
begin developing and testing regulatory and data security
innovative blockchain business implications; and dissect the They include: • A platform for cryptocurrency
models and products, leverage implementation challenges: open acceptance.
• Accelerators for digital identity
experienced partners to build a versus permissioned. They then assurance and verification • A digital securities settlement
blockchain technology (hardware should plan for transactional scal- using blockchain. platform.
and software) lab to understand ability; form partnerships; and
• Secure document exchange, • A decision engine to compare
the ever-changing potential and establish cross-functional and exchange rates across multiple
authentication and storage
challenges. cross-industry collaboration.16 payment providers.
within a blockchain solution
Insurance companies need to Blockchain Pilots for multiple counterparty • Fund transfers over blockchain
think about running hackathons To practice what we preach, transactions. between a bank and its
and start building developer we have a variety of initiatives subsidiaries.
• Accelerators for integration
underway to test the potential of with various blockchain
blockchain.17 frameworks.

Visit the Blockchain section of our website for additional insights.

Watch video Listen to podcast

Alan Alper, Lata Varghese

Assistant Vice-President, Assistant Vice-President,
Editorial Director, Blockchain Consulting and
Cognizant Technologies Practice,


1 6
https://dailyfintech. 13
sites/laurashin/2016/04/05/ com/2016/01/14/what-does- 14
microsoft-partners-with- the-future-hold-for-blockchain- limits-of-blockchain/
blockchain-consortium- and-insurance/
7 net/2016/05/19/just-because-
http://www.the-blockchain. blockchain-p2p-insurance- its-on-a-blockchain-it-doesnt-
com/2015/12/17/ models/ mean-its-true/
linux-foundation-to- 8
9 content/dam/Cognizant_
jp-morgan-london-stock- content/dam/Cognizant_ Dotcom/article_content/
exchange-group-and-more/ Dotcom/article_content/ Services/Blockchain-in-
Services/blockchains-smart- Banking-A-Measured-
3 contracts-driving-the-next- Approach-codex1809.pdf
content/dam/Cognizant_ wave-of-innovation-across-
manufacturing-value-chains- content/dam/Cognizant_
Services/Blockchain-in- codex2113.pdf
Banking-A-Measured- Dotcom/article_content/
https://dailyfintech. Services/Blockchain-Instead-
com/2016/01/14/what-does- of-Why-Ask-Why-Not-
ibid the-future-hold-for-blockchain- codex1973.pdf
5 and-insurance/
blockchain-will-fit-in-the- 11

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