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“Ladies and Gentlemen… Welcome, Thomas Jefferson!


Thank you. Thank you all so much... Today is a beautiful day to discuss about the future
of this beautiful country. The Constitution was established in September 17, 1787, and today,
July 10, 1795, I will be discussing my views on the way the Constitution should be interpreted
and the issues facing our newly formed nation. Because it is our constitution, I believe that we
should strictly follow everything that it states. I also believe that the government should strictly
follow the guidelines of the Constitution too. I think that a nation is strong with a weak central
government, but with strong state governments. States' rights and the federal government
should not have supreme power over the states. States should have their own authority while
they are still following the Constitution, all men should be able to vote for their rights in their
country too. I believe the Government can only have as much power, and do as much as the
Constitution states.

Our nation right now is endeavoring to neutralize away our rising debts. Our American
Revolution has been quite expensive including our accepted loans from France, and the costs of
the Revolutionary War. We have been putting more money into the system then out, causing
our nation to enter a strong debt. Congress thinks that we need to either obtain more loans, or
print more money. These two factors would essentially put our country into more debt. Loans
makes debt and printing money would create inflation making the economy even worse.
Building up these enormous debts and expenses for the following generations to handle is an
outrageous and immature idea. I believe that in order to hold our independence, we need to
kick our economy into gear! It is going to be tough, but we need to pay off this debt in a mature
and valiant way. We each might have to put in 16 hours out of the 24, a day, and we might only
have yet some oatmeal and potatoes to eat, but we will stand as a country, and we need to
work as a country together to fix this monstrous conflict.

A man named Alexander Hamilton thinks that he can solve this debt monstrosity. He
wants to create a bank of the United States, identical to the bank of England. This national bank
would collect taxes, make government loans, and hold government funds. This idea would lead
us to corruption and disaster in our mess of dept. A national bank would be unconstitutional
since the Constitution did not specifically give Congress the power to create a bank. I believe
our nation needs to be a nation of farmers, tilling the fields, communing with nature, and
maintaining personal freedom by virtue of land ownership. Hamilton’s views of banking and
manufacturing are ambitious and would lead us to a corrupt and unhappy country.

The French are going through a revolution right now, and I support it greatly. We should
help and support the French break from their tyrannical King, Louis. The French are trying to
break from a monarchy just like we tried to from the British. It might become a violent
revolution, but our revolution involved lots of violence too and I think we should support them.

Thank you all so much for listening to me today.

“Thank you Tom! Ladies and gentlemen, Thomas Jefferson!”…

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