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Succession Planning: Risk Analysis

The job role [write in the title, with a brief

description, or refer to a job description]

Potential risks of the job being vacant

[be honest about this – there will be roles in
which there is minimal risk to the business]

Likelihood of the role becoming vacant with-

in the next three years [guesstimate, unless
you have concrete data]

Impact of the role [rate it ‘high’, ‘medium’ or

‘low’, and say why you rate it so]

Key skills, knowledge and competencies of

the role [write notes here, or refer to the job
description (if that is up to date)]

Availability of skills in the marketplace [to

the best of your knowledge]

Is internal organisational know-how an es-

sential requirement? [If it is, this role may re-
quire an internal successor – in which case say
how much and what know-how is essential]

How long can this post be vacant before

there is a detrimental impact? [Can the team
make up for the vacancy – and if so, for how

Do we need to succession-plan this position?

[yes or no; either way, what do we do in the
short term, and what do we do in the longer

©CIPD 2018

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